Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled Thread

But I know you Yea Forums, you will buy this great game anyway. Because gameplay is more important then some fan service.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm still gonna jerk off to them whether they're in the game or not.

surgical extraction of the soul

shouldnt they appear on Grand prix, not adventure?

Ill buy it, but the trophy babes not being in it is a bit disheartening.

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I'll buy it on Switch

They were irrelevant, people treating it as if they took a mechanic out of the game is kinda pathetic.

I refuse to buy it on PS4.
I bought N.san Trilogy on PS4 and got cucked when it was released on steam.
Fuck it.

>No trophy girls at all
Censorship = no buy

>kinda pathetic
So is tripfagging, but here you are.

>Yea Forums will defend this because you can't criticize remakes


while i agree gameplay should come first, censorship is something that should never be tolerated.

>Racing mechanics completely intact
>Ultra Sacred Fire ability added to some tracks
>All that soul in the boss cutscenes
>All those unlockables

I'll live with no trophy girls

>Ultra Sacred Fire
Why are we still calling it that? It's chuuni as fuck

Podiums are also in adventure mode in the original ctr

ok, theres still the possibility the girls are in regular grand prix then.

Everyone on Yea Forums is unironically chuuni.

They censored Papu Papu's ass, that's even worse.
I hope they don't remove Pinstripe's gun.

Wait for the PC release and mod in as many furry waifus as you want.

But its not even censorship, they werent even erotic or anything, they were just... being there, them not being there changes nothing.

>gameplay is more important
This is what I've been saying since the announcement but the soulposters never listened.

why is activision so blatantly sending shills here for these remakes?

Hyped to finally get to play this ctr I hear so much about.
I just hope crunch is unlocked early on so I can use him forever.

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Just because something is more important it doesn't mean everything else is meaningless. Taking bits out of a remake because of political reasons is low.

spyro collection hasnt come to pc, probably never will, probably cuz nobody bought the crash collection.

what makes you think this game will get on pc?

ok, that angle is understandable, however, if something like that was deleted despite not being erotic, shouldnt that still be considered censorship? why delete something that wasnt doing harm?

Everyone calm your tits, it's only a preview. They didn't have Penta in the selection screen either.

So what happens if you pick Oxide in adventure mode as shown in the video? Do we finally get to pave parking lots with billions of slaves?

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>But its not even censorship, they werent even erotic
Are you a fucking retard? Since when was something being erotic a requirement for it's removal to be censorship?
Jesus fucking christ, tripfags.

>spyro collection hasnt come to pc, probably never will, probably cuz nobody bought the crash collection.

I hope you're not implying they're developed by the same people lol

I honestly don't care if they're in there or not but at the same time removing them is just silly. I mean what's gonna happen? A few trannies on Twitter get pissed off and send a barrage of tweets? It's not like the fucking police are gonna raid Beenox after they release the game. Making changes just to appease a vocal minority is such nonsense.

they werent? really, i didnt knew.

Often the type of people that would complain about Megumi's tits can be found at your typical game studio or publisher's office.

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This! totally THIS!

they werent doing any harm, the only reason they could have been deleted is to appease SJWs. people that when everything is said and done will never buy the game.

>it's not like...
Not yet

They do it because they know people like you won't boycott the game over it and it can get them some easy points with the PC crowd.

This sucks.
The trophy girls made it feel like a professional event rather than an amateur track day.

>the orange fuzzy dice sent out to tease the game are in the window of Oxide's cabin
deepest lore

>Ratio of 1 girl in the game to AT LEAST 24 male characters.
So every single little sister will play Coco?

>OP posts an image of five characters not in Nitro Fueled.

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after the trophy girls, Nina and Tawna are revealed there will be 7

What do you search for to get lewds and porn of that girl from ME!ME!ME! ?
Is there some name for her? Because I've only been able to come across that stuff on accident.

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>some easy points with the PC crowd

That's the thing. How the fuck is removing female characters PC?

I'm not taking the new gameplay as confirmation they're gone (a lot of shit was missing) but there is no good reason to erase female characters under any circumstances in a remake, and honestly believe it's politically correct to do so, when they're just doing their jobs.

This is what I've been fucking saying. You only see Grid Girls at the most top tier racing events. It's also pretty blatant in the original that they are being used to advertise the event. These women have fucking jobs, maybe that's what's objectifying.

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Twinsanity remake when

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pc release when

Again, because it was irrelevant, they werent removed for censorship, they probably were removed for laziness, like why waste effort on then when they are literally not important?

Censorship is usually used to remove stuff that is not suitable for a target audience or to widen it, such as a certain level of suggestive/violent content, them being removed is out of unimportance, therefore its not censorship.

Madanons nowdays are so retarded, i swear...

>How the fuck is removing female characters PC?
Cause they're trophy girls.

That's a real occupation, yes.

The game looks fucking gorgeous

>retarded and keep saying the same idiotic thing again and again like a parrot
Like a clock

>them being removed is out of unimportance, therefore its not censorship
Wrong, again.
Importance is not only completely subjective but not a requirement for it to be censorship.

personally, i would LOVE to believe its laziness.

but Sony left it perfectly clear after what happened to Senran Kagura (and by extension BBTAG): They wont allow sexiness, and are not gonna compromise, as things stand considering the overall quality of the game so far, the removal of the TGs is not laziness or dismissal for worthlessness.

fuck off oscar

They don't think it should be.

That's a yikes from me. Is it still 30 fps as I heard? No amount of customisation can make me get a 30 fps kart racer, fucking Switch can run a game that seems to have more complex levels in 60 fps, let's stop encouraging laziness.


>the only evidence of living things having outside involvement with the racing series or its advertisement
>the closest thing to an actual audience in the entire game

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Considering they added so many things to stages and animations which were not in the original, along with making all bosses playable, removing the strongest connection to actual organization for the racing seems particularly strange.

Who gives a fuck what they think?


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>making all bosses playable
But they were playable in original game

I'll probably still get the game but I don't have a console, so I'm going to wait a bit for PC release.

If online is hopping I might buy a PS4 though. Used, of course, so Sony gets as little of my money as possible.

It's par for the course now. I don't get why people are so surprised.

The developers, clearly.

As long as it's not Tag Team Racing, it should be fine.

No one is surprised.

You do clearly.

i pretty sure at least they werent, at least on CTR

You can't play as Oxide in CTR, and the planet champions in CNK.

>sexualised furries with unrealistic body proportions are not being welcomed in a game aimed at children

Only Oxide was missing in CTR, and I never played CNK

>who cares what they think
They impose their moralistic views on everyone else, that's why you care. Don't be a twat.

What does a realistic body for a mutant cartoon animal look like? Tiny?

>we, the big corporations believe children are retards, so we are removing something that wasnt harming anyone because we want people who never buy videogames to buy this videogame

What was sexual about them? They were as sexualised as fucking Peach in Mario Odyssey - not at all. Showing a woman with any sort of curves around the bust doesn't mean sexualising her, you absolute shill.

Why kart racer specifically?
Don't tell me you'd play a 30 fps sim racer because framerate is way more important there.

Again, Coco is allowed. Tiny is allowed, who may I add has completely unrealistic male proportions and dances at the podium in a loincloth.

The trophy girls just looked exaggerated and cartoony like everyone else, and goofy in an endearing way. It's not "sexualized," it's funny.


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Peach is only kept around because waifufags and being easy mode for plot.

Fuck off, land whale.

Be real dude, they do a major cleavage shot when they lean into the camera before leaning back and waving.

I think it's appropriate to have it in there as that's what trophy girls and by extension cheerleaders are for, but it is sexualization.

Well, I skipped Spyro because of shitfest of unnecessary changes and games not being on disk. I guess I will skip it too.

>large breasts
>skimpy revealing outfits
>they bend forward and show cleavage

Don't be naive user.

>no trophy girls

That means Rilla Roo's chances to get in are even higher, noice

What makes this different from other kart racing games?

are you sure you guys want to see the Trophy Girls in this? I mean Tawna was no looker in N.Sane.

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y-yeah... for sure... haha

Dr. Nguyen Gin

Racing mechanics are actually good, the boost system is a fucking godsend

Don't lie to us user. We all know that the only reason most Yea Forumsorigins want the Trophy Girls (and Tawna) is for fanservice and fap material, and also the copious amounts of SFM porn people will make from the ripped models.

>you're naive
>it IS sexualization

Yeah, you're fucking cunts.

I've already had someone tell me that Papu looks hot here as he dances around in his loincloth. Is he sexualized user? Should he be removed from the game too?

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It is an incredibly common tactic in the automotive world. Automakers especially love putting attractive women everywhere from shows to races. They should give the trophy girls less sexed up outfits, and it would've been fine.

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not a crashfag just came in to say I watched the op image for a good 30 seconds waiting for it to load before I realized it wasn’t a gif. You really let me down user

They censored his buttocks cleavage and jiggle physics.

I know it's a meme, but shit like this and even the new menus scream "soulless" to me.

Not sure why this is a hard concept for you to grasp. We know full well the reason they were removed, yet it was a non issue. Anybody who made it an issue couldve just been dismissed and laughed at. Removing them for said reason just sets a poor example for later censorship and fear of the non threatening vocal minority.

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>obese man swaying his fat ass around is totally the same as scantily clad, busty furry chicks!

It is Dark Soul. Passionate, but not authentic to original vision.

what's the difference? one appeals to men more?

Son, do you not understand how male sexuality works? Go eat some meat and get some sun and come back.

They should've just made them cute instead of removing them!

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But user I'm gay.
What's my excuse?

Horse. Shit. Coco has the most porn in the entire series. She still appears in every game. Stop being an obtuse retard.

Their presence is the dead giveaway of a professional racing event with advertisements, seating, tickets, the whole shebang. Even if you view them as sexualized you're denying the truth here. There's more to them than their bodies and censoring them is saying that there isn't.

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Obese furry women shaking their fat ass around when?

>there won't be ripped trophy guys for when Coco wins

Most furries would probably like that.

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I've never cared about that furshit and it's good that it's out.

So put it in. Everyone wins.

>not scantily clad

You're not even trying.

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>there are only 2 male mutated bandicoots
>there's 6 female ones

Brio and Cortex knew what they were doing

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Beenox is too based not to include the trophy girls in some fashion.

>literally 3 three main girls in the entire series
>puts literally who's from nu-crash instead of them

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I'm gonna miss them if they're truly gone, but I'm still getting this game day one.

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seriously though, why'd they get rid of his sharp teeth? I hate how he looks now.

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You were saying?

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More mutants when? I wanna see a goddamn Batman.

I feel like Nina, Crunch and N.Trance are really the only 3 from the Non-Naughty Dog games who really deserve to be in, since they were in multiple games and have established characters.

>that roster
sausage party

This post makes me think they should add crowds of spectators.

But you still have the game. How does that cuck you? Unless you bought a PS4 for Crash N. Sane Trilogy then in that case kinda but you still have a game console that can play it and many other games.

You are now aware that not only did Nu-Crash go on longer than the ND games, but the series hiatus was as long as Nu-Crash.

says the fucking tripfag. get bent loser

Smug Norm

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>easy points with the PC crowd.
retarded argument, PC crowd probably has no idea they exist and never played any crash game at all

wonder what books he's been reading haha

Because he could have played it at 60fps on pc obviously. Which even though I don't give a shit for the most part, does improve platformers greatly.

Wait, wasn't there a screenshot with a trophy girl's arm visible?

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you sure cause that there has panties front and center

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So was Coco experimented on? Tawna too? What's a "non-experimented" bandicoot look like in the Crash universe?

In the 90s if they were really concerned about controversy, they'd make it a cheat code to turn on or off the trophy girls. Options are always better than just cutting things outright.

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>PC crowd probably has no idea they exist and never played any crash game at all

m8 the PS1 released outside of Japan about 24 years ago. I'm sure a number of people who grew up with the PS1 games could have moved onto the PC as their primary game machine, like I have

What does N stands for?

Like a normal-ass rat thing.

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>>there are only 2 male mutated bandicoots
Actually 3, but your point still stands

Naughty Dog

my point is that there is no way theyre doing it over controversy. there IS no controversy outside of closeted furries ITT


Fake Crash is Fake.

On Cortex, it stands for Neo.

For everyone else it just stands for N so their names make little puns, like N. Brio and N. Tropy. It's almost a title like von at this point.

N. Ept

>Disney Adventures
wait what


>Fake Crash
>not Trash Bandicoot

>Tiny Tiger isn't sexualized
>but the Trophy Girls are good riddance lol

I'm actually fucking laughing. These are some grade-A double standards at play.

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Nah, that's referenced in the ESRB rating

N. Brio is Nitrus Brio, N. Tropy is Nefarious Tropy.
N. Gin is still unrevealed.

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Isn't one youtuber want to fuck him and not hiding it?

Looks like a comic run in a children's magazine to advertise a video game.

the N probably stands for Natalie.

Natalie Gin.

Tiny never wore pants, ever.

And he is literally peak male physique.

Norm was already taken, so Nathaniel Gin?

Ahh... user you are mistaken, Tiny is a male power fantasy :)

>N. Gin is still unrevealed
No soul probably.

Skipped leg day

nobody has debunk it

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>Crash talking
I'm not sure how to feel about this. I already found it weird in the Radical games when he did that gibberish.

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>Dr. Nonalcoholic Gin

>still not understanding the difference between male and female sexuality
Tiny is a powerful brute, that's sexy to women. The lack of clothing has less to do with being visually appealing (because women aren't as sexually stimulated by visual stimuli) and more to do with him being a brute who doesn't conform to polite standards of clothing.

In general and by definition, any male who gets in first place in a race is attractive to women because they've displayed competence and dominance in the race.

if they've been removed, then who do the hands at the sides of this shot from the reveal trailer belong to?
my guess is that either they were omitted from the adventure mode preview to be revealed later, or that they've all been added in as actual racers and so can't give out trophies anymore, since they'd be giving trophies to themselves on the podium

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we sure that's not just coco?

Kinda like Pikachu

Disney Adventures had a special issue full of vidya comics. Ape Escaoe, DK64, and Rayman 2.

It looks slow compared to MK.

the same picture has another simular arm on the other side

They added a lot NPCs on the tracks and tribunes for prettiness. So it obviously one of them.

it looks like Ling Ling

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Dude, it hasnt even been year since Spyro remake came out
It took a year for crash so just wait

Reminder its still possible the trophy girls were added as actual racers

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>non ND design that actually looks good
shame this never game out.

>Crash talking
>I'm not sure how to feel about this.
Let me help you hate that idea.

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Ahh Ling-Ling. I really fucking loved his little anime music song that played whenever he did something.

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crash bandicoot is gay and for fags but goddamn the coco artist is GOAT

that's a fighting game though.

>Tiny is a powerful brute, that's sexy to women.
Then guess what? Your point is null and void right here. To even concede that Tiny is sexy because of his physical characteristic demonstrates clearly that the difference between male and female sexuality already is not large enough to remove trophy girls on the same grounds that Tiny would be removed, because Tiny is sexy.

The 'difference' if you weren't an absolute fucktard, is that people became fucking sissies about women being portrayed has having sexual characteristics at all and would rather erase them. It's a double standard and nothing short. Children see 'sexy' adult men and women every day, there's no reason to remove them from a game where they literally have no involvement with the player.


Mario Kart has 200cc. And it's shit compared to 150cc. Kart racers thrive on physics/controls and level design, and CTR is king there. Speed is overrated.

not him, but 200cc is extremely fast. From what I've seen it doesn't really match or exceed that level of speed.

hel ye dude


>From what I've seen it doesn't really match or exceed that level of speed

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Sodium chloride

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why is she so cute bros

Don't forget this classic.

Ya know, I've never been one for furry stuff but goddamn does kempferzero draw some good shit.

As a kid I always thought it was Nitro Gin, as in Nitrogen.

I'm still mad about that. Why the fuck would they censor that? Is the word slave now offensive?

>Doesn'tt even need a setting like 200cc to go fast
>You can just go fast
best kart racer

Uh dude, it's salt.

They probably have cameos on Turbo Track and/or Slide Coliseum like Chick n' Stew.

200cc is a lot of fun, but it's obvious that a lot of tracks weren't adequately designed for it. Many kart builds are downright useless at that speed too.

What the heck is this? this is amazing. most of the gameplay I've seen looked like 150cc, you know, kind of slow and floaty. Are there some crazy power ups or tricks in this game that make you superfast?

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slightly better version I just found

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That's what I said, sodium chloride.

>they literally hired bara furry artists for the spyro remake
>they didnt hire kempferzero for crash

Who was in wrong here?

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He just keeps talking. Every time I think it's over he does another bad impression. Crash talking was a mistake.

I think the problem is, most of the gameplay we see are from people who don't know to take control of CTR's racing physics. This guy obviously does and is using the boosting mechanic to their advantage.

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>Are there some crazy power ups or tricks in this game that make you superfast?
Yes to both

What do I put on rule34 to find more of these girls.

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Just learning how to properly boost and keep your reserves up. If you aren't boosting for 100% of the race you are doing it wrong.

It's nothing for you to be concerned about

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Jimmy "no documentation of sales" Bandicoot.

The jump at 0:04 does not look so good in Nitro-Fueled.

Because he looks cute now. I may actually play him for a change.

The guy was nightmare fuel to look at

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I won't play as him and he was one of my mains.

>2 seconds in
>'boy are my arms tired' completely unironically

>demonstrates clearly that the difference between male and female sexuality already is not large enough to remove trophy girls on the same grounds that Tiny would be removed, because Tiny is sexy.
That was never my point though.

Here's the real reason why the trophy girls are removed: it reminds undesirable females, the females most likely to become activists, that they are less attractive than the competition. When females see competition, they try to tear it down rather than improve themselves because for women, genetics puts a hard cap on attractiveness that even pounds of makeup can't fix. Beta orbiter males, desperate for even undesirable female attention, pander to these lesser females and remove fun sexy women from video games in hopes of getting any kind of positive female attention.

Why don't men do the same with attractive male characters? Because men try to improve themselves when confronted with a superior male, they don't (usually) try to tear down the superior male because women don't like that.

If the ugly women activists have their way, there will be abundant attractive male characters and zero attractive female characters. Which is what we're starting to get in western video games.

If ugly men like attractive men, what is wrong with having only attractive men?


No, it's gotten to the point where I'm willing to pass on a purchase if it's going to keep following the trends that have crept into and eaten away at every franchise I used to love. I've got enough good games already to not feel like I need to settle for repackaged remasters and re-releases that don't measure up to the originals.

Based retard

who hurt you and made you like this

What does the N stand for?

>Crash exists and talks in a Skylanders spinoff kids show.

Another reason for me to hate the Skylanders franchise.

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>They were irrelevant
Almost as irrelevant as someone using the same trip on Yea Forums for a decade.

>Yea Forumsorigins
fuck off phoneposter

Now that's a travesty. And that makes a fuck ton of sense, now that I'm looking at the new Spyro designs.

So Oxide's midgame dialogue is back? Does that mean it's now canon that he genocided the Martians?

so do you think, if the game really doesn't have the CNK adventure mode or anything, that the CNK bosses will still get any decent characterization?

Having attractive men AND WOMEN is better, so why not have it? Fuck what ugly women want.

Californians who ruined Sony, basically. I just wanted to play games with tits in them, man, now look at me. Shitposting on Yea Forums instead of actually playing video games because there hasn't been a good video game in a couple weeks, when Mahjong Soul came out, but before that it was a multi-year drought.

I hope they just omitted them from the prerelease content to avoid any blue twitter checkmark controversy at all until after people are done placing their preorders and buying the game

They confirmed that Nitro Kart characters are unlocked through the pit stop, so I doubt CNK campaign is in.

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Well that's very autistic, I'm sorry.

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>worst girl gets biggest rack
>best girl gets second biggest
is there no justice in this world

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>whisky glass
>whisky ice chunks
>it's water
That's adorable.

200cc is shit, especially when the game prevents you from driving offroad or falling off the track

nice and sweaty

Attached: Intro.webm (720x404, 2.91M)

might be an edit of my full nude edit, not sure where i have it tho

hmm, not as bad as the thumbnail makes it look. cringe but comfy.

>also the copious amounts of SFM porn people will make from the ripped models.
But that's fucking wrong, there's absolutely 0 SFM porn of Coco or Tawna. I was waiting for it too because everyone was hyping it up and dreaming about it but then it never happened even when it came to PC. 3D furry shit doesn't exist and if it does its probably shit because it's not popular and furry dominates 2D art and animation. those Judy Hopps videos are pretty good though

Maybe instead of N. Tropy you race their ghosts (and Velo instead of Oxide) on the CNK tracks and there's some trash talking in the Time Trial menu like Tropy did in the original IIRC.

Tiny is cute!

>Having attractive men AND WOMEN is better
That's literally what Hollywood does. Once a game company figures out the "secret" formula that people like attractive people in their entertainment, they'll be racking in cash.

You guys think SJW culture will ever actually end or this is just how humanity is now? Will it take an entire new generation for people to rebel against their parents? That’s a long time

>the race tracks match up with the character that appears after
I always thought it was odd that it wasn't like that in the original

Penguin yay 1

Fuck off Julian


You first.

They look like normal bandicoots like those in real life. Not every animal looks humanoid, only the ones that were mutated by Neo and Brio. Pura and Polar are both regular animals that have never been mutated.

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Back when crash has the glimmer of hope in his eye and had soul

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>Animations are snappy and cartoony instead of overly stretchy and disney-like

I can't believe how well they understand the animation in Crash games compared to N. Sane

>Once a game company figures out the "secret" formula that people like attractive people in their entertainment, they'll be racking in cash
It's not like it's a secret. The problem is activists join these companies and don't care about profits or money, it's about pushing an agenda.

Ebb and flow man. Moralist authoritarians and degenerate libertarians are in eternal competition. The moralists create fragile, explosive societies that eventually collapse (like the French Revolution did) while degenerate libertarians create wealthy societies that get taken over by the moralists (early America up to the Civil War). It just goes back and forth forever.

No shit.

The more you think about it Crash literally stole a baby polar bear from it’s mother and kept it as a pet.

The models aren't good enough given the PS4's hardware and let's not waste time, the developer made the designs of Tawna and Coco LESS appealing looking. Starting with the obvious like reducing Tawna's breasts. That's not going to appeal to anyone.

What's the point of using ugly models created by a developer who removes the sexual assets these characters used to have just to be politically correct? That's right there is NO point.

Look man. You want sexy women? You'll have to go to Japanese developers and even then? The ones who aren't adopting Western Politically Correct ideology. That's how it's going to be. Coco will NEVER get a good looking model ever again. Tawna? She'll probably never even bother actually showing up in new Crash games (think like how Candy Kong disappeared from Donkey Kong games). Even if Tawna shows up? It will be her de-sexualized self because sexy women offend cunts who rule Western Cuntries.

It's over, alright? The only way you'll get sexy models of these characters is if you PAY a furry modeler loads of money to make such models for you. Because I'll tell you right now it will never happen professionally. These days I fear the idea of Nintendo using Krystal from Star Fox in a game knowing how family friendly they are, the first thing they'll do is make her flat chested or damn near flat like Princess Peach or how Amy Rose from Sonic lost her tits.

isn't that what happens with most pets?

Attached: N. Sanity Beach.webm (720x404, 2.88M)

>What's the point of using ugly models created by a developer who removes the sexual assets these characters used to have just to be politically correct? That's right there is NO point.
Because you can literally edit them once they are loaded into Blender

it not quite the same, so some other dude made one aswell i guess, ill post it anyway in /trash/ -/hmofa/

Attached: Untitled-1.png (584x315, 123K)

If we get some decent sex education in schools and the ability for people to express their sexuality safely, then begin to break down the western taboo of sexuality, THEN we might get sexy stuff again.

Look at France. They have feminism, but they also fully embrace sexuality


The trophy girls will appear in the end cutscene giving the player's character a trophy for beating Oxide.

Attached: Gemstone Valley.webm (720x404, 2.94M)

It will end when men stop being beta cucks and take away women's rights. Giving women rights is what has destroyed the idea of sexy females in ALL media.

We also need to get rid of the retarded mentality that women are men's equals. No. Equality does not exist, not between races, not between men of the same race, and above all NOT between the sexes. Women are men's inferiors. So they better shut the fuck up and lose their rights but remember the golden rule, Other Men who are cock sucking White Knight Faggots will get in the way of real men, these White Knight Faggots? They must die. Preferably with castration (no anesthetic), and then decapitation.

Attached: Citadel City.webm (720x404, 2.94M)

You cannot "take things out". You can not "add things". This is a remake. It is y definition 100% different.

>This is a remake. It is y definition 100% different.

Attached: 1295057760760.jpg (459x480, 64K)

The French have other problems like since you said they got Feminism, their women are voting to bring in migrants from Muslim Countries who are committing crimes. Also take a look at Sweden the only country in the world who is ENTIRELY ruled by women and they're the country with the Number 1 title of being the rape capital of the world because they bring in Muslims into their country.

Basically I see the French following that path. And frankly Gynocentrism needs to be rendered illegal. And it starts with irrational worshipers of pussy. These are the loser men who gave women the vote and other privileges. These are the types of men who should always be culturally hated and punished and crucified.

> there's absolutely 0 SFM porn of Coco or Tawna

>demonizing sexuality
Bad idea
>adding trophy men that are either randomly chosen or both onscreen at once
Good idea

It's fucking obvious

>that legs spreading while jumping

whats wrong with the F in the third word?

Best idea: Trophy ayy lmao which Oxide considers sexy.

Attached: 1553494547259.png (593x612, 294K)


p-please beenox
you cant get rid of all the females...

Attached: nximq3k8Tw1r4jt3co1_1280.jpg (1280x1707, 521K)

I wonder if they're keeping these 30fps so next gen seems more impressive?

>trophy men
Jesus christ does nobody understand sex specific standards of sexual attractiveness?

This is actually a good idea but it should only be for alien racers.


only ever played crash 2 but never cared for any of the games outside of when does coco get more screentime

No, they don't. Would you rather this culture of 'remove everything' or would you rather at least pretend to have equal opportunity/representation? You don't get a third choice.

Attached: tumblr_oszx4zpRCQ1rm67aco2_540.png (540x537, 174K)

She got aborted in the remake.

>female char wins
male trophy boys
>male character wins
female trophy girls
>alien character wins
trophy ayy lmaos

although I guess you'd be on the hook for
>"Are you implying that people can only find the opposite sex attractive?"

She's playable with her own levels in 3.

Attached: 8ef6d1623fb09b609f3b8a80cd903240.jpg (800x782, 136K)

>Jesus christ does nobody understand sex specific standards of sexual attractiveness?
They don't have to. It's a remake. Everything that was there originally should be there.

Attached: promo2.jpg (450x360, 14K)

I'm not gonna boycott the remake or anything over it because it looks fucking amazing but it was a cute touch and its a shame they're gone. They added a little extra flavor to the game, all degenerate furry shit aside.

It's the current year. Why are you surprised that the trophy girls aren't making an appearance?

>less than a month away
>no full roster leaks yet
i just need to know if brio and moe are in
please bros

There isn't enough good Coco porn out there. And I mean like, her actually doing the do with someone and not just her looking all sexy n shit.

Why are bandicoots so fucking hot?

Unique model for one character seems like too much work. Can it just be a recolor of Crunch?

i like the physics a lot but they completelly missed the point of the fit guy in the intro and i dont really like the lighting and level design. There are slight but important changes, like the pirate ships being in odd positions and cant be seen from the distance same way as the original, ruining the inmersion and overall presentation of the track, and the last pirate ship feels like a chore to get the box and you may just ignore it and save time, i dont really know why they did that.

i'll say its an improvement, but i really wished it werent using the retarded remake style. Crash was wacky and edgy, not le random dumby.
What im saying is i aint playing this shit.

i would hope that they would add at least more characters to justify it, like Tawna, Nina or even that one fat lady from Twinsanity

Warm colors

Attached: 1554326444165.png (443x453, 271K)

Yeah, baby. You like it when I do that?

Attached: 19283-eastern-barred-bandicoot.jpg (800x534, 62K)

>kempfer still hasn't done actual porn yet



Attached: 1550098476156.gif (404x347, 1003K)

Imagine having all the sex appeal sucked out of your game.

Attached: big boi.webm (512x512, 971K)

She looks so much better here instead of other shots where they made her face way too brown and square.

Scalies are gay and edgy.

How big do you think their private stash is?

kinda funny how crash can't even do air thrusts any more.

Attached: promotional-1-10.jpg (450x550, 44K)

I swear the problem is all the artists are gayfurs. Not a single straight man in the bunch. The girls get excluded because they don't care about them, not because of any political agenda.

Post yfw trophy girls are in xbox and switch versions and sony is pathetic and absolutely cucked.

I would laugh my fucking ass off and it sucks that Sony has exclusive pre-release marketing rights so we'll won't be able to debunk this before launch

Attached: 1558159260539.gif (275x400, 34K)

>hip thrusting
>family game

Come on user...

It just seems shortsighted as fuck. Coco is over here, still grabbing a majority of the porn, and they never think to tone down her eyeliner or bedroom eyes or whatever other shit to show she isn't supposed to be sexually active. She's very clearly underage.

Yet trophy girls are suddenly a fucking controversy that needs to be squashed.

I'm actually livid.

Attached: 7918234567.png (294x284, 163K)

Mortal Kombat?

Attached: day3jh0-30d7e2d4-ec8d-44d8-b330-c1a05fafced8.png (800x652, 69K)

>no air humps
>no trophy girls
>"slaves" changed to "minions"
What will it take for people to get the stick out of their asses and revert to at least a 90's era level of comedy and fanservice?

and all the female artists are fujos.

Makes sense.

Attached: spyro and magnus.png (609x872, 899K)

true, coco looks fucking awful, but the other characters are decent enough. Even the little tiger looks ffine too

SJWs will bitch because there are less females now, with just Coco. Never mind that the trophy girls were based on actual influential women within Sony America/Europe/Japan that were individually crucial to Naughty Dog and Crash's success back in the day.

Attached: 1500319587941.png (756x734, 29K)

Read the rest of my post fag. It's terrible

You'd probably like some kemono
smaller muzzles are a powerful thing

Eh, I don't want to rile up about the whole trophy girls fiasco since the game's not out yet.
Is there even an official word about their state from one of the developers?

Attached: 1513765859918.png (800x800, 846K)

she has a cameo in cortex castle
if nothing else it's something

I'm glad Penta's shown up and /he'sin/ but I was kinda hoping they'd gun for the manga design/in-kart design versus reusing the N. Sane Crash 2 penguin enemy and just adding a scarf. Granted the original did exactly that for his podium animations.

Attached: Mangapenta.png (179x167, 20K)

Simple solution that will please everyone.

Trophy girls AND trophy boys.

Attached: crunch.jpg (1199x650, 106K)

Pretty sure you said furry SFM porn is nonexistent on its own, but then mention Judy Hopps. The Coco SFM stuff is weird, but it exists.

I'm personally betting what'll happen is that Tawna will be DLC, and the trophy girls will serve as the basis for her alts.

God I hope that's case, just add trophy Ayyy lmao for the aliens.


Attached: 1500279099947.png (801x599, 657K)

>spreads her legs every time she does a jump
Flashing her bandicunny

I hope so. It's fucking hilarious.
>You say there is no civilization on the planet Mars? brehehehehe

Attached: grinchsmile.jpg (1067x800, 109K)

From the same people who changed Crash 1's opening so Tawna was beating up men instead of getting kidnapped. I'm not fucking surprised.

>nostalgia bait game
>removed trophy girls

Attached: boner.jpg (496x474, 48K)

the very same one where she gets gangbanged by 4 motherfuckers instead of 2?

Yeah, it's just a little too smoothed over. Too much budget on aesthetics, careful removal of anything bordering offensive... nevermind the kind of dark humor cartoons Crash was modeled after loved to border on the offensive.

>I'm not a furry but
There's always one.

>punches one OBJ

Come on, now.

It was still changed to appease to people who wouldn't play the game to begin with. Fuck off.

they fucked her hard as soon as it faded to black

It’s number 4 for me.

been calling it since the announcement

Even when I was a kid I felt awkward whenever the trophy girls showed up.

>punches ones obj_motherfucker
>still captured
>still plays no role in t he story except as a trophy for Crash and eye candy for the player

I realize that implied genocide might be too harsh of an implication considering they fucking removed the word slave.
>When I sent those Martians on vacation!

Attached: dacc03b-f05e89d5-e424-4499-8f0e-fdaa1088666b.png (1156x650, 254K)


Attached: 11.webm (1246x701, 2.69M)

See, I honestly never felt that way. You could barely make out their faces because they were so low poly.

I wonder how many cocofags will get destroyed when it comes out.

I would.

>that wink

Attached: 1506536770390.jpg (411x379, 51K)

Attached: fatality.png (805x455, 83K)

okay virgin, I'll have you know I whipped out my dick in front of my whole family and beat it every time I won a race, oh yeah baby give me those polygonal orange TITS

I found it kinda cringy at first, but it does make sense within the context of the plot when you consider that everyone hit by the Evolvo-Ray is intended to become a supersoldier.

Same. I still want them in though.

Attached: CTR.png (1680x962, 1.24M)

>he can't get tungsten boners

Would you mind doing this one with nipped but keep the panties on?

Isn't it sad to be so ashamed of your penis? Beautiful women like to be seen too you know. This isn't one-way fulfillment.

I think this brings up another question
Why did Cortex and Brio mutate a female bandicoot in the first place?

She's developing more

Attached: 1556161429814.jpg (1062x896, 392K)

they never learned how to tell a male bandicoot from a female one, they just went into the aussie outback wasted with a net and a cardboard box

>won't somebody think of the children!
You guys are so cringe

One is all you need

because Brio had his own agenda in getting involved in bio-mutation and genetic engineering

Attached: briosmasterplan.jpg (723x1481, 153K)

Vidya girls keep the meatspace roasties humble. It's a shame they aren't in.

None because they will kick your ass from here to CTTR. She's a meta pick.

Attached: CocoSacredFire.webm (770x466, 2.95M)

>I'm not even a furry
>posts furry porn

Attached: snake think.png (202x202, 54K)

I'm still waiting, naughty dog.

Attached: unkarted_by_awe_sam_d8xi3xa-fullview.jpg (1024x675, 208K)

Coco is not furry tho.

Cocofags will forever be shit tier, doesn't matter if you're accelfag and not a waifufag, or if you're using costumes alt colors etc. you're forever a faggot and she's the Yoshi of CTR

Chads are Zemchads, Fakechads, Dingochads, gentlemen!Ripperchads, and Rillachads.

That's like saying you have to be gay just because you jerk off to gay porn

God damn this game looks great.

Attached: hmmmmmm.png (1280x825, 179K)

Attached: Coco Water Ski.png (480x550, 405K)

the trophy girls had names of womans that make crash popular and an icon, removing them is removing them is denied recognition of great womans
megumi created the god dammed crash dance ffs

stop posting you smelly mexican tranny NOW

>no trophy girls
Why would I buy this shit when the original exists WITH trophy girls

>Eating chips in bed

Attached: 1380946555027.png (512x512, 98K)

Duh. Would YOU want to manually mutate all your mutant slaves? Or would you just breed them after the first generation?

Truly the perfect game to appeal to women: a stronk wahmen who can beat up men but also gets brutally raped by multiple men.

Women have no idea what they want.


When is the pc version going to get announced?

Truly enlightened post from the artist himself, here

How's it going Brio

Attached: 1550754723433.png (555x900, 428K)

I hardly ever use my PS4, it's a huge inconvenience to boot it up just to play 1 game.

Neo Nigger Cortex

Do you think they’ll reveal any remaining characters (if there are any) at E3? N.Sane and Reignited were announced at E3 whereas Nitrofueled was announced at the Game Awards, so with this being the only E3 before release I’m expecting something big and they’ve already revealed all the CTR and NK content, so all I can think of is that they’ve added the rest of the original trilogy characters and maybe some others like Nina and they’re saving those for E3.

Attached: 1537885014056.png (1070x599, 394K)

Are those the trophy girls? They look nothing like what's in the OP.

Why announce anything else? You're thinking way too logically to predict marketers. You need to think of the stupidest thing possible to announce that would enrage fans.

For example: microtransactions in CTR. Especially if they impact the races, like extra speed or handling points for paypigs.

sure, posted in /trash/ might be a shitty edit, but im too tired to spend ages to make it just right

>would you still want them back and as playable characters if the story mode cutscenes had no custom animations and if the ending was just as barebones as the original or even worse, there were no unique endings?

no, I don't think their absence is a big deal.

Attached: 1536014631669.png (190x265, 119K)

>Catherine censored
>CTR censored too
>Sony on, how they think, holly crusade too

Well, maybe I should change my hobby

Attached: 1558553619190.png (800x954, 519K)

>fan art is obnoxiously flattering and above the quality of PS1 models
Oh shit, alert the media!

the 90's were shit.

>sony censoring character with cleavage
>nintendo allowing games where you impregnate underage girls
how the fuck did this swap even happen?

the 90's is a utopia compared to now

one is going to sell more than the other.

I don't know if we can blame Sony for this one. Scrubbing attractive girls from their safe kiddy game is a pretty common modern-day move.

Well those don't count as furry. I collect a lot of what would be considered furry porn but it's just bodacious female bodies with big tits and asses with animal heads and tails sometimes. I thought that was pretty furry but then I was talking to someone who wanted to fuck some fat little stubby armed animal mascot and I was like, you mean with tits and ass right? And he says no, just as is.

So I realized i'm a furry but not that furry. If it doesn't have tits and ass what's the fucking point of fucking it? Why not just fuck a stuffed animal at that point.

I wouldn't count them out yet.
Those floating hands have to be something.

How would you know? You weren't there.

It sounds like that guy you were talking probably gets off to real animals too.

The textbook butterface

Attached: dcps4xo__liz_bandicoot_download_by_sab64-dcps5dw.jpg (1192x670, 205K)

t. Clinton hater

I was calling Sony on VNs and Jap games censorship, obviously it's not they fault with CTR, but other shit is on them.

I heard coins and post stumps collecting is fun. Might as well buy some old broken car and try to repair it.

The world needs to balanced, user.

Works for me. Thanks

Naughty Dog doesn't make fun games anymore.

They probably just aren't in the current build that they were showing. Considering they are going to such lengths to preserve the original ctr experience between the physics and even keeping a one character adventure mode, I doubt they'd neglect the trophy girls. They are probably saving them for a big reveal trailer.

>not eating chips in bed
Worst boy.

California happen

Fun fact

Crashm's dance was developed by the Japanese marketing lead who was a woman.

They named the blue trophy girl after her.

They literally did take something out though. I hate furfags with a passion but i know that's not why they removed it, they removed it because their delicate sensibilities were offended by the idea of trophy girls.

What a nice user, giving away kisses like that.
Kysy kysy, haha.

Attached: 1550000366660.png (355x254, 81K)

I honestly don't know why the sissy kissing meme got so popular, is it supposed to be a joke about how angry people are on the internet?

I see pink on that teet

Ladies first babe.

Attached: CDB11D80-636D-42FA-8835-36FFAFF8076E.jpg (606x849, 109K)

Attached: 74B01871-CB01-4196-913A-3DFF56B0ED14.jpg (1417x2162, 349K)

How do we stop Snoy?

I remember I got this exact image deleted when I posted in a CTR thread

Completely on-topic image, and some tranny reported it.

Attached: 354678.jpg (125x96, 2K)

This is wild. Like something out of a robot chicken sketch but played straight. It would take far, far too long to go over everything wrong so I'll just say Crash running up and just punching a guy in the face is funny.
Extreme soulless

No they aren't. They were the first girls to make me feel funny

They should include them in the switch version, there's no way they didn't make models during development

I still think they will be playable so that they are still there while not being objectified. Might have smaller tits though.

I could've swore I saw a little bit of a blue umbrella during the victory screen. Might have been some confetti

this doesn't explain that one screenshot with the hands in it

We need to go faster.

Attached: USF + Mask.webm (480x270, 2.97M)

>Adventure mode now has a difficulty setting
>Hard mode makes bosses drive like the ghost of Nitrous Oxide

Attached: 71f.png (557x605, 330K)

I should stop trying to convince nostalgiafags to enjoy this remake. All I need is there already.

Attached: 1557949148201.jpg (1000x867, 71K)

why do these dweebs get to play it first?
give it to Pie, Hypnoshark, PeteThePlayer and Natty. They'll bust it wide open so it won't crash on day 1

fucking puritans, you can suck my dick

Can everyone please calm down regarding with the trophy girls. I don't give a fuck if you like'em or not but please remember that the game isn't out yet and we have no confirmation from the devs regarding their appearance. Hold your rage 'till then.
Who knows, maybe they are there and we're just getting angry at nothing.

Attached: 1498756209185.png (900x563, 896K)

>character made to look like some japanese toy
>remove all features of that and making him look reatarded
Every fuckign redesign by those retards is shit. I wish they just keep all the original shit and add to the formula isntead of adding their retarded shit ass moronic bullshit trying to fix something that wasnt broken.

Already explained, read the thread, nigger

Attached: 1558414428647.jpg (184x184, 9K)

Just put them in already, it's the only thing that's left to make this remake perfect.


I'm conflicted as to whether I should play medium or go straight to hard. I'm only hesitant because Velo was the most annoying fucking boss out of any crash racing game. Even using the one non intended glitch short cut in hyper spaceway he was annoying as fuck.

His teeth were never supposed to be sharp though

When was the last time you SAW the toy he's based on?

Attached: 10f676KOu1ro8ysbo1_500.jpg (500x364, 41K)

what's the best system to get it on?
we all know it's coming to pc eventually so don't be a smartass and say that

>Racing game

Nah, I'll get Mario Kart instead.

Enjoy your no skillgap kart racer that constantly punishes you for being ahead.

Attached: NFSewerSpeedway.webm (1280x720, 2.07M)

Switch for portability

Its already 30fps on all platforms

I'm not buying your game. Convince me with trailer that they're in, then we'll talk


It ok, forgive me too for being too harsh

I'm getting it for ps4 simply because it has an exclusive track. We haven't seen it yet, and it may be shit, but I don't want to miss out on anything gameplay related.

aah fuck, I was planning on getting a switch this week
I've never had ps+ and I don't really want it, but with smm2 coming out at the same time with the 12 months of online, it's looking very tempting

Even if that was true, the same could be said about Tawna, who was in the N. Sane Trilogy, so no excuses.

you are forgiven

Attached: 614ac29411.png (200x174, 58K)

What are trophy girls?

Again, enjoy your poorly tuned kart racer

Attached: TS1.webm (1280x720, 1.12M)

Look at how revealing this outfit is, absolute outrageous.

Attached: Megumi.png (282x244, 62K)

post the lower half

They had literally no cleavage to show and were not wearing anything revealing you shitposting zoomer faggot.

It's a fucking travesty, think of the children

Attached: dcps4xo-94fa0ab3-92bb-4d6f-879b-56483c6acd37.jpg (1366x768, 1.19M)


>30FPS posters trying to ditch Sonic for Mario now that he's no longer any good for shit-posting about frame-rates.
You guys should have gone with Mario from the start instead of wasting all your ammo with Sonic, now people are unlikely to take the bait.

Attached: 1552835455958.jpg (779x638, 264K)

mario kart tour is a fucking mobile gacha game

Where's the god damn switch gameplay?

It was probably meant to be that, actually. But nobody ever said it and they introduced a character called Nitros so it can't be his name anymore.

>new sonic racing game ended up being mediocre
>new mario kart its a fucking mobile gacha game
>now crash removed content just to appease the sjw
fuck everything

Right here in my hand

I thought all the trophy girls were made as a thank you and a reference to various women in Sony that made Crash a success?
Removing them from game does not seem very feminist to me, on the contrary.

>the only iteration of the character in the games has sharp teeth
>His teeth were never supposed to be sharp though XD
Are you retarded or just pretending?
>When was the last time you SAW the toy he's based on?
I dont fuckign care i clearly said it was Based on it, the character its clearly diferent form the plush read the fuckign post you fuckign moron the other user posted the rendered model. Also the shit redesign looks nothing like the image you posted you fuckign blind dense mother fucker.

TSR is great
How could anyone except any different given their track record with mobile games (FE Heroes and Dragalia)
And this is the most harmless cut to the game that could happen

Attached: faun you baka.png (960x576, 320K)

Relax guy

Attached: 1557792514459.png (213x190, 50K)

>I dont fuckign care
Clearly, because you'd know why his teeth aren't sharp if you did.

>They had literally no cleavage to show
You're wrong.

>western developers
Christianity sure pulled a number on you cucks didn't it?

Show me the cleavage in CTR.

What was that you called the other guy? A shitposting zoomer faggot?

You dumb troglodytes will always get what's coming to you.

Attached: file.png (1056x624, 829K)

IMAGINE complaining about such microscopic tits. Yeah they're really being shoved into the camera there. Meanwhile Sony was perfectly ok with releasing pic related on PS4.

Attached: 1471308785747.gif (406x415, 3.67M)

Yeah dude, not sexualised at all. KYS. I know you won't even respond to this shit either you fucking baby.

Attached: file.png (701x470, 455K)

I miss when games were made for my audience

So we need to go full Somalia now and Iron out girls breasts so they don't show at all?
That doesn't sound like feminist utopia to me.

Attached: based UK.png (717x687, 518K)

Join the 40%

>Sony was perfectly ok
Emphasis on the WAS.

That was before their HQ moved to Cuckfornia.

No cleavage in that image, try again.

Thanks doc.

>No cleavage in that image
Well spotted user!

Attached: 1558536619757.png (1000x432, 165K)

>30fps in a racing game
May as well not even exist

>a female simply existing means that she is sexualized fuck toy
I do wonder when exactly did these social justice Taliban manage to take over the entire western entertainment?

Wow I can't help but notice you didn't post another image of a trophy girl from CTR to prove me wrong. Good thing you've got a wojack folder though, that's just as good!

>I used to be with 'it', but then they changed what 'it' was. Now what I'm with isn't 'it', and what's 'it' seems weird and scary to me, and it'll happen to you, too!
we should have listened

>You guys should have gone with Mario from the start
I was never not going with Mario

Why the fuck does Sonic need a car, shit makes no sense

>Deflecting to the mobile game
>When you know damn well Mario Kart means pic related

Best-selling game on the Switch, Tour can fuck itself

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 209K)

Think of the children...

Oh wait... we WERE fucking children 20 years ago when we played this and it was perfectly fine.

>Wow I can't help but notice you didn't post another image of a trophy girl
That's why you're being called a troglodyte user. Because you can't even notice breasts that are literally shoved in your face.

Attached: file.png (1102x612, 865K)

No cleavage in that image, try again.

Hah, I WISH they were taliban. They cover up their women because they don't like to share, which I totally get.

SJW's on the other hand...

>that picture
>'shoved in your face'

Are you fucking serious? Do you not understand how distance works?
Keep seething at creatures vaguely resembling attractive women roastie. Your cries would literally be heard anywhere other than here.

there is very clearly cleavage in that image

Well I knew what you were doing, but now you're reaching a little too hard user.

>girls in a one piece swimsuit are too tantalizing



Nigga why would I be seething at that?

True but just look at how we turned out. Arguing about bandicoot tits at 3 am with people we don't even know.

Attached: 1557817743933.png (683x776, 335K)

Yet again avoiding uploading any actual evidence and resorting instead to petty shitposting.

I dunno user, ask Sony.

>woman being sexy in videogame bad

Attached: 2k48t0.jpg (500x607, 22K)

Is that a picture of you? Because I like sexy women in videogames.

you don't know what cleavage is do you

Who's the best throphy girl?

They should just make them drivers, either secret unlock or DLC. Everyone wins because you get more female drivers and as a nod to the old game.

Not even 'being' sexy.

Just LOOKING sexy, is bad and must be censored apparently.

>OP image not animated

I just came into this thread to tell you FUCK YOU

Attached: 1557751301528.gif (235x180, 1.94M)

I dunno, maybe the same reason you reported the OP image and got it deleted faggot

Attached: 1556365516563.gif (294x384, 2.99M)

>combination of multiple crash racing games from tracks to karts to characters
>Every cosmetic is entirely optional, doesn't effect gameplay and can be unlocked for free in game
>Levels painstakingly designed to be as faithful as possible to the source
>Injected tons of new content from animations to game modes and unlockables
>Both new and old fans of crash taken into consideration when designing the game
>Mechanics as faithful to the original as possible
>Constant updated even with only a month left to release
>100% about fun
This is too much soul you guys... I can't handle it, it's retroactively ruining almost every game that's come out in the last 5 years

Attached: IMG_20190325_050519.jpg (604x550, 39K)

>Post ND era semi-Zoomer


Attached: 1558412519285.jpg (422x429, 27K)

>excited for a racing game that runs at sub 30fps

user, you'll see lewder than that shopping for groceries. I would not consider that sexualized.

I reported it because you can't post an image of that, without it being animated. It's like giving somebody blue balls, should be illegal.

>I would not consider that sexy.
What are you gay?

Jump off a fucking cliff

Attached: 158.png (228x270, 85K)

Here, I circled the cleavage for you

Attached: 1558686014553.png (1102x612, 867K)

That's you

Not me

Must've touched a nerve. Faggots are like women basically, they have no brains but all nerves.

Or will buy, play three hours and claim they love it...

>Have a Reimu figure delivered to me at work
>I say "Ah nice, I haven't played touhou in a while, tho, I think the new one comes out soon?
>She says" I don't know"
>I ask "Which game is your fave?"
>Does not know how to respond and says she has not played in years, and leaves

Why? Why claim to be a fan and not be? What to you get?!


I know...

Wow look at the size of the circle you drew relative to the rest of that character model and the entire screenshot. Only a literal retard would consider that to be "literally shoved in your face".
Also, not cleavage.

Yeah. Faggots.

Meanwhile no male character gets posted

Attached: 1554537888180.png (652x600, 293K)

To be fair most touhou fans have never touched an actual touhou game and you fucking knew that.

They're too busy being upset.

It is cleavage, how is that not cleavage lol

wait touhou have games? i though it was a hentai series with sfw music videos

>that autism

Attached: 1555551903711.jpg (417x480, 64K)

You're responding to obvious bait btw. Either that or the poster is merely stupid as fuck. Stupid either way though, because you'd have to be a moron to farm (You)'s in the first place.

Look at this tranny struggle to recognize shitposting in response to shitposting

It's so unprepared for life outside Resetera

Attached: 1524390704061.png (368x405, 303K)

Papu-Papu IS our trophy girl.

>Those jiggle physics