Untranslated "masterpiece" gets translated

>untranslated "masterpiece" gets translated
>it's shit

Every. Single. Time. I'm going through this now and it's probably the worst Ace Attorney game.

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Yeah that always seems to happen. I mentioned that in a Trails thread once and it triggered someone hard, but it happens too often. I wonder what SMT fans thought of SMT:if since the TL patch finally got released. I played it a yearish ago and it was just more SMT I and II. And World of Sloth was the worst fucking thing.

What do you dislike about The Great Ace Attorney though?

>and it's probably the worst Ace Attorney game.
That's still DD. GAA had flaws, (mainly Iris) but it was overall solid.

>I mentioned that in a Trails thread once and it triggered someone hard, but it happens too often.
Yeah the Crossbell games were really bad for this. Zero/Ao are both great games arguably better gameplay wise than Sky but they got held up on a pedestal by weebs with a superiority complex. The fact someone is elitist about something like learning Japanese is pathetic. Doesn't help most of the shitposting around Kiseki revolves around one autist who has a massive hateboner for Xseed.

No way fag. DD is really solid, this one is pure trash in everything besides animation and music

From what I've seen and my own personal thoughts, it seems as though SMT If is received pretty highly. I think there is some issues with forced grinding in some areas but overall it is unique enough to be separate from 1 and 2

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I haven't actually played Zero and Ao yet, I just asked if they were actually good or a case of "masterpiece because it's Japanese only" and upset someone. Regarding learning Japanese, it's great if you're really autistic about bad localization changes like I am, but it's nothing to stroke your own ego about.

There was a reason Capcom didn't localize it


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>Doesn't help most of the shitposting around Kiseki revolves around one autist who has a massive hateboner for Xseed.

Hey, I think I saw that guy in a thread the other day. He kept shittalking the translators because he found one grammar error and one change in the first TiTS game.

I think it might have more to do with people in the U.S. bending the law as much as they can to sue people over using anything from Sherlock Holmes stories

Shit taste. It's better than nu main series

>I think there is some issues with forced grinding in some areas

Definitely. I had to run up and down a fucking hallway waiting for 7 moon phases to pass, and with the random battles thrown in that took forever. I leveled up 20 times and maxed out my makka from that fucking world. Everything else felt like the first two games though minus the world map. You were just going through hallways with different wallpaper depending on the world, bullying and recruiting demons until to went back to the school and thumped the emperor.

In the trilogy releases of AA 1-3 is it possible to revert to the classic look at all or would I be stuck looking at the disgusting new art the whole time?

It was too political and race driven, localizing that is like walking in field of land mines for Capcom's burger localization team that's never had to deal with that sort of topic.

>What do you dislike about The Great Ace Attorney though?
It's boring. I'm only in the beginning of chapter 2, but it doesn't do anything different from the other games and the only unique thing is the historical setting. The MC acts like young Phoenix/Apollo, the sidekick is a more subdued version of Maya/Kay, you have your attorney mentor/friend to teach you the ropes, etc. It's all shit you've seen before and not enough is fresh to justify the spinoff. People say Holmes is great, but he's just a typical goofy AA character.

I don't think it's a masterpiece, but I enjoyed the general story and tone of the Crossbell arc. Characters are alright, but don't really stick with me as much as the Sky cast did.

What do you mean? At this point shouldn’t Sherlock Holmes be public domain? Pretty sure Doyle’s been dead for quite a while.

Since Janet couldn't even stand a pedo joke, she'd probably hate The Great Ace Attorney.

>only did the baby tutorial case
>this game is shit reeee literally everything is the same!
Fucking lol never change Yea Forums

It is, all except for the last ten looks I think. And those are only copyrighted still in America. There's some estate or something who sues anyone who uses anything from those books without permission, and they'll bend things and say "You used this character's name. He may have been from one of the public domain works, but he also appears in one of the ones that are still under copyright, pay up, motherfucker."

How did layton v wright turn out better?

AAI2 is the best game in the series lol

That's disappointing. I really liked the first and third AA games, and a couple cases in the second, but AJ was ranged from bad to just okay, I don't really remember DD much except for parts of the last case which I liked, but I remember I had trouble convincing myself to keep playing. I just finished SoJ the other day and had an even harder time finishing that one (that final case was terribly written, holy shit, why don't people take the piss out on it like they do that one magician case in AJ?). I was hoping that since it was a spin off and Shu Takumi worked on TGAA that it'd be more interesting.

>Play this
>Enjoy it enough
>Not the best but the gimmick is kinda fun and the presentation is nice
>Find out most of these plot threads the game is setting up don't actually get resolved or even addressed until the sequel
>Drop the game on the last chapter
I hate when games are made with sequels in mind.

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>I hate when games are made with sequels in mind.
You act like previous Ace Attorneys never did this. AA1 had plot points that didn't get resolved till AA3, like with everything involving Misty Fey.

lol actually play the game

I liked DGS quite a bit and found it better than the sequel trilogy. Play it, you might like it better yourself.


It wasn't blatantly apparent that it was something that needed addressing though, unlike everything to do with this fucking guy.

Attached: Cheifhartp.png (283x342, 102K)

This game is literally better than any AA game after 4.

I like the theater of logic and deduction a lot.

>played one tutorial case
god I hate Yea Forums

I'll probably give it a try eventually, it just may not be for a year or two.

It might easily be my favorite part of the investigations and gimmick.

>Better than SoJ or I2

The theatrics in this game are my favorite part of the game. I really like how animated and expressive everyone is. It feels like how AA should have been adapted to 3D from the beginning.

It’s nice but a bit hand holdy

I remember people shitting on this when it first came out and the jap reviews were pretty harsh. Do people actually call this a "masterpiece?"
Personally I found that Zero/Ao generally live up to their hype. Same for Ace Attorney Investigations 2. God bless the fans who tl'd that one.

Lloyd is kind of a boring protagonist, but literally everything else in Zero/Ao makes up for it.

Just reached the third chapter and I'm liking it quite a bit so far. Joint Reasoning is a lot of fun, even if they more or less spell everything out for you.

No you're right and people were shitting on it even then. I heard 2 is a lot better though.

>Want to play the Crossbell games since I haven't played anything by the Sky trilogy yet
>Kind of want to play in Japanese just because, and also because I hear that the fan translations are kind rough
>Want to replay the Sky trilogy in Nip first because I'm curious about the original scripts and don't want to play two parts of the series in one language and one part in another

Goddamn, it's gonna take me forever to get through these games.

>group chooses a game from a series you like to translate
>the entry in question is aggressively mediocre.

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GAA sucks
GAA2 is amazing
this is what people always have claimed

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I still can't believe that Absolute Zero translated Tales of the Tempest as a joke.

The fan translations are a bit rough, but if you're fluent in English, you shouldn't have any trouble when errors do pop up. I was expecting it to be way worse than it actually was. Also it feels like Ao's translation is generally not actually that bad compared to Zero's.

A lot of the games at the time were either
>held up by AG and translation teams don't step on each other's toes
>are on the PS2 onwards which was a no go at the time
It was basically just down to like A/R/D/J/W at the time and there was some reason that I can't remember why they didn't work on W and cancelled D.

It’s more of the same but has the other half of the plot hostage

I want UX and BX translated so fucking bad...instead we're getting the gamecube game and the supposed alpha release...
On the bright side there's a group working on EXCEED.