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spiteful Yea Forums faggots btfo

>best selling title ever for the company that made Bubsy 3D and Uncharted for Vita

I keep hearing really mixed things about it. Either I hear that it's amazing or that it's the most generic shit of all time

Good. I'm really enjoying the game.

From what I can tell it's the video game equivalent of Avatar but on a smaller scale. Normalfags eat it up because it's the same shit marketed as if it were something new, in ten years nobody will remember or care about it.

>Nogaemstation so starved for games their buying up garbage with a horrible score

Its normal game that you could see being made in 2007.

When did Yea Forums started hating this game? I thought the general consensus was that it's just average

How many Sony published games are there?

didn't this do worse than kek kombat 11?

I bet even Sony was surprised. They pretty much gave up on the game and acted like it didn't exist.

Days Gone seems to be nothing but an average game. Lets not forget, there is nothing wrong with that.. not everything has to be a fucking triple A masterpiece. It reminds me of a PS2 area cult classic. While not perfect, still fun for the flawed game it is. It really sucks how everything is put into two camps now, perfect game or dumpster fire. What is wrong with being just average but fun?

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Its a lot of sparkle slathered onto a relatively generic game with subpar gameplay and a boring generic white protagonist.

>snoys flock to their one game per year like usual
Imagine my surprise

Oversaturation, back in the old days a game being "good enough" was enough to make it worth buying, because your choices were twisted metal or driving backwards in nascar 2000

Isn´t this a game SJWs were bitching about recently?

Surprised. I thought everyone was over the zombie shit.

It's generic made well.

I kinda like it. Game is pretty boring until you get to IRON FUCKING MIKES camp though.

>era where the most amount of games were being published on consoles
>le you only had 2 options
Zoom zoom

Don't worry too much about it, doggy. Literally 80% of these fucks are falseflaggers. So wrapped up in shitting on everything they did not or can not purchase in order to convince themselves they've made the "correct" choice of game/platform, and if you're not in they're corner, then you're and incel or onions or whatever the fuck they screech about.

Literally as bad as gamergaters.


In the PS2 days there were also a lot of games fighting for your attention (though the quality wasn't as high). I think now peoples expectations are just insane, to a point it's unreasonable. The modern internet also makes peoples opinions super polarizing. It really become tiresome after awhile.

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>most amount of games
lol, the ps1 had jack shit in terms of options compared to the ps3.
and even then you were mostly limited to the same 4-5 game types. the only thing that era still has for me is unholy war and twisted metal.

I think you are correct on all fronts. I just feel jaded from these childlike mentalities. I am glad there are people on Yea Forums with a level head still.

Oh shit when you said "old days" I assumed you meant ps2. I think I'm the zoomer.

Ia this the zombie game that has alvallone working on it

Do people still play the PS3 reboot? I thought it was loads of fun, easily the best TM since black.

No, that's the Dying Light sequel. Days Gone is by the old Syphon Filter guys.

Nobody here besides the most obvious sonyfriends claims the game won't sell, they just rightfully call it ass. This is coming from a PS4 owner, btw.

I didn't realize user said ps2 desu, I was thinking back into genesis and ps1. Though given, that is slightly altered by me being a kid back then and limited by my allowance.

I don't think I've played anything past the ps1 (maybe 2?) I remember getting a demo for one, but it was like cars on a playground or something, and it just didn't feel the same.

How? Like actually fucking how

They basically gave up on marketing it after a certain point and I don't know a single person who was excited for it. Every review I've seen plants it at a solid 6 or 7 citing repetition and bugs out the ass. Genuinely bewildered here

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>How? Like actually fucking how
There's a whole lot of casual faggots out there, user.

uncharted for vita sold nearly 2 million.

No, they're not releasing numbers for mk.
Btw, trannies and cat "ladies" itt seething.

Like all Nintendo games then?

Is it because the ps4 has no games?

>out of the 7 games that came out on the ps4 we're 7/7!

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I'd put it at 8/10. This is the game I've always wanted back during the "zombie" craze. Very satisfying, scratches that itch that has never been itched.

Probably for the best

>generic cis white male protagonist
>"only if you promise to ride me as much as you ride your bike"

how could this DISGUSTING piece of trash be successful?

>7th place
That's loser territory. Millenials are warped by a generation of participation trophies.

You're either #1 or you may as well be scum.

People have sex, you are just not one of them. Have sex

If Sony slaps EXCLUSIVE on anything they’ll buy it up and defend it to their graves, no matter how uninteresting or generic it may be. I recall people praising GOW because it had snow footprints and controller feedback as if that was something new. The people buying Days Gone don’t really cross over with the demographics that post on Yea Forums.

>showing off a mediocre title several years in a row at the world's largest video game conference results in significant sales
Stop the fucking presses

It’s shitposting tards
It’s just boring

I didn't play it because I ONLY play games that let me play as a cute girl.

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I wouldn't mind but it's 50 hours and does nothing new or interesting. If a game is shorter and does some interesting stuff then it's worth checking out, even if it's not great.

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Casual normies, "muh playstation exclusive masterpiece", Playstation blitzkrieg marketing style, actual shills, people that bought it just to spite "LEEBRULS"

More games than the Switch + Wii U combined


The amount of PS4 fanboys I've seen adamantly defending this game is kinda unreal
t.someone who owns a PS4 and enjoys it

Look, I don't want to pull the 'starving for games' card here but there was absolutely nothing released for the PS4 during this time period and 7th for a Sony published title doesn't seem like that big of an accomplishment here.

what a fag weeb lmao