Is it worth picking up for free? It's free on Humble Bundle, but it looks kind of shit

Is it worth picking up for free? It's free on Humble Bundle, but it looks kind of shit.

Attached: file.png (616x353, 354K)

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wait until it goes on sale

Free is the biggest sale it's ever going to get you fuck.

Is as funny as doing a road trip for real with a car that requires regular maintenance.

its shit

>drive to location
>fix your car
>drive to location
>fix your car

wait what the fuck do you mean its free ? where can i get it, i love this game

He literally says it, Humble Bundle.

You can get a steam key for $1 on humble bundle

where the fuck is it

Attached: jalopy.png (749x314, 19K)

check your library

first post worst post

Scroll all the way down until you see it. Also, probably works too.

You can already feel the increased power of the jew at humble.
>previous free games were steam keys
>this free game is direct download only
>but you can have a steamkey for a dollar

>wanting DRM when you have a DRM-fre copy

Yeah, I know, cloud saves and automatic updates and achievements are nice. But, you know, this isn't the first game free game that's direct-download-only. Moreover, bundles with a pay-what-you-want tier regularly feature $1 minimums for Steam keys whereas you can pay $0.01 for direct downloads. This isn't abnormal.

They've give away lots of DRM free games before this was most likely a dev choice. The jew is real because the bundles have sucked for like 3-5 months now and I keep somehow paying for them dispite pressing the "opt out" option for that month. They will probably get a little better after July tho I don't know why but that seems like the trend

Sorry, Steamtard. DRM-free > Steam.

Let's be clear here, i'm not going to install or play the game either way. It's just an obvious cost cutting measure.

Anonymous can be a pretty funny poster sometimes

Attached: 1552116249384.jpg (481x491, 71K)

>It's just an obvious cost cutting measure.
You know that it's way cheaper to just sell Steam keys than actually hosting games, right?

The problem isn't the DRM-free copy at all, its that when you get the free copy you also get a "coupon" that it links you, which lets you buy a steam key for $1 from humble.

>wait what the fuck do you mean its free ?

It's like you've never seen a free giveaway before. They happen all the time, dude. This isn't even the only free game right now. See .

Better yet, see

Its not like humble doesn't already have the infrastructure, and the majority of "free" games had both when possible.

Biggest retard of the day


>getting mad about a coupon for DRM when you have a DRM-free copy for free

Noting that humble has gotten more jewish after the terms of sale expired isn't being mad user.

>and the majority of "free" games had both when possible.
Eh, no. Outcast: Second Contact just had a DRM-free copy (that had an expiration date to boot) and Guacamelee, Age of Wonders III and Amnesia Collection were just Steam key.

>pay for the steam key
fuck off

Attached: 1558378479377.png (407x416, 5K)

I paid, but only because they let me kept the DRM-free download. If they have pulled another Outcast, I wouldn't have paid shit.