Kingdom Hearts 3 is the best selling game of 2019 and has sold 6.4 million units since January

>Kingdom Hearts 3 is the best selling game of 2019 and has sold 6.4 million units since January
>Best selling game in the series
>Sora ranked #1 in a poll by the Japs for most desired character in Smash

Yea Forums what went so fucking right? And it took Final Fantasy XV 2 years to sell 8 million units. Kingdom Hearts 3 WILL outsell FF XV. That FF XV autist will kill himself finally

Attached: SORA SMASH BALLOT TOP SPOT.jpg (1200x1050, 190K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Note: People Source Gaming that made this poll themselves claimed in the US results even with Sora ranking #1, the series ain't as big as DQ or as iconic in gaming history. "Sorry Sora fans"*

Note: Fantranslation uses fags instead of fans*

Nobody outside Japan cares about DQ.

Same thing happened with marth and Roy in melee. You westcucks are annoying

>comparing 3rd party DLCs with 1st party base game inclusions

>DQ 11 has sold 4 million units since release last year
>KH 3 sold 5 million in the first week alone
Look I actually loved Dragon Quest 11 but you are out of fucking mind if you think DQ is more popular than KH now. KH is actually more popular now than its ever been

Attached: Dragon Quest 11.jpg (1280x720, 256K)


Attached: faggot.gif (275x400, 34K)

>Implying square wouldn't want to shill their second biggest series
>Implying kingdom hearts is more important to Nintendo than fucking dragon quest
You lost

>crash over banjo

Not that i'm complaining, at least crash is more alive than the boomer bear

Attached: no end.jpg (420x507, 38K)

In terms of raw sales dragon quest is still square enix second best selling series. Kingdom hearts is a young series that might rise to that level but right now DQ is still 2nd fiddle to FF.

DQfags, KHfags, we all know Square is too retarded to let any more of their properties benefit from a Smash dlc includion.

Will kill myself if either get in.

>tfw we could be in the timeline where we get Steve over Banjo but we just don't know it yet

Attached: IMG_20190513_072507.jpg (500x267, 17K)

>Steve is number 2

Why give up on nationalism now japan?

I’ve said it before but it’ll be in time for that DLC

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Is Steve ironic shitposting or do people legit want him in?

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>Noctis no where in sight despite FF XV being the most recent FF game
>2B actually ranked
Did Japs hate FF XV as much as we did ?

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Probably like 90% shitposting but rosterfags gonna rosterfag and Minecraft is pretty popular so he def has a number of unironic fans.

is #3? Goku?

>Nips want Crash more than Banjo

Damn, good taste.

I work at Naughty Dog
Instant main for me by obligation.

It’s also never been worse, so there’s that.


What went so wrong?

Attached: final-fantasy-xv-135201.71.jpg (640x640, 83K)

don't remind me, bro. i want erdrick/slime so damn bad but damn squeenix are fags

>most desired
u wot m8

>being popular makes you good
Man I can’t wait for Ariana Grande’s inclusion in the Led Zeppelin tribute album. I gotta go to bed now so this is the only (you) you’ll get from me but I just wanted to remind you that there is now lower faggot than a discord faggot.

Attached: 3AC02A6B-7B4F-461F-8517-AF959FD59361.png (300x250, 17K)

>erdrick/sora gets in
>1 stage, 2 songs, 0 remixes, no stickers
Thanks, I hate it. Fuck squeenix.


>DLC already decided
>Smash devs have explicitly said no post-release polls would be considered

KH3 hadn't spiked in popularity before the Smash DLC was finalized. I'd rate Sora as a mid-tier possibility. Not a bad pick and obvious appeal, but I don't know.

Knowing Square and the precedent of Smash DLC to this point, I'd honestly say Noctis is more likely than Sora no matter how stupid that sounds.

No it isn't, it is still sub 5m sold, it only shipped 5m total and is already on half price or less, its only had highest DOLLAR SALES AKA PRICE from launch in the US ONLY because that is the only thing NPD tracks, not fucking units sold. KH3 sold nowhere near as well as XV and hasnt outsold KH1 or KH2s sales yet at all either.

XV sold 6m in its 1st month and did 8.4m in under 2 years which is faster than any FF ever, KH3 is still sub 5m after 4 months and only had highest dollar sales at launch in the US which is the only thing NPD ever reports which is why its 2019 US only "best selling" from dollar sales.

Dumb fucking KH shills

Attached: D7QDsXeUEAI-fYB.jpg (675x900, 132K)

Kingdom hearts is a baby game and anyone who plays that shit should be ashamed of themselves.

Hell no I don't want that Jennifer Aniston-looking ass on my Smash Roster. If they add him I would refund my season pass then individually re-purchase all the other characters that aren't from the ungodly amalgamation of weeb and Disney shit that is Kingdom Hearts

10 years too late

Oh look the triggered XV turk is up. An alla akbar to you too Barry.

>kh turds making shit up again
>kh turds not knowing the difference between unit sales and revenue

why does the "japanese-ness" of the image feel artificial? like if an actual japanese poll was done it wouldn't be presented like that

What the fuck are you talking about? Why are you shilling KH3 with blatant lies? It sold nowhere near that much and dollar sales is not units sold, dollar sales is only factored from price and since it was full price at launch and had a bunch of 80 and 100 versions the dollar sales all adds up to a higher number, again which is only for the US because NPD is only tracking US, not worldwide and they dont report units sold.

>What the fuck are you talking about?
Just dabbing on XVs grave to make you seethe more Barry. Couldn't care less about KH.

Oh so you're just pretending to be retarded just to shill KH.

Cope harder turkroach

>a poll by the Japs
oh, is that what this is?

because it isn't Japanese; see above

the total number of submitted votes for this poll was something like 1000. i honestly don't give a fuck about KH but this thread is built on garbage.

>>Sora ranked #1 in a poll by the Japs for most desired character in Smash
It's most expected, not most wanted
You illiterate retard

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God, what cancer.

but kh3 sold less and reviewed worse and has lower userscores and is worse

seeth more nigger tranny lover
kh3 is fucking trash

And how this is supposed to make me like Kingdom Hearts crap XVkun? Is this some retarded turk logic or something like how islam is a religion of peace or Final Fantasy XV wasn't shit?

no it didn't


Too busy dabbing on XVs failure to seethe turk roach.

you're the only one defending kh3 here you dumb tranny muslim nigger

but kh3 sold worse, reviewed worse, has lower userscores and is worse
you're clearly shilling kh3 here you seething nigger faggot

Barry lives rent free in KHfags heads

xv is the best selling ff in the series so no more like ffxv is dabbing on you

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>post yfw You're Not Bazztek

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Don't give a shit about KH. Said it multiple times. Just doing my duty to remove kebab. Cry more over your dead game XVkun.

Feels even better not being Bazztek after get got outed as a Melbourne Turk.

>xv is the best selling ff in the series
Holy shit XV retards are literally making shit up

Attached: Final Fantasy VII.jpg (620x420, 70K)

What now?

>sold so bad a season pass of dlc was scrapped, creator fired and lost 33 million
Oh I'm laughing. At least we still have Dragon Quest XI.

Kingdom Hearts 3 only sold well because of a combined effort of constant trailer hype AND it was Kingdom Hearts 3, the game fans have been wanting since the PS3 gen.

Don't forget a chunk of OLD FANS were disappointed with Kingdom Hearts 3. Waiting for so long to get such a poorly constructed game that was full of blatant sequel bait and not interested in properly wrapping up Xehanort's arc.

Don't fool yourself. Kingdom Hearts sales will likely decrease for the following games. And another thing? They've really ran out of GOOD Disney films. Selling well in the moment doesn't mean anything. However I want you to also consider the following, Kingdom Hearts 3 sold less than Crash Bandicoot's Remake Trilogy. A remake destroyed Kingdom Hearts 3's sales. So it's not really all that and if you think that Kingdom Hearts 3 is going to outsell Last of Us which is coming this year? Think again. The future for Nomura's series is not looking bright. And I hope all the bad writing comes to bite Nomura in the balls.

Apparently Bazztek is a Turk that lives ib Melbourne.

What did I miss now about this autist? Last time I missed out when he posted gore and CP in a thread to get it deleted because he was getting his ass BTFO

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DQ11 managed to sell 4 million in Japan and only on the PS4. The Switch version if not out.

Kingdom Hearts has achieved nice sales of 6 million but this was with the following conditions:

1) Multiplat for PS4 and Xbox.

2) Global release essentially since Japan and Western Continents got the game around the same time.

Dragon Quest is overall much more impressive in its sales.

rent free

I thought DQ11 was on PC too. I also heard Square was disappointed it didn't do as well as 9 overseas because well Square is retarded and wouldn't recognize a good thing if it hit them in the face, ie Octopath and Bravely Default.

but kh3 is dead

xv sold 8.4m in under 2 years
ff7 sold 6.57m in 2 years
xv is outpacing ff7 sales so yes xv is the best selling ff

>but kh3 is dead
Cool, they can bury it next to Final Fantasy XV.

none of that happened
no season pass ever was scrapped, only bonus non canon dlc that was never initially planned was
33m had nothing to do with the game, only to do with a new company formed in 2018
also the xv mobile game made over 300m in 2018 so any money lp lost were made back instantly
and tabata quit to start his own company

dq11 sold barely 4m and did less than 600k in the west
xv sold over 8.4m

That poll isn’t from japan, retard, some autists just machine translated it to japanese

that was a kh fag that did that to falseflag
this turk shit sounds like made up kh fag shit too
he literally lives rent free

kh3 has not sold 6m, its sub 5m sold, it only shipped 5m to retailers it has not sold that number or sold over it

dq11 did 3.4m across 3DS and PS4 in japan and only 600k across PS4 and PC in the west for its 4m number

>xv is outpacing ff7 sales so yes xv is the best selling ff
Holy shit Bazztek look at your retarded ass logic. You are so goddamn stupid it hurts. No matter how try to spin it, FF 7 HAS MORE SALES THAN FF 15. It's not even up for debate it is a FACT. And if you do want to use your retarded ass logic, KH 3 sold more than FF XV because KH 3 has 6 million sales in less than 4 months. Please die already

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>DQ11 managed to sell 4 million in Japan and only on the PS4
Why do you guys always have to lie?

Im neutral about Steve, I wouldn't give a damn if he gets in as a character or a mii costume

All I want is a minecraft stage

For polls like this? Probably moreso legit, especially ones from Japan. I have a feeling they don't have as much of a stigma towards Steve as the one that exists in the west.

The most popular characters tend to also be the most expected.

Barry desperately trying to damage control once again.

They don't have stigma with Steve, but we've already seen their polls. We've seen famitsu's "characters expected in Smash" and 4gamer's "what staff thinks will be in Smash".

Are you illiterate? I said XV is the best selling because it is

FF7 sold 6.57m after 2 years, it had an installbase of PS1, PS2 and PC which are all bigger than PS4 and XB1 installbase, FF7 also had a fuckton more marketting
XV is consistently ranked in top 5 best FF polla with over 10k votes and it also has higher userscores on its most recent version than FF7 ever had, XV literally kept selling months and years after release and only got a 3rd year of DLC with episode ardyn only because of fan demand

FF7 didn't even start selling higher until its price was slashed to budget release in the PS1 greatest hits version, XV sold the bulk of it at launch at full price with less than 500k of its sales being from sales

FFXV made more money with that 300k from its first month on steam than FF7 did with 5 years of steam sales despite being at 1m.

With Steam XV made more money on Steam in 1 month than FF7 did in 5 years on Steam.
FF7 default price is $12 on Steam and frequently on sale for $6.
FFXV default price is $50 on Steam and only a few times on sale for $25.
In 1 month on Steam XV had sold 300k at full $50 price before any sale, in 5 years on Steam FF7 sold 1m priced at $12 max and frequently at $6.

In 1 month at $50 with 300k XV has made 15000000
In 5 years at $12 with 1m FF7 has made 12000000 at the absolute maximum if it never had any sales, but since it's frequently on sale for $6 it's made far less than that.

So even if the total for 7 is higher it still made far less money in 5 years on Steam than XV did in 1 month on Steam, ergo is not as successful as XV was in its first month, and XV is over 700k on steam now.

Also XV sold 8.4m in its first 2 years, FF7 did only 6.57m in its first 2 years and FF8 didn't hit 8m until 4 years after release, XV is selling far better than any FF.

XV sold 8.4m after 1 year 11 months too, so cope.

KH3 has not sold 6m at all, it is still sub 5m, XV hit 6m in 1 month. Fucking idiot

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>implying there will be a square rep at all

Mentally ill discord meme character

says the kh shill

And the mad turk has a complete meltdown.
Sorry Barry 11 will always be more than 8.
Here's your source for the pic

Attached: 1394 votes.png (630x786, 211K)

What does it say in English?

for the record that guy is a japanese version of a youtuber

seeth and rent free


FF7 cost more to make than XV did and sold less in the same timespan than XV did

it was comfirmed XV budget was less than destiny budget which was 140m, FF7 budget was $146m-$200m+

xv sold 8.4 m in 2 years
ff7 did under 6.57 in 2 years

meaning xv made more money, more faster and at a higher price point

ff7 was put sub $15 after a few years and the bulk of its 11m total after it hit 6.57m were from budget releases from $6 to $15 after it hit the playstation classics plus its port prices

ffxv had over 6m at full price and was sold an additional 1.4m at full price on the pc version and royal version, while barely even 500k of its sales were on sales

selling 1m priced at $6-$12 doesn't mean shit when selling 300k priced at $50 is more money made ergo more successful

even ffxv on sale on steam cost more than full price ff7 on steam and makes more money than 7 does for every sale

meant for

Holy shit this is autism in its purest form. The level of fucking mental gymnastics you go through to suck off that piece of shit game. You seriously need to rethink your life. You are beyond pathetic

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The guy did a survey for who people expected would be the dlc characters. He also listed that the number of votes received was 1394, and that Lloyd and 2b tied and Chrono and Phoenix tied. That particular picture was of him comparing his results with the more recent English ballot.

He also has a video that goes in detail, but it's also in Japanese.

And yet Final Fantasy XV hasn't even come half way near the sales of Red Dead Redemption 2 kek fucking flop

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Heeeeeeee's heeeeeeeeerrrrrreeeeee

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its soo funny how Yea Forums will trash the shit out of XV because it was actually successful. Yea Forums just hated the fact that there's no waifu to play with and no deep connections with the females in the game. its like FFX-2 all over again but the difference is XV made bank

And you would doom smash ultimate to be vulnerable to the cruel grasp of Darth Mouse remember what happened to marvel vs Capcom 3 do you want that to happen here?

What's his reveal trailer gonna be Sorabros?

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The only mental gymnastics here are from you, I said it is the best selling FF and that it sold more than any other FF ever when comparing release timespans, that is a fact, deal with it.

and FFXV DLC were cancelled due to structural changes within Square Enix. and now FF7 Remake is taking a lot of their resouces. and idk what will happen to the company if they cant make any profit from FF7 RE

rdr2 has nothing to do with SE or Japanese games

youre waaayyyyy off topic user

Post better modern RPGS better than Final Fantasy XV. I'll start with a no brainer

Attached: DRAGON QUEST XI.jpg (890x606, 110K)

Remember the day Barry got BTFO by both DMC and KH fans, and got him banned in the process.

That battle was truly glorious.

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rent free

>Crash beat Banjo
I bet some of you nintendies are crying with rage right now

Attached: winger.jpg (2400x1800, 584K)

Let me double check.
Yep 11 still more than 8. VII remains king.

Reminder Sora will NEVER be in Smash

Persona chads

Attached: Persona_5_cover_art.jpg (250x354, 124K)

FFXV windows edition

Attached: DTpW4tcVMAATB6b.jpg large.jpg (765x1096, 189K)

you mean when kh fags tried to suck up to dmchads after kh3 failed?

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Horse balls confirmed for Smash?


8.4m in 2 years is higher than 6.57m in 2 years.

Final Fantasy VII has 11 million sales
Final Fantasy XV has 8 million sales
11 is a bigger number than 8 you goddamn lunatic
VII >>> XV

Attached: aerith bae.jpg (1920x1080, 159K)

Divinty Original Sin 2.

That's right. Even wrpgs are better than FFXV.

Here's the top 50 of that ballot and how many votes they received
1 Kingdom Hearts Sora [140]
2 Minecraft Steve [125]
3 Dragon Quest Hero (including Lotto) [118]
4 Xenoblade Rex & Homura / Hikari [62]
5 Crash Bandicoot [56]
6 Banjo Kazooie Banjo & Kazooie [54]
7 MOTHER Pokey [50]
8 Star Kirby Bandana Dee [49]
9 Monster Hunter Hunter [40]
10 UNDERTALE Sans [38]
11 Pokemon New Starter Final Evolution [33]
12 Devil May Cry Dante [26]
13 FE Three Houses Byleth (My Unit) [21]
14 Tekken Mishima Heihachi [19]
15 NieR: Automata 2B [14]
16 Tales of Symphonia Lloyd [14]
17 UNDERTALE Frisk [13]
18 Chrono Trigger Chrono [12]
19 Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright [12]
20 FF 7 Sephiroth [11]
21 Dragon Quest Slime [11]
22 Puyo Arle & Carbuncle [11]
23 Touhou Project Reimu [10]
24 Fortnite Character [9]
25 Star Kirby Adeleine & Ribbon [9]
26 Yo-Kai Watch Jibanyan [9]
27 Splatoon Octarian [8]
28 Monster Hunter Nyanter (including Airou) [8]
29 FF 13 Lightning [7]
30 Okami Amaterasu [7]
31 Taiko drum Tatsuno Don-chan [7]
32 Pokemon Sceptile [7]
33 Ninja Gaiden Ryu Hayabusa [7]
34 The King of Fighters Kusanagi [6]
35 Tales of Vesperia Yuri [6]
36 Tetris Tetrimino [6]
37 Mario RPG Geno [6]
38 Fate Saber [5]
39 FF 10 Tidus [5]
40 FF 15 Noctis [5]
41 Halo Master Chief [5]
42 Cup Head Cup Head & Mugman [5]
43 Resident Evil Leon [5]
44 Kid Icarus Viridi [5]
45 Yakuza Kiryu Kazuma [5]
46 ASTRAL CHAIN Main character [4]
47 BLAZBLUE Ragna the Blood Edge [4]
48 FE Heroes Anna [4]
49 FE Three Houses Edelgard [4]
50 Sakura Wars Shinguuji Sakura [4]

Attached: Screen_Shot_2019-03-22_at_5.33.23_PM.png (1047x639, 567K)

>Japan expects Sora and Steve over Erdrick


Honestly I HATE the Disney Corporation. I don't want Nintendo to have to deal with these coporate Jewish Bastards. Disney is honestly garbage and their animated movies are largely shit. I can't stand how many people are raised on Disney and think their animated films are good. They're expensive with big budgets, but good? Pfft no way. Disney is the reason Western Animation is SHIT for kids. And these days Disney is pumping their animated films full of Leftist agenda propaganda like in Zootopia. So Disney is even more cancerous.

I want that diseased Jewish rat Mickey Mouse to be kept away from Nintendo's series. I don't care for Disney and I don't want to see them get free money via DLC. If there's justice in this world Disney will hopefully be destroyed by Comcast.

Attached: kingdom hearts 3 box art full.jpg (1080x1492, 564K)

pic not related

>popularity meme for DQ to pretend KH isnt well known

King K Rool
Simon Belmont

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FF7 sold 6.57m in 2 years
FFXV sold 8.4m in 2 years

XV is selling better than FF7 is and is outpacing its sales you goddamn lunatic.

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It's important to note that the polls with steve near the top isnt a popularity poll, just an expectancy poll

aka, believing insiders poll

>Lightning above Noctis at #29

Holy shit the nips fucking hate FF 15 with a passion. Goddamn it's actually kind of sad at how bad of a reception FF XV got

Attached: lightning in cloud clothes.jpg (916x1300, 102K)

there isn't a single game better.

oh no

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I wouldn't mind seeing Sora in Smash Bros IF Disney didn't own him. I hate Disney so fucking much.

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Why are you arguing over franchise sales when FF is already in the fucking game

Oh shit, I just realized this might make Barry shit up DOSII threads.

I meant to say Pillars of Eternity 2 is better than Final Fantasy XV.

>2 years
XV came out 3 years ago.


At least you tried

Japan's best games of Heisei era aka best 20 games in the last 30 years had XV again in top 5 for the FFs listed
1. Chrono Trigger
2. The Legend of Zelda: BOTW
3. NieR: Automata
4. Final Fantasy VII
5. Okami
6. The Legend of Zelda: OoT
7. Final Fantasy X
8. Pokémon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow
9. Dragon Quest V
10. Xenogears
11. Vainglory
12. Suikoden II
13. Mother 2
14. Splatoon 2
15. Tactics Ogre
16. Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G
17. Kingdom Hearts
17. (tie) Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
19. Final Fantasy XV
20. Final Fantasy XI
20. (tie) Pokémon Diamond/Pearl

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>The 7 people who wanted Sceptile

I've been told Nomura has some level of clout regarding Sora's ownership.

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XV hit 8.4m by November 2018, 2 years after release
FF7 hit 6.57m by January 1999, 2 years after release

>17. Kingdom Hearts
>19. Final Fantasy XV

Look man I just want DISNEY to die. And I know Comcast is more powerful than the Jewish Rat Mickey.

>I've been told Nomura has some level of clout regarding Sora's ownership.

He does not. Disney owns Sora and ALL original content for Kingdom Hearts. Disney out of "courtesy" lets Nomura handle Sora's execution, but that's it. Disney doesn't need to be so nice to Nomura, they can easily say "Bottom line is we own Sora so you don't matter Nomura." Disney owns Sora. Don't argue against this fact.

kh1 is the only good kh meanwhile no kh3 listed at all while xv is so kh3 btfo and kh2 btfo

>KH above FF XV

Attached: 1522108212847.jpg (895x895, 516K)

KH3 not listed at all nor is KH2 listed so KH3 completely BTFO by XV

the person above me is barry

Well of course because the list was made before KH 3 you retard. Goddamn Bazztek is literally losing his fucking sanity

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Attached: 1537778372932.jpg (1242x1539, 536K)

No it wasnt, the list is for Heisei era which was January 1989 to end of April 2019, KH3 came out 3 months before that poll was made.

Are you fucking retarded you lying fag?

2 people voted for Sakurai himself
2 voted for Jotoro from JJBA
2 voted for Waluigi

Attached: 1538282536476.jpg (317x265, 20K)

Lightning being so popular is disgusting. She's such an unlikable abrasive cunt with an unattractive body. Japs really have to be major Beta Loser Males. Lightning just made me want to beat her up (and also castrate Toriyama and force feed one of his testicles to him and the other give them to a cat to chew and swallow just to punish this loser).

No it wasn't, it was made monthe after KH3 was already out.


That literally has NOTHING to do with Smash you fucking dumb ass Aussie shitskin

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>All those JRPG anime boys

I thought JRPGs were a niche genre for otaku losers, what happened. I will be very disappointed if any other jrpg protag gets into Smash.

maaya sakamoto is her va and she is popular
she also voices aerith

No one cares about FF XV.

I never said it did? It is about most voted FF character to be in KH3 and Noct won, which proves the person I was replying to wrong.

its the best ff and everyone does

>Smash thread about Sora possibly being in Smash
>Barry like clockwork derails it with his FFXV shit

Why can't the mods just permaban him?

Attached: 200.gif (398x200, 2.3M)

>best selling game of 2019
>6.4 million units since January
There's games on the Wii that sold more then that this year.
Apparently it's not dead in some parts of the world.

but you're the one seething about xv while defending the lies in the OP post regarding kh3 sales just to shill KH3

Attached: 1554124609391.jpg (1920x1080, 375K)

kh3 didn't even sell 6.4m, it didnt even sell 6m, OP is making shit up pulling numbers out of his ass

2019... I am forgotten.

so why are you not in north korea??

What did the Smash community do to deserve this?

Really user? Really?

The list goes on.

same with kh3 lel

They have. He buys vpns and passes to get around his range ban.

and ffxv lmao

Think they will get American Beauty girl ir Mandy Moore for the remake?

B-But the XC2DF told me Rex and Pyra were Japan's most wanted.

The only thing this poll tells me is that with the inclusion of Simon Belmont, there are no more characters that deserve entry. This is going to be awkward when they make the next Smash game.

>Hey everyone, it's Mike Jones! And Rayman! Woooo buy our game please

I really can't think of anyone either.

Bazztek was discovered to be a Turk.

Attached: bazztek is turk.png (1668x2314, 1.05M)

I thought this was the most expected character list? Not who people want the most?

He's average to me. But most of the people who hate roster threads spam Steve for the hell of it.


rent free

>Bazztek was discovered to be a Turk.
This is golden.

Attached: homer buys a playstation 4.gif (375x375, 179K)

Post music you want with Sora (all three versions of Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion, but this is my favorite) (a Smash remix of Dearly Beloved like they did with Beneath the Mask where Yoko Shimomura can go crazy with her own music) (unlikely, but holy fuck could you imagine)

Attached: The King.jpg (514x900, 73K)

No Sanctuary? Come on bro.

>Monster Hunter in top 10
>Prowler in top 30
>Resident Evil barely make it in top 50

We won hunters, bros !!!

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i just tried that and it didnt work
and that email isn't linked to that youtube so that isn't proof it's him
googling bazztek and there is a bunch of people using that name one is even a DJ called DJ bazztek and different Twitter accounts using that name too. it's not a unique name only 1 person has.

I was thinking of more fast paced music for battling. When I think Sanctuary, I think about self reflection and spacing out.

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I just googled bazztek and got this youtube account
It directly links to his twitter. Pretty sure it is his account, I mean your account Barry.

Oh wow those videos are cringe.

Fucking Yea Forums and their shit

Well I always suspected after he posted his hand here. But good to get official confirmation.

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I'm saying that email isn't linked to that Youtube account and that it isn't proof it's him. that youtube account linking to his Twitter doesn't link to that email. I'm saying there is multiple people that use bazztek so its not proof its his email.

like this is some musician DJ called bazztek inc.

this is some other dude who has kids and is in Melbourne named bazztek too

All of the openings are unlikely as fuck thanks to all the copyright loopholes that would need to be navigated. That said we'll probably get most of Yoko's music since she fucking worked on smash, despite there only being 2 songs for Midgar. Keep in mind that the main reason why FF7 has fuck all for music in smash is because the composer is being a faggot.

We're more likely to get songs like these
>Night of Fate Remix
>Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden
>Destati/Dive into the Heart Remix
>Twilight Town
>Cavern of Rememberance
>Character Theme Remixes (Sora, Riku, etc.)
>Rage Awakened Remix
>Wave of Darkness (Demon Tide theme)
>Various Boss Theme Remixes (Encounter, 13th Struggle, The Deep End, etc.)

If we somehow got Sanctuary, they could easily make a battle remix for it for smash. Plenty of other songs have gotten a similar treatment, like Beneath the Mask for Persona 5.

Kingdom Hearts is for cool people
Dragon Quest is for niggers
end of story

turkish people are mainly fair skinned though

>panicking this hard
Looks like Barry is running scared now.

>no Spooks of Halloween Town
>no Pirate's Gigue
>no Caribbean battle theme
>no Scherzo di Notte
>no Sinister Sundown
If Disney wants to really commit I hope we'll get a few Disney world themes in the game alongside Donald and Goofy showing up in some way.

Sora as a character is a lot more iconic than any MC in DQ.

Why would I be panicking when I'm pointing out that email doesn't even link to his youtube you posted and that there is multiple people that use the name "bazztek"? Or are you going to keep assuming anyone responding to you is Barry?

>why do you think I am barry and not some random user jumping in to his defense?

How is pointing out that the email you posted doesn't link to the youtube account you posted jumping to his "defense"?

>barry living so rent free that people are still trying to dox him
the absolute state of kh fags

Secret is out VX-kun. We got your roach skinned hand to prove it.

It really is this simple.

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but Turks are mainly fair skinned so wouldn't that just prove it's not him moreso?

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Absolutely fucking based Nips
He's fucking in boys.

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>but Turks are mainly fair skinned

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>Three of my most wanted are in the top ten

Attached: MoMalovania.gif (384x448, 85K)

Stop samefagging barry

>all these shallow "r-rent freeeeeeeeeee" posts

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Shut the fuck up bay bay

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>Sans in top 10
Japan has some good fucking taste, holy shit

Attached: sans.jpg (1024x576, 145K)

I sure hope you're not talking about KH unless you slept through the early 2010's

Because unlike Yea Forums Nips don't care about the "pixelshit" meme.

Adeleine seems to be catching up.

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What does Dedede look like without his hat and coat?

>KH1 is the only good KH
Look I can understand people who think KH2 is better than KH3 but this is just retard.

Based. DQ is forgettable rubbish.
>Negative birthrate Japlet virgins who get off to cuckshit and literally hire fake girlfriends
>Calling others cucks

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Friendship can form in the unlikeliest places.

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kek no surprises here

Japs and Burgers both have wanted Bandana Dee for so long, so consistently. They have to give it to us. Prese.

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imagine liking sora and thinking he is a good character

What's wrong with him? I only played the first Kingdom Hearts back when it came out but I think he's an alright guy. He has some nice keyblade moves and he has all kinds of magic spells and abilities.

He's cute. It's just kinda weird that his arms are so long. Especially since they were little nubs in Kirby 64.