Pokegirl/Pokeboy thread

Back in February of 2019, the elevens voted on their favorite Pokemon characters and I guess these are the results for each gen
Post who you would

Attached: file.png (1241x903, 1.35M)

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I'm fairly sure those aren't the "favorite Pokemon characters" overall, that's a poll where those are all the choices you could vote for and the winner would receive special valentines art.
Elesa won the females side, this is the pic she got.

Attached: Elesavalentines.png (565x800, 428K)

I never realized how great Erika and Sabrina are until recently
Erika's also popular in japan moreso than in the west
The only good thing about LGPE aka DENSETSU NO KUSOGE was them getting more/new art

Attached: pokUntitled.png (3414x2286, 2.5M)

Skipped Gen 7, but if I had to pick then I guess Kukui looks cool

Hex Maniac
Does Lana's mother show up in the games? If not I'll just pick Lana. Both are pure sex.

Attached: 62668774_p12.jpg (900x1286, 553K)

I'm sad no one really likes Guzma, there's hardly any fanfiction of him out there. I'd fuck him within an inch of his life.

Attached: large.jpg (500x530, 65K)

Who won the male side?


N apparently.


People actually like Helmet retard with a Lucario fetish?

Hey man, don't knock it till you try it. Horny fangirls write some really kinky shit.

>N in the poll
The better question would be who is got second place.

was about to post him
/vp/ guzma general used to post a lot, go trawl archives

No Lusamine, lame..

Inb4 that one user spamming those new jesse images shows up

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These two

Attached: 1558640667176.png (846x1200, 667K)


...god damn these anons are thirsty

What does the N stand for?

>hex didn't win and wasn't even an option
Aaaand thats how you know Japan is full of low test beta boys.

Attached: __hex_maniac_pokemon_pokemon_game_and_pokemon_xy_drawn_by_kedamono_kangoku_tou__sample-80301a3fcbc25 (850x1063, 184K)



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She's flat in-game, you retard.

Hex is flat get that disgusting fanart out of the way

t. pedophiles

she looks nothing like that in the actual game.

thicc hex is literally considered canon now

Because she's a generic NPC user. The one in fanart being specifically the Dendemille Milk Seller doesn't change that.

Player characters are excluded from this poll

Natural Harmonia Gropius

post official proof of your claims

When did I ever imply I fapped to Hex, nigger

sauce me up Yea Forumsro, pokegrills are my fetish

user those girls are all in their early teens.

user those girls don't exist

no one cares


They're fictionally, so it's ok to fap to them

>Every other series get one girl for their rep while S/M gets three
Absolutely based.

Yancy is underappreciated

Attached: Yancy.png (128x169, 9K)

That's the best part

Why Lily 2.0 fuck that one


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>Elesa won against Cynthia and Lillie
Good to know the majority of Japan have good taste in Pokegirls

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Attached: 1528563831038.png (1048x612, 320K)

t. tumblrina
imagine shitting bricks on an anonymous image board because some guy wants to fuck a drawing

Hex is a NPC. There is no canon for her.

Thanks user