Are you cunts actually this rank? You say the game is easy as fuck but all I get are raging teammates trapping me in plat.
Are you cunts actually this rank...
>he plays overwatch
Only people who play in 6 stacks really get this in any sane amount of time. Reminder that OW matchmaking actively punishes players with good personal stats by putting players with shit personal stats on their team.
i got like 3.9sr in like 100 games its not that hard
The only way to rank up in this game is to get grand master level skilled with a hard carry hero. Even then you will only make it to diamond because. Blizzard has never reset their MMR system since launch and your initial rank is heavily based on that hidden value. So a lot of people got carried early on and stagnate in gold-plat because their MMR stays relatively the same.
>100 games
>not that hard
user, you trudged through 100 30 minute games. You went through 50 hours of this matchmaking trash to get 3900.
I got into Masters a few times, even finished in GM one season. I haven't played since they added Doomfist though.
The game is shit and a waste of time.
holy fuck, imagine actually playing comp
Stop playing DPS.
Truth. I was master in s1, and ever since then i've been grouped with retards against cheaters and boosters.
yeah 50 hours in a online competitive video game is nothing, people on dota and LoL have like 4000K of playtime to be challenger/masters, and not to mention the people who grind fighting games every second of their lives spend more time then anyone. so id say that is pretty reasonable time.
Back in the s1 days I got a rank of 64. Didnt play too much after that besides s3 where I got mid-Diamond, no idea where those 2 translate today
Just because the game is easy doesn't mean the game is fair. Quit playing overwatch.
>You say this game is easy
I never said this. I don't know who even said this. It's a multiplayer game, so the difficulty is probably affected by one's knowledge of the game, and how much Adderall they are on at the time. The complaint is usually that the game is not fun, or that it's lacking content.
It's easy to learn how to play and easy to master is what people are saying. Despite this you still get brain dead team mates cause they never played another FPS game before.
I was grandmaster like 3 times when I played actively, but I realized it's worse up there. Everyone thinks they are hot shit for no reason (when everyone is the same rank anyway) so they are a lot less cooperative overall and annoying to play with. Diamond to Master is probably the best teammates you get in terms of not being too retarded and not being too conceited since everyone is trying to climb.
A tripfag from Yea Forums has been top 500 all seasons and was on a pro team until they realized he's the kind of person who yells the N word.
I gave up ages ago, them changing it so individual skill and performance meant fuck all to SR gain in Diamond+ cemented that.
I was one of the best players of my character according to Overbuff when the game wasnt fucking dead, im happy with where i stopped.
>having a rank in a game.
>not randomly bumping into the best player randomly and beating them
>yeah 50 hours in a online competitive video game is nothing
it's an embarrassing amount of time to dump into a shit game only relevant because of blender porn
>blaming your team for being hardstuck
That's not how it works dipshit. If you're faulting your team, you're right where you belong. You can't control the players you get. You can control yourself. Focus not on what they did wrong, but what you yourself did. Acknowledging your own misplays and working to not make the same mistakes is what allows you to climb.
this is a retarded argument if you don't play a character that can carry
if I main a support or tank that has low damage output and my dps aren't doing their job taking out key roles on the enemy team it is not my fault for being hardstuck
there is a reason certain mains are low percentage top 500 while dps dominate
you get shit dps you will lose, simple enough
this is 90 iq advice and the fact you think anyone needs it reflects poorly on your intelligence
no shit your own performance is the only thing you can control and thus improve on, that doesn't mean external reality ceases to exist
I am.
Give me a way to prove it, I dare you
t. Masters Bastion main
>mfw long in once per season
>do 10 games and rank diamond/master errytim
>uninstall till next season
>sometimes friends ask me to play ranked
>ooh sorry i cant because my account is D/M and you are silver
>they get mad at blizzard for "shit match making"
>eventually they all uninstall it and go back to their shit mmos
I unironically love these auto rank systems. They literally divide and kill their own player base for nothing. If you want to play competitively get on some clan servers and kick their ass, a team will soon ask you to play with them.
You are right I learned what I did wrong. buying the game in the first place
You're both idiots. The enemy team doesn't magically have better players than you do every match, unless you're just playing 10 placements and then just decide to fuck off for the rest of the season. There WILL be cases where you have a legitimately bad team vs an actual well coordinated team. But with the system, you're on average, going to have the exact same level of retardation on the enemy team as you have on yours. If YOU play better than the group of retards you're grouped with, you WILL climb. Plain and simple. Even if you play at the same level or lower than your team of retards, if you have good game sense and can call shit out and not be a toxic dicklicker in voicechat, you'll actually have such a positive morale boost on your team that it can often help them carry you, and you'll climb.
Anyone who claims otherwise and that it's 100% their teams fault is just a fucking retard who doesn't know how to play the game and is too much of an oxygen thief to realize they're exactly where they belong. You are NOT going to get proper good matches until high diamond or masters. That's when it really is a victory that's made or broken on your team and not just yourself.
I got GM once but it sure as hell wasn't worth it for the few weeks of bragging rights, after that i quit the game permanently
I remember when I started the climb from plat, absolute useless fucking retards who only play dps kept shittalking me and undermining my attempts to climb, after one month, I was at GM, they were still hardstuck at plat
you people who blame teammates and are stuck at low ranks, I hope you get fucking shot and killed or at least permanently disabled you fucking asshats, I played my best and never blamed anyone and it won me games, you're still in the fucking gutters screaming your faces red, how does it fucking feel to be permanently bottom feeder trash garbage players who can't adapt to the situation at hand, keep picking genji or widowmaker and wondering why you lose
No. All-time high is like 2492, or something. I'm pretty close to my all-time high right now, though.
Except when you win you gain so few points and if you lose you lose a lot of points and the frustrations of brain dead team mates make it seem like it happens more often. Plus the game lumps you in with retards thinking you alone can carry them while on the other team they may be only slightly worse then you but they are a lot better then the rest of the team cause matchmaking is fucked like that.
Ghost goggles.
>not going into comp just to pick off meta and taste teammates tears
If you weren't in masters by season 2, and you still aren't masters now when it's piss easy, maybe you should stop playing shooters
Highest I ever got was 2900 something, proceeded to lose probably 13 games in a row because of faggots that instapick DPS and refuse to swap.
I got there by solo queue a couple of times. Comp was going to give me a fucking aneurysm so I stopped playing it months ago.
>join in S3
>be in gold
>"plat is where the good matches are"
>get to plat in season 4. Games get better
>reach diamond in season 5
>games become absolute garbage, with throwing every match
>"master's is where the good matches are"
>reach master's in season 6
>games get even worse. Not getting in game chat is enough for most of the team to start spamming rage and throw
Now I only play on console so I can use game share to make easy smurfs and destroy plats, making a new smurf after mid diamond.
>Start at rank 2300
>Hit 2700
>starting getting games with awful teams, score drops to 2400
>its okay, just a run of bad luck, things will turn around
>except they dont
>hit 1800 and stop playing
Idk how the fuck people pug their way to 3k when more often than not it's 1v11
I literally onlt play Lucio and listen to the spacy dandy OST.
I mute all mics upon entering the game.
Its still enjoyable to me but I suspect I'll move on to another game soon.
>Not getting in game chat is enough for most of the team to start spamming rage and throw
Mute player here. I love it when teammates rage over this. They get so uptight and righteous. Salty-ass players who give a serious shit about their video game rank are a prime source for hilarity, and the reason why I load up comp in the first place. Nobody ever talks shit in QP or Arcade mode.
The highest SR I’ve ever got was whatever was enough to be in plat for several matches. Normally my comp sessions are winning streaks to bring it up to beat my SR record, then it’s just lose-after-lose until i’m edging silver. I don’t know what’s going on, but 6x DPS is apparently the “Gold” standard now.
no I stopped playing competitive after a couple matches when I learned that if someone leaves then you can't get a replacement and have to lose rank despite doing nothing wrong.
it's complete fucking trash and anyone who gives a shit about a literal RNG score should kill themselves.
4 DPS, a tank and a Moira; The Gold Special
>still playing OW
>still caring about ranks and trying to win
>not lowkey throwing and trolling team so you can bully lower rank scrubs
If you play the ranked mode the way blizz intended, then you're a cuck who enjoys getting fucked by the matchmaker on the regular.
The real way to play Ranked is to farm salt at lower ranks and dominate scrubs even when they switch to your hero's counter.
Playing comp never interested me.
I love playing mute comp and just hangin' around.
Its entertaining enough to see everyone writhe around in their rage but the icing on the cake is muting people who use callouts every match. I hate that shit, I don't want to have my ears dunked on by mindless acronyms, I prefer a nice OST instead.
ghost gun
This kind of empty crap is like trying to win the special Olympics. Why do you even care when you're literally as low as you can get on the social and achievement ladder. What do you think it actually means. It's like being the most clever retard.
This post. This post is me whenever I have to interact with people outside of Yea Forums. I just fucking hate this world, and the human worms feasting on its carcass.
i always have a losing streak before reaching gold and get sent back to bronze, it no longers bothers me though, its easier farm comp points in lower ranks and the only reason why i bother playing is to get golden weapons
Yea Forums sucks at video games, competitive modes kill fun, and anyone who plays blizzard games needs to pour salt water into their computer
this thread sucks and I hate all of you
Same, I rarely play comp and I have to be blackout drunk to deal with the retards who instalock their favorite dps . Sucks when you have to pick around other people.
I think I peaked at like ~3400 back when I played comp reasonably often. This was back in like, Season 3 when the meta was largely 3 tanks/3 healers and every game was super methodical and boring.
Has comp only gotten worse since then?
>Hit GM a few times
>Start seeing the same names and their smurfs almost every game
>You can't actually fall out of GM for good unless you try to fail or neglect your own team 100% of the time since placement just places you back to where you left off
Smurfs really killed the top and bottom MMR of the ladder. Not even worth playing anymore unless you wanna circle jerk or really enjoy monotonous choke points and the ult clusterfucks.
>Season 3 when the meta was largely 3 tanks/3 healers
Guess what came back in style
Well first of all I suck at the game, but I also usually got disconnected from comp matches when I was actually winning which never happened so frequently in qp.