Character slow and weak

>character slow and weak
>decent weapons break quickly
>a trillion zombies at night
>can't complete a single side quest because the ai is retarded and there is friendly fire

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Git gud

Imagine being shit at video games

Dead Rising lets you NG+ at any time for a reason. No ones beating it on a fresh save on their first attempt.

You suck

this is a game about moving through zombies, not killing zombies

This is a game where leveling up is mandatory and you are expected to go through several playthroughs. Don't worry about screwing things up and letting survivors die. Eventually you'll learn where the better weapons are and the tricks to getting more out of them, but frankly the game is at its most fun when you're improvising.

Explore and don't forget your orange juice. Use blenders to combine food and drink items for better abilities. Take more pictures for exp. We're all gonna make it through the apocalypse.

Play around in the Gym, shoot the plates in the food court, take pictures of PP stickers, and start going for the easy survivors for some PP.

Dead Rising is a game that rewards you for repeated playthroughs, on your first run just focus on learning and enjoying the game instead of worrying about doing everything.

>this is a game about moving through zombies, not killing zombies
I'm pretty sure some guy did a full playthrough without killing any zombies

stock up on orange juice. grab the katana from the ledge right below. run on all the treadmills and break all the punching bags in the gym.
for ai if you aim and press the 'follow me!' button, they'll go to where you're pointing to and stay there. keep them somewhere safe until there's a path for them, and then only have them run in straight lines through open spaces where they won't get stuck. you can also give weapons to survivors but their skill with them varies, and they will shoot you by accident because they're retarded. it's worth it though for all the PP.

level up as you play, and I'll give you a hint. Books.

What? I did. Just do every mission that appears and optimize your route. I admit I had to reload saves multiple times to really squeeze every second I could, but it wasn't THAT hard.

Pick up magazines and use the weapons they buff

looks up ways to find free PP like a guy said earlier, the gym and look for PP stickers they give you a bunch. If you get far enough for the special forces to show up then getting to lvl 50 is ez, just use your mini chainsaw to kill them in a few hits and the best place to farm them is the supermarket

You can kill special forces in one hit with suplex, lift/throw, disembowel and face crusher.

Anyone who isn't completely braindead beat it on the first go. If you said getting all the survivors on the first go WITHOUT guides I would have agreed.

Once you're level 50 you'll be an unstoppable zombie killing machine

The first game just do mission for the story, then on your second one try to rescue the people and all that shit. Killing a boss gave you his weapon and you can pick it again where you killed him. Try not to kill all zombies, just the one that get in you way, to save some npc or that annoys you. Game is hella fun after the first game, the NG+ is when alm the fun starts. Enjoy

I never appreciated how the game is at it's absolute hardest when you're both low level and trying to get used to the mechanics. What, you got like 4 bars of HP, really tiny inventory and no special moves? After you've gotten to around lv10 - lv20, you already got decent health pool and some inventory to mess around with, so even if you would remain clueless about how to actually play the game, you would still have some wiggle room to make mistakes and recover. It seriously is a game where you're either supposed to purposefully fail the story on your first try and have a 'sandbox run' to gain some PP, or then start an NG+ at some point during your first playthrough. I seriously cannot think of any other game that is so unforgivingly harsh when you're still trying to learn how to play, and gets so much easier as your character levels up as you keep learning more about the game.

Ok Im gonna tell you how to beat dead rising.
After leaving the elevator from the safe house there will be some mannaquins. Pick them up and throw them at the wall. They will break into pieces.
Pick up the mannaquin torso. Congratulations, you just got the best weapon in the game. Mannaquin torso after one damage upgrade one shots zombies. Its animation cancels upon strike. The torsos rapid fire rate and quick recovery animation with high damage and the fact that its so easy to get makes it the best boss killing weapon as well, for me personally I killed the clown boss first try with no health lost due to how much it stunlocked him. It's not the BEST weapon, but its so easy to get and in unlimited supply; the only weapon that will compete with this is the spec ops guns in the late game.

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Don't let survivors follow you, for whatever reason they like to fight zombies when they follow you. You gotta give them moving orders constantly, only that way they'll actually power through the zombies and try to avoid combat with them

This. This. Fucking this.

Easiest option is use frank's command thing, point where you want them to go and put a pointer

The survivors will always try to go there no matter where frank is allowing you to help stragglers and to make it easy on them since zombies despawn far away.
This with mannaquin torso got me like 95% of survivors my first game and nearly all the missions

the command pointer actually made leading survivors a breeze and a lot more fun, I wish it was explained better

Also don't give them weapons, especially not guns. They get distracted with them

What a journey

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Should I bother with that if I'm not going to 100% the game? I was going to but then Frank the Pimp glitched out on me so I stopped caring.

I know that for some weird reason the timer is apparently an important part of the series, but jesus christ I wish I could play the campaign at my own pace as a completionist autist I am except of feeling I'm missing out on something because I'm spending time suboptimally. I only played 2 and Off the Record and I'm 111% sure I'd actually enjoy those games a great deal if I could play the campaign mode without that frustrating timer.

If you don't care about %100 then no, 7 day survivor required 14 hours of playtime, in a single sitting and you can't save

Is there anything in this game other than escort quests and shitty boss fights?

I get that but it makes the game what it is. 3 doesn't have a timer but while it was fun it didn't push me forward like the others did.

3 relaxed the timer to the point it may as well not be there outside of the nightmare mode it clearly wasn't built around and it showed why the timer is needed. You just don't get the tension a zombie apocolypse brings without it. That and planning a route is part of the fun on replays.

>you just don't get the tension a zombie apocolypse brings without it.
you are right, but when I think of Dead Rising 2 I don't think serious tense dramatic shit, I think of violent lowbrow slapstick comedy.

war journalism

That's what makes DR1 so replayable. At first, Frank is weak as shit, you're struggling against the time and have trouble getting around the mall but then on subsequent playthroughs Frank gets better and better, you have a better feel for the mall's layout and can get around quickly, you know where your favourite items are, and how to manage your time better between survivors / cases / psychopaths. It's why I find it so rewarding to play.

Don't even try to beat the game until you are max level. Just dick around in the sandbox and level up.

Use the juicer. You can fund the recipes online.

Always carry a queen with you for emergencies.

Kill Adam as soon as possible to farm his chainsaws, weapons respawn.

Open all bathroom shortcuts. This makes rescuing easier.

Try not to lead survivors through the courtyard once the convicts show up.

Don't bother killing the convicts unless you need their jeep as they are the only respawning psychos. Killing them is pointless.

Give survivors weapons to defend themselves. Tame them back just before the vent.

Pictures are a fast way to level early on.

Once you are maxxed out practice Frank's cqc moves as you will need them in the final boss fight for the true ending.

It gets easier as you level up and once you get Adam's saws.

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>Just dick around in the sandbox and level up
Just exploring or doing side quests? Escort missions are pretty boring tb h

Then meet them and kill them right after they join you for the PP.

>decent weapons break quickly
>Small Chainsaws have like 500 uses with the two books, one which can be gained in the food court if I remember right and another close to the small chainsaws themselves.
>Can be gained almost immediately in infinite amounts if I remember right.

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Dead Rising 2 was still relatively serious, mainly in terms of Case Zero and Case West's plots. Plus I did appreciate the small touches in the environments, since zombie outbreaks are more common after the Willamette outbreak there's signs warning people of what to do in case you encounter one. Its just that it was far more campier and self aware, kind of wearing that on its sleeve.

They can be a fucking pain in the original, especially when the Convicts respawn and the AI falls apart on you, but it heavily rewards you in terms of PP.

The game is a rogue-lite and is meant to be played over and over again.

I can't
not again

Anything you want to do.
Almost everything gives you pp.
Pictures are the fastest method for starters.
Kill zombies.
Kill psychos.
Rescue Survivors.

Whatever you want to do. Just enjoy yourself until you max out Frank or feel sufficiently powerful enough to tackle the story.
There is endless shit to do in DR.

Will minichains are the optimal build until real megabuster I feel like using those as a new player locks off a lot of the fun of searching the mall and improvising.

save scumming faggot

>Dead Rising 2 was still relatively serious
Doesn't the game start with you on your bike inside a court doing some American Gladiator/Evil Kenevil shit?

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It did. The weirdest part is that Case Zero was a lot more grounded, basically opening on Chuck and Katey ending up in some infected small town and having their car stolen from them.

Even if you don't use the chainsaws there's that one broadsword sitting in the food court, you can get tons of good stuff in the other food court (The western looking one where you fight lobster man), there's always guns lying around, if you beeline towards the gun store near the end of the first or second day and beat the really easy psychopath there it unlocks a hell of a lot of guns (But wastes a lot of time). I mean, it'll downplay the scrounging aspect somewhat, but if you grab the magazine for bladed weapons that alone takes out a lot of tension even without the chainsaws.

the game is piss easy but escorting the survivors was hell. probably some of the least fun ive ever had

This game is legit 10 years, has had an hd port that makes everything better including 60fps. I was able to get 50 survivors in my first try with no issues because im not a little bitch so get your FUCKING shit together.

for time saving and consistency, mini chainsaws are the best. guns are nice, mostly the shotgun and the sniper, for psychos at a range.

its 13 years old user
came out in 2006...

>Don't even try to beat the game until you are max level. Just dick around in the sandbox and level up.
Did I play the same game as you guys? The game was not nearly as hard as you're all making it out to be.


Even not using the torso you don't need to be max level to even attempt the true ending. That's ridiculous. I completed like level 45 and I newgamed like once at level 5. Survivors give you tons of xp boosting me the rest of the levels.That's how you're SUPPOSED to play the game.
"Tapping the Ybutton button while holding the Righttrigger trigger will have Frank shout out "Over there!" or "Go!" to any survivors in his party. This command will prompt the survivors to head towards the indicated location. Setting a new waypoint will cause the previous one to be deactivated."

>"Tapping the Ybutton button while holding the Righttrigger trigger will have Frank shout out "Over there!"
Yes I know this works. I've beat the game over 10 times. The AI of the survivors is just broken

Very true. The point is that this game gives you lots of options and freedom to do what you want and try new things. Weapons that are crap at the start become good at max level, gems at max throw and attack become good path clearing weapons. I just love how this game rewards you for playing it and mastering it, knowing where all the hidden pp bonuses are for doing dumb stuff. How to utilise the different juices.

Mannequin torso, another great example.


you point them in a direction
its BETTER than yelling

This game was amazing when it came out. The zombie craze had really just kicked off and there wasn't any game that did what Dead Rising did. I do distinctly remember finding a lot of it immensely frustrating, the AI and the boss fights in particular. The aiming controls were trash.

I'd recommend just not playing it user, it's not worth it unless you have nostalgia for it. It's aged poorly.

Yes.. I did that all the time. It doesn't help when you're mid to end game and the zombies are everywhere. The AI pathing of the survivors will mess up and they will run into the zombies even if you constantly point and tell them to go somewhere

We get it. You are better than us. You are god gamer overlord supremo. You beat DR with a blindfold at lvl 1 and save every survivor. Kudos, sir.

But us lowly plebs needed to do some leveling. So, fuck off. You are good at the game, we get it.

It's great. Die and restart at a higher level for an easier time or git gud.
Learn to craft quick steps, them always have half your inventory be them.
Also aim somewhere and mark it, the go WITH the survivors instead of ahead of them. Help them as they move forward

Rescuing survivors is 100% optional. You only get bonus PP from it, you don't need to save anyone to get the good ending. If you're getting fucked though, it might be a good idea to start over keeping your current level. The game gets way easier after you get all the speed upgrades.

Also, mannequin torsos are the best weapon in the game.

>one damage upgrade
The gym really makes you stronger?

I think it was breaking all the sandbags in the gym would increase the power of your melee attacks.

level up you nibba, the ai is pretty fucking retarded tho so just be patient and reload your save file if they mess up

torsos are shit weapons

what? because it breaks and gives you more weapons?

Maybe, but rescuing survivors is a major component of the game.

Completing All the Survivors, and all the Cases is the ideal Dead Rising Playthrough.

what? You have to beat it starting from lv1 at least once

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>First attempt

Once you know what you're doing, clean saves are the only way to play.

Not the full mannequin, just the torso. It's lightweight so you can swing it quickly and it kills zombies in one hit. Give them to a group of survivors and they'll chew through zombie crowds for you.

You can die on day 2 and start the game over at level 23.

Selecting "Save status and quit" when you die will start you on a new game with your current level.

If you beat the Clown boss get the mini chainsaw from his area, you can kill anything pretty quick with that and always respawns

Well i never thought about that... still, first time i ended up at around level 30, second time is always a blast because you can do so much more, DR1 & 2 are fun as fuck