Name a western game with better waifus

Name a western game with better waifus.

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mass effect/dragon age


Waifu is not a synonym for anime girl you ironic weeb scum

A hat in time


Jackie Chan

>chinese mobashit
>western game

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actually triggered

If it's West of Japan, it's "The West"

i would actually respect them more if they shut down their bloated western studio and moved all development to asia

Head on back plebbit now.

"West" refers to western hemisphere.

Based pedo

have sex incel

west has different meanings depending on who you are dealing with. it doesn't necessarily include south america for example

Battle Chasers

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>west means whatever it needs to mean for me to be correct
it doesn't even matter, the game was made in Los Angeles to begin with

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west has different meanings depending on who you are talking to and what motivations they have for defining its boundaries
i don't care about your argument over rito james

Not on Yea Forums. Here it's literally Japan and everyone else

Riot doesn't have any chinese developers.

>Riot Games was majority-acquired by Tencent in February 2011 and fully acquired in December 2015

you know the ching chongs own pig farms in the u.s.
do you think they work them

And Square Enix owns Eidos Montreal. Is Deux Ex HR a fucking jrpg now?