When does this game get fun?

When does this game get fun?
I just started the part with the mermaid bitch and the only enjoyable thing I got is being able to look at Jade's ass during a fight.
Why is the combat so easy and boring? does it get harder?

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should just wait for the definitive switch version dude

Have sex.

It doesn't get any different, it's more of the same. The game is a bit more challenging with some hard modes enabled, at least towards the final boss, but as usual for a JRPG just grinding levels makes a big difference. The switch version will have a few extra optional cutscenes but that's about it.

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Why didn't you just put it on hard difficulty instead of baby piss difficulty?

Sex is disgusting, I'm not a stupid Ogre who lives for his dopamine addiction, I doubt a low IQ sub-human will understand so I wont explain myself further, know your place and be quiet.

Not him but even on hard it's still pretty easy and if you do ever have trouble usually there is no answer on how to change your strategy, you just need to go grind a little.

I didn't buy it because I thought it would be boring
I feel vindicated

Why is this a thing?

Sex sucks

>Why is this a thing?

God damn I want to fuck Jade so badly


No shit but why does it need to be spammed in every fucking thread? Where did it start from?

The optional boss fights are good.

I didn't expect it to be THIS easy, I considered restarting but i'm already 20 hours in and don't want to go through it all again, I'd rather tackle other games in my backlog.

Dunno if it started there, but Yea Forums was forcing it heavily when all the Captain Marvel autism was going on. Acceleration has caused it to immediately lose all meaning, though.

Are you just now realizing this site has been taken over by literal children and not manchildren?

Please don't look at Jade's ass.

>No shit but why does it need to be spammed in every fucking thread?
trying to get incels like you to go out and have sex

ok, tits are fine as well.

fuck. shes scorching

It's an Yea Forums meme.

If you are not enjoying the terrible cliche plot or even the combat then you might as well drop it cuz you are nowhere near the end.

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Also I feel like posting some Jade cuz I never post my screenshots anyway.

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Reminder that MC had the perfect chance to fuck his oneechan and didnt do it. What a massive faggot.

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Rare loli Jade and mommy.

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Join Islam

Alright I'm done, one last Jade!

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disgusting whores pushing their agenda

>tfw lost the will to play 80 hours in

Every time I replay this game I enjoy it but I really have to force myself to launch it, why?

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are old Dragon Quests more challenging than DQ11?

Buy my game, user-kun

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Does the PC version not have mods or something?


Psx one and ps2 one are not challenging but take long to complete.

>Why is the combat so easy and boring? does it get harder?
Because contrary what western DQfags want to make you believe, DQ is a very casual JRPG series and thus pretty easy.

god I want to fuck her so bad

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