Why is Dark Souls 2, more often than not, considered the weakest Souls game?

Why is Dark Souls 2, more often than not, considered the weakest Souls game?

Attached: das2isagoodgame.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)

Other urls found in this thread:


because its shit

hitbox fuckery, adaptability, it just looks fucking ugly with the lightning, the overuse of particle effects

Because it is the weakest Souls game.

Oh look its this thread again
>pretentious retard shit baitposter posts pretentious shitty retard bait
nice, op.
very nice.

Yea Forums talks about it every day so we're clearly attracted to it in some way.

Whoever decided to put ADP in the game should be dragged out into the street and publicly beaten.

Too hard

So this is the power of DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin.

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It's the most talked about game on this board. Nothing comes close to the frequency and popularity of DaS2 shitflinging threads.

DS2 had this cancerous idea of having enemies overrun you for "muh difficulty".
The games hit-boxes are cheap as fuck.
The level design is garbage.
Here's a 10 hour series on why it is shit. Go watch that.

Dark Souls 2 is the concept of idea guy given form.

Does anyone else really just dislike the look of the UI, in particular the health and stamina bar, aswell as the item in the bottom left? It feels like it just doesnt fit in like it does in 1 and 3

Is Yea Forums tsundere for Dark Souls 2?

The run to BSD is pure cancer. Bad enough they reskinned another boss in a game rife with them.

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I think so.

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what kind of cone headed autist makes a 10 hour video about anything? jesus.

>t. Hbomberguy

I want someone to give me an intellectual reason as to how multiple enemy encounters in DS2 are bad.

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God, I wish that was me.

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Artificial Difficulty.

It's the only good one.

Because it's actually the best and requires the most skill and forethought. Shitters on Yea Forums literally can't handle it and pull sour grapes complaints out their asses.

Hello there HNiggerGuy

Because there's no clever positioning. No enemy that's "hidden", but you can actually see if you're pay attention. Just a lot of enemies swarming you all at once. And it doesn't help that you can't lure them 1 by 1 with a bow like you could in the previous games.


Don't be a twat. You can clearly see what you're walking into in that room and plan out your ingress and battle strategy appropriately (ie. don't drop down that fucking hatch). The best example is probably that building full of undead soldiers in the Lost Bastille.

>you can't lure them 1 by 1 with a bow like you could in the previous games.
You can though?

What's wrong with enemies swarming you? It tests your combat management and crowd control skills.

The whole game is like this retard lel

They can't because they're shitters. Only bad players and retards complain about multiple enemies.

Dark Souls games have next to no crowd control abilities, this isn't God Hand.

It results in cheap deaths because the devs couldn't be bothered to program actual challenging enemies

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You can't.

The combat in souls games isn't designed with lots of enemies in mind. This isn't fucking Dynasty Warriors or something. An ultra greatsword is about the only way to deal with crowds, but then you run into another problem of DaS2, where enemies don't stagger.

Good job confirming that you're just a retarded shitter with a double digit IQ.

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The time before you can roll out of hitstun is incredibly long in DaS2. Additionally, most enemies in DaS2 have 2-3 hit combo attacks that they use almost exclusively. These two things combined means that if you happen to get hit by two or more enemies using their 3 hit combo on you, they can instantly take you from full health to near dead, or actually dead in some cases.

If DS2 got a graphical remaster it'd be more palatable. But the design philosophy was take all the cheesey shit from DS1 and crank it up.

You're an idiot and wrong on every point you posted.

Here's your measured response, cunt lips

ADP and Soul Memory were horrendous ideas, the enemy hitboxes were clearly atrocious and wasted the goodwill that Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 built up, the lighting engine received a horrendous downgrade that lost a key hyped feature for the entire game and its aesthetic, and the main story was too empty to be fulfilling.

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The game is shit get over it faggot lmao

>but then you run into another problem of DaS2, where enemies don't stagger.
That's entirely wrong though. There are a few enemy types with infinite poise in DaS2, but they're very few. The vast majority of enemies can have their poise broken easily by a longsword.

Sure I am. And don't even get me started on the spear/shield enemies that can defend and attack at the same time, or the spider hollows in Tseldora that can attack AFTER you killed them.

why do you dumb niggers keep posting this thread

>not using lloyd's talisman

>hes a pussy who uses and or advocates for shields.

No wonder its fucking easy to crowd control. Those adds in general aren't difficult id like to add. And some of us use 2H weps specifically.

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the das1 and das3 pics are modded to shit

these threads always prove to me that people who complain about das2 are the same shitters who complained about das1 because they couldn't get good. they just don't dare attack 1 because they know it will hurt their e-cred so they go after 2 as if it's not the best game in the series.

Because a lot of people really hated ADP and Soul Memory. I for one liked both of these things and the changes to the game that they brought, but you know how Yea Forums is about this kinda stuff.

Most weapon types became worthless with the moronic obsession Tanimura had with pleasing duel faggotry by making recoveries take forever, locking you in place before hit frames are active, eliminating roll attacking to any direction but straight forward, which didn't even work as rolls were also shat on. Add to that mix the tracking up to the very last attack frames enemies were given to remediate their incredibly inaccurate movesets and inflated poise even to naked hollows and your only choice without a privileged weapon type is to abuse primitive AI and its boundaries instead of risking timing iframes like all the other previous games.

Maybe there are 10 hours worth of things to discuss in relation to why the game is objectively shit. I still think it's fun though

funny how I've played the fuck out of 2 and never had a single one of the problems anyone else seems to shit their tranny pants and whine about. maybe you should learn to play instead of parroting every reddit eceleb you come across

2h weapons are even easier to use and crowd control with. they're literally baby's first souls experience weapons. especially if you stack poise.


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I rue the day I picked up Dark Souls 2, I trudged through the game and it ruined the rest of the series for me. A real shame because I loved the first one, third one felt like it had potential and certainly felt better than DaS2, but I can't push myself to finish it anymore

>And don't even get me started on the spear/shield enemies that can defend and attack at the same time
You realize that was in DaS as well, right?
Not only that, but the player could do that in every game.

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>played through the whole game to the dlcs
>still falls for very obvious and avoidable traps
sounds like you're mentally deficient, probably a discord tranny too

man fuck those hallways

Lloyd's Talisman should not be rendered mandatory by poor game design. It also isn't a solution if players want to defeat the Mimic for the souls, an item drop, or for fun.

DS1 is a mix of rote memorization and execution
DS2 is mostly rote memorization and a sprinkling of execution
DS3 is a little bit of rote memorization with mostly execution
That's why DS3 is warmly regarded by most people, DS2 has a fiercely insular community, and everyone respects DS1. DS2 fags hate DS3 because they wanted DS2:2
Just look at this post: Most weapons in DS3 can handle crowds to a degree and you don't need to severely gimp your other stats to have a functional dodge roll; 2 reasons DS2 fags revile DS3.

All vanilla.

I plat'd vanilla DS2. Its not as good as DS1 but its still a good game.

How did Vendrick and Aldia come across the souls of the old ones before making Drangleic?
How long did Vendrick rule before things went to shit with the giant war?
Why is he so goddamn big?
Who the fuck are the prince and princess mentioned by the Bell Guardians?

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I've played through vanilla and SoTFS at least twice.
If you like 2 over any of the other Soulsborne games, good for you.
But these are facts within the game, you can't deny them
Have sex.

>2h weapons are even easier to use and crowd control with.

Its riskier because you cant negate damage and hide behind a shield. Babies use shields, lets not move the goalpost now. Poise is important I'll agree but can only go so far when you can't hide behind a shield.

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Its lazy and cheap on the developers part. They might as well just say they had no confidence in their abilities I making an actually challenging enemy on its own.

What? both of those areas unironically look exactly like that. I was literally playing through Irythill yesterday.

so kill the mimic and don't stand in that spot next time dumb fuck. you learned your lesson the first time you died to it right? or are you like every other normalfag that thinks dark souls games are hard and you just do the same thing over and over and whine that it never works?

It isn't mandatory, you mong. Have you tried backing off for one second when it does its attack? Did you also continue running into gaping dragon when it was walking and wondering why you were getting hit?

Becuase it started the decline of the franchise. Souls peaked with DS1 and everything has been down hill since. There are no major flaws about DeS or DS1 that where viewed with universal disdain unlike every other future entry that would have at least 1 or more aspects viewed badly by the entire community.

no, they very literally are not


>no argument
>tranny buzzwords
point 1 for me

It's not the same thing. I'm not even sure if DaS2 enemies are actually shielding, I just rationalized like that because it otherwise doesn't make sense that they can attack and take no damage at the same time. I remember it being really egregious. Like, enemies clearly not blocking at all, despite taking 5% of the damage they should be taking.

huh? i would argue ds1 falls apart once you get to anor londo. despite that, its still better a better game than ds2.

Two handing barely does anything to poise damage. Even ultras are rendered worthless as you start hitting skating big guys in armor, which is roughly late mid game. Then you have the DLC, which is just skating big guys in armor on steroids at choke points, yet is somehow praised as a far cry from vanilla by you absolute mouth breathers.

bring an argument next time, your inability to learn is your own fault

I used to think so, but I then I played Scholar of the First Sin. It's amazing what differing enemy placement will do to a game.

to add to this: bosses are all similar with very few exceptions, the level design is narrow and claustrophobic, soul memory is an awful mechanic, the textures are atrocious, the weapons are mostly boring as fuck, the map is complete shit and reusing bosses is a fucking sin in my book, which is something they did atleast 3 times in this game from what I remember. I know this has been mentioned time and time again, but why the FUCK would you put rubble on a doorframe and believe thats a good enough explanation to send the player off into this huge oddysey across the fucking realm?

I did like that ng+ has different enemies and items because it adds replayability. I liked the amount of extra content they went for, even if I didnt particularly enjoy half of that content. Some of the enemy designs were pretty neat as well.

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i really liked some of it but really disliked some of it

ya feel me?

Bed of Chaos was pretty universal. You're right though, both 2 and 3 feel like outsourced garbage.

>ds1 falls apart once you get to anor londo.
This has got to be the most NPC take in the entire history of vidya. Demon Ruins/Lost Izalith are the only areas that are flat out bad; the rest range from serviceable to good, plus you have the DLC.

Imagine being this much of a virgin dislikes your favourite game lmao

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Worst enemy and level designs in the series and vsually it looks like irredeemable dogshit.

the dlc was a piece of shit too except for artorias

Why is a mediocre, 5 year old game still getting daily threads?

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Because Dark Souls 2 is the best game of all time.

>You're inability to dodge crappy hitboxes and a swarm of enemies is ur fault not the game!
Bruh you could just say that you love to suck FromCock lmao

It's not even about the graphics or lighting or whatever you think is modded in. It's about the visual design. DaS2 is an empty room with 1 painting and 1 skeleton. The other two are full of decorations and look like somebody might live there.

Best way to expose a secondary is to ask their opinion on the lord soul areas.

You're just shitty at video games. 2 is the best game in the series, and people who are good at games enjoy it. I bet you think Sekiro is unfair too.

Because pc kids started with das and blind to how half assed it truly was.
For example for every true souls fan who started with des, like me
Das is weakest game, without any soul put into it

Honestly I agree
I liked the first half but everything after Earthen Peak made me want to kill myself

Pretty sure that one is in explained in the lore, bucko.

Sekiro was easy though.
Here's everything you need to know incel

Why is directly behind the Mimic, a spot it doesn't attack with its mouth or limbs at all, a place that teleports you into its mouth? There are several nonsensical spots where actually avoiding the Mimic's attack is effectively arbitrary.

See above. The hitboxes are so fucked up that there isn't even an idea of where to back up. Gaping Dragon's hitboxes shit all over the Dark Souls 2 Mimics.

Attached: Dark Souls 2 -- More Mimic Bullshit.webm (1920x720, 2.81M)

Because you can only repeat something is "fun" for so long. Garbage game threads drive discussion both by analyzing their flaws and refuting smelly contrarians.

it bad

Shit bosses.
Graphical downgrades.
Shit areas.
Shit in pots.

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>parroting a retard's wrong opinion instead of having your own argument
This alone is objective proof that people who dislike 2 are NPCs who simply suck at games.

>oh look an obvious trap door on the floor let me walk on it WHAAAT? THATS BULLSHIT COME ON AHAHAHAHAH

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>2 is the best game in the series, and people who are good at games enjoy it.
Just gonna chime in here and say you are doing a very good job at shitposting and trolling the other guy.

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Soulsfags are starting to go crazy. It's been years since their last game and they have refused to accept the series is over and is never coming back. As a result they are feeding their own samefagged opinions into an endless, self-hating Ouroboros.

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prove it


lol nerd alert

Do you know what words mean?

It's literally exactly the same thing, you probably didn't notice the hollow spearmen in DaS could attack while blocking because they were super easy to parry and you just parried them whenever they attacked like everyone else.

you can avoid having to fight them all at once, tranny nigger. like i said bring an argument next time

it might be pretty shit but the burnt ivory king is one of my favorite bosses in soulsborne thematically/lorewise

>Can't defend anything he says
Uh huh, run along kid lmao

You misspelled Old Iron King.

one game was built from the ground up in 6 months due to bamco interference and incompetence, the others were given ample resources and dev time. and dark souls 2 still manages to be better in very many aspects than 1 and 3, and muh grafix doesn't change that

Here's your argument.

Thread should have been saged from the start

Are you a dumbass?

you misdiagnosed sir alonne

>has to bring up some irrelevant eceleb
your söy is showing

>bamco interference
>ample resources and dev time
you are literally just talking out of your ass right now

> dark souls 2 still manages to be better in very many aspects
memestance is a poorly implemented mechanic

>Posting this video over and over
Use your own opinions, not some fag on Youtube who tried to edit together a punchable thumbnail instead of something worthwhile.

>removes all semblance of difficulty from your game
Intentionally not using lifegems is handicapping yourself for the sake of trying to make the game at least moderately challenging. Unfortunately you're still retarded because this is the easiest souls game by a mile even without broken healing.

Attached: Lifegem.jpg (110x114, 2K)

I know exactly which armored hollow you're talking about. The spear/pike one, who can block while attacking you without visually blocking. DaS2 also has a shitty mechanic where bosses get an obscene defense boost while recovering from grab attacks or buffing.

Yeah, I hate DaS2 but Ivory had such high quality presentation he felt straight out of another game. The fight's gimmick is garbage and his moveset is mediocre though.

>Can't refute anything he says is wrong with the game
Your corporate shill game is on point today user

E-celebs are söy repellent.

>there isn't even an idea of where to back up
The grab hitbox on the sides and back will only hit you if you're literally all the way up against the mimic. If the guy in walked towards the wall before the mimic's attack he would have been totally safe and could have easily finished off the mimic during its long recovery animation.

I don't need to use my own opinions when everything this nigger says is true.
Cope harder fag

Regardless of your thoughts on the game, I think we can all agree that the Vendrick reveal was pretty kino.

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>200 poison arrows
Top tier shitter

They're really only impactful in the first quarter. Eventually your health gets too high and they take way too long to boost up unless you stall fights like crazy. They're not even the best heal over time items but I doubt most people here even played long enough to try anything better.

It isn't the same thing. Shield hollows in DaS1 clearly either defend or attack, but not both at the same time. Just because they transition from blocking to attacking does not make it the same thing.

I like how people keep posting these cherrypicked images as if they're supposed to prove anything. You can do the exact opposite and put an image of one of the nicer DS2 areas next to an image of the Demon Ruins or Lost Izalith.

People who get upset at the "Swarms" in DS2 are literally too stupid to argue with.

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BB = DaS1 > DeS > DaS3 > DaS2

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it had the best pvp
and good looking gear
and the best version of greatsword for my guts build

i miss wrecking dudes in the ironkeep bridge

The Mimic can hit people who even stay a good ways behind it. The hitbox is still inexcusable on its own, but even the supposed solutions are lackluster.

>I don't need to use my own opinions
What kind of cucked excuse is that? Type out your own words like a human being instead of posting freakishly long clickbait.

are you new? the development hell of dark souls 2 is well documented.
and certainly not as poorly implemented as the literally worthless copypaste weapon arts of 3. and powerstance is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of things 2 did far better

Tell me something we dont already know.


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By the time you get to where regular lifegems aren't useful, you have access to effectively infinite radiant lifegems, which do the trick even when your HP is above the soft cap. They make the game even more trivial than it already is without them

In no particular order of severity:
>8-Way movement as opposed to the total freedom of 360 degree turning
>Momentum doesn't depreciate while falling, dropping from one ledge to another has a chance of sliding (or shooting) off the following ledge leading to a "slippery" effect
>Strict fall damage parameters despite level design clearly based around older values found in DS1
>Buggier enemy AI (more than normal for the series)
>Fucked up hitboxes and hurtboxes, both enemies and players make attacks that either should hit but don't or attacks that shouldn't hit but still do
>Intentional inclusion of "lagging hurtbox"
>Fucked up backstab system, can unintentionally initiate the backstab punch even if you weren't trying to, resulting in no damage and a long cooldown
>Bring's back a bad idea from Demons's Souls and makes it worse with Sweet Spot, random moments of reduced damage in close combat, makes Reaper and Halberd class weapons unreliable and worthless
>Enemies on their own aren't actually all that challenging, placed into large groups to hide the fact that single enemies don't offer much in engaging combat
>Despite claims of "build variety" issues such as Soul Memory matchmaking eliminating "meta level" and obscenely high Soul acquisition lead to more standardized "jack-of-all-trades" builds with high stats all around
>ADP (Poorly described, dumb idea, adds little variety since all players level it up first now to max)
>Most weapons don't feature much moveset variety in their respective classes, "variety" is in the form of stat-spreads that make most weapons redundant/useless at the time you receive them
>Having to wait two seconds after Parrying to Riposte feels counter-intuitive and clumsy
>Patch after patch for PVP didn't account for PVE, made magic (especially high level spells) fairly useless
>Bed of Chaos from DS1 may be the worst boss in the series, DS2 has the largest collection of overall bad bosses in the series

meanwhile in 3 you get infinite no recovery iframes AND near infinite ultra fast healing

you certainly love to try to fit in

how can a game look this bad?

They literally do block while attacking. Try smacking one while he's attacking some time. All of their attacks don't do it but at least one of them is a shield-poke attack much like what the player can do with a spear or rapier and a shield.

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there's no such thing as hurtboxes


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And are you saying that it's okay when 2 does something retarded because 3 does it too?


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the fact taninura breathed more life into this series than its original creator could is a testament to just how devoid of vision and talent miyazaki is

That doesn't even make sense, the only issues with Ruins and Izalith are the blinding lava, the architecture is up to standards. It'd be like comparing them to Eathen Peak, only the architecture in that place actually matches the awful tiling on the walls.

feigning ignorance never helped anyone

But Demon's Souls is the best game in the souls series.

>Bring's back a bad idea from Demons's Souls and makes it worse with Sweet Spot
If anything, a lot of mechanics in DeS were thrown away because casuals couldn't handle them. Like the sweetspots you mentioned, or my favorite, damage types mattering. "Needing" a pierce weapon for Stonefang or blunt for skeletons was great. I wish they took it further in later games.

And of course world tendency. The only problem with it was being connected to online. Otherwise, it was a cool way to allow for new areas to explore.

They made it for PCs first despite being terrible at working with PCs. They made a mistake right from the start.

>The Mimic can hit people who even stay a good ways behind it.
Only if they're hitting it while its doing its attack animation. I know because after I learned that mimics can grab you from the sides and rear, instead of pissing and moaning that I had to stop mashing the attack button for one second, I started backing off for a second while they do their attack and I never get hit by it even in very small spaces.

Says you.

I give up. Without actually going back and playing the games to record footage, I can't show you what I mean.

A lot of DeS' mechanics were needlessly convoluted that added very little to the game.


sure, followed by sheer mediocrity on every front from miyazaki afterwards. dark souls 2 is infinitely more similar to demons souls than das1 and 3 are


10 hours of DS2 e-celeb shit is super autistic, but I'll accept it because Hbummer is such a douche bag.

why not get an opinion of your own instead? i know it's hard for you children to do, but i believe in you

>dark souls 2 is infinitely more similar to demons souls than das1 and 3 are

Lots of people backed off from the Mimics instead of pressing against them and still got hit by the grab for no reason. It's a rightfully infamous example of a nonsensical hitbox. Furthermore, even if the guy in the first gif was close to its back, the move still shouldn't have been able to hit him. The hitbox is terribly sloppy no matter what.

Even the creators probably could not answer most of your questions.

Who's Heide, for that matter?

What the hell was convoluted about Demon's Souls?

My opinion is that I'm not watching 10 hours of autism but I also hate H-guy so I'll let it slide.

Damage types add a lot. You don't bitch at other games having magic resistant enemies while using a magic build, do you? Why limit that to physical vs magic only?

I honestly have no idea what area that might be in the DS2 pic. I can see why people complain about cherrypicking though when the DS1 and DS3 pics are literally from cutscenes. Can't say anything about the BB or DeS pics because I've never owned a Playstation.

Instead of replying to all the posts about the DS2 mimics I'll just reply to this one. The mimics are shit. It is well established their hitboxes are broken as fuck. Yes, people should adapt to that. No, adapting to that doesn't make anyone better than anyone, or the mimics not shitty.

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Neither did whataboutism


Because it's a game mistakenly named dark souls. Any other name and this game would've been praised.

im laughing

Definition of lazy

nice argument to the contrary


>all of that
Git gud

>Its riskier because you cant negate damage
For like 90% of the game, 2H weapons will 1 or 2 shot AND almost always hitstun almost any humanoid enemy, and when they don't, THEY PANCAKE THEM.

They're LESS risky, because with very little effort, you can time your swings to kill enemies right as they enter your range.

With 1H weapons, you rarely get the advantage of hitstuns and NEVER pancake enemies.

2H weapons are ez mode.

Because weapons being something you upgrade with finite resources over the course of hours goes directly against that. No game with upgradable weapons goes that far with damage resistances because it's fucking dumb.

It's Earthen Peak, the view you're greeted with as you spawn by Mytha's bonfire.

I want you to explain how Dark Souls 2 is more like Demon's Souls than the other games.

Yeah, it looks really bad, but what area is that? I don't remember ever seeing anything worse than the trees in the Forest of Giants. Is that from one of the darker areas?

With regards to overall quality as each game progresses throughout the series;

DeS: After beating 1-1, the most open of any of the games, can tackle the remaining areas in whichever order you want taking into account of course needing to beat another X-3 in order to enter 1-3--as such, hard to say if it has a strong or weak beginning/middle/end, entirely dependent on how you want to take it
DS1: Good overall quality peaking at O&S, rest of game starts to decline in quality rapidly--not counting DLC, Duke's Archives only decent area after Lord Vessel (New Londo and Catacombs you can tackle before, so I'm not including those)
DS2: Starts fine, but cracks start to appear rather early--goes through a series of decent highs followed by shoddy lows, the gaps in between are usually fairly dull and unmemorable
BB: Shorter than the previous games, but more consistent in quality all throughout even among the lows--first game to have a really strong End Game, first game with a good "final boss" with Gherman (Moon Presence isn't bad, but not as good)
DS3: Fairly rocky start not helped by it's linear nature--starts to pick up around the Abyss Watchers, really starts to come into its own after beating Dancer, really strong End Game with also a good final boss, though it also feels shorter than normal
SK: Consistent in quality throughout, though lacking in variety--much like BB, could use a DLC to expand content, but otherwise has some of the better overall boss battles in the series, ESPECIALLY towards the end

How did that thread end? I cant recall at all.

Well shit, now that you mention it I do remember that area being overly green. I guess because I spent so little time there it just slipped my mind.

>Lots of people backed off from the Mimics instead of pressing against them and still got hit by the grab for no reason.
Show me an example then because it's literally never happened to me.
>The hitbox is terribly sloppy no matter what.
Sure it is, I won't argue against that. But so is Gaping Dragon's walking attack hitbox which persists for a second or two after it stops walking. The thing is, both of these have incredibly easy solutions which aren't "throw your hands in the air and bitch incessantly about it on an insert joke here board" and neither should happen to you more than once.

I think that it kind of goes without saying that if you want to actually kill the fucking things you have to change what you're doing. People aren't complaining about that, they're complaining about the shitty hitbox.

The volcano is way behind the windmill. If you paid attention to the game you would have noticed that this particular part, and many others, show memory gaps. Just like how it's sunny, you go through a tunnel and suddenly it's raining and you're in front of a castle.
The first fucking cinematic tell you that everyone forget things. that's why you come to Drangleic, to find a cure. After mytha you walk for a long time until you reach the volcano. But why on earth would they make you walk for ages, when they can directly give you the elevator? If you're not retarded you'll understand that your character just forgets parts of his journey. Just like you see only a tiny sunken part of Heide's tower of flame from majula, and it seems extremely distant, while it's just after a small tunnel. Or even how you can meet an NPC, meet him again after a tunnel or a bridge, and he'll act like it's been days since he last saw you, while it's been 2 minutes.
Jesus, do shitposters even play the fucking games they shitpost about? Of all the things you could have complained about in DaS2, you chose the one thing that's clearly explained in the game, from the very first cinematic. Want something that makes no sense geographically speaking? Ash lake.

Attached: WaitAMinute2.jpg (601x625, 73K)

That's a pretty convoluted line of logic to explain the developers not having enough time to put in a proper transition from Earthen Peak to the Iron Keep.

The first fucking cinematic was done before the game got scraped and remade with a completely different plot, you're literally filling gaps with your demented headcanon.

>Didn't even read it
The game isn't hard retard, it's just cheap as fuck

Of course there fucking is, hitbox is the property applied to weapons/projectiles/spells and relates with their model, hurtbox is the property applied to the character models themselves as well as shields (when active) Damage occurs when hitboxes collide with hurtboxes (not the models themselves) assuming i-frames aren't active.

Not sure what you mean with physical damage types "not mattering" in later games seeing as how what you described for the pierce and blunt weapons still applies in other Souls games (except maybe DS3, that one it doesn't feel as pronounced)
World Tendency is one of those things I like in concept and even partially in execution, but yeah the online component fucked it up. Insight was probably the closest we add to them attempting it again, even if it only applied to additional enemy spawns/changing enemy attack properties, I wish it went further like WT (mainly in unlocking new areas)

Nice meme pasta, but it's getting stale.

youre right, ds2 does have good looking areas. im sorry.

Attached: 1512504565089.png (733x517, 531K)

maybe you should try playing it for yourself instead of parroting drones and you'd see

the fact you've rationalized some nebulous cutscene babble about memory gaps as a justification for poor world design is quite an impressive display of mental gymnastics at least

Then literally what's the problem? Every souls game has shitty hitboxes in case you've forgotten, especially when it comes to grabs. The mimic's grab hitbox isn't extrordinary in that regard and it's certainly not worth pissing over constantly.

Attached: 1557685674326.webm (1280x720, 2M)

>Dark Souls 2 looks like shi-

Attached: Lost_Bastille_DaS2.jpg (640x360, 50K)

>something you upgrade with finite resources over the course of hours
The same could be said of your build itself. The only effectively finite materials are slabs/pure bladestone. I still don't see why it's OK to have magic/fire/lightning resistant enemies, but not specifically bash/slash/pierce.

I know not everyone plays like this, but at the very least, on my first playthrough I'll play with a generalist build, so I can use most weapons I find. I know the games aren't designed with this in mind, but I think you should be versatile, to have options for whatever obstacle you come across. So, having a blunt/slash/pierce weapon on you should be another bit of preparation. It's not like they need to be fully upgraded even.

there are only hitboxes

I did, and it feels nothing like Demon's Souls. Now answer the question.

Earth Peak. Before the wheel you set on fire.

uh oh a das3 tranny is gonna call you out for cherry picking even though they do the same with irithyll since all of das3 is a brown and grey swamp

>Tower of Flames
>Lost Bastille
>Outside of Drangleic Castle
>Shrine of Amana
Again you are nitpicking

One thing that annoyed me about DS3 was the over reliance on ambushes
some areas there's was an enemy jumping out from behind you or a corner or something every few feet and it got old fast

I know this is a meme, but this explanation would be like if the next CoD (or FPS of your choice) had the worst gunplay of any FPS ever made, but it's okay because in the opening cinematic of the campaign they explain that all the soldiers have Parkinson's so they can't fire their guns very accurately.

post stats

>If you paid attention to the game you would have noticed that this particular part, and many others, show memory gaps
Now see, that would be an interesting mechanic if it were actually true, and expanded upon.

Attached: YOU STOLE FIZZY LIFTING DRINKS!.webm (640x360, 2.39M)

Why can't DS2 fans accept what is explicitly known by the developers, which is that the initial director was removed from the project but when the new one came on Bamco didn't give them time to develop new assets so they had to throw together what they had as quickly as they could, hence the geography mistakes? We know even from model hacks of the map that Earthern Peak was meant to connect to the Undead Crypt initially, not the Iron Keep.

You know you can admit that a lot of things in the game don't make sense but are that way due to time constraints, right? It's even the same thing with DeS, and DeS fans don't try to hide that fact. Trying to come up with convoluted ideas like "It's behind the mountains" or "It's just memory gaps" isn't helping anything.

In fact, I would be willing to argue that part of the hate DS2 gets mostly comes from DS2 fans unable to admit where development fucked up in the ways it fucked up in the rest of the series. If DS2 fans were more honest about this type of stuff, other people may be willing to try and look past the flaws as well as opposed to tearing down the obvious defenses

DLCs aside it's unironically my favorite one out of sheer replayability alone. I already played DeS to death, put over 3000 hours into 1, BB/Sekiro lack build variety and 3 is too linear. It's the only one I can pick up and not get bored of in a matter of 20 minutes anymore, even though it's not a real souls game and the lore is so fucked it's not even canon.

you already posted this earlier and it was just as stupid then as it is now
Dark Souls 1's areas had different skyboxes due to how the flow of time was skewed and falling apart but the distances between areas were still kept consistent barring a few minor exceptions
DaS2 is known for struggling during development and rather than accept that fact you'd rather argue in favor of such jarring changes in area design despite even the devs admitting it was due to time constraints
>Ash Lake
look up Yggdrasil


DLCs aside? they contain the few enjoyable parts of ds2

Also with 2, you can just use an ENB/reshade to make it not look like complete and utter shit. It's amazing how much tweaking a simple lighting profile changes things.

It's noteworthy because mimics are something everybody encounters multiple times in every single playthrough. I don't remember exactly how many there are, and I know none of them are required, but most people are going to go through the effort to kill them several times whenever they play through the game.

filename thread?

Attached: i'm a chuckster.webm (1280x720, 2.31M)

i was thinking about replaying it; what reshade/enb's do you recommend?

The DLCs were good, though.

>Pfft, and DS3 shitters wonder why no one takes them seriously. Hey, idiot, everyone knows not to step that way. Why don't you go back to DS3, that's probably more your speed *snicker*


I can't remember off the top of my head but there were a few really good ones on the nexus back when I still played it. I think you had to use gedosato or whatever that bullshit was to get it to work but it was still pretty simple get running.

Examples? The only ones I remember much of are the thralls hanging above you somewhere.

They did a fucking great job

Attached: Lothric concept art vs ingame.jpg (1327x1438, 1.3M)

Not him but I've been replaying it with a preset that makes it almost exactly like the beta lighting. Also mods that restore some of the beta looking UI elements. It's still Jank Souls 2 underneath but it really does feel like I'm finally playing the DaS2 we were promised all those years ago.

Just look up e3 preset on nexus mods

>breathed more life into this series than its original creator
in what capacity?

Attached: it go down.jpg (960x960, 85K)

Holy shit, this can't be real.

Attached: 2ec.png (600x580, 572K)

Attached: The Champ.webm (640x360, 2.78M)

Laputa: Iron Fortress in the sky is the blue area.

Attached: 1398119907709.webm (940x478, 2.86M)

so pretty much the argument against das2 is "wah grafix aren't good!!"
are fromtrannies really this retarded and juvenile?

>he lived
That's the most amazing part

Lost Bastille looks like complete shit. Half that picture is a skybox, for fuck's sake. Are you going to post a picture of Huntsman's Copse skybox, too? I know everyone and their dad took a screenshot against that backdrop.

There are literally no hints that the MC is a unreliable narrator besides maybe a shitty off game cutscene.

>DS at its core is thematically about perseverance despite adversity
>DS 2 betrays this theme by lowering your max health on death and making you weaker over time
>If the player is unable to play online then there is a finite number of times they can reverse the effects before they are simply stuck playing the game at half health

What's that big ass cone of doom?

What happened afterwords? Is he out of bounds, or do I just not recognize that area?

-t. What was I saying? Oh yeah, DS2 looks like shit.

Here are examples of not touching the Mimic while behind it and still getting grabbed:
And here's a Mimic hitbox being bad in general:

I didn't recall the Gaping Dragon having a lingering hitbox after its dash finished and its momentum was gone, but that's obviously bad too.

>ANOTHER DaS2 thread

It is still an alright game and it had great covenants, but it is just lacking in almost every department. The level design and world design is lackluster, ADP and soul memory were completely terrible from the ground up, it had a lot of forgettable bosses with not much that wasn't from the DLC really standing out. I still think it is an alright game, a solid 6 or 7/10, but in the rest of the series of 9/10s it just didn't feel great.

Because it lacks the same polish found in other FROM titles. Furthermore, it's key weaknesses (adaptability, soul memory) are more fundamental than the poor level design and progression of the other games, which means that if you can't look beyond them you can't enjoy ANY part of the game. Another major blow against it is the comparatively slow pace of combat and 'clunky' controls. The game's overall ethos relative to the rest of the souls series seems be to quantity over quality.

Invalid arguments, you could find just as many for Bloodborne.

>"There's a lot of enemies"
There's also a lot of healing, and a lot of ways to deal with lots of enemies.

if you can ignore cave of the dead and the three stooges, iron passage and the cool ranch smelter demon, alonnes memory, frigid outskirts and the exciting double cat fight, sure.

Dragon Memories, it's rendered above Majula for whatever reason

>demon's souls grass is fine

promised the most but delivered the least

This is simultaneously everything wrong with Dark Souls 2 and also fucking hilarious.

Attached: bend laugh.gif (150x181, 14K)

>Dark Souls 2 looks like shi-

Attached: Dark Souls II B.jpg (1600x900, 291K)

he's both, he fell on a tree you can't normally reach but the area is near the pit that leads to the crow lady

The one thing that really irks me about 2 is how there's no pictures when picking things up. Did anybody ever make a mod for that? It's such a minor detail but I really would've liked it.

taking risks with design choices and mechanics (many of which paid off very well), giving the game its own narrative and continuation of the "souls" universe without just being the exact same thing again like 3 was to 1, not just shoehorning in berserk references (ie plagiarizing) to cover up their own lack of creativity like miyazaki continues to do, taking the bare minimum scraps they were given by bamco and doing everything they could with them to deliver a great action rpg (even if you don't like 2 it's still far better than most of its contemporary rpg peers like witcher)
etc etc. pretty much tanimura is an ideas guy on steroids and if he was given proper treatment he could easily outshine miyazaki, but the "b team (not a real thing)" was shafted by bamco

you've played neither games retard


this is why there are pristine turtle knights in the lava kingdom and rusty old ones in forest of fallen giants.

That is a flat out fallacy

I know I kill several mimics every playthrough and I don't get hit because I'm not an idiot and I learned after the first time it happened to me.
This is why I compared it to Gaping Dragon's hitbox. The first time I got hit by it I thought "well that's a bit fucky" and then I started hanging back for a couple of seconds after it stopped walking before running in. It's the same sort of situation here and unless you have some sort of learning disability, it shouldn't be at all an issue.

I mean of all DaS2's various problems I'd say this one ranks pretty fucking low on the list (especially when as noted before the entire series has fucked up grab hitboxes) so it baffles me how often it comes up.

i have more hours in each individual souls game than you do in them all combined

>tfw you liked the frigid outskirts

DLC areas do look great (As they should in any fucking game), Shulva in particular is my favourite area, but they still managed to fuck many things up, the town areas of Elleum Lloyce look terrible and Frigid Outskirts managed to be the worst area of Dark Souls II.

Attached: das2isagoodgame3.webm (960x540, 2.64M)

Attached: quality2.webm (896x504, 2.91M)

if you've even played either games up to that point you would know that those images are certainly not modded

what an embarrassing retard you are

Attached: 1522021223561.jpg (600x8638, 2.56M)

>The DLCs were extremely poor but contained the 3 best boss fights in Das2
I agree user, good point.

It will eternally better than DaS3.

Again, learning from the experience doesn't mean the experience was good or something you should just accept. The same goes for the Gaping Dragon, although it gets a small point in its favor against DS2 mimics for only showing up once in a playthrough. The severity isn't exactly high I'd agree, but people talking about it negatively and expressing frustration when it happens to them is fine. People being pissy is understandable when you realize that they most likely thought they were doing the right thing when they stood behind the mimic to kill it during its wakeup animation and were punished for it.

Can we talk about all the missed opportunities in Dark Souls 3? All the plot threads that were introduced and then went nowhere? Pus of man, the Deep, hollows possibly turning into pilgrim butterflies, angels.

Attached: Floating Prison.webm (1600x900, 826K)

>tripfag discord tranny is a das2 hater
typical really


profaned flame sounded cool but went nowhere

What went wrong?

Attached: Pilgrim_Butterfly_Concept_Art.png (1600x1131, 2.25M)

>giving the game its own narrative and continuation of the "souls" universe
this is where you lost me, I understand not liking 3 for being so heavy on referencing 1 but 2's lore feels like someone skimmed a plot synopsis for 1 and then thought all the mentions of "Lord" meant royalty rather than a term used to represent deities, then couldn't think of any good ways to elaborate on areas and ended most of the item descriptions and dialogue with "but it is a mystery..." to cover it up. SOTFS may have exacerbated a bunch of 2's problems but at least effort was put into rewriting parts of the lore to better fit in with 1 and not be so lazy

Really wish we could've gotten the real game. Tanimura isn't a bad director, but somebody had to be the fall guy.

Both DeS and DS2 only had so much time to work with once the original directors were replaced and the new ones had to work with what they had, for better or for worse. But DS3 was 100% Bamco trying to rush the project. DS1 was also rushed relative to what they wanted in there initially, but even that had enough time to make what they had work. Bamco clearly had no interest in giving the team even a couple of more months to finetune and add onto DS3

>I know I kill several mimics every playthrough and I don't get hit because I'm not an idiot and I learned after the first time it happened to me.

People don't repeatedly make that mistake with the Mimics. People learned how to deal with them, but they had to learn the utter nonsense of the hitboxes to do so instead of there being anything natural or intuitive about them at all.

Elana isn't entirely reused Nashandra as she has her own moveset
Also every game is guilty of this

1 is the best
I played 2 the most
I like 3 the most
Haven't played DeS or BB because they're stuck on the worst platform

I'm exclusively talking about sotfs, when i make the statements i made as it is objectively the definitive version of the game no matter what small irrelevant grievances Yea Forums has with it.

Honestly thinking about it more there weren't that many, but whenever they did do it they would imminently have it happen again

After a crossbow dude in highwall a dude would jump out behind you, right after this you climb down a ladder and a dude jumps out behind you again
A part of undead settlement had a ton of thrall ambushes throughout the star but it fit the area
The rooftops of deacon church was probably the worse with the thrall ambushes, they'd be hanging above or below everywhere on the rooftops, there was a room or two inside that had them too.
Also a bunch of thralls in the archives

it's sad and confusing why they did it too, because it feels like they just mixed stuff around because they felt like it.

gundyr was the consumed king
oceiros was the first scholar and created both the irithyll dungeon lothric dungeon dragon-people and ocelotte via gertrude experiments
irithyll was an ashen region, not a snowy region
the bell of awakening was run and it took you to the ringed city DLC's ending map, which actually gave the intro cinematic meaning
aldrich was named pontiff sullyvahn and you fought him in the cathedral of the deep
pontiff sullyvahn was a character we don't even have the name of anymore and you fought him in the desert wasteland. he's covered in twigs and shit like the pilgrims are because he's that fucking old
red knight served a much bigger purpose in the story and may have served the exact purpose gael did in the DLC, but in the base game instead actually giving said character arc much more weight

Attached: 427159-dark-souls-iii-playstation-4-front-cover.jpg (800x800, 118K)

i would argue 3 is the weakest but i'm in the minority
they're all at least 9/10 games and DS2 is not nearly as bad as everyone says it is. scholar of the first sin or not

never ever

>Also every game is guilty of this

From the Soulsborne games? Not to the extent Dark Souls II was.

Attached: 1514391959469.webm (960x540, 2.34M)

The Adaptability stat ruins the game because it's the only stat that matters for first few hours. Because of that, the game is slow as fuck until level 25 or more. You can't deal or take any damage, have no goddamned items yet, and you can't use the ones you do have. In the time you hit the Giant in DS 2, you've already fought Asylum and Tauros in DS 1 and have found about 3,000 in souls just lying around.

In short, a lack of available souls and a stat that's absolutely mandatory to survive slow the game down. It really doesn't help that the Forest of Giants is boring in itself. I mean, if you wanted to you could go to Lost Bastille and cheese Dragonrider twice, but I'm talking from the perspective of a blind player who listens to Lord Aldia's Dragon Maid telling them to follow the cliff path.

1 is the only 9/10

played 1 the most
2 is my favorite
3 is alright but i have 0 desire to ever play it again because above all else it's just dull

God why did he have to make a video defending ds2. There’s no credibility in defending it for real because that dumb fuck had to be a contrarian like usual

i never level adp on my characters and get by just fine. you don't need a panic iframe button if you just learn spacing and timing

Supposedly the story for 2 was fairly different than what we got. In progression it was also supposed to be far more open (not necessarily ES or BOTW style open world, maybe closer to something like in Link to the Past) with roads and such, but of course a lot of that had to be reworked once the directors switched, especially since they didn't have enough time to develop more assets that would work together and instead had to work with what they had. Is this to say the original version for 2's story would've been better? Probably not, a lot of what DS2 was initially supposed to be actually sounds worse than what we got, just saying this would also explain why, like the geography, the initial lore and story feels so fractured and contradictory

Just choose Explorer at the start for the 12 ADP and you only need 8 more to reach DaS1 normal roll i-frames.

>lack of souls
wtf that's not true at all. in fact even without trying I'm usually level 40-60 by the time i get to bastille and feel like I'm very overleveled

>not just shoehorning in berserk references (ie plagiarizing)
I don't think you understand what plagiarizing means, 2cuck.
Taking artistic inspirations from one the most influential pieces of media in Japan that has influenced almost every manga, anime, and video game proceeding its existence in that country isn't plagiarizing.
It terms of artistic direction, its borderline MMO tier.
>anthropomorphic lion with braids wielding an axe
>ice tiger
>elephant knights
>generic looking fiery demon that looks like it belongs in DMC
I hope I never see this shit repeated ever again.

Attached: DaS2 enemy art.jpg (1200x4691, 3.95M)

story involved deliberate time travel that changed how the world worked, and used a demon's souls hub with 5 distinct areas. the project was too ambitious

This is pretty much how Lothric Castle was in the final game

Is it actually true that ADP once had a completely different purpose that included the chance for lockpicking and trap evasion/activation?

put your trip back on nigger


Attached: ha.png (1336x792, 59K)

Define exactly what "MMO-tier" means

Dark Souls 2 is Dark Souls if it were a mid-2000's fantasy RPG or MMO. If it came out in 2006 then it might be seen a classic today, but even at its release it's not particularly impressive at all.

When i played ds2 at launch a missed the bonfire bitch completely and went to heide's tower and killed the dragonrider without an estus flask i think a friend that was also playing told me about the bonfire lady after that
I thought there was just no estus flask and you used crystals only to heal

If the hitboxes weren't as fucked as they were you could have a point, but as it stands trying to work around the jank hitboxes is more trouble than it's worth, especially with the "lagging hurtbox" system they included

Also, to his credit, ADP isn't just for rolls, it's also to actually use items at a reasonable rate as opposed to taking forever just to raise the item up

>oceiros was the first scholar and created both the irithyll dungeon lothric dungeon dragon-people
This is interesting to me. Just this week I heard about about God's Grave, and all the information surrounding that got me thinking about Oceiros and these weird things.

I guess I only remembered the similar hairless pale skin. I thought they were more similar and were maybe related.

Attached: ykocpcy.png (691x899, 882K)

Pilgrim butterflies are some of the coolest/strangest enemies from any non horror game.

my guess is that the scholar found the ruins of the old gods and ended up getting into seath's research

>if you can ignore literally all the optional stuff in the DLC's that you can ignore

just saying i manage just fine without it and have played the game a lot, so trust when i say I've seen all the attacks and scenarios people whine about in 2

The hitboxes are a severe problem though, all the other Soulsborne games have one or two enemies with weird hitboxes, but in Dark Souls II they were all over the place, even if it had come out in 2006 it'd have been called out on it.

Attached: 1400618584534.png (734x650, 36K)

sullyvahn's turning into one, check the wings

Attached: Pontiff_Sulyvahn_Concept_Art[1].jpg (2714x1920, 769K)

You are overlevelled. What the fuck is it you're doing? I hit Bastille at 30 or so.

pic related

Attached: 1546049724157.jpg (533x594, 45K)

i could post hundreds of shitboxes from des, 1, 3, and especially bloodborne but i don't have that level of obsession

I'm not gonna knock anyone for disliking 3, I just had the most fun with it. I wasn't really in to PvP until 3, and I found a lot of the bosses very enjoyable to fight on repeat playthroughs. The faster pace also appealed to me; even when I disregard all of DS2's faults, it was just super slow.

>God's Grave
Yo, what the fuck? Just looked it up now, is this essentially Giants Archstone 2.0? Any additional info besides the map model being revealed?
I see one thing that is mentioned is something called "Mother Dragon" and some wonder if it has any relation to that massive dragon in the Archdragon Peak that looks like a mountain from the distance

Oh yeah fuck DS2, DS1 is the best. Especially when it won't fucking roll when you want it to even when you fucking mash it like an autist.

Attached: IMG_20190524_000758.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

>FROM titles

good headcannon, i'll keep it in mind if i ever get around to playing the scholar edition like i said i would.
look bro ds2 was pretty bad. i have an emotional connection to it because when it came out, i played it for two weeks straight locked in my room after gf left me. one of two things i'll say is that i had a lot of fun playing it and didn't notice how bad it was the first time. it's not great. it's more enjoyable to play than a lot of other games, but that's not saying much.
the other thing i have to say is how much i like the idea of the plot. dark souls 1 set up the world and the rules, dark souls 2 jumps off from there and takes you to a distant land in universe to tell a different story, even if it did end up getting poorly executed.

for the record, i never finished 3, it does that mass effect 3 thing where it felt the need hastily tie up every loose end from the first game while introducing a bunch more shit. it would have been cool if they just kept making games about some undead trolling through the lands surrounding anor londo in different time periods fulfilling region specific stuff related to the curse or whatever. fuck man sekiro could have been set in the eastern lands.

Every single one of From Software games has hitbox issues

>i could post hundreds of shitboxes from des, 1, 3, and especially bloodborne

Not really, most hitboxes worked fine in the other four games. In Dark Souls II it was every few enemies you faced you'd get shitboxes. Pretty much every single area had at least one enemy which you had to be careful about because he could teleport behind you or hit you after the attack animation was over.

Attached: 1518021427490.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

i just kill dragonrider, flexile sentry, pursuer, and last giant. those are all before bastille

they had an entire area devoted to oceiros who found the ruins of lordran and went full seathe about it.

yeah because bad gameplay is the same thing as questionable geography in one fucking zone


Sully's wings are tree branches actually. Makes sense, he originated from Ariandel, and is a child of a tree woman. Even his crown is embellished with tree vines, signifying his origins.
Come to think of it, maybe the Pilgrim Butterflies are trees, just like the hollow trees (the ones we see at the high wall) that reach for the sky.
I really want to understand what all this really means.

Attached: Pontiff-Sulyvahn.png (648x830, 958K)

I was just as surprised. Don't know how long this has been known, or why I'm just now finding out about it. Apparently the dragon in Archdragon Peak is an actual, separate model, not part of the mountain itself. It has rigging and everything.

those are big trees

Keep in mind that Netcode affects this--it has been shown that while playing online vs offline, there are bizarre hitbox hiccups that occur during the online sessions (most likely because the world is updating with additional server information)
DS2 is unique in that many of these issues persist even outside of online sessions and are present offline as well, most likely because the developers were rushed for time and tried to put everything together as quickly (if hastily) as possible (also part of the reason why the game feels awkward to control with the floaty combat and 8-way movement, they slapped that stuff together quick too)

All fromshit is unfinished jankcore. DS2 just happened to have the most troubled development so it stands out as the stinkiest turd

>it felt the need hastily tie up every loose end from the first game

Attached: Implications.gif (400x225, 2.67M)

>Doesn't kill dragonslayer

Yeah, but these are the "Queen/Princess portrait" rooms that 1 and 3 made so luxurious compared to 2s bland open stone room with a big fuckin portrait

>dying to Four Kings

Just beat them, I had absolutely no trouble killing them until I couldn't roll and he multi hit me like he fucking does randomly.

You get a total of 53,000 souls from killing the Last Giant, the Pursuer, the Dragonrider, and the Flexile Sentry, which is enough to get you to around SL 40, and that's not counting the shit you kill along the way.

How the fuck do you die to 4 Kings

Attached: 27545108_1641247439289214_9050358080040785847_n.jpg (623x395, 28K)

Which game has the best lore and why is it Demon's?

>I see one thing that is mentioned is something called "Mother Dragon" and some wonder if it has any relation to that massive dragon in the Archdragon Peak that looks like a mountain from the distance
it is, the model even has a full animation skeleton but sits there forever in the final

There is no lore, it's just autismos on the internet making shit up

I didn't even use life gems because I never ran out of estus, my weapons would always be close to breaking before I could kill more than a dozen or so guys.
The distance between the mcduff fire and the sentinels would always wear my gear down way before the boss, that's how I first learned that enemies despawn after a certain amount of deaths, so I just did that to save myself the trouble of trying to rush past a dozen enemies that can gank me.
Even the devs knew they created some bullshit situations by the fact that enemies despawn in that souls game and only that game.

One of their slash attacks deals a shit gazillion damage. If you fuck up the timing on your dodge it can easily kill you.

>t. never done NG+
4K on NG+ is a nightmare.

Attached: Dark Souls - Bottom of the Well to the Four Kings.webm (960x540, 1.75M)

i usually do that later since he doesnt unlock anything i use

That makes sense seeing as it looks rather distinct against the mountain when you see it and doesn't look like standard environmental mesh. As I was saying earlier, stuff like this plus all the other stuff that was found in the files (which come to think of it was largely dragon related as well) just goes to show how much Bamco was trying to rush the project. I like DS3, but it has sever flaws. Thing is is that you can see where, if they had time to develop it, a lot of these flaws could be ironed out, and DS3 could've had the chance to be one of the better entries in the series

They mention in the wiki article I'm reading that there is a forest element to it, but the forest models (plus the fact that supposedly some of these strings got reused for Ringed City) feels like maybe it would've been a bit more like a desert environment--excavating the sands to find hidden ruins is the one Lovecraft thing they didn't do in Bloodborne

Pretty sure From made up the lore to explain a shitty rush job, slugger.

The downgrade was bad enough but the fact that Bandai Namco hid it from the public until the very release date and people had to play it to find out it wasn't the version they had been shown was complete bullshit.

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In terms of lore
BB > DaS1 = DeS > DaS3
I know zilch of DaS2's.

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You just need more discipline in managing stamina. If your stam hits 0, you can't roll or sprint till it fully regens.

>purposefully not showing the room that you can easily see into

Because it's more consistent or verifiable, I guess? Old One is the coolest.

i like this souls game

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>DaS2 fag starts posting modded Dark Souls webms for the thousandth time in order to defend DaS2

>DaS: Dude dragons lmao
>BB: Dude Lovecraft lmao
Nah DeS is the best and most original.


Meant Heide's, m8, sry

Attached: Ebrietas Grandslam.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

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I actually liked DaS2's insane weapon degradation. It makes it so that you need a backup weapon, or repair powders.

Thats a shockwave

General reason is that
development spreads themself too thin with too much different content but didn't consolidate together early enough to meet deadline in time. Therefore, every area in the game looks ugly and unfinished. (miyazaki is very good at efficiency and time management so games involving him are typically mostly finished and polished in comparison).
Wrong approach to designing level and combat.
A misguided direction in fundamental comboat and level design. It has too much focus on making the game "hard" and cause death to the players without making the game fun with good challenge and reward.
Too much focus on testing the player's patient. It doesn't have good pacing for combat and fall into the trap of "more is better".
Of course, you can get into specific reasons but everything can be traced back to those general cause from above.

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yes i am implying. i never finished it. maybe someday i'll replay it, i still really like the games.

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considered the weakest, but the one 90% spent the most time playing

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Just use Santier's on trash mobs and your real weapon for the bosses

I always wished Dark Souls showed all the weapons you had equipped on your model instead of only showing the two active ones.

judging by these tombstones being part of god's grave, what likely was going on is the tombstones are the ones from firelink shrine's graveyard and the catacombs, and the demon prince's boss arena is a reused idea from this god's grave region. so if this wasn't cut we would have revisited that general area and travelled downwards and possibly further, maybe even it being the entrance to the kiln. regardless, as a lore point it would explain how sullyvahn, in his old role as king, would have known to tinker with and do whatever he was doing with the first flame

Attached: das2shockwaves.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

I agree. Only problem is the framerate bug that makes shit degrade even faster.
In 1 unless you were using crystal weapons you had to intentionally not upkeep your weapons for like 10 bonfires in a row for them to come close to breaking so it just felt pointless. I don't even remember if 3 had degradation at all

misstype, meant to type nigress

nice editing there

>DeS: Dude demons lmao
fixed that for you
>inb4 muh deep fog

Attached: the colorless deep fog slowly creeps beyond boletaria's borders.png (1920x1080, 2.55M)

>dude reductionism lmao
Based Kirk bro, but you should stop bullying Ebri.

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The problem though is that the game gives you a limited amount of titanite shards and repair powder in the first third of the game, so if you used your titanite on armor or shield instead of a back up weapon you have a very inferior backup that's not worth the trouble and repair powder will be used up very quickly with none left after a few uses.
It was just a chore playing on PC.

Ivory king dlc was my favorite part excluding grinding for the armor and the shitty challenge area. I got bored with sunken king and iron keep felt shitty other than fume knight

>oceiros' lines were the first recorded for the entire game

dude what the fuck was even going on

Attached: Ebrietas.webm (640x360, 2.2M)

>cherrypeaks the best looking rooms in Ds1-3
>cherrypeaks the worst looking room in Ds2
Nigga, you ain't fooling anyone with this shit.

I wonder how much Bandai is even to blame.
The game not having a next-gen focus was known from interviews like a year before, stuff like the game running at Seconds per Frame sounds more like incompetence on From's part and Bandai seems to give the Code Vein devs quite some development time, including extensions which is the complete opposite from what we always hear about the DaS games.

Dark Soul series in general doesn't have good way to deal with multiple enemies. Even then, mutiple enemies is okay in small dose, but DS2 just repeatedly throw them at you for every level. The game simply lack pacing to that the point that enemies mob feel so repetitive that you just want to run through them. For mob enemies that are tanky and can't be staggered nor kill quickly, it force the player to slow down and be patient. However, forcing such encounter over and over on the player again cause stagnation. Moreover, multiple enemies counter in DS2 are typically badly design with the same enemy in a groups most of the time. In DS3, the game typically throw enemies of different type at you for mob encounter, which allow you to utilize specific strategy for each encounter depend on the composition of the mob. Also, such encounter also have the environment factor with covers and difference in elevation that you can take advantage of. Too often in DS2, enemies have the same running speed, attack speed, and moveset in a blob running at you in a single flat empty room, which is difficult to separte.

lol magifag got exactly what he deserved

It has been awhile since my last steak dinner run. Gonna try it again nao.

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To summarize:

DeS: dude demons lmao and dude weed lmao
DaS: dude fire lmao and dude souls lmao
DaS II: dude kings lmao and dude curses lmao
DaS III: dude ash lmao and dude fire fades lmao
Bloodborne: dude blood lmao and dude eyes lmao
Sekiro: dude immortality lmao and dude stagnation lmao

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Attached: Dark Souls II Boss On A Drive.gif (480x360, 2.89M)

>doesn't have good way to deal with multiple enemies.

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Because of Soul Memory. Literally punishing players for playing the game.

That'd be fine if it weren't for the fact that repair powders are so hard to come by in 2. Before you reach Drangleic Castle about halfway through the game you have a finite supply of them with all but two scattered about the world as treasure. Even once you reach Drangleic Castle and you can buy an infinite amount of them, they're rather pricey at 2500 a pop.

3's system was weird, it was a combination of 1 and 2. Like 2, weapons and armor (though not rings since they didn't have durability) would be restored to max when resting at bonfires. However, like 1 the rate of degradation was reduced (I suspect because of the issues with 60fps seen in DS2) and on top of the reduced rate, the actual durability values were higher than they were in DS2 (not as high as DS1's, but similar)
Basically, unless specifically hit with acid type attacks (which I'm not sure happens in PVE) you almost never have to even consider repair powder/repairing at Andre

fuck it is so satisfying to pull off on the defiled amy

>that coffee on the dash
this has got to be cgi.

If you played it at launch you had to deal with the 60fps bug and Soul Memory going totally unfixed for upwards of a year. They released DLC before they fixed either issue.

It was an absolute fucking bitch at times (i had to switch my two handed greatsword strategy for a gyrm greatshield for smelter demon cause fuck his hitboxes) but i did everything without leveling adp until Sir Alonne. Dude could hit me literally anywhere with the life drain, it was horrible

I think Bamco learned from From that trying to rush these things results in severe issues (however this also begs whether the Code Vein guys are given too much leeway)
For DS2, it doesn't help that a lot of the programming staff this time around weren't on the prior projects (lead programmer was working on Bloodborne, some programmers from DS1 were on DS2 but others were also on Bloodborne and the replacements appear to have been new guys, possibly their first project)

I'm finally playing it, feel pretty invested and intend to finish this time. I got invaded by "Sneaky Pete" in Belfry Luna earlier today, I thought it was an NPC phantom because he conveniently showed up the second I rung the bell and didn't play very well at all to the point I easily beat him without healing and I'm fucking awful at Souls PvP but there's absolutely nothing by that name on the wiki.

Serious question's comin through.
Why didn't Fromsoft return the demo lighting system when they released Scholar of the First Sin? The assets are clearly there and the consoles weren't limiting it as in release of original 2.

Attached: Dark-Souls-II-CrowbCat-Downgrade-Header.png (800x448, 743K)

Miyazaki has always liked to throw lore stuff into the game then go nowhere with it, each game mainly focuses on one thing apart from the mainstory, DS1 focused on the Abyss with the Four Kings and the whole DLC, DS2 focused more on the Chaos with the DLC too but then DS3 tried to focus on everything and felt weaker, we had even more Chaos with the Old Demon King and the Princes, we had the whole Deep thing with Aldrich, we had the Dark too and we finally get to see some pygmies, the Profaned Flame, etc. but hardly gave any closure, maybe only Chaos had a proper closure because with the Old Demon King dead, Izalith being overrun with the goat fellows and you killing the Demon Princes for good Chaos and Demons shouldn't be a thing anymore if a DS4 ever happens.

Attached: 14-cUAYLCT.png (1280x720, 769K)

Because those maps that were supposed to be used for the final release version were only like half finished, featuring tons of low-poly objects, rooms that were only made as concepts and a general complete lack of polish.
You'd have to almost completely redevelop the game new if you want something like the unused versions of the Gutter, Undead Crypt or Iron Keep in.

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Is this Dark Souls 3 (Lothric High Wall)?

Yeah thats the original

Attached: dark lothric.jpg (600x338, 40K)

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DS2 is the best Fable game.

Attached: dark_souls_3_rumored_screen.jpg (1095x616, 86K)

Yea, you tell the BB's influence all over it. It's a lot more darker and grim than the final game

I'm NG+5 and never, ever died to 4 kings. What?


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according to dataminers, the order of the game was:

1.lothric castle
2.undead settlement
3.profaned capital (lonely king (???))
4. irithyll/lothric dungeons
5. lothric castle - you kill the twin princes now
6. cross bridge to the grave of the gods, here you kill the angel of dragons (oceiros) and the mother dragon (???)
7. the three "lords" you had to fight start here, they were:
>king of the storm (nameless king)
>wolf of the eclipse (wolf of farron + abyss watchers)
>deacons of the deep (deacons + aldrich)
8. from here you reveal the ruins of anor londo in the desert
9. fight pontiff sullyvahn as final boss

Attached: carthus of the sands.png (1920x1080, 2.54M)

The DIY bonfire mechanic sounded so promising, though I believe it would've worked best on an interconnected world, like DaS1's.

BB > DS3 > DeS > DS1 > DS2

The arena looks a lot different than the one we fight him in the final product.

this is a good thing, not sure why ds2fags would prefer DS3 to be even MORE similar to BB. desperate really

that's because he was an NPC and he ran the mound maker covenant.

This looks so much more creepier than being magically teleported to the abyss.

first ive heard of that, whats the source on that one?

Yeah, I really like it.

Attached: Dark souls tier list.jpg (2560x1440, 502K)

subjectively and objectively wrong

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look closely, hes in yhorms room. i think wolnir was even named yhorm at one point.

Souls games are fun because they are harsh but fair. Each enemy is specifically placed in a certain way because the devs want you to experiment and figure out a method to beat each encounter.

Dark Souls 2 is the only exception to this, in that it deliberately throws bullshit encounters at you in an attempt to live up to the franchise's fan acclaimed difficulty. It's not fun, just tedious as fuck, and that feeling extends to every facet of the game.

What's wrong about it ?

>Game had a large variety of magic spells that do all sorts of thing

Huuurrr duuur box that relies on grab moves could never ever have a gravity pull spell.

Fucking tards.

Even on my first time playing the ga me the mobs weren't that hard desu. Dark Souls 1 had more bullshit mobs, like the hollow rush in the church.

2 and 3 should also be in great tier

I didn't think it was necessarily the Mound Makers, I thought it was described that he was more meant to be like a King Midas type figure and the covenant played around that in some form?

This saddens me deeply. I know DS2 gets a lot of flak (and rightfully so), but it's still a good game with a lots of soul putted in it. Probably my favourite out of them all.

thats interesting, its like the dancer npc in

Quality bait

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Controversial opinion: all the souls games range from good to great

Good edit. Also, the main danger about the Four Kings is if you get an AI pattern where they play keep away and use their homing slash and explosion, mixed in with the obviously unapproachable Dark Hand. The other danger is that they can alter their distance when rotating for some attacks, getting out of the sour spot on some moves, mainly their horizontal and diagonal slash combos.

Attached: Pre-Patch New Londo.jpg (1000x716, 282K)

Instead of shitflinging, which infuriates the six people who actually enjoyed DaS2, here’s Matthewmatosis’ short and entertaining video about what made Demons Souls unique and how the series subsequently started to lose what made it so unique in the first place


the one video where he's wrong

I think the idea of creating bonfires was to prevent players of skiping level sections. Instead of running past the enemies and lit a bonfire you would have to kill some special mob to have a bonfire that way.

One of the things that always bothered me: why is the ash desert depicted in the intro and even boxart when it doesn't even appear until the final part of the last DLC?

Ecelebs aren't video games.
Fuck off shill.

I agree

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100 is the average IQ and since double digits go up to 99, that doesn’t really work as an insult you fucking moron.

Nobody is saying they couldn’t handle the encounters in DaS2. It was merely boring. That group in Bastille was a tedious pain in the arse. Imagine if one or two really tricky enemies had been in there instead. Maybe something totally unique that fit with the theme of the area, and imparted more of the lore just through it’s design, like the Chained Prisoner in Oolacile. That might have been difficult, but it would not have been shit.

4 kings has alot of bullshit. Especially that grab attack that tracks you for like a good 5 seconds. Even if you can out run it it still wastes time giving the chance for another king to spawn.

>Hollow rush in the chruch
That's not even that bad considering they die in one hit and the level being designed for you to lead them into the hallway one at time.

Still not as stupid as the clown car of royal soldiers that swarm you at the building before the Setinels boss in Lost Bastille.

Because DS2 nutjobs are actually autistic which is why they defend their piece of shit memorization game.

Because every single improvement it had over DaS got burried under a pile of garbage decisions. The fact it got stuck in development hell, got a visual downgrade or tried to go with mocap didn't help either.

What's wrong? Main points

>Demon's Souls innovated everything the Souls series is known for
>Non gimmick bosses all devolve into dodge then attack

You realize the area the royal soldiers ambush you in is also designed for you to lead them into a hallway, right?

Even if you run into the royal soldiers in Lost Bastille they're still easy enough to deal with. I don't think I ever died to them. THe Hollows at the church may die in one hit but they deal ridiculous amounts of damage and there is way more of them and they have bullshit sudden jerking attack that will definitely kill players on their first time, especially since alot of them are straight up hidden until the swarm is aggroed.

You keep shoving potato cock up your ass, patreon shill.

troubled development, weakest level design, player character plays like shit, soul memory, soul memory's solution ring, too many fucking items locked behind enemies you need to farm, graphically worse than demon's souls, the first souls game, only a handful of good bosses and themes, hitboxes are all over the place, more so than other souls games, story makes no sense, and enemies and armors look like something out of an MMO. there are some nice things about it like bonfire aesthetics, actual differences in NG+, but the bad outweighs the good.

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god I FUCKING love the stake driver

Anyone know what the moonrunes say?

Hallway? You mean were theres more soldiers waiting to gank you? Yea sure good design choice b team.

It's far more likely the parish hollows will bottleneck themselves even if they notice you first. You have to either run into the same room as the Channeler and not confront a hollow by the door or otherwise not retreat one bit in the face of the 3+ buffed hollows right at the doorway itself.

>actual differences in NG+
A lot of it is semi-finished shit that was probably supposed to be in the main game that they dumped into it like the Ministry of Silly Walks Falconers.

At the site of three buffed hollows most players would be like, "pft, I can take them" not knowing that literal dozen more hollows waiting out of sight to warm you.

not to the extent DaS2 has

The fact they die in one hit makes easier to deal with. And if you have a trusting weapon you can kill a bunch with just one attack ez. Them being buffed or hidden doesn't matter since they'll still follow you into the hallway.

The other hollows are visible behind the buffed ones, and the combined Channeler auras in one place are likely to be noticed by the player, along with the sounds of the Channeler chanting and dancing. The Channeler itself can serve as a reason to be cautious, as it's a new enemy of great stature that looks important due to its clothing and reveals itself by launching magical projectiles at players when they're on the lower level of the parish.

Attached: Dark Souls Channeler (Art Request).jpg (300x592, 47K)

The people who complain about DS2 are literal fucking brainlets that can't manage a playthrough without mashing r1 nonstop. I put over 2000 hours into 2, and less than 100 into 3. In 2 I actively avoided finishing the game for a very long time because I didn't want it to be over. I kept making characters and builds and pvping and doing all the covenants and trying to find secrets and having fun the whole way.

DS3 was a fucking mushy feeling trashcan where you didn't need to block or parry, you just needed to mash r1 fast enough to stop enemies from swinging. People complain about ds2 hitboxes but don't complain about ds3's because they were hidden by entirely obtuse and overly wonky animations for each one, not even allowing you to understand what just hit you let alone worry about how much it should have missed you by. DS2 was clean as fuck, so clean you could see any small combat issue.

DS2 was a meaningful duel, and DS3 was an arcade style beat em up.
>and ds1 was ok i guess
>demon's souls was an abortion and you know it

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Attached: DkS3 hitboxes.webm (720x540, 2.51M)

The hallway behind you, you buffoon.

First time encountering the channerl and the player would have no idea that it could buff other enemies. After all, the other hollows so far don't do incredible amoutns of damage. Furthermore. I played through the church many times and only once or twice has the channeler ever attacked from the top level against the bottom level.

I am watching this, and while I agree DS1 is better than 2, I feel this guy is intentionally misrepresenting the original argument and is extremely passive aggressive while criticizing the original argument for being passive aggressive.

That's why I mentioned the auras and how the bottleneck, combined with the number of enemies, would make said auras that much more noticeable. Players could realize something was up, connect it to the strange chanting and dancing noises, and proceed cautiously. I've also experienced the Channeler being not very aggressive when I'm on the lower level, but he has fired on occasion, and generally players seem to notice him before entering the room he's in.

Now you realize why that guy's a fag. It's a trash thumbnail too.

First time I encountered the channeler he didn't seem to do be doing anything so I thought perhaps he was a non aggressive npc. ALso, the aura's are not all that noticeable. There's no real reason to think the dancing is anything but a silly animation for first time players.

Do you think anything in the dark souls series is tailored to first time players?

This list makes no sense at all

Explaining why the hitbox is fucked up does not excuse the problem of the hitbox being fucked up, assuming that's your intention. If the model and animation don't pair the hitbox in a natural and intuitive way, then that's just poor design.

No, it's just genuinely shit and we like laughing at the handful of muh viability retards that pretend it's good.

tfc lookin ass map

The Channeler will begin firing at you if you go near the pews. I found the aura to be rather noticeable, and it stands out enough in the videos I checked. You can see the Channeler casting the buff and creating a bright light when he does it too thanks to the windows, and you can see the enemies around him and not attacking him as well. That should generally indicate that he too is an enemy, and you can target him.

>Probably my favourite out of them all.
It definitely has some good parts to it but every time I can only see it as a series of tragedies and unfortunate events in terms of development. It's a bummer how slapped together, and rushed it feels, it's like I can feel the dev team struggling to salvage it.

its literally impossible to argue with ds2 autists
they are like a cult

Well they are all communists that have watched In Defense of Dark Souls 2 by hbomberguy aka retard commie guy

>people who complain about DS2 are just bad
It's literally the easiest souls game, to the point that NG+4 feels like NG DS1. Try again.

>it's so easy that all the complaints are about being ganged up on and dying

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because you niggers can't just enjoy the game you enjoy, it's constantly about how bad you think the one we like is

Dark Souls 2 is just.. comfy in a way that DS1 and DS3 arent

I'm thinking the same thing. But why though?

Thats a funny way of saying nostalgia.

Dark Souls 2 is just.. uncomfy in a way that DS1 and DS3 arent

Dark Souls 2 is just.. comfy in a way that DS1 and DS3 also are


Attached: majula.jpg (2048x1044, 241K)

>t. didn't read the thread

I can agree and support this list.

>They released DLC before they fixed either issue.
The agape ring doesn't fix shit.
Losing a ring slot for the privilege of never being able to acquire any more souls ever, is not a fix. You can't even buy/collect armour pieces because that'd totally fuck up your Soul Memory.

The agape ring is not a fix. It's one of the most hacked together bandaids I've ever seen in an expansion.


This is "in Lordran, time is convoluted"-tier mental gymnastics. I swear, only Fromsoft games have people rush to defend blatant oversights with """lore""" explanations

Dark Souls 1 > Black Souls > Bloodborne > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2

>Of course there fucking is
Not him. But "hurtbox" is just a silly name for another kind of hitbox. Hurtboxes are hitboxes. Hitboxes are just part of the collision detection. What that collision detection then does can be anything.

patrician taste

Good exclusive shit
>Weapon variety
>Enough freedom in the first hours (DaS1 does this too to a degree)
>3 solid DLC packs
>That dragon area was pretty cool (minus the boss)
>Bonefire acsetics
>No bonefire challenge
>PVP is more balanced than the other 2

Everythinge else sucks compared to the other 2, specially the lighting, volcano elevator shenanigans, hitboxes and "le sooo hard XDXDX" shit enemy placement and attitude the devs took.

You severely failed at atmosphere if people call your oppressive, dead and decaying world "comfy".


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Havent played DeS myself but have watched gameplay. BB, DS1 and DS3 all specialize in different areas with different strengths and weaknesses. It comes down to a matter of preference in what you like in games. I love boss fights so DS3 is my favorite.

Attached: The bosses of Dark Souls 3.jpg (3577x2686, 3.68M)

So is DmC: Devil May Cry secretly a genius game for adding enemies that are resistant to other types of damage? Wow, I never knew. I just thought it was tedious and annoying as fuck.

if it wasn't for that stupid fucking "GIVE ME YOUR DARK SOULS 3: THE FIRE FADES EDITION, DEVELOPED BY FROMSOFTWARE" line Gael would have been the greatest fucking fight ever

>I'm a shit eating retard who played DaS2 for 1000 hours!
Why do DaS2fags think this makes them an authority on the games at all. You can see everything in the game in about 80 hours. Playing shitty PvP for hundreds of hours won't make your opinion any less worthless.

Putting 100's of hours into the game makes them look like unhinged autists making it even easier to discount their opinion desu.

Dark Souls 2 deserves to rot in Walmart bargain bins.

Because it's his job and it's how he earns a living

You answered your own question: because he's a smug contrarian with a grossly inflated perception of his own intelligence