When was the last time you went to a midnight launch?
When was the last time you went to a midnight launch?
Other urls found in this thread:
Smash 4. Most games are getting released at 9PM now
The first fable
Halo 2. Some guy jumped in a fountain and splashed around screaming HALO 2 WHOOPDEEDOO!
Halo 3
Smash Ultimate, fuck waiting until the next day to play
GTA 5.
Or War of the Spark prerelease for non vidya games.
Wasn't midnight, more like 10PM but Kingdom Hearts 3
What happened to this stupid whore of a weeb?
Smash Brawl, or MGS4, whichever was first.
GTAV PS3/XB360 versions, wasn't worth it
halo 4 i think
then never again
>tfw she has a kid now.
Also never.
Black Ops 2 I think. I just do digital preloading now for anything I want day one.
What happened to this bitch?
moved to japan and became a housewife to a yakuza guy
It was 9pm but rdr2 ps4 pro bundle
She retired from Youtube and she got married.
RDR2 but that's the only one I've been to.
Not a midnight launch but I camped out for a PS3 with a couple friends.
Think I did for Diablo 3, but to be fair I worked across the street and got off about that time.
August 31st, 2010
Black Ops 2
My cousin from ireland wanted to see what a launch was like. We arrived maybe 5 minutes before midnight and only waited til 1210 to get the game. Then played zombies for a couple hours. It was pretty cool.
I went to one for KH3 a few months ago
The hype for Halo 2 was crazy. I was never into it but I remember sitting at home and hearing about four dudes yelling and chanting "HALO 2! HALO 2! HALO 2!" as their car drove by at about 10pm. I assume they were on their way to the launch.
Mass Effect 2
Cata WoW Expansion. I think WoW were the only games that mattered for me as in midnight launch being of importance. You want to get an early start on leveling and dungeon crawling with the rest of the your guildies and friends.
how do you know
moved to the west coast so now I pick my games up at 900pm.
did her supposed sex video ever surface anywhere or was that all bullshit
L.A. Noire in 2011 was my last midnight pickup, I've never seen a movie at midnight for release.
I think it was the launch of the nintendo wii
Waited in line from 3 AM to get it and twilight princess, it was good times
You got evidence?
shit, I can't even remember the last one. maybe diablo 3
the best midnight launch I ever went was the wii launch, which wasn't at midnight, but we camped outside of best buy. Some guy drove up in a truck, hooked up a TV and gamecube to the truck battery and had a smash tournament. I had more fun that night than with the actual shitty wii. we filmed the whole night, edited it up and broadcasted it on our school's morning TV announcements.
The next best one was burning crusade. My friend drove us and locked his keys in his car. We were stuck for 3 hours waiting for a cop to come and jimmy the lock. Doesn't sound fun but looking back it was a hilarious situation.
This is bullshit. I saw a video of hers on her private barely known channel and she said she grew to hate japan and it's racist culture. And she was living back in america again.
She was so close to doing porn as well.
Such a waste.
And people say doa tit bounce is unrealistic
Midnight midnight? Halo 3. After that my local game store stopped enforcing it having to be midnight and started releasing at midnight EST. If you mean a launch party/release party thing it was MGSV. They had some quiz stuff about metal gear lore and swept the floor with everyone else like the autistic loresperg that I am.
Smash Ultimate
I usually only go to midnight launches for Halo games but after the garbage that was 5 I'll probably stop.
Find a monster uggo
Or just a whore
Those people have never seen women in their lives.
My ex girlfriend's tits would bounce in ways that make DoA look fucking tame. Too bad she was nuts. Had a good ass too
I want to be left dripping and edged so I leak forever
>some poor kid is going to have this as his mother
wonder what his top fetish will be
Video game wise? Never.
I do go to MtG prereleases all the time though. Always fun to see every mtg player in my city congregate in one location.
People who helped me out as I started and many I haven't seen in years. Even new faces are great to see.
Good times. This is the end of my blog posting.
no, it's completely reasonable user
Girls get them after their breasts start hurting and they find a tumor. Even if it isn't bad it turns into cancer so they are forced to reduce em. Most older busty chicks have to do this. 27-40 age group.
Only time I ever did this was for Skyrim, some Gamestop employee said I needed a 360 HDD to play it so I spent $200 on a harddrive.
Needs more filters.
fuck off janny, take care of the fucking dozen smash threads you useless cunt
Wow mods I was gonna save that image
Save it, it's all yours my friend.
wow jannies KYS
Tranny jannies at it again huh?
hey mods how about you take care of the countless trap and eceleb threads you fucking faggots
>picture's gone
Wh-what was on it?
just fucking end me already
Janny, are you okay?
It was a webm of minxy's tits bouncing.
Fuck jannies
imagine being so lazy you have to press a "delete all posts by this ip" button to moderate a single thread
something trannyjannies can never have
This webm.
Its a Thursday night holyfuck
Cant you jannies just work on the weekend when the REAL ad revenue comes in?
I also went for a midnight release of BF3 for my 360, the beta Metro was a fun, laggy mess.
Halo 4 all the way back in 2012. I wouldn't get a game day one until KH3 this year
needless to say both were disappointing
that's quite the webm
it's just not fucking fair
>he's too scared to delete the thread so he deletes posts and images within it
Pathetic. Just delete the thread if it bothers you so much, otherwise you're just derailing it by bringing attention to your own ineptitude.
did she died
Why is janny afraid of goth girls?
Fuck off
that's fucking excellent
>the part where he goes limp as the guy's foot makes contact
>no thread on Yea Forums is safe from derailment
>not even mods and jannies can save it
never change Yea Forums
>Even the thighs jiggle a little
This makes me the big penis
It's a tranny that was shouting at them about the patriarchy and all that crap.
Tranny, cuck and normalfag threads are safe, though, those get to 300 posts easily.
The tranny janny is the one derailing the thread, moron.
She's a mother now, how about respecting her? Would you feel this way about your mother?
I wanna take that goth girl to a midnight release and come back home and do some late night gaming...
Holy mother of Chuck.
this is just shit
oh wait I see what you did there, clever
>I shouldn't have expected anything else.
the absolute state of fags who want Yea Forums to be on topic
this is your brain on communism
Those kind of girls would rather do other things with you at night, user.
>janny posts this
>waterboarding a babby in piss
Lanklets - when will they learn?
this would never have happened if the jannies stayed out of this thread
honestly what this baby grow up to be?
thats what I mean't dipshit
Even mods and jannies disrupt threads
>delete big tiddy goth grill pics instantly
>CP stays up
The absolute STATE of jannies.
Got nothing to do with that. The stupid fucking tranny janny could be cleaning up actual shitposts but he is here deleting pics of girls because he's SEETHING
He's seething because he'll never pass.
See what you made some user post janny? All because you deleted goth girls jesus christ
>see janny in the kinoplex
>sit next to him, elbow him in the face while sitting down
>his glasses fall off
>he gets on the ground and looks for them
>all of the African-American niggers start howling with laughter
>black negress walks up, grabs my dick, and whispers "you cute" in my ear
>janny having PTSD attack from his high school days
>runs out of the theatre crying like a baby
what a quality thread on Yea Forums's most esteemed board.
All the janny had to fucking do was not delete the goddamn webm
Whelp. That's about all I can take of Yea Forums. After clocking in at 5 years of service, I can safely say we're unsalvageable. Don't know where I'm gonna make my new start, but anywhere has to be better than here.
Godspeed, anons. Hope things get better.
>only 5 years
you are small time faggot
don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out you zoomer bitch