Yea Forums is being constantly flooded by marketers from clickbait sites pretending to find an article where someone is mad about a game and directly linking it every single time like this thread .

sites have admitted they're doing this on purpose for clicks. PLEASE ONLY ALLOW SCREEN SHOTS OR ARCHIVES. The board is being flooded by these marketers constantly!

Attached: 1547071224830.png (499x479, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread: aren't you playing Elder Scrolls Online/


If Hiro cared about the site at all and wasn't making bank from marketers this would have been a hard rule a long time ago, but here we are.

should hate clickers be jailed for white supremacy?

Attached: polerm.jpg (500x506, 45K)

This isn't a democracy. You have better chance contacting gook directly.

Maybe instead of forcing other people to consider your feelings, you should develop more control over them.

have sex

Seriously, why would any marketer think Yea Forums is a great place to promote or shill their shit here when that money could be spent on an Instagram influencer and give more bang for the buck than wasting on this NEET riddled website.

I'm literally gonna give them as many clicks as possible to spite you.

Because they have the money to do both, and then more ways you didn't even list, and then a couple more ways you didn't think of, and then two more than that.

better start up your loli collection and activate your weaponized autism because hiroshima doesn't want these marketers gone

millions of unique users = millions of potential good goyims

It's been long proven as incredibly exploitable and anything that causes outrage will benefit from it here when it gives the Idea it will piss off sects of the board you don't like. Case in point:

Mods, please trace this guys IP.

What would you do with it

>Yea Forums has viral marketing
You're a few years late m8
Ubisoft have been doing it for ages and likely plenty of others

Based mods.

i agree with op

because you just make a thread and its instantly on the front page? are you fucking retarded? you just bump it and you have a link on the front page for your clickbait in front of thousands of people instantly.

Take them up on their offer

Wow guys... Look at this awesome article about morrowinds quirky in game books. Its really worth a look!

Are there really people who still don't use adblockers?

they still benefit from having unique visitors

Fuck that, just ban all "news" that isn't what game/when it comes out, cut the snake's head off so we can be free of rage farming even if it stays on Yea Forums. Ban twitter screen caps while were at it too.

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We should also ban Japanese games. Weebs and fromshitters always ruin the board. GUYS WHAT ELSE SHOULD BE BAN TOO?

man I hope these fags have good server security

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Finally some fucking video games in this thread.

How about this piece on the kind of internet speed you'll need for Google Stadia.

Well, Yea Forums? Can you run stream Crysis?

maybe if all of you assholes stopped spouting your dumb feelings like literal sjw's,this would not happen.

but nooooo, you all have to go on autistic meltdowns and bumb those bullshit threads.

unironically have sex fucking incels.

reedit spacing because fuck you.

Attached: Jesuschristhowhorrifying.jpg (843x508, 92K)

Yes, there are actual retards out there not using Ublock Origin and Adnauseum.
I ALWAYS have Ublock Origin enabled and any site that tries to fuck with Ublock I will disable Ublock and use Adnauseum with just to fuck over their analytics.

Using pastebin or something else should be bannable. You're not allowed to post magazine scans, you're not allowed to post illegal download links, you shouldn't be allowed to post "website scans" either.

This will never take off because of how much Data it consumes
>Having a data limit
Like it or not most people have a data limit, and as long as this uses 1tb of data if you played 24 hours straight it will never work.

>You're not allowed to post magazine scans, you're not allowed to post illegal download links
Where are you getting this, you lunatic?

How do they make money? I thought basically everyone used adblock nowadays?

No need to ban if anons wise up. Which of course they won't. And you will get contrarian morons who will support clickbait because it's the new dumb culture of this site.

Posting anything but a direct source to the website should be an instant ban. If you are using pastebin or something similar you are obviously just editing the article to try and create a narrative.

Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /pol/ are probably bottom tier boards in terms of intelligence. There's no sense in trying to change this. Just accept it. It's time to leave this shithole behind.

Attached: ThePlunge_Home_SuitTux_Image_Mobile.png (640x860, 129K)

The only way you can get legit information about video games is from a youtuber

One who isn't being paid for. So find one who is a literal who that has decent taste and give them a listen before they inevitably get found and then their opinions are bought and paid for.

>literally does not understand how works

>le japanese mom larper
Fuck off. Not vidya.

Yea Forums is truly fucking retarded when they fall for click bait EVERY FUCKING TIME. Are you people literally retarded?

and where are you from, smart boy?

And go where?

Agreed but the faggot mods don't care about the board so expect nothing to be done. Plus we have retards/shitposters like
so it's gonna be an uphill battle. Good thing those useless retards we call mods stopped all projared discussion, really cleaned the board up.

Yea Forums and /ck/ too

>we're trying to uproot and destroy the entirety of white existence
>someone asks a question
>that's antisemitc, goy

fuck pol and fuck racism
fuck pol and fuck racism
fuck pol and fuck racism and fuck this cringey tryhard
oh yeah fuck pol racism and ths gamergayte guy pretending to be a woman

>things have gotten so bad companies have started pissing off goyim just to milk the resulting ad revenue

Yea Forums too

found the poopy skin

Resetera BAY BAY

4+Yea Forums

Get ready to answer for your crimes, jew.


Yea Forums should just automatically make news site urls into archive links.


fuck pol and fuck racism
reported, dont bother to try on me for announcing since im posting on 4g

Direct links to any news sites should be filtered. The mods have the tools to not allow posts with specific text on them being posted, they just aren't doing anything about it

Global Rule #1
Rule #1 for /t/ gets more specific.

>this only applies to /t/
Copyright law applies to all boards as you can see in Global Rule #1. Yeah some stuff will let slide if it's not too noticeable and no one is reporting it. Try starting a game sharing or movie sharing thread and see what happens.

I'm not sure if these web pages are copywritten in the US or how that works. Not linking them (while using their content) is at least breaking Global Rule #1 in spirit.

Don't forget /fit/

Social media board when?
You can easily have a board for just youtube and twitter.

The whole model for all this bullshit seems like it's failing to make the money they want it to. Normally companies wouldn't be so shitty to the public, like I get they think they're being cute but it doesn't actually help them by doing that.

Oh, so you're literally too stupid to understand how copyright works. Get the fuck out of here, you obvious teenaged summer tourist.

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Not a good argument even for a mindless /pol/fagget.

Wanna know something user, in like 2010 The Escapist got something like 50 million hits a month, a few weeks ago Schrier was bragging that Kotaku got 15 million hits a month. Pewdiepie gets like 300 million hits a month. These dumbshit journofags are toast they've sold out their audience for easy money with clickbait but now their whole business model is destroyed. I'd be surprised if any of these losers are around in 5 years, there's a reason they keep closing down.

tranny detected

Google fair use

yea you dont know what the fuck youre talking about dip shit. screen shotting a page is fair use, youre reporting on it. literally every youtube video screenshots web pages to discuss it.


Yea Forums should have a point system where you can vote posts up or down. These votes tied to your IP, if you ever have a negetive ratio you are banned from posting for 1 month. Then it resets and you can try again.

>implying they dont pay for access to post here specifically for marketing purposes

You'd have to be retarded not to see the marketing potential of Yea Forums
>completely anonymous, so no need to link an account to your shilling
>has a reach to thousands of users

They're not retarded. They're just a board of eccentric geniuses that recognizes the futility of online discussion.

I accept your concession.

Yeah these people are top tier faggots, they know they're fucked too. Why do you think they got so ass blasted after being told repeatedly on Twitter to "learn to code"? They were arrogant enough to think no matter how shitty they treated the public that we would keep crawling back to them. Instead they have been reduced to a joke, even normalfags shit on them. Imagine dedicating your whole life to journalism, hoping to reach that gate keeper status, only to become a national joke and hated by all, soon to be broke.

And you should kill yourself for such weak bait

>Calling yourself based
How much of a fucking tryhard faggot can you be?

This isn't reddit you retard we don't do petitions or pleas. Contact admins and get ignored.

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It used to be part of Yea Forums culture to always provide archive links but there's been a recent surge of newfags complaining about it. What the fuck happened to this place, because it's nothing like how I remember it.

>Yea Forums should become /r/eddit
no and fuck off


Attached: zenimax shill.jpg (2586x4396, 1013K)

Sounds like someone would have a negative vote value, I can see why you are against it.


/pol/ is the only board using archives to prevent news sites

Yea Forums is too retarded to use archives

We tried to make the newfags do it, but we've been drowned out. This is the future they chose.

Imagine thinking this proves anything, the posts were made on the same day. Obviously they reached the post limit and created a new one. How much of a brainlet are you

Respect the hustle

Seriously, this site got literally sold long ago

>we flood you with low IQ redditors/teenagers
>board quality goes down
>haha, I guess Yea Forums was a low-quality board all along!
It's all so tiresome.

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This is because /pol/ is the only board retarded enough to unironically link to clickbait.
Yea Forums only has b8ers link to clickbait to make fake shill threads. Except for genuine shills for one angry incel.

The newfaggotry in this post is appalling.

Check the archive for yourself, my dear retarded friend. He's still doing it. aren't you playing Elder Scrolls Online/

Not using archive is the clearest sign of a newfag or off-boarder. There's no excuse when it is as easy as it is

You get mentally ill retards like that on Yea Forums your post proves absolutely nothing. One guy has been coming into every single persona thread for years saying 'I love Fuuka' every time without fail, barry-kun posts in every KH thread etc, some people are just so mentally ill they will post the same shit every day.

im sorry but could you try posting this in english? im not sure reddit fags like you understand how to fit in yet.

How can you call him stupid when you're clearly retarded, many people have shilled here just like that, they use the same images, same phrasing, same tone in the thread. No wonder this board is fucked when actual retards like you are here is such numbers. This is why you're told to lurk moar faggot.

fuck archives fuck gaymergate fuck kotakuinaction

I will take a million Barrys and Fuukafags before I give into Reddit upvoting faggotry. You retards are willingly giving away your humanity, and you don't even realize why.

yeah bro it's definitely not shills

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Just stop coming to Yea Forums and using the internet. This site's been dead since 2013 and nothing you do will bring it back. Go live your life and be happy with the memories you have and move on with your lives.

fuck you

Have you been here less than a week? People deliberately false flag like that, that's obvious bait, you're supposed to think it's marketing.

Don't need to ban, just word filter the name of the sites that do this.

It doesn't cost anything to. Hiro will refuse to address this, though.

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and most of those posts were popular enough to reach the post limit, its almost like those people wanted to talk about vidya games. wow shocking

Don't forget crying about /pol/ any time anything even slightly political comes up. It's like they forget it's not their reddit hugbox. Then add in the discord trannys and we have current year Yea Forums.

Check the dates. It was before Terraria was even released.

There once was a report option for advertising. It's gone now. That should tell you all you need to know.

finna click bros

>Yea Forums gets dabbed on by the journalists they hate as usual
hilarious as always

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>Guy plays a game and really wants to talk about it
>2 of his threads fail
>3rd one works
Problem? Are you really implying that viral marketers are paid to go around posting the N word?

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Dont you guys know... 4channel is ADVERTISER FRIENDLY, if you dont want advertising go to Yea Forums you shitters

fuck pol and fuck you choke on your grandmother's dick

yeah bro this is just a false flag
definitely not shills

Attached: 1446168283386.png (3524x2437, 1.24M)

>actually giving in and being a pussy
>not continuing the good fight
This is how you let them win, by giving up.

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They also tend to link the sources dip-shit because they have a modicum of sense and responsibility. I don't expect the average mentally underage mouthbreather on Yea Forums to understand what that is, but I figured I'd call you out on it anyway because that's the kind of thing I find fun. Makes me feel superior.

I also never said that it was against the law to screen shot or whatever. I said it was against the spirit of it. Google reading comprehension.

I'd also like to let you know that I share the true source whenever I see some pathetic faggot OP using one of those sites that mirror it just out of spite for your ilk if anything. Have a good one.

Reddit genocide when?

i opened it

>Yea Forums
>good fight

on the front page, at the same time? you retarded nigger
the borderlands 1 threads were so awful, to the point people were making their own

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clicked it without adblock on

So you're telling me if I really want to live inside your head rent free all I have to do is make the same thread a few times and you'll instantly believe it's viral marketing?

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redditfugees outnumber Yea Forums posters by a huge margin

>Are you really implying that viral marketers are paid to go around posting the N word?
How do you so fundamentally misunderstand how viral marketing works?
Of course people are paid to go around pretending to be part of online communities to sell shit.

And most of them came through /pol/

>implying the people being called /pol/ aren't also redditors
talking politics on Yea Forums is the #1 sign of reddit

>Its another /pol/ gets butthurt and wants to "RISE UP" thread

Attached: teehee.jpg (600x582, 68K)

how about Yea Forums and /co?

Holy shit you're naive, the wording of each of those posts makes it very obvious that it is ironic shitposting, possibly even coordinated through trannycord

You'd be the sad fag for doing it, but sure. waste your time making dozens of threads. Lower yourself to the smashfag level.

When they kill themselves which won’t take long


The two single dumbest and most jewed boards on this website. You are literally a piece of human cattle if you regularly browse either of those boards. I hope you fucking die.

If you think wasting your time on the internet arguing with morons is worth your time, then go ahead and continue doing so. You strike me as the type of person that would try to live life to relive the past which is like a dog chasing his tail. Cherish the memories you have and go make new ones. That's what keeps the world going round.

You probably think the “defeminism” endgame cut is totally not Disney

Are you retarded?

>to the point people were making their own
reading comprehension, retard
Are you reading what the posts are saying? They're alluding to a lot of borderlands posts conveniently cropping up at the same time
I know you weren't there, but this was the best screenshot I could find.

I was there, you probably weren't. It's hilarious you think the old viral marketing memes were real

>muh sense and responsibility decent fucking human being!
lmaooo you are way too obvious defending having your clickbait shit taken from you journoshill

Considering his job is to astroturf this shithole I’d say yes.

If you were there, you'd know it was real. It wasn't everything Yea Forums was screaming "viral marketing" at, but it exists. And it still does. Don't be so naive.

>Imagine dedicating your whole life to journalism
no one is doing that, modern bloggers aren't journalists

>he seriously doesn't remember when this started on Yea Forums with Borderlands having fake shill threads made to cause people to have a negative opinion on the game regardless of the gameplay

Agree to a certain extent but sometimes they are related. Our games are being censored thanks to leftists and in general political correctness so that is appropriate to discuss here. I know it makes reddit and retardEra ass blasted but it's true. We didn't want politics in our games but it has been forced in so expect it to be discussed.

do you mean IRC or are you too young

>not even Yea Forums is smart enough to use archives

no wonder Yea Forums is the retard nigger containment general

Twitter screencaps need to be a bannable offense too. If you want to talk about twitter go to twitter. Go anywhere else really, this place isn't for you.

>make a thread for my favorite game
>0 replies
>bait people
>50 replies and a lot of them are calling me shills
>someone who's better at baiting than me gets a lot of people to be interested in the game and play it
>i can now easily make a thread and get 500+ replies whenever i want
>but now there's way more shillscreamers and people saying to go to /vg/

Attached: d.png (600x600, 3K)

It was the easiest board for reddit to invade hence why it became so shit so quick. They are particularly loud retards.

It's all the underage posters fault.

Shilling should be punishable with death. You aren’t clever, you are pathetic.

>want constant threads about a single game
they're right, generals go on /vg/


nah bruh, just admit that the average Yea Forumsermin is a low IQ basement dweller

i never said the threads were constant

they wouldn't do it if it didn't make them money yet here we are

>implying it's a tremendous problem to stop clicking on an article because it hurt your feefees

>newkiddies discover you can search trough past threads
>find out that you can look every single time a pic was posted
>they think that this mean a single person is posting the same pic multiple times

>implying people astroturfing Yea Forums isn't a problem that needs to be addressed.

At the end of the day you have to ask yourself if it's worth it to trick retards into doing what you want so you can pretend you're not around retards.

Nowadays? Yes, but Yea Forums wasn't always this bad. No matter how many times you say Yea Forums was always shit doesn't make it true. It's gotten tremendously shittier and reddit is absolutely to blame, now go back.

Can we ban Dark souls threads. There is a dark souls thread Literally EVERY single day. Fucking shills I swear m8

>Yea Forums is being constantly flooded by marketers from clickbait sites, Sony, twitch, youtube, reddit, etc.
Here user.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

If anyone here is involved with marketing in any way, shape or form - kill yourself. Just planting seeds here.

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Its gotten shittier every since /pol/ got more popular and started migrating to other boards. In fact all of Yea Forums got shitter. Go back to your containment board.


I click on the original links twice for every time someone complains about not archiving

>can we ban X because I dont like it and am too retarded and new to learn how to filter stuff
When this opinion gets posted the thread is officially over every time.

There's nothing worthwhile about this shithole. Have sex.

it isnt
i dont know why i still try

>M-muh P-pol
Every.single.time. They really do live rent free in your head. Plus /pol/ got worse when all the /r/thedonald retards went there so reddit is still to blame. I wasn't aware a seething tranny was in the thread, should have known.

>tfw haven't gotten a single direct ad on me for years
Get FUCKED marketers. I know they map my fucking room through my phone microphone and camera, but the thought of hindering their marketing even a tiny bit fills me with joy

>>can we ban X because I dont like it and am too retarded and new to learn how to filter stuff

I mean that was what OP wanted in the first place, so if thats your opinion the thread was over before the first post.

You should learn to hide your power level /pol/tard

because an instagram influencer can be millions of dollars while a worker can go on here and start shilling whatever for his daily pay.

don't you niggers ever get tired of this discussion?

You're chasing a boogeyman, you fucking lunatic.

You only have yourselves to blame. People not lurking and Ironic Shitposting have fucking ruined this website.

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Making revnue =/= making a profit

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-24 G O Media Lays Off 25 Staffers.png (1904x1544, 464K)

One of the big issues is that anons here more so than any other board except maybe /pol/ will try to cash in on a hate trend and be massive contrarians in order to fit in. So after a while you get anons to do your work for you as they try desperately to fit in with the rest of Yea Forums but the issue here is because they are trying hard to fit in they mock anyone who doesn't until they submit or join in on the trend.
Case in point: wojak

>Case in point: wojak
Case in point: you commies spread the wojak and pepe memes unto infinity to make it extremely uncool. Look at the South Park episode about Chinpokomon. It's the same principle, straight from the kike's mouth.

>Case in point: /pol/ the wojak and pepe memes unto infinity to make it extremely uncool.
Fixed. Imagine being so out of touch with reality

Pathetic. You simply push the boogeyman elsewhere. You are truly a despicable 'human being'.

Imagine going to college for 4+ year to get a journalism degree thinking you will work for some major media company and end up at eurogamer writing clickbait

yeah pretty much, I mean that's what I am saying, people came here to Yea Forums and /pol/ and saw wojak, said "this is what Yea Forums is, this is Yea Forums culture" and then believed that if they didn't post one on every other post they made they would be called out on it, and called out others on it, actually making what they thought true. A self fulfilling prophecy if you will.

Now imagine that your entire life is a lie, and debt is closing in all around you. But, you have a single answer: the white man. You can finally flex your pathetic muscle against your own people!

Yeah, and that's all the commies' fault. Where do you stand?

Don't worry, they can always learn to code! God I love making fun of these pathetic failures on Twitter, you can tell it really gets to them

8/v/ is worse cause of gamergate general and mark being a power hungry retard

uh, what?

Explain to me your worldview.

Anyone with dark skin should be culled because they never contribute anything good to mankind. Asians and Whites would make the world into a paradise.

Well that's actually pretty cool.