God FUCKING help us all
God FUCKING help us all
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Sounds good, what's the problem.
movies based on games are bad. just ignore it.
What about Silent Hill
So they must be using Paramounts strategy of heating their furnaces with money. Because this absolutely worthless bullshit.
I want off this ride.
I mean KOTOR is definitely....cinematic enough that you could definitely adapt it to a movie without it being hammy as fuck (with proper competency of course).
Kate Beckinsale as Bastilla
well she's named like a star wars character so she's perfect.
What is that picture even from kotor didn't look that ass
Robert Strong as Darth Malak
Shaq as Jolee Bindo kek
Laeta Kalogridis was born on August 30, 1965 as Laeta Elizabeth Kalogridis. She is a writer and producer, known for Shutter Island (2010), Alexander (2004) and Terminator Genisys (2015)
thats gonna be a YIKES and PLZ NO from me.
Can't wait to watch them soullessly butcher everything I've ever liked about Star Wars. Wonder when they'll get to Kyle Katarn.
>implying a white male will play Revan
Top kek
At least they'll never know the comic series existed so they can't fuck that up.
>Implying a guy will play Revan
Topper kek
i'm quite about done now thank you
Looks like TORtanic.
See because I'm 99% sure femRevan is canonical. But since it's a player self-insert and I'm not autistic enough to know if Revan has ever had official art without a mask, they could really cast any vagina even a black one
I fucking hate women so goddamn much. Fucking subhuman pieces of shit.
>Shaq as Jolee Bindo kek
naaaaaaaaw, DIS NIGGA, he has perma angry face, perfect for jolee
>Laeta Kalogridis
Reads like a star wars name.
Shutter Island was ok. Those other two movies ar garbage.
Revan was canon male and Exile was canon female, but that won't be enough for these fucking woke rats, Revan will be a black tranny woman, and Exile will be some obese mutt
>Shutter Island was ok.
no, it was shit and only popular cuz of leo fanbase.
shutter island wasn't bad
This isn't that bad actually. She did Altered Carbon well and helped write the Alita movie which was great
I think they'll dial the woke and SJW shit down to make nostalgiafags to watch it. They'll cast good looking people this time to entice chinks to watch it.
literally nobody has seen that film
Detective Pikachu was pretty good
gary busey for carth onasi
altered carbon is bad though the setting was compelling the writing is garbage
emma roberts for bastila shan
>mfw you unironically believe this
You honestly think Disney will do that? You honestly think a feminist writer will do that? You're coping a little hard.
the first mortal kombat was good
its not like they can do as much damage as SWTOR did
Fuck off it was a great film because Martin Scorsese directed it you zoomer shit.
Detective pikachu and assasians creed both prove you wrong in the last 5 years.
>You cannot hide from what you once were Revan!
No he impregnates Bastilla and goes off with the Mandalorians to kick alien ass...or something like that. I admit I am going off second hand info but I am positive he preggos his Jedi wife.
Well KOTOR's best point was never the writing, but the worldbuilding and characters
I'll probably give the movies a chance
canderous ordo
Ah yes, I'm sure a terrible SJW writer will do the characters and world-building justice.
How do you go from writing three turds like Night Watch (shitty russian urban fantasy bullshit) to Alexander (a once great director's biggest turd) to Pathfinder (just a turd) and then getting a script picked up by Martin Scorsese, one of the most renowned directors of all time?
>Shutter Island
Oh okay that's not a bad portfolio
Because she's a female writer in hollywood with experience and Disney, and all of hollywood in general, is obsessed with feminism and other SJW ideologies.
I like how you automatically label her SJW because she's a woman, sure seems biased. There's nothing SJW in anything she's written and I seem to remember Altered Carbon getting flack for being too misogynistic or some shit.
What a talentless bitch. Holy fuck
>they make Revan a female and the Exile a male
Yeah because altered carbon and battle angel are so feminist
>female writer
>always fanfics with niggers fucking ugly girls
>nu Star Wars
I'd always assumed Revan was female.
They want fucking shekels, last time they went full retard is they lost a great deal amount of money. Once Star Wars is profitable and if being woke is still in, they'll go back to retard mode.
Looks like a Mii.
>altered carbon isn't SJW
user, I...
Fuck Disney Nu Wars. Anybody who pays for their shit is just making things worse.
the exile is female, revan is a guy
“Revan was always seen as an outsider, a blend of two worlds if you will, never truly fitting in. As such, we have decided that Revan is now transgender — we have decided Revan will be neither identifiable as male or female. We think this will greatly improve their tale in stepping the path of both the jedi and the sith.”
“Meanwhile, the Exile, obviously cast out and written as an underdog will be a black man. We felt that Kreia’s interactions with a female character was too demeaning to the female gender and felt that Kreia could make more important points on the roles of males in society; rather than points about the role of good and evil in the universe.”
Here's your KOTOR writer bro
He does. Satele Shan, the Jedi grandmaster in TOR is his and Bastilla's(obviously, seeing as she shares her family name)descendant.
Hello there
>Bionic Woman
>altered carbon
LIZZIE, the girl trained to be LE BADASS ASSASSIN using time dilation VR never happened in the book
KRISTIN ORTEGA, the main female lead in the show, the detective, is literally just a plot device in the book, yet ends up taking half the screen time from the real main character, TAKESHI, and claiming the last 'big fight' scene of the tv series, which also didnt happen in the book.
same but unironically
Is Satele annoying or a good character?
Don't tell Yea Forums she wrote Alita, they'll assume this will be good.
>the kotor 1 and 2 remasters everyone has been wanting will actually just be new games based on the shit disney movie versions, made by current Bioware
>Every time something from KotOR is used in a movie, game, or show, it'll be the shit disney version
>Generation Alpha will grow up to prefer the disney retellings and the originals will get swept under the rug
time to die
>Sword Art Online
Oh my god don't tell me there is a live action SAO series in the works. Also
>Birds of Prey
These movies are doomed.
She also did Altered Carbon and co-wrote Alita
She had some stinkers in the past but it may be ok now
Revan works well with either gender.
Exile should stay male because there's a fuckload of sexual tension around jedi jesus: Atris, Handmaiden, Visas, even fucking rivalry with Sion over Kreia.
>Sword Art Online
The original was such bullshit that the sjw version may even reach so bad its good levels. I fucking would give anything to have Mystery Science Theater riff on certain anime.
first half is ok
The only people who think alita are good are waifufags, seriously, go into their general and it's just post after post about how cute Alita's feet are or whatever.
Alita is complete garbage. No idea what Altered Carbon even is, so probably trash too.
Gen Alpha won't be seeing Star Wars since they're too busy watching the latest capeshit or playing fotm multiplayer online service.
She didn't write Alita, at least not by herself. James Camerona and Robert Rodriguez did.
opinion discarded
The only interaction I ever had with her was at the start of my Jedi Knight's story quest. Don't know if any other characters have any extended interaction with her.
Yes, there is a SAO series in the works. And shew was very clear there will be no white-washing at all. Rest assuraged however, there will certainly be many non-asian minorities because black and brown washing is good, only whitewashing is bad.
that laeta chick was pretty involved with avatar and alita, but also is working on live action sao
so i can't tell if she's based or cringe
I'm stuned at the fact that Yea Forums still talks about Alita. Holy shit it wasn't that good of a movie, move on you fucks
Ya just got BEAN'D ya friggen moron!
and, you know, based on a renowned manga.
Go back to your containment general and stay there. Bad enough that you faggots infest Yea Forums, don't infest Yea Forums as well.
Had some cringy work in the past but looks like she learned her lesson and is doing better
have sex
>who the fuck is Laeta Kalogridis
>search it up
>that garbage filmography
I'm so happy Disney is killing Star Wars
There's still an unfortunate amount of people who think Rogue One's story is original and don't even know what the fuck Dark Forces/Jedi Knight are.
The same will happen with the Disney KotOR's and the Orignal KotOR's. If TOR killed the KotOR series, than the Disney KotOR's will rape it's corpse.
Except Revan IS a male.
There was a whole expansion in TOR where you fight him, without his mask.
He even marries Bastilla and has a kid with her
The only correct response
Why do you care? SWTOR already killed the old republic era
>4 mooks killed revan and stole his pants
>Sword Art Online
Rogue One had the foundations for a good film but was raped by the studio. Lots of shit got cut and the director wanted more war vibes but Disney blanched the whole production
altered carbon is fucking unwatchable
You actually thought that piece of shit was good?
galaxy of heroes
Director was hoping for a Band of Brothers-esque SW film and disney had to come cuck everyone, reshoot shit, and make the first half a chore to watch.
I'm embarrassed for you that you think Assassin's Creed was good. Shit, you can't even spell it.
You know that's not a bad portfolio for a WRITING career. Hollywood's new jewrectors could have Shakespeare writing new stuff for them and would poop out a Transformers anyway.
>Le Deadpool pikachu
Both of those are shit tho.
Yeah but Yea Forums is retarded and doesn't understand that
Thanks for confirming that you haven't seen the film, and thus have an irrelevant "opinion" about it.
not really sure Star Wars is going to last, imo. shits much worse than capeshit now.
Didn't disney retcon everything from the old republic era
>that's not a bad portfolio
>portfolio ranges from very mediocre movies to garbage to literally raspberry awards level bad
good shit
Still the Old Republic is gay shit and we won't have a Rogue One or a gritty smuggler's movie ever again
It was on YouTube for free honey, it’s fucking Deadpool as a pikachu without the gratuitous violence
Just... just... just let Obsidian or even BioWare make a new KotOR game. No one wants more Star Wars movies. At the very least no one who liked KotOR. Pleas stop, Disney. Please.
Everything from the Expanded Universe but got to pick and choose what they consider canon now
Grand Admiral Thrawn is canon but they made him into a Saturday morning cartoon villain for their shitty nuetered Clone Wars for kids
Rogue One was an absolute flash in the pan
Proving even further that you haven't seen the film. Why are you digging this hole any deeper?
they made those 20 years ago in a much different cultural climate and with different personnel. you'll get nothing worth while.
>you can't even spell it.
maybe hes referring to some kino porn parody we havent seen, ass asians, ? you dont know!
So she's the one who ruined alexander. His story has enough kino for multiple movies. Hell his post-persian conquests going to the fringes of what was known would be enough for one movie
>in my opinion
Honestly if they base it off the comic series it could be pretty good. The Old Republic comics were fantastic.
Or they'll just fuck it up and ruin everything.
he’s baiting you retard
She's not the director you fucking idiot that's the point
Even Genisys as stupid as it was it had cool ideas ON PAPER. Connor being another Termie was cancerous tho. Somebody should have stopped at some point there.
It sucks too, cause normalshits will call the EU garbage yet praise pure trash like Rebels which rips-off so much from the EU it might as well be an adaption of an EU comic.
>Just... just... just let Obsidian or even BioWare make a new KotOR game
holy shit, no thank you, we'd get a gay alien/robot dating simulator that takes place in a shopping mall on coruscant.
>Rogue One was an absolute flash in the pan
If that means you think it was bad then you have to stop watching these kind of movies altogether. Go watch National Geographic or something.
star wars is dead. bury it.
consider this mercy.
I hope the Kotor movies flop.
>contract to EA who owns BioWare for games
>have DICE make shit battlefield clones
>instead of having BioWare start pumping out KotOR sequels
>make BioWare make a looter shooter, literally the antithesis of what they normally do, instead
>make a KotOR movie instead
what the everloving FUCK
As in: It was a one time good thing never to be repeated, fren.
you're a legitimate retard if you honestly believe its the director thats at fault if anything is bad in a movie
Yea Forums confirmed tardo bombardo
It don't be that way though
alita battle angel is pretty feminist I dunno about battle angel though
Both of these would he infinity preferable to a movie with no one who knows a single god damned thing about KotOR specific lore and will base everything on TOR guidelines at best, and make it up on the fly at worst, worst being most likely.
They did in Rogue One :^)
EU was mostly written by really hardcore fans before the internet and such, and it shows how the representation of the universe could be taken if narrated by somebody else without being a meme fest. Most of it was good, some stuff like the Suncrusher was real over the top.
Agree. Can't believe Star Wars is fucking dead.
Hopefully this is just a straight up adaptation of the first game's story because damn that was some good fanfiction. It would be the first Star Wars movie to actually explore the philosophy of the Jedi and the Sith and give the phrase "find balance in the force" some actual meaning.
>Muh Yuzan Vong or however it was spelled
Thrawn is absolute kino though
Oh... well... that's real fucking nice of you user.
May you have a good day.
Because Bioware is retarded.
but deadpool pikachu sounds like a great movie, you're telling me it's not?
Guess I'm skipping it then
I liked Shutter Island. The rest is garbage. Also thanks for letting me know there's a SAO live action thing coming so I can avoid it just like the actual show.
Mortal Kombat?
A legitimately good cheesy Kung Fu flick.
>He doesn't know.
>its the director thats at fault if anything is bad in a movie
It is you sperg, but mostly the producer's fault, like, almost always the suits taking a shit
And once the KOTOR movies are out you're going to shit on them while praising the TFA / TLJ duology as good movies, like you're doing right now with the prequel movies.
Hypocrite faggots.
Just a generic jedi, really.
that's your rebuttal?
>well the source material is bad so...
fuck you you stupid piece of shit
Reminder that BASED as HECK Dash Rendar and all related Dash Rendar materials (comics/books/etc) is C A N O N and cannot be ruined.
already looks dated.
everything Disney will be reviled
Kyle Katarn is in the movies? I don't believe it..
>not the writing, but the worldbuilding and characters
What do you think writing is, user?
>The Yuuzhan Vong
Some things are forbidden to be spoken of.
Cassian Andor, AKA Not!Kyle Katarn
Also Kanan Jareus from Rebels is a Kyle Katarn rip off.
he probably thinks writing is just the dialogue.
His existence was retconned.
Also, Jan Ors is no longer canon. We have Jyn Erso c^:
>>Muh Yuzan Vong or however it was spelled
at least the EU authors gave us a whole back story/history of why the yuzhan vong came out of no where, unlike SNOKE and the nu-empire.
Dash Rendar's YT-2400 will ALWAYS and forever be my favorite starship in any Sci-Fi universe. The White Star is a close runner-up.
No. TLJ is sub-EP2 bad. Like, genuine dogshit from an objective point of view. From a subjective point of view of someone who loved ep4/5/6 and tolerated 1/2/3 it is an abomination nearly beyond comprehension that mortally wounds every beloved character from the franchise. TFA is roughly on the same level as EP1, barely tolerable, but that's still exponentially higher tier than TLJ. Honestly, the thing I'm most interested in the next movie is learning just how JJ the Jetplane is going to try to unfuck the trilogy. Not going to see it, but man, I'll be watching the fallout.
Have faith! At least EA only has 5 or so more years until their lease on the Star Wars license expires!
Provided they don’t renew, of course
>at least the EU authors gave us a whole back story/history of why the yuzhan vong came out of no where, unlike SNOKE and the nu-empire.
Even if the Bongs are a W40k ripoff at least were explained and developed unlike the NuOrder abortion
>The Empire is fucking dead
>Except it's not lol
I liked the scene where Pyramid Head ripped the skin off that one qt. That gave me an unusual boner.
my ninja
>And once the KOTOR movies are out you're going to shit on them while praising the TFA / TLJ duology as good movies, like you're doing right now with the prequel movies.
>Hypocrite faggots.
nah, star wars fandom will obviously break between pre-disney and disney nu-wars. the 6 lucas films + the EU will be held up higher and higher by the 'old fans' as disney continuously shits the bed, dragging nu-wars down further and further.
you're absolutely clueless about star wars fandom if you think old-school fans will ever accept any disney nu-wars. to most fans star wars died the day disney announced the purchase and the 'retirement' of all the old canon as "legends", before any nu-wars films were even released.
Why is Disney so retarded when it comes to handling star wars? Seriously, Lucas might be a terrible director and writer, but he knows how to profit in merch and franchising.
Absolutely based opinion.
The Moldy Crow will always have a soft spot in my heart, though. JK was my first multiplayer game, played it for so long I can still visualize every corner of every MP map as if I was playing it right now, almost 20 years since I moved on to JO. Comically, the map I have memorized the best is a custom map, Caesar's Palace. So many hidden places.
Because it literally prints money.
They're gonna renew, and if they don't, ubisoft or some other shit company will snag the license and the dark age of star wars will continue.
I really do wish we at least had some good star wars vidya to escape to like the prequels.
Is it really so hard to just have trooper customization. Come on, DICE
>Why is Disney so retarded when it comes to handling star wars?
That part where the spider thingy turns the girl into a mannequin is hot.
Ubisoft is a lot better of a company when compared to EA. That said, just reopen goddamn LucasArts.
And let you waste time instead of wasting money?
Altered Carbon was pretty shit. Sorry not sorry.
Half of Arnold's dialogue in genisys was about how Sarah needed to get dicked
>Why is Disney so retarded when it comes to handling star wars?
I saw a thing in Youtube talking about how all the good things that create trend end up whoring themselves and get mangled in the process, like punk rock going from real alternative, violent and shitty stuff to mainstream, sanitized and shitty stuff.
It's the same with Star Wars. A bunch of loaded hacks get their hands on something and whore it around, without ever understanding it in the first place. Like tracing the same Rembrandt a thousand times hastily and farting some blacks and ambers on the canvas.
>Like tracing the same Rembrandt a thousand times hastily and farting some blacks and ambers on the canvas.
user I feel like you’re talking from experience
>Ubisoft is a lot better of a company when compared to EA.
It's really not. But yeah, reopening lucasarts would be the best decision disney could make.
>That said, just reopen goddamn LucasArts.
shuttering lucas arts after buying it in part of a 4 billion dollar deal was so fucking dumb. if they had just left lucas arts as is we'd have gotten 1313 which would have made more money than both of EA's battlefronts combined.
Yeah it was visually nice, everything else was suck though.
You mean the guy who's a master at opening an interesting story but has never made a satisfying conclusion to his mystery boxes?
>Pretzels, Revan.
Genisys might be the stupidest movie I have ever seen.
Ubisoft at the VERY least still makes single player games. I don’t recall the last time EA did unless it was Titanfall, which they took out back and shot in the head
Silent Hill is a masterpiece
This is how I feel about both SW and Halo
How will they fit in Taris? It was fine ingame but they can't have Revan dick around in the Undercity for a hour.
To my knowledge 1313 is being made by a bunch of hardcore fanboys now. Whether or not it will see the light of day is a different story. Same for the guys trying to make Pandemic’s Battlefront 3 playable.
Could Disney JUST retcon the new episodes and pretend they were joking?
Nobody can say they wouldn't like that. Sure as fuck Hasbro would thank them.
i thought the kotor games and extended universe were all made non canon
>Star Wars: The Movie: The Universe: The Game: The Movie
And you just know they'll make a new tie-in game to support the film.
Nah, Ordo is made for Ron Pearlman.
Will they cut HK47? And Jolee?
Ubisoft get too much shit, yeah if you only look at Assassin's Creed and their AAA shit they're pieces of shit (but on the same level as any other AAA publisher) but they also allow creators to be creators and fund a ton of indie/AA stuff that no one wanted to fund.
>To my knowledge 1313 is being made by a bunch of hardcore fanboys now. Whether or not it will see the light of day is a different story. Same for the guys trying to make Pandemic’s Battlefront 3 playable.
neat, but probably not gonna happen and not gonna be as cool as the vision lucas had laid out about a game and tv series set in the seedy underworld of coruscant. it was gonna be Shadows of the Empire but on whatever the fuck hyper-expensive experimental psychedelics george lucas was smoking
The setting was cool but everything else was shit. They couldn't even get pyramid head right. He was just a mindless monster and nothing more
Disney's about to make them canon with their own tweaks. The games will never be canon.
>raping the star wars universe for everything its worth
You can't survive in the current movie industry without adopting the pettern mentality.
>Could Disney JUST retcon the new episodes and pretend they were joking?
they could, but they wont. seems more likely they will end the nu-trilogy with a wimper, Rise of Skywalker, then try to jump ship to another era(looks like they picked KotOR) to try again.
god help us they are all too plebian to know about LEGACY and Cade Chad Skywalker.
Beggars can’t be choosers user. I take solace in the fact that Disney can’t shut down Star Wars projects outside of US copyright jurisdiction. Oh they can sure as fuck try, but China seems to have an easy time circumventing copyright laws
Why would they recreate Pyramid Head as he was in SH2 when he's a manifestation of the main character's repressed sexual urges and fantasies? They changed him to fit the movies protagonist.
>i thought the kotor games and extended universe were all made non canon
thats what disney originally announced when they bought star wars so they could 'tell their own stories', but now that they've realized their 'own stories' are garbage and retarded shit they're gonna try to canabalize the expanded universe, picking and choosing characters/locations/stories and "reimagining" them to fit their new post-modernist demoralizing agendas.
instead of just rebooting the IP or trying to stay faithful to the EU, they're going a third route, the worst route, cannibalizing it with no regard to continuity or respect for the fanbase.
Yes, exactly my point. The aftermath is going to be incredible. Even this early in the year the tension is palpable.
>now that they've realized their 'own stories' are garbage and retarded shit they're gonna try to canabalize the expanded universe
Need an edit of the painting of Chronos eating his kids but with Disney and the Star Wars EU
How? Hennig is no longer a part of it?
Inb4 they make Canderous Ordo gay because he's the gruff macho military one.
Shutter Island was fantastic but that's because it has a fantastic director behind it, Scorsese
He even fucked it in TLJ, opening interesting plot threads left right and center that got people excited but he never had any idea how he would answer any of these questions. Knights of ren? Rey's parents, Snoke? just leave it for someone else to figure out.
>Uggh Star Wars is shit now bring back the old canon!
What's with Star wars fans?
>Wanting Disney to adapt anything actually good
Let them continue shitting out mediocre original stories and leave the good stuff alone
This video can explain it better than I could.
That was a different Star Wars game that got canned.
Shutter Island was indeed a good movie but I think I was too unappreciative when I first saw it.
>We spent five years raping Star wars and telling people to like it
>When they didn't like it we went with a last ditch nostalgia effort to get fans back
>Why are people calling us out on being a bloodsucking corporation?
Enough of them got mad.
Holy fuck, igoogled her, only shit.
Oh wow it's some random people who have no idea how to make a game, much less a AAA title, who co opted the name to make some shit that will never come out.
looks like vaporware bullshit to me. no new footage, no new concept art, just shows stuff we already saw when 1313 was first announced, looks like some faggot shilling up hope to sell t-shirts and boost his youtube channel. hes not gonna release shit.
i just want off this ride
It’s something at least. I trust a bunch of randos more than I do EA at this point
Seems like she's good at adapting other people's material, maybe this'll turn out all right.
hope it sucks and I can laugh at Yea Forums KOTOR apologists.
just leave SW alone
its already ded
You’re probably right, as I said though that’s the information that’s out.
>You’re probably right, as I said though that’s the information that’s out.
i know im right. i'v followed enough fan game lawsuits to know that this will go nowhere. even the response he got from lucasarts says so, they tell him he cant use any of their material but hes acting like since they didnt send a cease and desist they gave him the greenlight, more likely lucasarts/disney knows this kid has nothing and no chance at producing anything so they didnt even bother to pay a lawyer to draft up a C&D. if he ever actually got ANYWHERE, he'd immediately get hit with a C&D. thats how that shit goes.
i'm sorry george
What if we were to take Star Wars themes, put them into a game, but just not call it Star Wars?
like galaxy of turmoil?
>What if we were to take Star Wars themes, put them into a game, but just not call it Star Wars?
then nobody cares and it never gets finished because nobody cared
>I liked the scene where Pyramid Head ripped the skin off that one qt. That gave me an unusual boner.
Man I just can’t win. Wait I have an idea, make a personal Star Wars project, go to your local library and upload it to the internet. Nobody can track you then to sue you
Ryan Reynolds is literally the only good thing about the pokemon movie. Every scene he isn't in speaking is absolute shit
Shutter Island was great. Alexander wasn't bad but not great. That Terminator movie though...
Alexander, the Colin Farrell flick? I liked it.
That Rosario Dawson, right?
This is one of those weird scenes that fucking horrifies me but compels me to watch it like 10 times. Like the puppet scene from Nightmare on Elm Street 2 (or 3? I forget). Does anyone else have this problem?
morbid curiosity
I'm the same with the toy clown and tree scenes from Poltergeist
It's impressive just how thoroughly KK has destroyed Star Wars these 4 years. The games are shit, the books and novels are either straight fanfiction or just rebranded EU books, but strip-mined of all charm. Toys, posters, and side merchandise in general couldn't even be given away for free, and the movies are just color swapped Original Trilogy setpieces linked together with flimsy plot threads like mad libs to justify their existence, and you can't even point that out online without being yelled at by shills or woke twitter users. Not even normies give a shit anymore.
I know EXACTLY who's going to be changed to be a tranny.
Alite was always a power fantasy for insecure females, even in the manga
Post yfw to be progressive they make Revan a lesbian that starts a sexual relationship with Mission
And they keep her 14
mission, tomboys are just trannies that are in the closet
He had a wife and biological son. The son was even a plot point.
>the writer and *creator* of the absolute fucking abortion clinic dumpster fire that was the Altered Carbon adaptation
>"not bad"
Alexander and pathfinder were kino im ok with this.
>movie kotor
Give me a new kotor game instead, anyone with a brain can tell this ia a bad idea
>Give me a new kotor game instead, anyone with a brain can tell this ia a bad idea
except there is obviously no one with any brains left in charge of star wars.
making a movie adaption of a 'choose your own adventure' type game is so obviously retarded.
they SHOULD have made a Shadows of the Empire movie or Jedi Knight, but nope, KOTOR! lol.
>Wonder when they'll get to Kyle Katarn.
KK is not coming back, his character and story was split between Rebels and Rogue One, thankfully, KK is as much as Gary Stu as Rey is a Mary Sue
KK is a game character. You can't call him a Gary Stu, you might as well call every game character a Gary Stu.
Rey on the other hand is a movie character who is not being controlled by a player who is expecting to win the game he's playing. People actually do expect faults in movie characters, Rey has none, she's given eveyrthing on a silver platter and spits in the face of the entire franchise. Everyone else in the series, from canon to legends, had to train to get their power; even Anakin who's the mother fucking chosen one had to train and got his ass beat multiple times.
Help me out, Yea Forums, let's cast this abomination
Revan - Keanu Reeves
Carth Onasi - Armie Hammer
Bastilla Shan - Karen Gillan
Mission Vao - ?
Cancerous Ordo - ?
Juhani - ?
Jolee Bindo - Keegan-Michael Key
Darth Malak - ?
Trask Ulgo - Ryan Hurst
Darth Bandon - ?
Calo Nord - ?
Star Wars has deserved to die since 1977.
No user, look at all these 5/10s at best turds that you would only watch to laugh at them.
You mean as a joke it or try for real?
A little of both. I could actually see Armie play a good Carth.
I thought they were both males
Not Canon anymore
Old EU canon was male Revan, female Exile. It was never relevant since they only appeared within their own games, but it was treated as who they were in what references they got in materials books and guides.
hol up
so the games are canon?
>Shutter Island (2010),
literally the only good one
it depends on how much is pulled from them.
like delta squad from republic commando are canon for making a brief appearance in one of the canon cartoons but the events of the game are not canon
>Kate Beckinsale as Bastilla
too old
Bastilla is like 19
no. Disney's interpretation of them is canon.
Is that the one the Game of Thrones guys are going to direct?
>Be Disney
>Have infinite money
>Hire a literal who to do one of your bigger movie franchises instead of an actual renowned writer
I will never praise TLJ as good. Never.
Didn't you hear? There's gonna be a western live action tv series adaption of Sword Art Online, it was announced quite a while back, I think it's still in production.
prince of persia was alright
more like
>"You know what we haven't ruined yet? KOTOR"
>"We haven't? Make it happen!"
>mfw they put in Revan getting Carth to kill his own son just to emotionally destroy him for fun
I can't believe it, I thought KOTOR was safe. Is there anything disney haven't sunk their filthy teeth into?
Fanbase already accepts Revan male Exile female, no reason to change it.
>Yea Forums is one person
hey retard any star wars media post 80s is fucking trash with no artistic value and only exists as a moneygrab
Cate Blanchett is the perfect Kreia
The fan base also already accepted no more movies
That's not Helen mirren
Sara Kestelman is still alive.
Cate Blanchett is perfect.
>I thought KOTOR was safe
Nothing is safe if you care about it. This is the hardest truth to accept as you grow up. Every hobby or thing I've enjoyed as a kid is all fucked up or just plain dead now. It happened to me with C&C and Fallout and pretty much every other series I liked as a kid. Now it'll happen to what you like. Star Wars, Star Trek, 40k, Lord of the Rings, Black Company; everything.
Nothing is safe, user.
>Nothing is safe if you care about it.
what about my hitler fandom? will they recast hitler as a fat black transgender woman or something? i doubt it! hitler is safe!
This meme was never funny. It's some reddit bullshit kys
Thank god. KOTOR fucking sucks
Speak for yourself.
I want both males.
only cucks care about this
>Keanu Reeves
decent compromise, in fact
>Mission Vao
Some teen actor. Only one I know of is the girl of Little (2019)
I'm conflicted
On onehand, making a movie will add TOR to the Movieverse, thus making it canon
On the otherhand, Disney
First 3 RE movies were god tier
>Calo Nord
Game of Thrones midget, shaved?
>Ryan Hurst
not seeing it, downvote
>Armie Hammer
Too young and doesn't look like him.
Detective Pikachu is like the first video game movie that isn't shit
>Keegan-Michael Key
no thanks
>Canderous Ordo
Milla Jovovich
I'm thinking Mads Mikkelson should have a role among one of the supporting parts.
Disney. I don't doubt Laeta can make a 'okay' script, but just wait til Disney gets their hands on it and revises it into a inoffensive blockbuster fuckfest.
I remembered liking Nightwatch and Pathfinder, but what the fuck with SAO?
Man it's always surprising looking at shit like this and finding out both quality and total shit can come from the same person.
Its the only one most people agree that's good
I mean, I kinda liked Genisys.Was at least better than Salvation or T3.
And Alita was "Fuck you, its good" tier
>Helen Mirren as Kreia
not bad
this person has the power to give us the kotor 3 that we all deserve but had abandoned hope for
she probably wont. but its possible
Better then Twitter fags and reddit fags
Not like nu bioware was able to make anything decent regardless
The only thing Atered Carbon had was the visuals and Alita has it's decades of mangas.
Disney was truly a mistake for Star Wars, at least The Mandalorian might be good, right guys? Right? H-hello? Anyone there?
Bastilla is the stealth lead
It's almost like the rest of the team matters in a quality product.
>Cutting HK-47
Nah they wouldn't do that, HK-47 is a fan favourite.
As a SH fan it definitely had storytelling flaws, but was still really interesting and had genuine care from the director.
>Shutter Island (2010), Alexander (2004) and Terminator Genisys (2015)
Marvel has pretty much taken Star Wars's place in culture.
First movie was pretty good. Second movie went Resident Evil. Use things from the games and change the course of events.
Tomb Raider was "fine" if it wasn't for the first 20 minutes or so.
Mortal Kombat is hilarious.
>The actor who played Shang Tsung reprised his role in MK11
pretty cool I'll say, hope he plays good in that upcoming DLC
and this is why I enjoyed playing fem exile with the mod that lets you recruit handmaiden. Since it turns the whole game into /u
>Alexander (2004) and Terminator Genisys (2015)
I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume it was the producers involved in the projects who butchered these movies, as tends to be the case with movies with mega block buster budgets. That was the impression I was getting anyways as I saw them, it felt like movies made by committee, it felt too disjointed and tone deaf to be written by just one person.
Shutter Island, a minor production with a modest $50 mil budget and Scorsese at the helm the script was good.
Keanu as Revan would actually make me watch it.
>anything but jedi jesus or smug black guy
Bioware did femexile because brownie points, the exile they listed has the male fucking party.
>Detective Pikachu
Then again, you fags are still gonna call it shit so whatever.
If you're set up for disappointment from the get-go, then you're doing good.
Karl Urban as Revan cause he'll enforce a rule about helmet stay on.
Wrong character
Blanchett makes the perfect Satine, as Satine is based off of Blanchett
Didn't the same shit happen with everyone lusting after fem exile too? Atton, Mical, and Sion.
Exile attracts a harem no matter the gender.
tell me it's a joke
Genisys was a cash grab from GoT tards more than anything. Can't blame her if she didn't want to put effort in it.
>Altered Carbon
Based on a novel
Based on a manga
>Shutter Island
Based on a novel
Original and shit
>Terminator Genisys
Original and shit
Hmmm hmmmm, what could this pattern possibly imply?
So you're implying she can be okay as long as the groundwork is layed out?
this, it's underrated as fuck.
First Resident Evil was good as well
I'll watch it if Bastilla gets blacked otherwise i'm not interested
Bad, but it could be a hell of a lot worse.
Depends how closely it will follow the original. Technically Terminator franchise and the story of Alexander the Great have their "groundwork" already layed out too.
Kotor was a comic series first