Bout to play dark souls for the first time. Any tips for a noob?

Bout to play dark souls for the first time. Any tips for a noob?

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Yes, go in blind and enjoy the ride. Don't give up and get good.


the skeletons are the correct way to go, no matter what others say

STR is fun and all, but for a first time run-through, I think DEX is better--the variety of weapons you can use is just simply much greater.

Pretty much. Maybe a little stamina too

2 > 1 > 3

you'll understand eventually

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Persistence and patience.

alt+f4 and uninstall

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Get the fuck out retard.
BB = DaS1 > DeS > DaS3 > DaS2

Yea go in blind.

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It's normal to die a lot, especially in boss encounters. Part of the game is failing, dying, and learning from your mistakes.

If you are having trouble with combat, get the Drake Sword as soon as possible. It will help you out early on in the game, but won't be so useful later.

Make sure to buy a purging stone or two when you can. You'll regret it if you don't.

The Sewers / Blighttown is intentionally confusing and challenging. The devs wanted to use these areas to break the players spirit. Don't give up.

Pic semi-related

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Yeah, do not take any tips. Do not look anything up.


yikes at your best list

Have fun and don't read guides until you've finished the game once. The discovery part of From's games is the best

Oh, and stamina is more important to ration than HP. You'll die much more often from a lack of stamina than from running out of Estus.

i'm playing through 2 and it's way worse than first game, the bell gargoyle fight being the best example
adding more enemies in each encounter doesn't make the game better

uninstall once you get to new londo

I’m on switch tho

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my condolences

16 Strength, 12 Dexterity, 40 Endurance, 50 Vitality. Fuck variety, you don't want to bother farming upgrade materials for more than 2-3 weapons.

What? Is it a bad port? I don’t have a pc

that fight is optional and the extra difficulty is meant to keep the zone before it populated for invasions. The bell covenant wouldn't work if it was a boss you could kill in a couple tries.

Be on the lookout

It is objectively the worst version of the game.

you could certainly do better.
they fucked up the audio quality so everything sounds like its been ran through the void. the graphics are sub-par the fps is mehg.
also owning a switch in general is not really reputable in any way

Dont listen to these chucklefucks, I beat the switch port and it was fine.

Get the Master Key.
Endurance is a pretty great stat
Resistance is a useless stat
Weapon upgrades matter more than levels
Try to take notice of every location, you'll be returning to them very often and it's good to learn how to efficiently traverse areas.
You can run away from almost any enemy in almost any situation.

The only thing bad is the audio which you may not even notice much, especially since you haven't played it before with good audio. fps is good. Graphics are the original "unupgraded" ones which are objectively better than the remaster ones. It's a good game and the Switch version is just fine. Have fun with a great game.

>t. manlet basedboy basedboy cringe nigger

The whole game is skeletons though

More variety of shitty weapons, maybe. All the best ones are str or str leaning quality

Get 27 strength, 50 vitality, and 40 endurance. Thats all you need.

STR makes PVE a joke. You just flatten everything with your UGS.

Can confirm. Blighttown runs steadly on the Switch on its entirety.

Pyromancy solves all problems otger than wuelagg

You can get the havel's ring at the beginning of the game if you start with the master key. You'll be able to equip the best armor and poise helps a lot in this game.

queelag is ezpz anyway

Man I wish I could enjoy DaS for the first time again. Sekiro was nice but it didn't scratch that exploration itch like the Souls games do.

>The discovery part of From's games is the best

I'm also playing through Scholar of The First Sin at the moment and I think the atmosphere is complete LUDO. I haven't played DS1 in years, so it's pretty much faded in my memory, but DS2 SoTFS is nowhere near as bad as what the haters say. If anything, it's as much of a unique experience as any From Software Souls game.

I also beat the Belltower Gargoyles on my second or third try. Easy shit with an Ultra Greatsword ;^)

put it in the microwave.

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not today shrek

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this one is definitely going in ladie

Most dragons have long tails. Always cut them off first, they'll give you unique weapons when you do.
Main bosses will also give your their unique souls, don't eat those, save them until you get to Anor Londo, where you can forge boss weapons out of them.
When you get a Pyromancy Flame, upgrade it to level +15 and then ascend it, then go to the bottom of Blighttown and look for the Pyromancer there for the spells she sells. She'll leave if you complete the lava section of the game without talking to her first, and you'll lose out on those spells.
If you have Switch Online when you're a human you can summon help and in turn be invaded by enemy players, this won't happen if you play offline or are Hollowed.
When you can, carry one Divine weapon around with you too. You'll know why when your enemies suddenly won't stay dead
Dusk a best

play demons souls instead. things in that game make more sense.


Sounds like good tips. I played a good bit of Dark Souls 2 on Xbone back a few years ago but forgot a lot of stuff. Don’t you become “hollowed” after you die? How do you become human again?

I just bought Dark souls remastered. I was thinking about picking up demon's souls, but it was 19$.

If you wanna get some quick souls really fast you can put up your summon sign before a boss. You get a shit ton of souls from helping players kill a boss. I did this when I was grinding my sunlight medals and I leveled up an extra 12 levels. I'm now level 70 at anor londo.

>Don’t you become “hollowed” after you die? How do you become human again?
Yes. You can return to your human form again by having at least 1 liquid Humanity and offering it to a bonfire with the command "Reverse Hollowing". Crystallized Humanity items in your inventory you can consume to turn into liquid Humanity to be used, when you find them. Rats tend to drop crystallized Humanity very rarely, some shopkeeps will sell them, you can find them as treasures in some places, but they can be mass farmed in certain endgame locations really easily.

You can also earn liquid Humanity by invading other players and defeating them, or defeating players who have invaded you. Liquid Humanity is kept on your bloodstain when you die, so don't die before picking it up again or you'll lose it. Aside from the summoning/invading thing there's a few weapons and elements that get boosted damage based on how much liquid Humanity you have, but they're all endgame weapons so don't worry about it. Even the starter weapons can be good throughout the entire game so long as you keep upgrading them.

Good info. Well I’m about to start playing now that the download is done. Thanks for the tips guys

its antiquated but still playable. a lot of the concepts in that game got transfered over to dark souls which makes some things like souls as a currency and level up item not make much sense. same with boss fogs. dark souls is still great though. i prefer DeS for the setting, weapons, armor, music and lore. i love medieval settings but dark souls felt too dirty with their armor and weapon designs.

Biggest tip is to explore as some the best weapons in the whole fucking game can be obtained in the first hour.

If I want to do magic in this game, what should I do? Are there options besides pyromancy?

Can the game still work without servers?



yes. definitely. the only thing you lose is coop, pvp, and average world tendency which is world tendency is better offline anyway.

If they don't announce a remaster by the next e3/state of play, I will just get it for the ps3.

Sorceries are all over the place in this game, and come in 3 different types: Magic, Pyromancies, and Miracles. Magic is your standard black magic, you'll need a magic wand known as a "Catalyst" for that, or which there are plenty. Attune your magic into your magic slots at a bonfire, then select the spell you want on the hotbar, switch to your equipped Catalyst, and press the attack button to fire it. Spells all have limited number of uses and are refreshed at bonfires, and there's some gear that can increase the number. Magic typically requires a certain amount of investment in the Intelligence stat before you can equip those spells.

Miracles are your standard white magic. They require the use of a Talisman instead of a Catalyst to use. Miracles typically require investment in the Faith stat to equip.

And Pyromancies are the last one, requiring a Pyromancy Flame to cast. Unlike Magic or Miracles, Pyromancies don't require any stat investment to use, but some may take up multiple magic equipment slots.

There's also some weapons that scale off Magic damage instead of Strength, so be on the lookout for those too.



master key a best stfu

Kill the dogs first
You'll understand when you get there

Don't listen to these fags Listen to this fag Master key on your first time through will just open another path that will confuse you about where you should be going.

Fucking capra demon

it's the best of the "remastered" versions but the sound quality is trash

I guess I'll do a quick rundown of the stats so you know what to invest in.

This is your max HP. Increase this to lengthen the red HP bar.
This is the number of equippable Sorcery slots you have. If you buy multiple copies of spells you can equip those copies too, so long as you have the slots available.
This is your max stamina bar, and also affects your Equip Load. If your total equipped gear and weapons is less than 25% of your total Equip Load, you'll move fast and roll fast. If your total weight is between 25% and 50% you'll move at a medium pace and medium roll. From 50% to 99% you'll move slow and "fatroll", which isn't helpful. At 100% or above you won't be able to run or roll at all.
This is your muscular strength. Big dick weapons like Greatswords/axes benefit from this stat. A weapon that requires a certain amount of Strength to wield will only cost half that to wield with two hands.
This is your "finesse", or speed. Fast, light weapons like rapiers, spears, and halberds benefit off this.
This is your physical + magic defense and poison resistance. Suffers horribly from diminished returns so nobody tends to level this stat.
Governs your Magic Sorceries.
Governs your Miracle Sorceries.

Level whatever you feel you need to.

Yea never look at this thread and just play

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Dark Souls 1 is unplayable without fast roll. It's slow as heck. You run slower, you have a lot of wakeup lag after a roll and you don't roll far enough to dodge attacks. Fast roll is the only way to play Dark Souls 1