Reforged will be bigger than Classic coming back.
I hope.
Reforged will be bigger than Classic coming back.
I hope.
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reforged looks like shit
soul vs no soul
Reforged might give them a chance to release more warcraft 3 expansions and make the lore interesting again.
like expand on what happened during the 10 year gap between wc3 and wow
This your first blizzard game?
Considering classic is going to be fairly dead within 3 months is that saying that much?
No it won't. And I say this as a huge WC3 fan who never got into WoW. WC3 was big, but WoW was on a whole different level. Plus, the RTS genre is basically dead. What was the last big RTS game to release? SC2? No way it's as big.
>Playing "reskin" made by chinese modders
Have fun.
I saw other people on Yea Forums saying stuff like this and I want to fit in somewhere.
Thanks user, i will
Aren't they changing the story?
I'll be surprised if the custom map community is as good as it was
WC3 is still played by Koreans, Chinese, and SEA more than Starcraft 2, even during the period of time where SC2 was still getting updates an expansions. Ignoring the redesign, which you can literally do by changing the options, Blizzard intends to and has added a huge list of quality of life changes to the base game, balance changes that have been needed for years, and updates that will bring WC3 more in line with Garena and other asian launchers which were far more popular than ever was. And then on top of that Blizzard is completely updating and retooling World Edit and removing tons of engine limitations while doing it.
Be surprised then I guess? World Edit has always been a better editor than Galaxy Editor and the beta updates blizzard has been releasing the last couples months have done a ton to make things in worldeditor better. Hiveworkshop has been having a field day with all the changes and blizzard has been in constant contact with their members over changes.
>big ass shoulder pads
you can play with the old graphics right?
They've done 0 marketing for it and it's supposed to come out this year.
Nobody will even know.
yes, retconning certain elements to be more in line with WoW. I'm just wondering why we haven't heard anything about this since last year
>complaining about big ass shoulder pads
>every single character in cutscenes has bigass shoulder pads anyway
I'm not speaking in terms of the map editor though. I'm talking amount of people playing and if they're all playing the same goddamn map or not.
Although short, the boost in players when SC:R released was nice but did not last long.
>want to play WC3
>realize the game is so old the only people still playing are korean pro's and autistic cheesers
I'm hoping this remaster will bring in more noobies for me to practice with
i dont get that remastered model
it looks like total garbage, nothing alike the original
what the fuck were they thinking?
looked even worse in action
and since its lacking the white outline on the shield its even harder to tell them apart from other units
SC:R was pretty fucked up launch though. They didn't include any quality of life changes, they didn't talk any of it out with the community and their balance changes were laughable
i re-installed yesterday, going through the campaign on hard then maybe playing some AI games since, like you said, only people left are pros o have hours of guides and videos under their belt
the whole point of SC:R was to give it better resolutions and sprites though. They never intended on balance changes from the very beginning.
If you can beat the insane AI you'll be an average ladder player.
>make the lore interesting again.
They're retconning WC3 to fit with current WoW lore, Reforged is doomed.
>decided to retcon wc3 story so it fits in with the shitshow of a wow story
doubt it, nothing interesting will happen in between because wow story is shit and nothing that happened in between matters.
They both look like shit.
which was fucking stupid because SC needs balance changes. Retards and purists will say the game is fine as is but there are far too many units that are just straight trash.
Anyway, believe it or not Warcraft 3 has had a bigger audience than SC has for well over 10 years now. On douyu and huya for example, the chinese equivalents of Twitch, WC3 completely kills sc in viewership.
>thinking twitch views matter
asian bugmen ruin rts games. its already a big problem with esports killing a game but with an rts its magnified. the people who make fun of wage slave wil willing turn themselves into shitty drone AI and turn a video game into a job and do it for FREE
>tfw used to Brood War now so everything in Warcraft 3 is super fucking slow and boring
Twitch views is the only real way we have to gauge player counts in the east, where all of SC and WC's player base is because they don't use to play. I can tell you right now on garena I can search for match and find one in less than 30 seconds.
bugmen and slavs are the only people that play rts game my dude, sorry to break it to you but the west doesn't want Warcraft, Command and Conquer, Starcraft, and Age of Empires.
Yeah but are they going to do that gay shi they did with SC2 arcade where they took ownership of anything you put up? Because if that's the case shit is going to be DOA.
I'm speaking strictly about the custom map scene though
they also made it so sc2 maps can have paid features
wc3 isn't about speed it's about heart.
literal soul vs soulless
which fucking peabrain thought it would be a good idea to go for the "realistic" art style
It's only a 4 year gap bruv.
World of Warcraft has awful gameplay that doesn't hold up and spending 5 mins in a private server is enough for all the nostalgia to die off because you're no longer 10 years old and people use discord to chat now instead of ingame.
Warcraft 3 gameplay has aged like a fine wine.
to be fair warcraft 3 models were always ugly
>WoW based WC3
No thanks
old game good :)
based and boomerpilled
sad cuckivision drone
wc3 remaster will be akin to sc remaster
irrelevant to people who care about the game while zoomers play it and realize they don't have to brains to play a game that requires an iq above 80.
you either get disney princess style or realism
there is nothing else that works in the industry of zoomer catering
Thanks for reminding me that sc remaster exist. Shit is going to be DOA.
>Those shoulders
It'll fizzle out in a month like SC:R did
wc3 is still being played actively even today and if the old maps will work with reforged as advertised AND they manage to update the worldeditor we might see a new age for warcraft
. . .
now how long do you think it'll take blizzard to fuck it up?
the milisecond liberls find out it exists and make a bunch of tranny/nigger/faggot demands and blizz inexplicably impliments all demands
I just wand campaign dlcs. Imagine playing WotLK in Reforged
What is nu-blizzard going to do with the custom map called Run nigger Run?
>wc3 is still being played actively even today
so is starcraft.
reforged won't add many more