The small frame of the manlet means shorter nerves = less lag, thus they are superior gamers, your thoughts?

the small frame of the manlet means shorter nerves = less lag, thus they are superior gamers, your thoughts?

Attached: manletsrevenge.jpg (602x578, 85K)

Never learn


I think ur smol

Your warped narcissism will find any flawed logic to soothe your ego. I bet you're also proud to be "white".

Differences in nerve latency is a thing but the extra 3 inches is only meaningful when you're short.

It's only smallz, iz nothink

he's green. the tall guy is white.

When will they'll learn?

what about true manlets tho, I'm talking jockey size here

actually smaller man = less energy expended for your various other organs and more for your brain.
they are literally smarter.

The day of the ceiling fan will one day be upon us. Unfortunately that day will only come when a manlet can reach the switch to turn it on.

too bad all those nerves in your dick will never get stimulated by a woman lol manlet (probably circumsized too)

manlet cope

its true. all the best gamers, hell, all the best people throughout history, were manlets. you cannot prove me wrong.

smaller brain

Input lag is just a sign of being too tall for Vidya.

Smoothbrain fell for the size meme

Why isn't Pepe near water? He could dehydrate, you know.

manlets dont need to worry about trivial things like dehydration

>big brain = smarterest
t. smooth-brain

tall pros:
>reach shit
>see over grass
>slay pussy
>can be an astronaut
>can throw shit further

short pros:
>smaller hitbox
>fist lines up with tallie's nuts
>able to hide in hobbit holes
>hide in grass
>can sign up for midget wrestling

Its a wash, but I think squats are more suited for a hit and run ranged style of play, while the tallies are more suited for diplomacy and mele builds.

I don't know how any white man under 6 feet can live with himself. I would kill myself.

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