"We swear its not sharding, its layering"
"We swear its not sharding, its layering"
Other urls found in this thread:
Your fucking obsessed seek mental help.
this shit is for faggots
Look at that dude's face. Is this the face of 100% anglo?
give your money to activision jews you fat faggot retard
classic is a mockery of vanilla for zoomers like yourself to feel like you were apart of gaming history
you are nothing but a leech like these streamers who act like clowns for money
I usually say kill yourself sarcastically but in your case, it's a recommendation for your own sake
All professional streamers are KOS.
Do your part, Yea Forums.
The GM singling out and killing Asmongold was the only good part of his stream.
i-Its for our own good, fellow Classic fans.
its the face of a neet who somehow managed to turn his obsession into a million dollar job.
The real reason Yea Forums hates streamers: The Post
Projection: The Post
i play game from the 1980 to 2018
and in my opinion streamer really hurt the game and youtube video
i just dont understand why player dont enjoy discover the game from them self
and create they build and be the first to use something :) btw i dont blame streamer because they make a lot of money , but is bad for the game
It's either that or have a bazillion 3k servers that will die after a few months, seems way more stable than bfa anyways.
You have no idea what this word means
Don't use it
Ignorance and lack of self awareness: The Post.
No, I demand that Blizzard make stupid decisions with the servers to please me for 2 weeks before I toss the game anyways out of boredom.
Jesus fucking christ fuck me and just finish inside because i am done. Just fucking done. This is just inexcusible. If you had did this shitnten years ago we would would have fucking mauled you en masse
And people hated jesus cause he told the truth: The Post.
anecdote, but I watch streamers in the background because of how much work I do. Im dual majoring in CS and mechE so it gets really lonely studying in my room 10 hours a day. Having some streamer in the background is some of the only social interaction I get some days.
I don't know about others but streamers who have cams are the worst. It makes thenstream about them rather fhan the game. Its all so egocentric and faggy.
projection: the post
Cute girl holding a post: The Post.
But we were supposed to be going home....
Watching a streamer is not social interaction...
whoa this is lookin a little projecty brah
This guy looks like a fucking mongoloid.
no, it isn't, but its just enough to keep me from putting a bullet in my brain.
This is exactly the reason why I won't be playing Classic until Blizzard removes this shit like they promised.
Well, IIRC his nick is "assmongoloid".
I used to really like Twitch but it's completely cancer at this point. I have some really good memories of watching no-death playthroughs and highly skilled gameplay, and contributing in chat and talking to some good dudes.
Sadly it seems like those days of have good discussions and interactivity are long gone. Your choices are either:
1) Camwhores who don't even know how to play games and are only popular because of their body. Their personality is entirely artificial.
2) Big streamers who are actually good at the game and/or have a good personality but are impossible to communicate with because their chat goes 1000 miles a minute and is filled with nothing but shit-tier memes.
3) Small streamers who copy the big guys because they want to get rich playing video games, but have the personality of a rock, and ban you if you say one thing they don't like.
4) Speedrunners who copy other speedrunners strats and play the same segments 100 times per stream, boring you to death. Depending on how popular they are their chat is either meme-filled or near-dead.
5) Big streamers who are neither good at the game nor have a good personality, and you're left to wonder how they even got so many viewers in the first place, before realizing they probably bought their viewers with viewbots because Twitch doesn't ban for viewbotting unless they can prove it (like if you open the dashboard on stream).
The whole appeal of live streaming video games is interactivity but that's just plain dead at this point. There's nothing left but cancerous memes and sheep who worship popular streamers and follow them around like in OP's pic. It might as well just be a live version of YouTube (and a non-live version too if you watch VODs) except with even more cancerous comments which I didn't believe was possible.
> has the power to literally turn any zone into a not dead zone
Literal GOD
>turn any zone into a not dead zone
>Horde decides to raid stormwind
>start running to the gates
>no one there
>suddenly phased into the actual stormwind phased
>entire enemy faction sitting there spamming blizzard on the bridge that doesn't render until you get into it
>raid stormwind
That isn't how you raid SW.
this is the kind of moment that you only get from wow, fucking so good.
whatever faggot post your shitty wojak, i'm probably older than you. they cleared sm armory as a group of lvl 30s, that's fucking impressive and the whole run went so slow that enemies respawned behind them as they went, it was a huge win as much as raid boss downed. do you even play wow? fuck off
Add early access subscriber a
>whatever faggot post your shitty wojak, i'm probably older than you. they cleared sm armory as a group of lvl 30s, that's fucking impressive and the whole run went so slow that enemies respawned behind them as they went, it was a huge win as much as raid boss downed. do you even play wow? fuck off
Zoomer detected.
hahahaha fuck im gonna use this from now on
fucking perfect
haha yeah i bet you're so cool you probably have like a notepad of copypastas or some shit
I do, for the same purpose you are posting shit like this.
Try posting that in a thread with more people in it, you will get a shitton of (You)s
I shouldn't care, but yeah. If they are to remake a game, at least do it right. Pulling bosses to main cities was fun as fuck. Being able to see every nooks&crannies as a shaman was great.
But wow classic is not for me. I wish Retail was good and Sethrak/uncursed arrakoas was a proper race
Why does it even need sharding and layering anyway when old servers were able to hold many people before?
OR your would just watch tournaments. That's the only reason I use twitch.
>Pulling bosses to main cities was fun as fuck.
Because (especially) now gamers are spineless and will support their decisions by playing their game anyway.
they forcibly pulled him into that layer to experience the thing that was going on.
you are not supposed to switch layers randomly by walking
I just cannot stand this rat faggot's face
Who cares its getting disabled within a couple weeks. A necessary evil so the servers can handle thousands of players being in the same starting zones on launch day.
Because "layered" Legion servers cost way less than old WoW servers.
There is literally nothing wrong with Classic lmfao its an extremely loyal and accurate recreation of vanilla. You are delusional faggot.
for the 100th time, and you're only so misinformed because of all these fucking trolls, but it's not going to be there after the first month or so. we need it on release because all the players in the world will be forced through ~6 small chokepoints (the starting zones). once the players have dispersed into the server and most new characters that are going to be made have already been made, then the layers will be reduced until eventually the whole server is one big shard, just like the old days.
Shut the fuck up. They've already said themselves the servers could handle any number of players in the same zone just fine without crashing. They're only doing it for retards who whine they can't play normally on the first day and can't get their quests done or mob spawns. Nothing to do with the servers you disingenuous cunts.
And a couple of weeks, gee. I'll be either all the way to 60 or mostly levelled in a couple of weeks, so there goes the entirety of the actual game world experience, nice
>play in a server with popular streamer
>12k players
>4-5 permanent layers
Yeah, just like the old days.
>believing actiblizz's lies
enjoy your permanent shardi- i mean, layering!
sometimes I really wonder what percentage of people in "we're going home bros" threads are just zoomers who didn't play the game back then and are just hyped because their favorite sóyface streamer told them to be
I bet it's above 90%
Why do you retards keep this charade up? We all know layering gets turned off after the launch flood has died down. This is a known fact, you know this, I know this, everyone knows this. It has been made extremely clear.
Classic is literally a perfect replica of vanilla in every way and you are delusional. Seek help.
>whatever faggot post your shitty wojak, i'm probably older than you. they cleared sm armory as a group of lvl 30s, that's fucking impressive and the whole run went so slow that enemies respawned behind them as they went, it was a huge win as much as raid boss downed. do you even play wow? fuck off
All world massive world PVP is going to be ruined by layering, you know it to be true.
The Post The Poster
you severely overestimate how many viewers of streamers are actually autistic orbiters who desperately crave attention. most viewers are lurkers who do not chat, most viewers do not log in to the game and follow streamers around. asmon just had 50k viewers watch him in the gurubashi arena and he had about 200 people there, and that was with him saying 'everybody get on'. add in the fact that the hype will die down and many players will stop playing altogether, and you realise it's not actually going to affect the server pops fucking at all. there will always be more populated servers, but they will not have to layer them, they've said the servers have a higher capacity than the old ones as well
Yea Forums and reddit are completely overrun by zoomers, of course it's 90% at least
So full of shit.
>3-12 weeks
Just change it to say "after everyone has leveled".
Also you can't even get your shit right, there is no possibility for 2 to turn into 3, 8k people do not magically turn into 3k people no matter how hard you will it. The 3rd pic is meant to be 8k total.
Here's the main thing though: overpopulation has never been an issue, and never will be an issue, in any mmo ever. You not being able to tag your mobs for a day or two is not an issue with the game or anything else, it's an issue with you being a faggot who wants a single player game.
like his mom got laid by a chipmunk
thank fuck no big retard streamers outside of quin play on OCE servers
wow is a game with finite ressources sources bar instances so yes over population can damage it, a'd don't get me started on funserver dynamic spawns
idk, to be totally honest posts like yours are making me reconsider my choices of trying to convince anyone of anything on this shithole of a website. there's nowhere else to go and yet you people are such insufferable, delusional faggots
sharding and layering is good
starting zone is going to be unplayable if there is more than 20 players
>They've already said themselves the servers could handle any number of players in the same zone just fine without crashing.
No they haven't. That WEBM from OPs post is literally from a fucking stress test server, they did tests with and without layering, and the server crashed like 8 times when it was turned off and there were hundreds of players in the same vicinity.
It's a necessity on launch day, otherwise there won't BE any mobs for anyone to kill, if the server somehow magically stays up with 1k players in Durotar.
If you weren't below 70 IQ you would figure out original vanilla WoW did not have so many players on launch day. The massive flood of players will be far greater this time and they need to prepare for it so that people can play.
You are literally CRYING about a solution that lets us at least play on launch day instead of sitting in the fucking log in screen, unable to get in as if it were the Diablo 3 launch.
>And a couple of weeks, gee. I'll be either all the way to 60 or mostly levelled in a couple of weeks, so there goes the entirety of the actual game world experience, nice
The fuck are you on about? You keep saying more retarded shit with each sentence. People will spread out after the starting zones because there are actually a large amount of zones you could alternatively level in. This means that the stress of the population on the server will be less, and it will stop layering, just like it has not been layering people AT ALL on the actual beta server (not the same as the stress test server).
Grow up.
they said it would be killed off when the normies get filtered out. find other shit to complain about
>while streamers led their sheep around, you explored Mount Hyjal with a bro
You need a rather sizeable PvP guild to get near them thanks to their children followers
Not many, Classic is loved by anyone who actually did play vanilla. Really good "remaster".
Except we know for a fact that's false. There have been literally like over fifty wars of 100vs100 players on the beta servers already and zero layering/sharding happened during those wars.
OPs WEBM is dishonest because it's from a stress test where they literally were intentionally testing layering by manually causing it to happen.
>game with finite resources
>"overpopulation isn't a problem"
Then don't play on a server with a streamer? Holy fuck you retard, no one is pointing a gun to your head and making you do that. There's going to be 30-50 servers, and streamers that draw in fanboys on like 3-5 of them.
>3-12 weeks
Nice number pulled out of your ass. They said 2 weeks. Like 1% of players will be lvl 60 at that point. Not that how many players are lvl 60 will have any relevance to this topic, are you stupid?
I fucking hate Twitch so much
It almost ruined my hype for Classic
Fuck streamers and everyone who watches them
Fucking stop this, I've already conditioned myself to hate this man's face.
>There's going to be 30-50 servers
Dear god, I hope not. that many servers is just gonna end up with the vast majority of them being ghost towns before the end of the year.
i'm pro-classic but they did say 3-12 weeks somewhere i remember that number. likely varies depending on how populated each server is, and how fast the hype dies down
I don't understand how so many on Yea Forums are autistic in this way. How does it trigger you or hurt you that someone is streaming the game? It has zero effect on you or on the game. Just don't watch? Problem literally solved.
i hung out in thunder bluff and fished the last 20 minutes
why do you hate streamers so?
>It has zero effect on you or on the game. Just don't watch? Problem literally solved.
It does. I don't want Twitch babies in my game
Moreover having 10k people in starting zones will slow down everyone meaning the shitshow would continue even longer.
To be honest they said they are thinking of 30-ish but I was making a guess with "up to 50".
Also you are nuts if you think even with 50 any would be ghost towns in one year, it took like 3 years for dying servers to happen in vanilla, and from what I remember it had over a hundred servers.
Old info maybe? They said 2 weeks in a video interview I just saw yesterday, the two original creators of vanilla WoW were the ones being interviewed.
I don't understand how people "work" with distractions like that.
Not that guy but during the stress test the amount of twitch shit I saw everywhere was cancer. It filled every aspect of chat be it just a group raiding Durotar or the General chats. Even seeing players with names like Asmonbald running around.
Does having more noobs dilute the community? Why does it matter if you have more babies in-game? I thought having inexperienced newbies adds to the magic of classic.
where did billy go lads
> It has zero effect on you or on the game.
Did you not watch the fucking OP?
no, it cannot, it was literally impossible to overpopulate a vanilla wow server simply due to the player cap they put on the server. it doesn't matter if those people were all in one zone fighting over one mob or not, that's part of a fucking mmo, especially on launch days of content. you gonna bitch like a child that you couldn't tag mobs the day aq opened because everyone else was in the same zone tagging them before you? get a fucking grip sunshine.
launch day is the equivalent to a server event, and taking measures to make sure it proceeds like any other of the thousand days you get to play and solo farm almost unhindered is pure faggotry.
it might help if you're trying to convince someone of something actually sensible user, instead of trying to convince them that 3 months of sharding is going to have no negative impact on their game. i can tell you right now that had the original done this, i would have missed out on experiences, memories and some friends i talk to to this day, simply because they'd have been divided up and kept apart from one another.
the top of the dudes image literally says 3-12 weeks you dumbfuck, i was quoting for a reason.
>No they haven't.
you know what, i'm literally going to find you the video of ion saying it.
>yes we actually could have 1000 players in elwynn forest and the server wouldn't crash
suck my knob cunt. stop talking when you have no idea what you're talking about.
Then why play on their servers?
And? Why would you think they will be on your server. Just go on a server with no streamers on it, problem fucking solved.
Stop overreacting and being triggered over literally NOTHING.
twitch babies are literally the only people who give a shit about a children's game from the stone age.
It's not a question of skill, but attitude. They're manchildren who clearly wont get the spirit of the game and act like spoiled retards. They're not mature. I play on American servers sadly so I'll probably find some of them
Same shit annoyed me, but I'm planning on playing alliance and the small amount of streamers compared to H*rde should make it feasible to avoid having any big name streamers if I pick my server correctly
Even private realms have become riddled with eceleb gossip and tabloid bullshit since the Classic beta.
ok but i asked why you choose to play on streamer servers and you didn't give me an answer
>It has zero effect on you or on the game.
Yeah until said streamers prop themselves up as voices for the community and begin to push for game changes and the developers listen to them.
So many online games these days are at the mercy of what streamers want. Any Destiny 2 player can confirm this from seeing it happen in real time.
Nowhere do they say 3-12 weeks, they said 2 weeks most recently in the interviews.
>yes we actually could have 1000 players in elwynn forest and the server wouldn't crash
>yet the server crashed like 10 times with that many players at Ironforge gates or Stormwind
Fucking retard.
Not all babies will follow Twitch streamers on their server, they'll probably go on some other servers. And I bet I'll find more in NA servers than I would find in EU/other servers since most of the streamers are american and have american fans
Blizzard already said if they ever did any changes to Classic, they would not be changes but additions, and they would have to follow 2 conditions:
- they come after Naxx phase once playerbase starts lessening
- they would do what Old school Runescape did and only implement additions that got majority voted "yes" for by long time players
Just look at how many twitch and e-celeb babbies are on this board and posting in WoW threads now. This is on a site that is at least "somewhat" restricted to most zoomers.
Now imagine how many zoomers are going to actually be playing classic WoW, a majority of the players you will interact and talk with are going to be underage kids that gets most of their meme and information from their favorite e-celeb, THEY are going to be the community and face of classic WoW.
>Then don't play on a server with a streamer?
Just like the old days, right?
>There's going to be 30-50 servers
Are you retarded? The whole point of layering is to make less servers, you fucking idiot.
But 90% of wow players were always concentrated in the same couple of places.
How dense are you, you're talking about retail vanilla having a gradual stream of new players vs the whole server popping into existence at the same moment. You don't understand wjat you're trying to analyse.
I might roll a rogue specifically to grief them. Then again, I'm probably not alone in that mindset since apparently this cancer is horrifically widespread.
I never even heard of Asmongold until he started popping up in Youtube recommends for his "reactions" and who honestly watches his shit? Why would you watch his asinine shit? What does it even achieve?
Delusional. Literally no one will talk about streamers on any big server in Europe at least. Seems like this is more of an American problem that you should solve on your own, stop crying about it in front of the whole world.
Zoom zoom
The amount of people that would be required to stop him from getting instagibbed by something like a rogue squad would be two raid groups of orbiters, which will immediately draw in horde for wpvp and he will get bogged down and unable to do anything but hide in his raid bubble.
That’s a good pic user, saved
Fucking faggot got do something better with your life
maybe in retail but classic has many quests sending you all over the place, wpvp is actually a thing, and organic congregation of players is not a problem compared to millions of players spawning in at once in the same quest area
What do they mean by "long time players", streamers guild carrying them ca' quickly get enormous and eventually flood the votes
Oh you'll be going home all right....the home for the mentally retarded and gay!
>Just like the old days, right?
Yes? Not playing on a server with streamers is literally exactly like the old days, because there were no streamers back then. You are whining like a homo about a nonexistent issue. Just don't play on their servers.
>The whole point of layering is to make less servers
Irrelevant, they said in the interview that they are thinking of around 30 servers.
Also, very low IQ of you to think the use of layering has ANY relevance to the number of servers for Classic, since layering gets disabled after a couple weeks. If they only made a few servers "because of muh layering" then the game would be unplayable once they disable it, fucking retard. How are you below 50 IQ? Go drink some gasoline and die like your nigger dad did.
it's for people who like to watch him but miss his livestreams cause of timezones and shit, you can see the highlights with twitch chat and it's fine. the fact that there's so many of them is a result of him letting them run wild uploading his content, if he wanted he could get all their videos removed pretty easily, but to him it's just free marketing. the uploaders get ad revenue, youtube gets money, the viewers get content they want, it's win/win/win/win, it's capitalism, don't like it gtfo commie
the level 5 limit makes getting a billion people to ironforge and through the tram a much more difficult prospect than it would normally be
And streamers will very likely play a significant roll in determining what those additions are.
>Nowhere do they say 3-12 weeks
You're not getting this into your head dumbfuck. The guys image literally said that, I was quoting his image when replying to him. Are you retarded? Also they have said that before, they change their mind on the duration everytime they're asking.
Yes, I'm a retard for literally showing you what the person in charge of running the game has said, I should listen to you instead. You actually are retarded friend.
If they say they can do it, then they can do it. They however run all of their games cheap as fuck with skeleton teams and garbage servers to minimize costs for bobby, current wow is no different, and they're trying their best not to spend money on real servers to do exactly what they say they can do - which is fucking easy just for the record, you sound like you're still living in 2005 tech oblivious to the huge strides in server technology we've had since like an idiot. Just another question to poke that itty bitty brain into comprehending there's a variety of reasons for crashes and that it very likely had nothing to do with the number of people in one zone - how many people were on the server total when that happened? :^) Curiously, stress tests literally exist to shove as many people onto the entire server as possible until it crashes so you can test the limits of your hardware. Shocking I know.
To be fair streamers and their ilk would of long since hopped off the Classic bandwagon by the time Naxx is said and done.
your opinions are part of the minority. they also happen to be shit. nobody wants to run around for 12 hours attempting to tag mobs so they can hit level 4. grow the fuck up.
No they can't? Am I stuck in some kind of hellrealm where I have to explain most basic things to mouthbreathing retards on a nonstop basis for eternity?
Why do I need to explain to you that the total amount of streamers and their fans in their guilds amounts to a measly 10 thousand players, in a game that will have many millions of players. Their votes will not mean shit in the big picture.
Anyway it doesn't sound like there's anything to be worried about, since Blizzard clarified that any additions after the final phase would never be of the kind that changes the mechanics of Classic WoW, but more like adding new content and keeping the gameplay true to vanilla. They said they'd like to follow the OSRS formula as it seems to work extremely well over at Runescape.
Imagine playing on the same server as one of these fucking faggots
Jesus christ
Nobody is talking about retail wow champ. I dunno if you knew this but other mmos have existed and do exist, and even wow came into existence at one point! Hard to imagine I'm sure, but it managed day 1 just fine, and every other mmo manages day 1 just fine, because the actual mmo crowd, as opposed to the single player grind loving crowd, actually know that launch day is meant to be a clusterfuck of fucking around with people and not actually getting very much done quest or level wise, but is a whole lot of social progression and establishment
Enjoy your streamers mr burger
No way. Naxx has been a forced joke on twitch for years.
The views when Naxx finally goes live will probably rival Classic launch.
No streamer wants to miss out on that ad revenue.
assuming they will play in a PvP server...I can't wait for those streamers to get ganked 24/7
No, they will not. A streamers vote is 1 vote, just like yours. Dumb fucking faggot, use your tiny 40 IQ brains for once in your miserable life.
>Also they have said that before, they change their mind on the duration everytime they're asking
Yes, by lowering it. I already stated several times the most recent number they stated was "about a couple weeks of layering". They aren't obviously going to back down from that after making a statement.
>nobody wants to run around for 12 hours attempting to tag mobs so they can hit level 4. grow the fuck up.
Then don't play day 1 retard, it's not that complicated. What you want is irrelevant. If your wants are about levelling and questing and solo play, you shouldn't be in the genre to begin with fuckoff to another. Everyones "wants" on day 1 should be to see every area full of people they have to compete with, interact with, make friends with.
that guy's opinions are way, WAY less shit than wanting to play BFA Classic
>. If your wants are about levelling and questing and solo play, you shouldn't be in the genre to begin with fuckoff to another.
just another 'no true fan' bullshit, move along
He shits on classic and the nostalgia fags who overblow how good it is constantly. Fuck off nigger.
Thanks. I took a bunch to rub in the face of my pal that didn't get in the stress test.
>Nobody is talking about retail wow
>even wow came into existence at one point! Hard to imagine I'm sure, but it managed day 1 just fine
You are a fucking lying homo to compare vanilla day 1 to Classic day 1, it's not similar at all. There are like a hundred times more players at Classic launch.
I have not seen anyone overblow how good vanilla is, it is the best version of WoW. No one says its flawless. But it is the peak of WoW, 100%.
imagine thinking people weren't hyped for original wow release. i remember spending every lunch at school with my buddy on the classroom pc looking through the WoW website talking about what class and race we're gonna pick, just like we do now on this board. the servers got raped on day 1 and nobody could play
asmon is alliance
your best bet is to figure out what servers the streamers are on once the game goes live in august and just pick a different one
>what is influence
Shouldn't play smart when you can't back it up
Wasn't even world first though
>don't play day 1
but this is exactly why sharding will exist and is a good thing. again, grow up.
Oh look, have to explain basic things to subhuman retards again, yay...
You actually can't understand why a stress test server has mostly Assmongoloids zoomer fanboys? Could it maybe be because its the literal only stress test server in the world right now and Asmong told everyone to go there? Wow, I think I solved the mystery your brain couldn't figure out.
Well looks like the issues all solved, literally zero correlation to actual official servers once the game launches.
you're making a massive leap by comparing BFA to what classic will be, so much so that it makes me doubt there's any point in replying to you. to make such a claim is to show the world your lack of intelligence. you should read up on logical fallacies.
You're the one who has nothing to back your lies up. Their influence is fucking nothing compared to the MILLIONS that will play Classic. I already said it but apparently I needed to say it twice, since you are too low IQ to read properly.
Yup. The people bitching about sharding are people who never played during the launch. Yeah, I loved sitting in queues for 8 hours straight only to be kicked back into queue after getting in. Fucking idiots.
You literally belong to a 0.5% low-functioning autism minority if you want to play in Durotar with a thousand other players at the same time and 2 fps and server crashes. No one fucking wants that, sharding or whatever the fuck is actually good for the beginning so that we can play. Not like it has any effect after the starting zones anymore since players spread out.
>ruins your classic launch
Yikes, I thought this freak was just baiting honestly.
what the fuck is sharding or layering you MMO spergs? I'm just here to bitch about twitch streamers
stop trying to explain it to him. he doesn't understand.
People are on the same server but can't always see eachother
>simply due to the player cap they put on the server
Each layer is the size of the original cap. The point is to stop several hour long queues.
That's some numale sky shit
I played ultima online when wow was at its peak so I never experienced that
Yikes so it's literally impossible to have proper open world pvp. Well done blizzard
That is why it takes him 10 hours to "study".
will world pvp guilds be making streamer kos lists on their guild info?
what a godawful thread. Kill yourselves, the lot of you
and so the endless tide of liquid shit takes washes in and i run out of energy to correct or chastise. fuck all of you i'm out
>Implying people spamming twitch shit isn't gonna be everywhere
Wherever I go on the internet I hear or see people saying twitch emotes. Shit is fucking gay and it doesn't pertain to just one streamer.
Why would you want to watch him though? He's not their friend to play with nor is his "content" new or interesting.
Christ on a cross, I think I am finally too old for this bullshit and I havn't even reached 30 yet.
>Image is succinctly relevant now, especially for me and all the others before Twitch streamers.
Lol u mad
subjective. oh you're so old and crusty, but i would have thought with age comes a realisation that different people like different things, fucking imagine that
>Shit is fucking gay
Look at the picture you posted for a good 5 minutes, you're playing a gay ass game from blizzard, what else do you expect? Arma IIIs community?
Autismgold goes way back
I guess this is why he's so popular in WoW.
the types of people who don't get it are the ones you don't want playing anyhow. don't waste your energy on these retards.
>yfw home boomers stick to retail because classic turned into zoomer central
i don't think that point is lost on him, it's just that what you (and the other retards) enjoy is trash. worse than cable television.
It's also an old ass game so why is it so full of zoomers?
But that's Actiblizz plan since the start.
Look at this autistic faggot whining about toxic gaymers. This is why devs are making everything a safe space for manchildren who can't handle uncontrolled social interactions.
if you listed all your favourite foods or music or movies you would get shit on by everyone for liking some retarded shit, nobody cares
classic will be kino and there's nothing you can do about it
>took her 50 days to get to 60
probably because its a game where you can play some second life looking monstrosity with dual katanas riding a pink rocket with a zebra skin seat
it attracts girl gamers,weebs and faggots
You don't have to convince anyone. The game has sharding. It's not vanilla. Don't believe actiblizzard and don't give them money.
LUL PogChamp man this shit is PogChamp Kappa Kreygasm
I'm going to roll a undead rogue and gank every faggot streamer and zoomer until they leave the server
so THAT is home?
sex is disgusting
"I'm going ho-"
*phases out into another layer*
And thats why i play on EU.
why only one faction
You went there to do this, didn't you?
>Study 10 hours a day
The fuck is wrong with you
I can't gank both factions at the same time
Do your part, allycucks
Those are not vanilla models.
>so lazy of an edit you just mirror the pose
Jokes on you, he'll play in a PvE server.
OP fucking destroyed
Of course it's subjective but it isn't productive in the slightest. It's an empty interaction with a pseudo cult of personality type of narcissist and the meager scraps of attention they give their viewers, somehow, provide self validation and gratification. Not to mention the females wantonly showing their bodies for money, an almost literal definition of a whore barring that there isn't any sexual intercourse or even physical touching.
They pay for a virtual "friend" and hope to have an online internet moniker recognized for an empty feeling of friendship and self worth. I guess my opinion is shit then but at least I have real life friends that I can actually interact with physically without me paying them to do so.
they sure as hell aren't BfA models.
Voting for content is awful if every fucking retard is allowed to vote. They should make it so you should have cleared the previous content in order to vote.
>Pay a one time fee of $15 to see vanilla Hyjal!
Nah, they’ll make it so you can pay to vote.
>voting is awful if every fucking retard is allowed to vote
I know user, I know.
>log in
>make character remembering the old good days
>starting zone is just like remember
>suddenly you notice players yelling POG OMEGALUL POGGERS I LOVE ASMON
>confused you start questing ignoring them
>a guy called asmongold is with a parade of other players behind him yelling and doing some weird noises
>you try to avoid them and just quest fast as you can to move out of this zone
>every monster is killed by the horde of these players and you take a lot of time to finish
>Finally you just have to kill the one unique NPC
>you manage to get the kill somehow
>before you head back to complete the quest there's a guy watching you, is the player from before with a crowd behind him
>"WTF are you doing stupid idiot," he yells you
> "I'm reporting you at this moment enjoy your ban"
>you ask him what's the reason and why is he mad
>your game disconnects
>you have been banned
Thanks democracy
Patchwerk was way bigger than this wasn't he?
Hey, at least he noticed you. :)
Just change your layer, you dumbfuck.
Just change your gender, you dumbfuck.
He was pretty big actually. That first picture he was far away.
Imagine being such a pathetic cuckold you resubscribe to WoW for this shit iteration of classic.
>millennial paypigs this desperate to deflect
How will the game handle it when you for multiple raids of up to 200+ people marching into stormwind to kill faction leaders. Are they going to fucking layer that shit?
It's a very similar scenario.
This is pretty cute. I wish my mum played wow instead of doing heroin
3k people are more than enough to keep a server alive.
I'll do the bullet points for you
>* Would crash under launch time player load
>making changes that drastically affect the core community-building aspects of vanilla WoW for the sake of convenience
Yeah, that didn't turn out to be a horrible decision the first time around or anything.
>Getting this mad because you didnt get in the beta and a streamer you didnt like got killed by a gm
Bitch I played through Nostalrius, Elysium, and Light's Hope, and all three of those were run by retarded Russians yet the servers still held up 10k+ pops.
as someone with hardworking parents this is really sad to think about and try to comprehend. My first reaction to the video is god im glad my house didn't look like that and my mom didn't smoke while playing videogames every day, but I forget how shitty some people's parents are and just not being destructive is sweet for them.
Yea the majority are fucking impossible to deal with. It became normie territory so fake people who want money are transforming it in a slightly different youtube. There are still some genuine dudes who are just there to have fun and play.
getting corpse camped? no worries just go to another layer. Banding together with allies to defeat enemies is sooooo last decade.
quest npc dead? just go to another layer!
want to escalate a skirmish or save a zone getting pillaged? Don't even try to bring a couple of raids in to help they'll just get stuffed on another layer
someone kited a dangerously strong mob to your area or let an infernal loose? just hop on over to another layer!
is there anyone playing this that isn't using a faggot facecam?
>pretend people want your opinion
make it a mission to kite Kazzak to Stormwind, erry day ... ah the good ol' days
Seriously, I wish so god damn much that blizzard develops classic further and finish Azshara and Hyjal. There's even a dungeon in Hyjal that never saw the light of day.
Jokes aside, nobody would ever do this to you if you play a female character.
Absolutely based. Fuck zoomerfags who slob over streamer dick
Based, this is why im avoiding any servers with this cancer
At first I thought it was Jewish of blizzard to open up character creation two weeks before launch to morons paying a sub before launch day. But now I realized that all these streamer faggots and their sheep will choose their servers and I’ll have two weeks to scour a server that won’t have any.
I just exclusively watch pro players or tournaments if I watch twitch. Pro players obviously have good gameplay but they're also usually more focused on the game and tend to revolve most of their commentary and interaction with chat around it which not only can be insightful but I think makes it more interesting in general. I find even people I otherwise enjoy on youtube to be really fucking boring or outright annoying on Twitch without the benefits of editing and actual focused content.
Layering isn't sharding, it's worse
You have to play through Classic to get to BC.
This sharding/layering shit is a complete bummer and is going to dock points off their player reviews.
Why do they all look the fucking same? I'm convinced Jung was right about a human collective consciousness and I dont want to be a part of these faggots.
Yeah zoomers are too spoiled now aday they will never go with "ugly race", they need smt to attract new player soon or classic gonna die pretty early, the introduction of elves early would help
>takes and twitchfrog
yeah you're hopeless
this fucker is ugly as sin. how do I stop seeing his face in my youtube recommendations? fucking dumb algorithm
Retail babbies so mad their game is gona fucking die lmao.
Keep clicking "Not Interested" every single time. Might disapear eventually
It died several expansions ago
I'm avoiding twitch streamer servers like the plague at launch. Fuck the chat, imagine how much of a shit show the guilds will be.
>they would not be changes but additions,
speaking as someone who plays both versions of runescape, if classic does this and follows in the path of OSRS, then it will eventually end up being nothing like vanilla was anymore. OSRS isn't 2007 runescape anymore, it's 2011ish runescape for people who didn't like the EOC. the same shit will happen for classic, it'll end up being MOP but without group finder.
Homebros this can't be happening, while those FUCKING FF14 trannychads get the best update of recent mmo history, we're stuck with...
No bros...
I can't take it anymore
I just wanna go home...
Do you think classic should follow the same path of development OSRS is going for?
Creating new content for classic further on and polling changes where a vast majority of the community must agree on to get them through the poll stage.
I'd rather see tbc and wotlk after that as they were great also. Polling is awful.
Yes. I don't care if it doesn't even go perfectly, I would love for this system.
how do I stop seeing his face on Yea Forums? fucking dumb posters
Considering osrs is a fucking dumpster fire now, no.
This dude is such a fucking retard.
I fucking hate how these naysayer streamers now pretend they always were all about classic when just few years ago they were strictly against it and said why would they want to do old content thats stupid. and now I'm sitting here dying of anticipation while these faggot shill streamers play beta and get paid for it.
For some reason all the boomers play xiv and I dont know why. My free company is always filled with boomers
Blizzard is cheap. That's literally it. Private wow servers could easily handle thousands of players in a single zone spamming spells despite LITERALLY and I mean LITERALLY being hosted halfway around the world in Siberia by Russians paid with bitcoin and vodka
This. The min/maxing community is much more rampant in WoW IMO. Just last week they decided to revisit old content by just nerfing xp rates instead of making the content more interesting to play. Everything will revolve around the most optimal of players that do nothing but read wikis.
"They" meaning the OSRS dumpfire team
can someone explain what is going on here? this ratman always shows on my recommended list for dark souls.i would assume he is also a blight for wow too
They’re definitely cheap. Which is why there will be a cash shop to pad out how cheap they are
Typical streamer cancer. That’s it really.
Is Classic going to beat Retail in terms of playerbase? Holy fucking shit that would be hilarious.
FPBP, as always
>Be 145 IQ
>Doesn't know how to use Heartstone
yeah, sure. If by "somehow" you mean the fact that once you search "wow" on youtube even once, your entire fucking suggested feed will forever be videos with this fucking obnoxious soi-boys fucking disgusting rats face, than yeah I agree.
>Is Classic going to beat Retail in terms of playerbase?
In their mind maybe
The first month? Most likely.
In the end after the novelty dies down really fast? No way.
Blizzard drones then:
>people who complain about group finder are the faggots who never had to endure trying to find a tank for 60 minutes by spamming world chat. Group finder will make the game objectively easier and better.
>people who complain about heirloom gear are the faggots who have forgotten how fucking awful it is to level up to max when it takes 7 days /played. Heirloom gear will make leveling objectively easier and better.
>people who complain about flying mounts are the faggots who havent experienced getting ganked in the world. Flying mounts will make the game objectively safer and better.
Blizzard drones now:
>People who complain about sharding are pserver cucks who dont realize how fucking awful it is to having to compete for mobs. Having sharding in classic will make the server feel like a wasteland where everyone gets all the mobs they want. its an objectively better way to level.
Blizz drones never change
You tell me
because they literally haven't updated their servers hardware.
>Streamer and his “friends” all log on
>implying zoomers aren't going to quit before 15
>Implying there isn't going to be a massive dropoff rate after the first month of Classic
>1 server
>at start
>only around 100-200 people there
A lot of people are hoping it’s like the private servers just on official Blizzard servers.
Who are these people that enjoy typing out one word/half sentences non-stop in these streamer chats. Don't know a single person that does this. Wtf do these people look like, do they go inactive the moment the streamer goes offline?
It’s a mystery
the moment this gets posted all retailfags immediately start seething because they've never seen anything like this since tbc.
Don’t forget user there’s 6 layers!
>retail wow shards
int shard.diameter = 10
>classic wow "layering"
int shard.diameter = 100
dude its totally different. and i swear it will be removed even though there's absolutely no way in hell their severs are capable of handling only one shard per server.
Shit why is this so fucking funny
Seriously though
If you DON'T find out on which server every influencer streamer play beforehand you are part of the problem
And no "Streamer Servers" will be likely empty as fuck because all the zoomers wants in the same server of their "epic idol xd"
This isn't """""""""HOME"""""""""""
It's almost as if you're not Blizzard's main demographic. You're not wanted here.
I see it on Elysium. But I’ll be quiet about it if it makes you feel better.
Have sex.
Fuck off
Have sex
That was just server 1 layer 5 shard 6a
your video sucks dude. stop advertising your shit here you'll get banned
Having sex releases endorphins and lowers your stress level. It's good for you.
I hate how twitch brainrot spreads all over other media as well. like when you argue with someone online and instead of inquiring on some specific points they just go ??????????? like a braindead baby.
What am I looking at here? why is everyone so angry?
and it was an unplayable mess. this is the absolute maximum amount of people before they will start spawning new layers to place people in.
you are a fucking ugly virgin if you played wow in the old days or nowadays.
seriously. go play destiny or some shooting game with rpg mechanics you cowards
agreed 100%, russian bro
seek help
do you laugh at cute girls and hope they answer your text chats or something...?
they don't, that's why he's """studying""" 10 hours a day and not learning anything
ADD, ADHD, general malaise and depression
those graphics are terrible
what ps1 game is this?
>13 years of game development experience and subscription money.
Zero progress.
y'all niggas are gay
This but unironically.
How can you be this ignorant? How can you genuinely believe this, or have thought processes like this? Have you considered suicide?
Seethe cope.
Wotlk>tbc>Cata start>vajilla>garbage>rest
It may be like that at launch for like a month before it dies down.
based ff14 bro
I just want to have fun again.
this whole test was pretty based
it was so much fun
I'm starting to feel like we got monkeypawd hard with this twitch shit
Private servers exist
or retards who type twitch emotes outside of twitch
added to camp list if they do that
>Sketchy mods
>Made up algorithms
>Made up formulas
>Shitty server infrastructure
>Low population
I really dont get why people dont like layering. Without it its extremely frustrating to play vanilla. Go boot up chinkdale and try to play through the starter zones with 100 other niggers tagging everything. Even if you make 5 man groups, theres still 10 other 5 man groups you are competing with. Good fucking luck doing a quest where you have to kill a named npc or click on a 1 time use object. If given the choice of being unable to play and being able to play because of layering, Id choose layering every time
>300 different private servers
>All are dead, corrupt, or are controlled by a clique
>Need to pay a retail priced sub for a 15 year old game and deal with zoomies
We just can't win
Hey boys, this cunt never raided Stormwind with 4+ guilds and crashed the entire server.
>Same tired arguments again and again.
LUL that video is Pepega af, layering is totally different than sharding guys Kappa, maybe asmongold can convince the 4Head s at blizzard to get rid of layering, he really knows a lot about WoW.
Same tired arguments for the same tired posts.
What were you expecting? If you want effort in the replies you get, put some effort into the shitposts you make.
>Made up algorithms
>Made up formulas
That's what bothers me most.
And about low population, it is not true.
I see more people on random maps than on retail BfA.
what's the best world pvp twink level for rogue, or druid. And which is better.
yea but gachiBASS
Okay so play for free and don’t give Blizzard your money.
private servers are unironically extremely populated right now. all the butthurt people that didnt get into the beta but NEED their wow fix are playing them
big TRUE MonkaS
hasnt crossing zone boundaries always unloaded/reloaded everybody near you?
They should just play on those and not give the company that killed vanilla a cent.
if you're going to do world pvp why the fuck would you make a twink?, just hit lvl cap and get as many bis items as you can and shit on everyone.
I just replied to: The post
>seething autism
Reported for toxicity
>proper open world pvp
Like that matters when your game literally killed all form of risk in PvP in mmos by replacing full loot PvP with baby points and rank shit.
Losing everything in a free MMO sucks but it’s free. Paying to lose shit would make someone cancel their sub
do you suck each others dicks too?
>what is oldschool runescape
Don't risk or pk with what you're not willing to lose?
Yeah nigger. Free MMO has little monetary risk only time. Subbed MMO you lose shit that took you months to get PLUS you pay 15 a month. Fuck that nigger
could you sound anymore like a shill
>f2p "pking"
>what is pking to make money
Enjoy your boring riskless content
Okay. Have fun having to run around for hours rebuying your armor.
So, flipping that around. If his gf annoys him, he'll cheat on her, and it's her fault?
This is funny as fuck
I'm not bad though so I'd just use one of the 10 sets I pked off of other scrubs? Add a protect item prayer or something for shit you really do not want to lose.
what update did they get, what did it do
Of course honey. Anything you say
Based. Fuck this deformed niggerlover.
last time i check private don't charge you fucking $15 for a > 10 years old game
its not as fun because it doesent extract maximum salt. When people have the hope of beating me its harder to rationalize once the rape is done and hurts more while my enjoyment rises.
Implying based Fantano is onions
>chat goes 1000 miles a minute and is filled with nothing but shit-tier memes.
forsenL I know that feel, Fs in the chat for ma boi 463253832 F
I played the stress test. They literally said they were going to start trying to mix up the layers as part of the test as a server message. kys
Official realms give a sense of stability that private ones simply are not capable of providing. A price tag also keeps out the free to play group.
with an outdated graphic, replayed contents i dont think Blizz can afford to be picky about their fanbase
based as fuck
How is he not a snoy boy?
>hillary voter
>constantly whines about LE DRUMPFT
>married to a nog
Why not? Classic will bring in gigantic profit, for the first three months at least. Smaller profit after those months, and a small profit much later. Occasional increase on phase change.
can anyone tell me how to have it show the class above the target frame? I’ve been searching in the settings for a week it seems simple enough I shouldn’t need an adding right?
That's an add on most likely
>when even the amerimutts themselves are worse than the BRs when it comes to ruining MMO servers
What went wrong Yea Forums?
its funny because its true
Stop posting eceleb.
BFA servers can't handle 1/10 of that in the same area without the server shitting itself.
are you retarded,Alliance definetly has more streamers than Horde
>Seething this hard
Come on user, drink some water. If you're gonna seeth this hard, then at least use the right then and than when they are needed. Other than that, just stay out of the gene pool.
Does anyone have the original sharding webm?
daily reminder that this is just the beta
daily reminder that if you think things are bad now that you are retarded
>Classic fags keep talking about going home
>Their home is gonna be full of zoomers, fuckwits and streamers shitting up the place
Implying this isn't what retail already is.
>finite resources
confirmed retarded
these threads are so hilariously fucking bad and underage. both sides. god im glad im not a retard who actually bought into classic and realized nostalgia isn't for me
Ya know I used to come into these threads as a ffxiv shill, but I don't even bother anymore. You people would sooner die than try a new game, And I've come to accept that. But before I go, please look at this new video for a game thats actually growing and that you'll never play for arbitrary reason.
>being this mad that you aren't a american alpha chad with a 10/10 gf
Every WoW thread is being shat up by zoomers and their degenerate streamers, so how can it be home when you're clearly not even past puberty
druid tank
Free gender changes I assume.
I didnt imply anything. Then again I havent touched retail in 4 years.
Stop posting this manchild on Yea Forums. Only niggers and zoomers watch him.
So did every fucking child that watches Asmongold get a beta invite or what? I don't understand
"Good" instant lvl60 pvp server?
I tried hensomething something yesterday but the unlimited consumables and free professions ruin the game, nobody used free action potions, engi bombs and health potions in pvp 24/7 in vanilla.
I only want reasonable gear, an epic mount, bandages and enchants
Yes. Asmongold was giving out keys in his stream.
Why are they layering for a stress test, tho.
i don't get it.
so WoW makes a shittonne of changes then removes them and people are happy?
that's like giving a ring to your rape victim
It's simple. These people are not playing the game for the game. They are playing the game to interact with the streamers. You want to progress through the game. They want to donate money to their streamfags for attention. You want to chat and joke around with people about the game. They want to parrot something their streamer said while overreacting. And in a game you're playing primarily for the social experience, like an MMO, this means that a large part of your reason for playing in the first place has been subverted.
I don't fucking get it. What does the player get reported for?
for stealing asmongod's questmob
These are zoomers. They have grown up in a world where every answer was at their fingertips instantly and instant gratification is the norm. This has had an inhibitive effect on the development of their attention span and general effort they contribute towards daily activities. Oftentimes, this means if something requires them to think or concentrate for more then a few seconds, or requires their full attention rather then splitting it with their iPhone, they simply won't bother and will avoid it or do something else. They type out these one word/half sentences because that is their primary form of communication, a referential one that requires the reader to be familiar with the context and which leaves the majority and specifics or the message vague and open to interpretation, because clarification of meaning or saying something rather then simply referring to something 'close enough' to it requires effort they are unwilling to dedicate. The respond with fallacies instead of explaining or defending their conclusions because it takes less effort to ridicule the people they are discussing things with then to make a coherent and consistent argument.
This is the future. This is the logical conclusion of our culture's emphasis on convenience and instantaneous gratification.
Explain. I never bothered with this streamershit, I don't get the context.
any good private servers without sharding and e-celebs?
i'm not paying a sub for something that is made by the official company, yet manages to look worse than a private server.
All video games are children's games. Get over yourself.
I've watched a couple WoW classic videos on JewTube and now this faggot is all over my video feed. Twitch is shit.
>st anger
what in the absolute fuck
What I don't get is why people are so adamant on donating huge sums to the largest streamers, like ninja makes more in a day than you make in a year, why do zoomers think donating $50 to him matters, or makes him care about you, go donate it to some comfy smalltime streamer who could actually use it
sigh, another blatant lie
Half of them are twitchkids watching other streamers. The other half is composed of other zoomers belonging to other communities like plebbit.
Viewers of one streamer often have a hateboner for some other streamers, even if those streamers actually get along well. They seem to live off of drama, constantly trying to find whatever dumb shit some streamer has done and spam it in their own circlejerk. LUL LOOK THIS STREAMER IS BAD AT THE GAME. The people who hate streamers in general have the same attitude, except they do it in their own "superior" community.
And the normal person is left thinking "who fucking gives a shit".
spoilering links should be bannable
>blizzard tries to make an "official" classic server
>demands money
>it has sharding
>it ends up being a hundred times worse than nostalrius, which was a free private server scripted by a handful of third worlders
How can one company fail so consistently and still be massively popular?
How can you even fuck this up? The game is 15 years old.
I just don't like seeing this retard's face everywhere because I happen to like classic WoW and so does he but the e-fame means faggots talk about him everywhere and upload his streams all over youtube. Fuck. If any of these fags are on the server I pick I'm re-rolling.
>only 1 classic server
>it will literally be filled with zoomers trying to join asmongold or sodapoppin(or whatever meme streamers guild)
>subscription fee
>bfa client
>class changes
You on mobile? sorry about that
>server pride
I knew you guys were faggots but YIKES
hahahahaahhahhaha so this shit is pretty much guild wars now
Propably grew sick of the zoomer-infested, layered shithole called NuClassic.
How the fuck did he do it bros
that's US server. who cares.
Why are there so many blizz cumguzzlers over this layering shit? In 2019 with a dwindling pop we dont have the server tech for decent servers but in 2004 its totally fine? This is blizz being greedy scumbags and trying to cut costs
"I totally don't want easy sub and ad money from things I hate just because it's becoming popular"
he can talk for starters, he can talk about anything without shutting up or going "eeeh mmhhhmm"
that's more than any average male can do.
Some retard attaching his face to a game doesn't mean I have to like him. It's the opposite, it's annoying and so are his cancerous fans.
leeching whore
apparently she makes more money than him, by quite a lot.
Hilarious how so many dicklickers are all in now
Fucking awesome holy shit
>Classic is poised to have more subs than XIV alone
>The amount of assblast and misinformation parroting is only increasing as we get closer to launch
I love it.
zoomers will quit the game after a week
>thanks to bait culture people think it's very funny to post asmongold in every thread because you get free (you's)
man I hate this board so much.
Which is crazy because he averages way more viewers than her
some of them will grow a taste. that's enough.
>We all know layering gets turned off after the launch flood has died down. This is a known fact
they only said they will turn it off because they're ASSUMING classic will be a failure and will lose 90% of its playerbase a week after launch.
of course we all know it won't be, and blizzard will backpedal turbo fast "after careful examination and consideration we decided to leave layering in because we're too fucking cheap to buy servers that can run a 15 year old game, FUCK YOU"
>We all know layering gets turned off after the launch flood has died down
>he still believes Ion who's second name could be Todd by now
she averages more sad whales throwing money at her. female twitch got separate economy to male twitch.
>asmongo is in every youtube recommendation
>now he's getting spammed here
what's your estimate? my bet on 300k people for 1.5 years.
this. they will reach 20-30 and then burn out when the leveling starts to get really fucking slow. theyd rather just watch asmongfaggot stream anyway.
he looks like a retard that belongs in a wheelchair
you can't escape from the literal god
Accurate. Watching streams is the new lazy way to play games
I used to shit on WoW regularly since it launched in 2004 and even I know vanilla isn't the best version of WoW
b-b-but you do not feel the game that way!
Honestly I think it's some sick joke from the google AI.
Reminder to click on 'not interested' on this faggot's videos AND THEN click on 'send feesback' and select the option to never see anything from that channel again.
They call this socializing.
WoW classic challenge: describe your character without stating their race or using the word 'futa'
>Everyone get on
To what, the closed beta?
ITS there for 1-60 which is the only time it matters that much. Plus it lets blizzard think they can get away with being cheap bastards
Is that Bajs I see?
I do click on some of them, I want to know the state of WoW, know nothing about current game, have an option for 2 opinions at once. Works great.
im serious he looks like he is one gene away from cerebral palsy
Let's see how many genes away from autism and downs syndrome you are
Why is youtube obsessed with shilling his faggy videos?
Why does he have like 5 channels?
Every big twitch channel has a bunch of people leeching streams and uploading them on youtube for money
I watch tips out's vids for this, very chill and mostly just the goods
he has 16k subs on twitch
fucking hell that's 40k a month, fuck I need to start streaming
Imagine being Alexensual, spending all his day raging on Asmongold because Asmon is
A. Not a lefty antifa fag like Alex
B. Way more popular and liked
C. Has more than 300 people watching his youtube videos
Why do you spend all day trying to make Yea Forums hate Asmon? Don't you have to dilate or hate on Classic more?
money, you retard. You think this thot would even be SLIGHTLY interested in that faggot? He literally snips roaches off his desk IRL
What game are you going to stream user?
>tfw no personality
Kronos is dead, Northdale's going to shut down for zoomie-WoW, so not yet, no
I played retail for the first time on starter account.
Why is there such massive fucking lag when you pick up loot?
whatever will make me that kind of money
I haven't really thought this through
people are asking for 0 progress, it's the point of classic
it's even worse
I'm not sure people are aware of just how many people were in this one zone. It was actually really impressive even for WoW
She's leaching off him, she's a simple titty streamer and wants "exposure".
Becoming a streaming celeb has nothing to do with playing games and everything to do with having a personality and putting on a consistent show. Your best bet is to do some sort of novelty thing like wearing a realistic raven head costume and just calling your stream "a raven plays _____" and never talking.
That's the one I played, I one to try my luck on one WITHOUT unlimited consumables
You have to combine this with some sort of rumor campaign in hopes that kids at the playground will start talking about "that creepy raven streamer" and "I heard that if you watch long enough and pay attention to the background you can see the ghost of Edgar Allen Poe" or some shit.
Also true.
Bake a new bread
Not bald enough.
This image is 100% true.
assmongoloid vs alex who would win in pvp?
Assmongol is pretty terrible but he would rape alex.