ITT: IRL Vidya bosses.
ITT: IRL Vidya bosses
How did you got a picture of me?
is he from LISA?
What would the boss themes be?
Being white is clearly not ok if you look like that, holy shit
What was his problem?
At least he isn't a patriotic, straight slav.
>boss comes back as an ally in sequal
"Welcome. Welcome to City 17. "
>pleasure and pain
>boss spawns a shitload of adds
I didn't know you could cosplay as a possessed schizophrenic.
of switchlets die in his asshole?
Holy shit is that nick fury?
>Boss is really weak but has a body guard
>Royal Rat Vanguard
>the nutcracker
>Boss gets betrayed by a trusted friend
the absolute madman
>Oscillus Alpha, The gook slayer
>Secret boss is harder than final boss
Is this some Die Antwoord side project?
what a hero that the actual Klan or are those Wizard Executioners?
Grand Wizard of Water has the best design.
Fite me.
Bizarro world Michael Moore?
That's clearly Spain and one of their Catholic cults you uncultured swine
>there was a time where shit like this really happened
God japan in the 70-80's were crazy
>Energetic Jaunty Arabian music starts playing
I wonder what his move set would be
Muten roshi???
How can whites ever compete?
>Come, Nerevar, friend or traitor, come. Come and look upon the heart and Akulakhan.
These are your chosen heroes for the night.
leave it to boomers to ruin the message
I bet they have a really good friendship
These are the faggots I don't want to own guns
ProJared's penis
>TurboKnight into the fight!
>grim dawn protagonist
>Multiphase boss
Urban is based as fuck, though.
Honorary Aryan
freaking crystals, man
>6'3" master race
>"So, you've finally decided to show your face around these parts. Think you can defeat me and my father? I don't it."
I don’t feel this is an unedited picture. I can feel off by the pixels.
This image gives me energy
Jesus christ they wanted to do the pose TWICE??
What is going on? some sort of girl gang that picked on chubby dudes?
>if you lose the fight a 40-minute unskippable cutscene plays where your character is gangraped, milked like a cow, and turned into a pussi slave
oops i damaged myself again on "accident" again teehee :3
Gang violence was rampant in Japan for a while and girl gangs were as common as guy gangs
i want to fuck /toy/
/d/ is a cutie
probably because the blue shorts kid messed up the pose in the first one.
Damn white women age fast
holy shit that's crazy
they would terrorize and even sexually assault
she is too good for that rabble
Makes me wanna reinstall Oblivion
>Snake, watch out. He's trained that animal to sniff out targets for him. Hiding won't do you any good, unless you can find some way to mask your scent
>boss have electric powers
STR vs. quality
The last boss
Mask my scent?
haha sounds awful haha imagine getting beat up by a bunch of cute asian girls haha I bet it feels really weird haha HAHA
>Real life videogame bosses
>Posts Resident Evil 5 tribal Majini
He looks like a fucking Yakuza boss.
Johnny Test did not age well
So this is why /fit/ is so angry
They look like stand users
Literally Senator Armstrong.
this legend
To be fair he doesn't look bad but he has no style whatsoever.
Get a fucking haircut. No grace.
That's some Megaten shit
>can see his dick
Hope my man there is the king of growers. Jesus.
Nice balls though.
why is he standing in the shower? just take a picture of your mirror nibba
i was thinking the same about this penis-headed mother fucker
He probably should let it grow out and straighten it or shave it off completely. It’s an ugly color and curly.
Probably was using a timed camera, so he could flex with both arms.
I swear they went as videogame as possible with that mock-up. I swear I've seen it in a game before the mock-up was created. I know it was in GTA Online but that was after the concept was released
How sex?
>We're ready master
>I'm not ready!
Jeezum crikes look at those TITTIES
I actually went to high school with the guy in the middle.
I have been looking for this image for years. All I could remember was him calling himself Joker and holding knives like Wolverine. Thank you user.
Literally me
>The job... Killer is Dead.
Ultimate chad.
>He is Yakuza
>first boss and final boss is the same character
>Dennaton games
Probably. It resembles the tank from Tron, without the neon obviously, and that’s gotten dozen of shoutout and homages over the years.
Protagonist or Boss?
>She looks better irl than her cover photo
>no game about you and your dog working together because your dog can smell far
Evil route protagonist, boss is
The way he's just in mid-air never fails to make me chuckle
>Pied Piper EX
>cult pedos
this is just a regular guy
She's trying to sell copies of her porn video
damn that nigga made my harem ending into real life.
Looks like the party member that betrays you and comes back on the villain's team or protagonist after heavy shit then timeskip happens.
Thanks doc
She's cute
allie who betrays you
Read the definition of cult, actual pedo
Left two are cute
Second from the right is just wearing a ton of makeup to hide her plainness
Leftists are weird...
>Blizzard Mage: Norman the Unmoved
Rank the difficulty level of each boss.
Oh fuck!!
Is he okay?
yeah, galo sengen
This is dystopian.
where's air and dark wizard?
>That user autistic enough to recognize one of the chicks as someone that likes to take horse dong
mike matei in front of a house
The only real difference between a religion and a cult is the size of its membership
why did someone deep fry this image to fuck and back?
at least this boss wastes a turn trying to convince you to disable your own defenses.
pretty sure this guy was fighting Hawkeye in endgame
I don't get it...
They have Crucifix's on their staffs, but they also traditionally burn crucifix's.
Im atheist that doesnt mean im a democrat or republican
>Post IRL Vidya Bosses
That's totally the boss from Wolfenstein 3D, I don't know who you think you're trolling by saying that's a real guy
This is unironically the future I want
Rare spawn that give a shitzillion XP and drops some high-end weapon or crafting material for a sidequest
It looks like she is/was a voice actress and the DVD is some sorta compilation of her talking and and singing.
This poor woman...
She looks like she could be my grandma.
>Harley Quin's giant hammer
>A regular hammer
why did you post the mirrored photo?
All but the third dude from the left are some early-game bosses that you take out fairly easily.
The third guy is late-game enemy though. You find out that he's been pulling the strings and getting the big bad to do his bidding, taking the center stage in villain-swap maneuver. But when you beat him he tries to run away, only to be taken down by big bad who ends up being the final boss anyway.
Thank you user.
the two on the far left look like jobbers, same with the guy wearing the VR goggles to the right.
fabio in the middle is the easily the team leader and the hardest boy in town, hat dude probably loves anal and can kick your teeth in.
guy on the very right betrays the time and is actually the true final boss
but has a high chance of running away
I don't think bloody shariah allows it
wtf is this real?
It's kind of shocking they can reveal their power level, but whenever I use a Yea Forums screenie as an example on an IM I immediately get alienated and a few times removed from the chat even if what I post is relevant to the discussion.
No it's from King Kong. Don't you recognize the gorilla?
#1 from the left is the starter boss, #2 is the right hand-man to the big bad, #3 is the rival who you fight at least 3 times, #4 is the toughest fight in the game, #5 is the sympathetic guy who dies a noble death to save someone, and #6 is the final boss
>"Que? Ah, you must be that vagabundo Martinez spoke of."
>"You like my dogs inglés? They like you too. See how eager they are to drink your blood?"
is this yiik 2?
>coulda gone pro if i hadn't joined the navy
What was his name again?
>goliath online
>first boss
I mean at least they're having sex...
whoever wins, we lose
Yeah sadly, niggers are real.
>boss has interesting moveset and abilities
>can only take couple hits
dat panty in the lower left
you know, im not best looking guy out there, but im not glad im a not a deformed autist
WHat's this user?
guy on the right is zane from Borderlands 3
Fuck, I really need to start respecting women
Really looks like a joy mutant doesn't he
>game recycles boss fights
>doesn't even mention jews
come on now
>Was able to start voice acting at 15 and got a role in a notable anime at 16
>Resorting to porn 16 years later
That's... kind of sad end. Good thing she lives in a country that made a culture around softcore porn.
ah shit, here we go again
>cheat activated
Tutorial boss is the one in the Teal Shirt. He's an ally who helps you learn the controls. Also an optional boss in the endgame.
First boss is the one to his right. He shows up at the end of the first area and acts all tough, then sends drones at you. You never technically fight him.
Next up is Stripes to the far left. He pilots a giant mech which acts as the second stage. After you beat him he changes sides and allows you to use the mech to access the big bad's castle in the final chapter.
The third boss is the guy to the left of Trenchcoat. He has cybernetic enhancements, including X-ray vision and laser eyes. He's also the semifinal boss, where he returns as a full robot.
Fourth boss is the guy to the right of Stripes. He's the most normal guy of all of them, who only works for the boss for cash. You can literally pay him to fuck off to skip his fight.
The final boss is Trenchcoat. He has a seemingly endless amount of machinery under his coat. After you beat him in phase 1, he merges with Stripes' mech for the true final battle.
That guy on the left looks like a demo
Dude looks like he somehow got addicted to synthoil.
...And the Furtive Chad, so easily forgotten
Cute boss
fuck off kike
He is apparently in more than one episode of Too Old to Die Young, so yeah he probably is
Mexicans can't possibly be capable of trolling
What doth... life... life... life...
Didn't that chick next to the stitching fuck a horse?
Real talk.
Lets say you came across this thing at 3am and you just attack it out of fear.
Would you get in trouble for that? Or would it be considered reasonable to see that as some sorta demon?
Whoah a terminator
What's the white stuff?
Why would the based blind trio join forces with that abomination?
blocks your path
beast most foul compelled to serve by binding magicks
its like that one character in hots wher 2 poeple have to paly
1 and 5: Early game bosses, the fanny pack lads. 1 loses a lot of turns digging around in his phanny pack, but can heal 5
2: Miniboss, not very dangerous, uses various eyebeam attacks when his helmet is down
6: Mid level boss, around the point where the game stops being forgiving and expects you to have a good grasp around it's mechanics. Hides a lot, finds you easily.
4: Dragoon to the final boss. Conducts electricity and causes lightning strikes wherever he can see. Likely harder than the final boss
3: Final boss. Gives a long speech about ideals, has a fight that looks cool but is mostly cinematic, still pretty hype. Probably has a good backstory that ties him to the main character in a sympathetic way, but had to turn to a life of technocrime and violence. Asks for forgiveness in his last moments.
>Aztec Power Armor
Whenever M. bison tosses off his cape before a fight, I literally clap.
I don't think you can't just jump on them like on platformers. Anyone got tips for this fight?
1 through 6 Left to Right;
1--Seems like the typical bruiser with Bull-rush tactics, seemingly easy to beat until he starts pulling out more and more equipment, seemingly won't die--the trick is to cutoff his equipment supply, probably the fourth toughest
2--The charismatic know-it-all, thinks he could run the whole operation. Uses sniping tactics, but can still be a threat up-close. The trick is to obfuscate the area so he has a harder time sniping you, forcing him onto equal ground, third toughest
3--The young buck that thinks speed is the name of the game, but unfortunately is somewhat fragile. Seems insurmountable, however this is where you learn how to parry, fifth toughest
4--The boss. Doesn't seem like much, but he knows he doesn't need as much equipment to win, he has pure raw skill. Will start with powerful if typical moves, getting more and more complex as the fight draws on, the toughest
5--The tutorial guy, usually trains the grunts. His fight is meant to teach you how to target weak points. Uses wide, powerful attacks that leave him open to counter, the weakest
6--Friend you thought died all those years ago but has since turned to evil. You fight him in a supposed-to-lose fight at the beginning and then again later, he is meant to be your equal down to using the exact same skills, second toughest
Aw man, he's been dead for like, a year now. F
>boss can change forms
They needed someone with animalism so they took the Gangrel
this woman's body is shaped like the head of a moai
If you worked in the police department, you'd know pedophilia is majority democrat.
I'm not sure if it's that "culture" shit with the middle easterners, or just pure correlation, but like 6 democrat politicians just got detained recently.
bro is that the widow sniper from mass effect 2?
>this pose make my pp the big pp
Why? It’s so dumb.
>girl gangs were as common as guy gangs
>If you worked in the police department, you'd know pedophilia is majority democrat.
Source: dude trust me
Walking proof that it's not okay to be white
Would you really want any part of THAT?
quick rundown
Return this orphan to the sea.
Too many real women to be representative of Yea Forums. Also who's the camouflaged lad underneath /i/?
Dan " Hold her Tighter she's a Fighter" Schneider
Dan "the foot man" Schneider
>you ever just wonder if being alive is worth it?
N-n-no. I'll do it, I'll inject the bog-bots. Please don't send my to the bog-mines. my family needs me.
>it wont be easy, in order to get to him you will have to defeat his elite defense force. Each with their deadly of their own right.
That's Damien Alastair, or as he's known by those he terrorizes, "Affa Nor"-literally meaning "Empty Son".
His mom was a Wicca who sacrificed his own son's soul for immense power. Now, a man without a soul, he fights the creatures of the night and searches for a way to reclaim that which was his and was given away by another.
>see hundreds of drones coming out of the mothership
>grab rifle or fireworks
>shoot the drones
>thousands of dollars lost because they wanted to look cool
He says straight, but I don't believe him.
It's Yiiik you philistine
Hes so fat he lost his nipples, Not even a tittie twister can save you once he grabs you.
Is this Xavier?
1) Puppeteer character, can use light grenades to propel self forward or move away from opponent, allowing to attack from multiple fronts
2) Grappler character, has special moves allowing him to tank hits/apply super armor
3) Mix of Rushdown and Balanced. When hat is on will use more standard attacks, can stance switch to remove hat, granting abilities that allow him to move in and apply pressure but at the risk of losing any zoning properties
4) Super fast character that makes use of Rekkas and Mixup, but fairly fragile. Goal is to either use cut-and-run tactics or to play mind games with the opponent
5) Trap character that can place damage dealing traps in the area, can also use their chains not just as zoning tools but to also drag opponents in, hopefully to activate set traps
6) Charge character so fairly defensive. Cannot run but their dash has good invincibility. Can fire a slow moving projectile, dashing through it or hitting it with a kick will cause it to travel faster and splinter
>buying bf
The computer room bouncer draws near
Looks like a future tank with a railgun.
This is an anonymous board user, I'm not going to post my PI like some moron just to back my words up.
I've tossed my words in the air, it's up to you if you want to believe me.
>Accidentally sit on his tail
>Growls at you
What do?
>boss fight is scripted to where he exposes his crit spot every attack cycle
looks like my ballsack haha
god i wish that was me
I'm sure going to believe every incredibly biased ideologue who adds a story to his claim.
glomp him
This looks like a posible DLC for Magicka
Accept death
>massive damage reduction to anywhere but the face
>immune to the last element he was hit by, displayed by the color of his suit
Wh-what in the gods name?
I thought this scene was funny. It's supposed to look shitty anons.
You retard, the KKK are just larping faggots that stole the outfits from Spain.
>boss has a harem that distracts the player while he charges attacks
Iron Chef Japan felt like watching someone face the final boss.
a most unholy alliance indeed
>being this young
God I fucking hate this boss.
Once you're in the water there's nothing you can fucking do, you just get grabbed and oop! Cutscene! Now you're dead! :(
I take it he really likes them Fox.
There was a dude that REALLY liked horses in the prison, we were required to let him keep the horse figures and blanket because of the court. Some of the inmates would try to take his toys and he would make the worst noise I've ever heard, Like a dying deer.
Anyone have that one picture of a football player with a trenchcoat looking boss as fuck it was in the last thread like this
>Boss dodges everything you do perfectly
Just don't get thrown into the water.
I know those are Owls, but what the fuck!?
>SCP 096 has breached containment
>I'm the giant rat that makes all of the rules!
no it's an art group called fecal matter
*Glass breaks
her mistake was fighting someone 30 levels higher than her
What an excellent Puri-Puri Prisoner cosplay.
Seriously what the fuck is this shit
Nogs trying to look refined is always hilarious.
This gaudy kang look
>tricking me into getting a boner over fake public humilitation
Top gay, that's just some shitty idol DVD, not porn.
He's in a high-pressure situation, give him a break!
He's Big!
Fucking her must be so weird...
>-50% slashing damage
>-75% piercing damage
>+100% holy damage
>+50% bashing damage
>immune to poison
is she dead and or better yet
(you) dun goof'd
The Night Mother
the land of ashina. . .
it means everything to me. . .
I'm pretty sure that would be murder
At least some aliens sightings being misidentified owls seems a lot more plausible after you see a few videos of these creeps.
at least she would have something inside her for once
>you have to go back in time to kill the boss as a child
"I'm damaged"
I cannot imagine how it's like to be so weak you cannot throw a basketball more than 3 feet into the air
More like vidya mentor that dies 3 quarters into the game. Possibly the protagonist or central character of the previous game if it's a sequel.
She'd spend the next week purging
Too many calories
Is this the new Udyr skin? Turtle form looks pretty comfy.
but which one is the stand
Fuck you, Carlos. I'm genuinely curious
That hurt my knees to watch
easy there fassadstein, it's okay to be white.
Now I want to ***BONE*** her
She probably can, she just doesn't want to risk the recoil giving her multiple fracture.
Look at how she catches the ball.
now thats a waste of a good suit
The Alley Annihilator
>Hideo, stop this! There's still time to change!
>it's too late, Kojima. I have turned too far. Now fight me, brother!
Does she actually do this in film, or is this an edit?
>she voiced Fuwa
snake, the badger is nearby. watch out for his burrowing and ambush from the ground tactics.
his henchmen, the meerkats are also hiding in trapdoors. good luck.
Damn. Green Arrow's lookin' rough these days.
You belong in a thread different from this one
bottom text
That's still pretty fucking weak, user.
There was a time in America when yaoi paddles were a thing
>you're too low leveled to fight the boss
Is that the "I'M THE JOKAH BAYBEE!" guy?
It's because
>cute girl
>goofy, silly pose = playful personality
>This isn't even my final form
Yes, user. This super HERO that can destroy buildings with a flick of her fingers punched a fucking baby without exploding his head in a million bloody bits
Somebody call umbrella, We got a perfect test subject for tyrantification.
>"Snake, be careful! That's Quickshot Neko! Our intel says he's the best shot in the Eastern hemisphere. Don't get in his line of site! Try and flank him if you can."
That woman is quite clearly demon possessed, as are many so called leftists.
He injected some shit in his bloodstream and his heart went apeshit
> sees crazy person on the street
>Yakuza bosses
Hold on, is the mother a Skrull too? Or did a Skrull successfully manage to imitate her kid while the really baby is dead somewhere else?
Did he died?
how do I achieve this?
>first guy is the first boss you encounter and doesn't see the bigger picture of the main villains plan only doing it because it paid well
>by using logic or proof you could easily convince him to give up and retire
>if you decide to fight him he is very clumsy and often misses you
>second and fourth are brothers and will fight you in a team
>the fourth will come at you up front while the second prefers to beat you while you're distracted
>if the second one dies the fourth one will go into a rage and become more aggressive
>if the fourth one dies the second one will become more aggressive but he won't be able to do much because alone he is very weak
>third is one of the main villains greatest minions for his technical genius
>he is very weak but he makes up for it by having many robots fight for him
>once you get to him he will beg for mercy to kill or spare is up to you
>the fifth is the main villains pet project a cyborg that does think, feel or show mercy
>he is a hard hitter so you better watch out for him
>the final boss is your greatest challenge yet
>he is outfitted with thousands of cybernetics and can one shot you if you aren't careful
naw, he's good