Protagonist was dead the whole time

>protagonist was dead the whole time

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>your father was dead the whole time


>I replied to this post

Name 7 games that do this



Three posts in and no one has posted cute and funny from the Megaman universe. I hate nu/v/.


>when you reply she dies while awake instead
how was I supposed to know

fuck you



There you go you big baby.

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Safemode activated

rime, maybe

>game never actually happened

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Fallout 76.

Fucking finally. This meme is so stupid and unfunny I dont know why it doesnt get you banned.

Technically everyone is dead in that game.

>game never actually existed

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Ghost Trick

>game matterializes out of nowhere

Attached: 1455625747908.jpg (400x384, 30K)

>main girl was dead all along and was merely possessing one of the bodies of seventeen other girls through body transplants

Attached: despair.webm (704x396, 115K)

>the entire game was just a dream
>sequel shows the characters you met in your dream saying you look familiar

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>game was the antagonist's dream all along

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Both the people who post it and the underages who reply should be banned for a week.

>protagonist you were playing as betrays you

What games do this? Sounds interesting. Closest I can think of is the opening of KH2.

>game its just the memories of and old man telling it as how he thinks it happened.

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That happens in budokai 1


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I still can’t get over that in Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice

I was thrown through a bit of a loop too.

>he messes up from time to time
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger was a damn good game.

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I wonder how many people realize this actually happens in a game.

>protagonist was dead the whole time
>the twist is that they're not who they thought they were

of course Ratchet knew he'd have to surface to breathe

>one single actions locks you in the bad ending

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>protagonist pretends to be dead the whole time

>antagonist pretends to be dead the whole time

>protagonist is suicidal
>main girl keeps talking him out of killing himself
>main girl was dead all along

It wasn't just the girls.

>Protagonist was having a dream the whole time
>It takes 100+ hours to just beat the main story only
>The sequel ends with everyone being together and happy
>Sequel to the sequel ends with Protagonist fucking dying and it all being reset

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>protagonist is from an alternate timeline where everything went to shit

Mario 2?

Blops 3 campaign

>talks about how taking a woman out is scorned upon
>oh btw we ran a train on some kid lol

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>The protagonist pretends to be someone else the entire game
>Everyone else already knows but they never tell him because they like him better that way

>protagonist was dead the whole time
>but not really

>protagonist is a zombie

>It was just a dream
>but if you wake up from that dream all your dream friends die!

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>It was all a simulation to see if you could save what's left of the world
Prey is one of the best games to come out in the last few years but that ending was half complete shit and other half complete mind fuck

name 5 games that do this

This sounds familiar. What game?

Coincidentally, Megaman Battle Network. Megaman.EXE is a digitized dead fetus.

>That Eliot rodger rant of Alternis Din

Spec Ops: The Line