Do you like this trend of using face models for vidya characters?
Do you like this trend of using face models for vidya characters?
Cute girls are cute.
Jordan is cuter
I like when they scan and use cute faces
They even scan their feet
Yes. and actors.
only if they were going to make realistic characters anyway and only if they use good looking women. re2 and dmcv for example are pretty good.
Doesn't bother me as long as they aren't purposely making the female character uglier than the model for political pandering purposes.
Not of they're all ghoul-tier like Claire
never assume malicious intent where it can be explained by incompetence. thats just what she looks like when her face is tired.
What's the point of having cute girls as your face models if you make them ugly in-game?
>malicious intent
Both of these things can be true at once when it comes to nu-Bioware.
sometimes its ok
in capcoms new engine all the girls have sameface too an extent and its weird
Lady, Trish, Claire, Annette and Ada all look very different
>t. autist with face blindness
At least post real beauties like Ada and Annette
how is this ghoul-tier you fag, you didn't actually explain
Yes and no. It gives a certain baseline of quality that a lot of devs might not achieve through traditional means so in that way it's good, on the other hand it can stifle character design and animation of more capable devs. The hybrid approach in mgsv is probably what I would prefer, 1:1 model scans for some, only mocap for more iconic characters like BB.
i don't mind because i'm not a faggot, i care more about gameplay
Obviously since you're autistic you won't understand
>real beauties
I don't care.
People that worship 3DPD who will never even be aware of their existence are fucking pathetic though.
This board would be a far better place if they all fucked off.
2D waifu or get out
It's better than when Western companies try to make a face without a model, but they're all still shit compared to Japanese made faces, anime or realistic either.
>That moment you realise every model they use for Claire consistently goes down hill exponentially
>Neve Campbell
>Liv Tyler
>Tobey Maguire
>Jordan McEwan
Soon we'll be beyond the realm of gobins and trolls to things that drive fear deep into the hearts of eldritch abominations
>"you're autistic if you don't think this person is an ugly ghoul"
And meanwhile you say Annette is beautiful. Seems to me like you just have a personal hate boner for nu Claire
Yes. V is cute.
The ridiculous size of art budgets is the biggest thing dragging down games at the moment so if it's more efficient, and cheaper than traditional modeling and animation methods I support it.
No, because producers will become lazier, cheap out and make the same character with same actor in the different games.
Is is different making your own character while brainstorming ideas out of nowhere, while drawing it a couple of versions, retrying, thinking how that character will be, what personality will have.
This compare "oh look, I like this actor or I have a boner for this actress, I will use it" which will lead to a generic C level hollywood acting. Sometimes it is worse, since they force agendas even before brainstorming a character, which leads to empty shells.
No, it's usually uglier AND costs more since dickheads like Kojima want to hire on their favorite celebrities
The games industry is learning all the wrong lessons from Hollywood
>>Neve Campbell
>>Liv Tyler
They never scanned their faces.
>Rev2 Claire better than REmake2 Claire
Most game devs don't hire expensive movie stars to scan their faces. That's actually pretty rare
>C level hollywood acting
There's no reason they have to have the facial model do the mocap or the voice acting. They didn't in remake 2.
>trashes Annette then uses a mod that give Claire Annette's hair
Ultimate dipshit
No, what's dragging down games in the AAA space the most is dev team bloat and poor management. If they'd get some actual management with talent and fucking backbones, and cut the dev teams in half to cut down on miscommunication and waste, games would come out much faster, cheaper, and in better condition. Of course for any of that to happen, you'd have to start by slapping some sense into the publishers, and that's not ever going to happen.
They're both repugnant and you both have shit taste. Fuck off.
We are talking about faces here, not haircuts. I didn't make that webm.
Yes, as long as they're done correctly.
But Claire isn't cute...
What does it feel like to have thousands upon thousands of women and men alike lusting after you? What does it feel like to have people drawing porn of a character with your face? What does it feel like to have people use makeup to try and make their face identical to yours? I have so many questions.
>using v as an example
vergil and dante are much better
but do they wear THIS?
>They're both repugnant
literal faggot
yes, she is...
I like Ada. A lot
all 3 are hot desu
thats the face my mom makes when i wear my hentai shirt in public
das cute, all three need underwear versions
who's her face model?
I love Ada and Claire. I don't know why we all can't just get along and collectively shit on the fags who bitch about their lost animefaces instead of shitting on eachother
Because Clairefags are autistic and autismos are annoying as hell
like 80% of posters on Yea Forums are autistic.
The reason it gets used as an insult all the time is because the truth hurts
some half-Japanese Brazilian model
No because then Yea Forums make stealth celeb threads by using these models for (You)s
It's mostly just that one guy who spams every RE2 thread with the same lo-res shitty pics of her while repeating that he loves her and wants to spend the rest of his life with her (and then quotes himself with goslingposts)
>never assume malicious intent where it can be explained by incompetence
the incompetent tend to be malicious as well
>It's another jordanfag thread
The remake deserved better
only the OP posted Jordan
It looks pretty good overall, and the faces are probably more original since artists shit out the same facial feature over and over.
back in the silent days of movies since actors couldn't speak they were free to pick the character with the most fitting aesthetic. Games work this way.