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How the fuck is this meme so strong after 4 years

Almost rendering, West Virginia
Glitched out mountains, no textures on the river

What happened to Fallout 76?

yoh is that todd howard over there

Attached: 1519702565328.jpg (666x652, 66K)

>only 4 years old
Fuck right off zoomer

its funny because west viriginia is the opposite of heaven

Fuck Fallout:New Vegas check out Fallout 4 on Sale Soon

Attached: 1514643195941.jpg (580x365, 33K)

Hello there!
Please forget Fallout 76!
I have a new product that is coming out in a new few weeks!

Attached: file.png (833x710, 597K)

Because Todd Howard is eternal.

Attached: 1512938106176.jpg (844x458, 22K)

>wait for outer worlds
well this video aged like shit

Attached: lul.gif (250x140, 446K)

can someone please photoshop a toad howard please thanks

Attached: 1558330583280.jpg (318x550, 16K)

>tfw when I noticed there weren't any NPC's in the Fallout 76 teaser and got a bunch of (You)'s calling me a retard when I pointed it out
I never bothered with playing it. Was I right? Are there really no human NPC's in the game or did they change it yet?

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Yeah, too many whiteoids.

Attached: whiteoids.jpg (635x396, 41K)

Attached: file.png (772x1200, 866K)

thanks sir

Attached: greenluigi.png (907x465, 308K)

tfw no retardy this week

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>4 years

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Redditors love it

I live in WV and it's a pretty boring place.
Comfy, but dull. I recommend it.


Todd pls

So? Who cares who likes what? People like living, might as well kill yourself to be a contrarian.