Does she deserve her own Resident Evil game?

Does she deserve her own Resident Evil game?

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>What is RE0

Only C matters



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Zero you fucking retard

A better one than RE0 atleast.


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That was her and Billy's. She needs her own

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you're wrong!

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Waifufags should be gassed

Name 1 resident evil game with a single protagonist, in 3, 2, 1...


She had it.

Re4 re3

3 had the spic 4 had ada
7 kind of had joe

Original release of 4 didn't have Ada's campaign

What the fuck is the point of this? If you're gonna just post shit like this then fucking post it, don't do this dumb shit.

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Both in 4 and 3 the main character would not have survived with the second protags

It did. It had Assignment Ada, but Separate Ways came later.

What about Ashley? you even play as her for a short segment

I'd like Ashley to show up again.


>the one that licks inbetween her ass cheeks

I'd rather have a Katherine game desu

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really hard too

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Why is she missing a face on the photo?

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>tfw girls with short hair are my fetish but it's only ever a phase for them and they just grow it out

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Should the next re game have a dog companion or minigames

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>Next game should have a dog
Why not just Haunting Grounds 2?


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C, D, and E are the best.

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This niggas have excellent taste

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blue board, sorry

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Leon looks like THAT?

Smug is not cute, it's annoying.

>How could we possibly make the least qualified member of STARS survive a whole night alone? I don't like the idea of this game Minami.
>I don't know Shinji let's have her make friends with a Marine Commando or some shit. His car broke down or something.

Seriously Billy was barely a character and he's clearly the main character in that game.

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2 possibilities:
1. She dreamed/imagined all of re0
2. She's working with Wesker secretly

It's a matter of incredible importance to the continuity of the series that Wesker didn't even know about the shit going on RE0. Unless he lied to himself somehow to convince him to go along with his intended plan.

E, F and H at all times.

It'd be cool to see her come back.

If anyone deserves their own game, it's Sheva.


I think what you mean is back of the knee

ironic considering the censorship and lack of penetration by your post

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She deserves one that isn't shit.
Reminder that RE0 is the worst mainline title in the series and your precious waifu can't do shit about it.

Wesker sent her to destroy Marcus and destroy the train and training center. Billy Cohen was just their alibi

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sheva is fine, becky is better!

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I want to have sex right now.


Does she deserve her own Resident Evil game??

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Yea. I want re8 to be Claire or Becca

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They would be too old and'd be grizzled veterans of fighting BOWs, since mainline titles take place in the current year. I'd rather get new characters for RE8.
Closest Rebecca or Claire are to getting their own (new) game is if they make a RE 0 or CV remake, which doesn't seem likely

I hope she does.

Have s-


You just know...

>grizzled veteran
She's only been on 1 mission. She's been working in a lab for awhile now

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>tfw Yea Forums has made me a pitfag
I hate myself