>400 people working on 2077
>hour long demonstration at E3 that is open to the public, probably will be streamed/released day of
Can this game actually flop? Similar to Witcher 3 they seem very confident in showing off hours of this game
400 people working on 2077
They just need to change the name of the game to It's Always Sunny In Los Angeles.
This game could be a giant pile of shit and not flop with the kind of hype/fanbase CDPR have.
It will be pretty ok 8/10
It will flop. Very few games with this much hype managed to meet everyone's expectations
it's going to be good and i'm going to lmao while Yea Forums gets butthurt that something can be both popular and good
retards are mad because they only showed the day time but honestly it looks good nonetheless, cant wait for e3
>retards are mad because they only showed the day time
But they showed night time too. So your strawman doesn't even work.
Why did they annouce this game in 2013 if they never really started work on it till 2015.
Honestly I'm getting a bit pissed at how long they expect us to wait for it whilst they drip feed info for 2 years and expect me to still give a shit
Trying to contain my hype for this game but it's pretty difficult. I like going into Yea Forums threads about it cause then it helps grounding it, happened the same with witcher 3
you're underestimating how HUGE cdpr's fanbase and reputation are
it won't flop
This is the white hair DmC argument all over again. Constant retards trying to disregard actual criticisms with the artistic style by saying all of the problems have to do with it being daytime, and not the fact that the appearance of the daytime is completely inaccurate GTAV dogshit.
get ready for another masterpiece, bros.
Oh yeah the 5 seconds of night time in the trailer
No, it was in the demo.
is there no sun in the future or what?
what are we even orbiting?
How is it completely inaccurate? Mike Pondsmith himself worked on the world.
Obviously it is not gonna flop. Cd Projekt aren't idiots. They know that if their game is turning to be shit, they can delay it. They have won the trust of the public so the public wpuld be ok with it. They have been doing it for years with this game.
why, my peenus weanus of course :)
hahah! :D
it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah
ITT: what are we even orbiting? - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D
but user, there should only be smog and rain just liek in based blade runner
blade runner is true cyberpunk
this is just too sunny so it can't be cyberpunk because there is sun
Sun is fine. Bright cheery sunny weather without toxic smog can eat a dick.
>400 people working on 2077
such extremely bloated dev teams are nver a good sign.
all the best games of all time have been made with +-30 to 50 people
200+ is generic, annual Ubishit AssCreed/COD massware done by the numbers based on a checkbox list.
holy fuck, this male V looks EONS better than the one in the reveal trailer. Vchad
based peanus weanus poster
So what are the chances we'll find Alt's digi-ghost in the Net?
is that the person who got hit by the soul killer?
Its going to be overrated like witcher 3 was. Its not going to flop
if anything witcher 3 was underrated desu
Only if DeVito is in it
she made the OG version then Arasaka stole it, copied it and killed her with it, yeah
that trannyface
>gets a ton of awards despite having design problems
>not overrated
i'm a lorelet but i heard the original version could still theoretically see the "soul" paired with a new body, which would be cool
It's not even playable yet.
im playing it in my mind
They said the main quest is completely playable months ago
There might be but how would anyone know in Night City™, the quintescential Cyberpunk setting?
Oh wait because it's not that place. It's just 2019 Sacramento.
I'm sure there is a day/night cycle
It can. It probably won't. I hope it's a decent game and not at all like Deus Ex HR.
You're still fucking alive?