>more expensive
>no loading times difference shown in side by side comparisons with multiplat games
>less available space, forcing cut content
>more expensive
>no loading times difference shown in side by side comparisons with multiplat games
>less available space, forcing cut content
Other urls found in this thread:
they didnt want to pay for larger card
Oh well, it's on YouTube
Switch is garbage
sega does what nintendon't
Good, fuck intros, I remove them from PC versions and skip them whenever possible.
>switch has an inferior version of the worst installment in Sega's Mario Kart ripoff series
oh no no no what will we do switchbros where's my wojak throwing his mario hat in the trash jpeg
>sega being retarded AGAIN
wow who could have guessed
Remember when switchfags were saying loading times would be eliminated, but there is zero difference while sony is making it happen?
Good developers have all but removed load times
Look at crash trilogy. Switch has comparable loading times to Xbox One X. It is very possible to do if you develop properly
I do, why do they lie so much?
why do americans eat their switch carts?
>those grapes were shit anyway
They coated the cartridges with a bitter coating only in america because americans are actually stupid enough to eat them because they think they are crisps.
Why do americans do it?
>they actually put them on a plate
americans everyone
yes,they are that fucking stupid
>SEGA-Sammy is retarded again
I guess they don't want my money
Why should they pay extra just because Nintendo thinks it's still 1996?
No you don't. Nobody goes that far out of their way for a skippable 30 second cutscene.
lol no
>Nobody goes that far
lol no
I have literally never seen a fucking intro since twilight princess. why the fuck play an intro that has 0 to do with the game or have posible spoilers
>add -nointro/-novid/-nostartupmovies to launch options
>removes intros and logos on majority of games
Yea that took a monumental amount of effort
For youtube views and nothing more. Apparently 4chin is too stupid to realize this so you end up with retards like javascript:quote('463249317');
imagine being this stupid and/or lazy lol
CDs dont fucking work for handhelds you moron
SEGA are being jews
That's what they get for excluding my wife Cream.
One of the most successful game platforms ever, let alone handheld, used optical disc. You think Nintendo couldn't get the Switch to work with Mini Blu-Ray if they wanted to? Moron. This is 100% Nintendo being Jews because carts let them leech more money from the actual game developers.
>that one poor bastard who ate a Switch cart and only got 716 views
UMDs were widely loathed and as soon as CFW was available people took great relish in ripping their games to avoid the noisy and power wasting disc drive
mini BDs are 8 to 16GB, already too small for some switch games, they may be cheaper to manufacture but they're worse in every other way
video editing