How long does it take to get good at fighting games?
How long does it take to get good at fighting games?
to be good enough is about 100 hours give or take
I had been playing fighting games super casually from time to time but never sat down and decided to take it seriously until DBFZ came out. and it wasn't until SCVI that I was at a level I was perfectly comfortable at, I can play any fighting game, 2D, 3D or platform and have a nice enough time not getting absolutely bodied.
Depends on your learning material, ethic, talent and the games you play.
Longer than it's worth.
Too long which is why it will always be niche. That might be a good thing though even if it attracts spergs.
Longer than it's worth, which is why I just fap to them
depends on your definition of good
How do I get Juri gf?
I know the answer but I've forgotten, try posting more muscle girls to jog my memory.
Fighting games weren't niche for a long time, in fact they were some of the most mainstrewam games around, the problem is with the quality of the games and becoming too bogged down by snowballing mechanics.
See thats why I fap while playing
While i jog your memory does smash count as a fighting game?
Smash counts as a fighting game only technically and is absolutely on the fringe. It absolutely should be lower priority at FGC events when it has its own shit.
t. Watches Melee
I don't know, I've never played smash. But I do think Samus is hot.
Snowballing mechanics? Pretty much every modern fg is more focused on making dumb comeback mechanics.
Depends on how much work you're willing to put in.
If you go to locals, play against players of your skill level or higher, and attend tournaments with the intention of improving, not long.
If you only play online and or rarely attend tournaments, it will take a good while.
The longer you spend with the game the better you will be.
And this only counts quality time and training of fundamentals and the like.
100 hours of training fundamentals and learning your character is going to give you a far different result than just playing against people and never using training mode.
personally around a dozen hours of practicing basics to get better then absolute newbies. varies on what game to climb up rank mode but usually around 20-40 hours learning your favorite character combos and play style.
Find cute girl, touch her feet a lot during sex so she associates them with pleasure. Suggest she dom you a few times and make sure you sex her the best you ever have to condition her to enjoy it. But cosplay outfit. Congratulations.
if you learned to ride a bike in less than an hour, you might get good at them really fast.
>get on fightcade
>jump on 3rd Strike
>get a invite from Chilefag
>turns out he had the best ping in the lobby even tho I'm from US
>I get btfo for 3 matches in a row
>he leaves without a word
>I back out in the main lobby
>see him on the main chat talking mad shit
>tell him I'm barely learning the game
>continues to shit on me
>replied gg tho
>reverts to his native tongue
>spanish fags are replying jajaja
>close fightcade
If you're in this thread right now I hope you happy beating up a scrub thinking you're a hot shit you asshole
Grow strong user.
Like actually good? 1000-2000 hours minimum. It's no different than learning a language or instrument or how to draw.
Just decided to get into fighting games. Are there usually more players on PS4 or PC?
Depends on the all important natural talent factor.
Depends how much time you dedicate as said, isn't different from learning a instrument or draw.
It can be like 3 months or years.
PS4 for any games this gen. PC/Fightcade for older games.
Difference is one is a skill with value and the other really isn't. But always do what makes you happy imo.
Given the OP, I doubt you're actually serious and just wants your daily SF/Juri fap thread through
Why not both?
can't it be both?
just give a tip along with the sexy juri
Shut up kermit
Depends on the game and how much you want to pay to use Sony's shitty online service.
Not everyone plays to get good. Ton of people just pick up as hobby.
Playing like a hour per day aren't going let you go to EVO but at least you aren't going get wreck by shitters that easy.
It determines on what type of game you're playing.
UNIST is active on both with anons happy to play you in.
Tekken is more on PC I think.
Don't know about Blazblue.
BBTAG is PS4 I think.
DBFZ is both.
Rev2 is PC.
SNK Heroines is dead.
FEXL is dead.
SC6 is both but I haven't played on PS4 since January so I don't know.
DOA6 is dead.
I've just rarely seen a waifufag actually be good with their main is all, can't help but be skeptical.
Play guilty gear
Consoles will always have more for fighting games. Even the obscure shit has people daily, I think Divekick still has people playing it.
You can't, or you are born with amazing reflexes or you live up to mediocrity
3rd strike room is notorious for having faggots, personality wise, so just bear with it. If it'll motivate you, get better so you can fuck em up.
I just decided to git gud at fighting games too OP. I bought a fight stick and SF 30th Anniversary Collection because I want to master the basics on the classics. Every day I've been drilling spacing, movement, special moves, combos, cancels, etc. on SSF2T and 3rd Strike. Its really fun, even though I'm getting bodied in almost every match. My win % is around 20%, which is an improvement from the first few days.
no bully pls i don't play fighting games
Juri Han but with her hair down
Hair down Juri is best Juri
The bar for "good" keeps going up forever, probably faster than you'll ever approach it. Fighting games are 90% legacy skill, and the current good players are constantly practising and improving themselves, most likely a lot more than you or anyone else here will.
If you just want to get to the point where it's fun though, where you're not just button mashing and are actually playing the game, it doesn't take that long. Just don't expect to win any competitions.
About 23 minutes, minus piss breaks
Thanks for the info.
Yeah the games I'm most interested in are Guilty Gear, UNIST, and Tekken for modern stuff. Also want to get into Melty since I'm already invested in that series.
>jesus christ hair down Juri is so damn hot and I'm not even a Jurifag
In terms of getting gud at fighting games it really just means practice as much as you can.
if youre serious and you focus on like locals/tourney play and avoid online like the plague, as well as getting in quality lab time as frequently as possible, you'll be a force within two years. if nothing's shaking by then you either didn't actually practice or learn as much as you thought.
Why does she have a finger covering her navel?
she's pointing to where she wants my dick
Imo using training mode doesnt help with fundamentals. It will help you with your combos and muscle memory. Setting the CPU to fight will have the computer just doing whatever it wants. It isnt going to pick optimal moves, it will not teach you to read the psychology of the opponent, will probably do plenty of unsafe shit rather than real strategies that will teach you about neutral or fighting those characters.
That's how it is
I knew I would get bodied picking kof98 and I knew it would be 100% mexicans, but I didnt expect them to be dicks about it.
>tell dude I am a beginner and not good
>"you have skill of beginner"
>yeah, I told you that.
Fighting games create a lot of big egos you'll find
Longer than it's worth, and you may very well just not have the finger speed or coordination to pull off insane 740-hit comboes
Depends on what level of knowledge you're starting at. If you don't know what "links" are, then you're going to have a loooong learning process of maybe up to a year. Otherwise, could take a few weeks to months of dedication.
i want to lick her sweaty armpits
Fly out to Seoul
angel a best
Once I have the means I'm never coming back
Lol DBFZ is such a casual game though
It is and noticed that by due time, don't even touch it anymore
This is just misinformation. Only "anime" games have long combos, and they're much easier than they look due to the ability to chain normals and late cancel lots of things.
Slower games, like KoF, Street Fighter, and Tekken have very short combos and rely heavily on neutral presence and understanding of basic gameplans.
This is the peak female body right there
Shit taste
Post futa juris :^]
learn the mechanics
learn what to practice
learn your mistakes and lessen them as much as possible
read opponents
once you learn those, you will be better
Spike always had good taste.
True words right there
About as long as it takes you to achieve that physique
But I'll never be a girl.
what do i think of kolin
Not with that attitude
You must be born good.
I'd give her the cold shoulder
I never have.
Any time I start to get good at a fighting game people find a new hot fighting game and start playing that. And when I switch over to that I have to re-learn a bunch of stuff so I never get to the "got gud" point.
It sucks.
what should the next kolin costume be
Why is she so perfect bros?
All those games are dead discord fighters besides Kekken.
Story of my life senpai
>start playing guilty gear
>blow ass at it but I'm making progress
>friends start playing blazblue
>start playing blazblue and I suck because I have to learn stuff again
>start getting okay
>friends move to SFV
>start playing SFV and really suck at it and have to learn again
>friends move to SCVI
>start playing SCVI and suck again
>friends move to smash ultimate
>start playing smash ultimate
>friends move to MK11
it never ends
How the fuck is there just constantly new art made of this bitch? Every other day some new image gets posted that makes be need to bust yet another nut.
*giggles at you*
fuck me I need to go to Sao Paulo
>guess I'm going to brazil
You’re saying it like it’s a bad thing
3rd Strike is a shit game played by shitlords primarily, don't feel bad.
I'm running out of cum, goddamnit.
Tekken 7 is a predictable follow-up to a series that's never aimed particularly high, it may please casual gamers for a day or two but the stagnant ongoing series is definitely in the second tier of fighters way below Capcom or NetherRealm Studios games, and it's seriously getting old and tired. The lack of depth and subtlety and the emphasis on the offensive, rather than the defensive, puts this squarely two notches below the best in the genre, the "who-can-get-their-super-move-off-first" gameplay leaves much to be desired from a serious fighting game player. Like the prequels, Tekken 7 is geared towards casual gamers and anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, DoA and MK games have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!
If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.
Rolento outfit
Jesus Christ
Real question is why is this artist posted so much
Tekken is undoubtedly above NRS in quality, it's a bit janky in the whole frame data-technicalities department but the inputs feel satisfying as fuck, the combos are dope and the game feels fluid and fun, maybe competitivity in that game may be nothing but a meme but it's got it's merit of being fun, way more fun than NRS
That's a copypasta
Depends on the game. Street Fighter sucks so don't bother with it.
PC. Anyone that says consoles is a netplay casual repeating a generation-old sentiment because they don't know any better. PC ports have become the superior way to play for almost every game so all the good players have made the switch.
Don't know why everyone posts Chun's thighs when Laura in her battle outfit costume has easily the best and most pronounced thighs in the cast.
40hrs to get tolerable
200hrs to get decent
1000hrs to get good
presumably 5000hrs to be a pro but I am not there yet.
you know that thats a mod, thats not her original body
That depends entirely on many things
>your natural talent and reaction time
>having a good offline community near you
>how much you play with very good players
>having the right mindset
>not trying to flowchart/autopilot
>trying to eliminate bad habits
>trying to copy the pros
>how intelligently you use training mode
Infiltration became a world champion in sf4 within a couple years and there are still retards that have been playing FGs for decades but still suck ass.
I'd say the most important things are natural talent, not being a fucking retard, and playing good players in long sets offline.
>smash really nigga
I wasn't talking about that outfit, I was talking about this one. Just her normal idle stance in this costume puts so much emphasis on her huge meaty thighs I can barely contain my boner enough to play out a round let alone an entire match.
Yea Forumsirgin
Really? I don’t think I’ve ever seen this artist posted. Maybe once or twice but if I did it was awhile ago
>Yea Forums
I really want to get into fighting games but I get instant anxiety playing against others online. Any way to better cope with this?
Play offline
Should I playing rank or quickmatch if I'm trying to get better at Jump Force? I just started and I'm getting destroyed, I've played like ~50 games and won 4.
The thread is about fighting games.
and I made a post about a fighting game.
This, the ego of some of these guys are obnoxious. They will also blame everything when things go wrong, the first is the opponent's internet being bad, because it's never theirs despite having bad connections for the past 4 or 5 fights. I also like when they go "you arent supposed to do that! muh input didnt read GAAAAAAAME"
if you are serious about it you can beat any scrub friends you have in 10 or 15 hours
just pay attention to the mechanics of the game and master your character movelist at least
if you want to ''good'' years
if you want to get really good decades
Not him but it teaches some fundamentals of fighting decently well even if execution is same-y for most of the cast.
This. Also i have no qualms just playing the AI. I love fighters. Just have fun
Long enough that if you picked a non video game skill to practice you could make money off it but not a load of money.
I dunno I feel like I'm always climbing
Also no other games are fun after you fully dip into fighters. There are some absolute shit fighters that made me disgusted with the genre (DBFZ), but after 3 weeks of not playing I got bored of all the other games I tried and went back to KI and fightcade.
10 minutes watching footage of pros, 20 minutes practicing what they're doing. Gets me at a moderate level fast.
PS4 for every game unless you live in Russia or some third world
SFV and KI have crossplay so those games being "dead" on PC is not a problem
kolin makes me rock hard
Shame about her face.
literal years if you're not a turbo autist and are above the age of 20
Whats better for single player content, MK11, Tekken 7, or Soulcaliber 6? I like games with a lot of unlocks and modes. I also love when every character has an arcade mode story.
You're not winning back the money you spent to enter Combo Breaker, friend.
MK11 is a shit game, but it does have a lot of singleplayer content.
SC6 if you want a good game.
Or just emulate SC2 for RUMORS.
Dumb trick but it works- I pretend I'm playing against the AI. Immediately my heart stops racing and it's like yeah yeah, whatever, no big deal. Placebo works.