Hard mode: justify your most controversial pick
>Combat Arms
Despite being chinkshit and blatantly pay to win, the game had a lot going for it.
>gunplay is exactly what I ask out of a military PC shooter (jumpy camera but low spread on all guns). Hipfire is very powerful out to long range, but ADS is also very useful and valuable.
>movement is crisp. You can change directions on a dime. Running acceleration is fast. Jumping has low air time but allows you to maintain almost all horizontal momentum. Movement feels extremely impactful in firefights, which is rare in a game full of hitscans
>map design is solid, with good flow, good variety of sightlines, allowance of aggressive and more campy playstyles, and good use of verticality
3x3 thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Whats the need of justifying a personal list? I mean, the way I played botw, the moment in which I played it, what I expected from it and everything else made me think the game is amazing. Someone else can think it is an empty world and everything Yea Forums cries about if they don't really care about the way the mechanics blend together or some went expecting more of a "true Zelda experience", and that is ok, because its their opinion. Also, the game's great fuck you
TLOU is obviously hugely popular outside of Yea Forums but I'll never stop loving it. I've played it three times and each has been pure magic.
+Titanfall 2, Gmod
I fucking love Titanfall 2. Never played the multiplayer but the single player is one of the best I've played in years.
More for the sake of discussion than anything. 3x3's are a good way of communicating tastes but we can learn a lot by taking that to the next level and talking about the why.
2/3 - I can't really play gmod, so I don't like it.
10/10 its me
2/2 - Odyssey is probably as good as 64
You're missing out on the MP. I recommend giving it at least 1 shot before the game dies, for the experience at least.
Fair enough. I really like these threads when people actually talk about each others 3x3. Kind of just wanted to make a little joke but really agree with you. What do you like in GMod, then? I can't really understand what it is/what is it for/how do you get rid of pink error messages
Remaking the 5x5 to reflect the new 3x3 so here's just this. I'd say the most controversial pick here is Kirby SA because most people don't even consider it a top-tier Kirby, but I think the replay value in that post-game that stems from the reworked combat physics just put it up there for me, and I like Kirby in general. Objectively, Robobot is probably the better game.
Also, before anybody asks, it's Sigma because I don't have any Xbox. It was Sigma or nothing, and honestly after doing the research I don't think Sigma is inferior, it's just a sidegrade to Black, and personally I think I'd prefer it because of the extra weapon & character anyway (also midair bow usage has saved my ass a few times). I also think that it blows DMC3 out of the water in every aspect other than weapons and story despite the original Xbox NG coming out a year before DMC3, hence why that's what it replaced.
1/1 (NG); I like the explanations in these threads so good on you. TF2 is on my list of FPS games to try.
3/3 (Gen 3, Smash, SM64)
3/3 (Thief, Odyssey, DMC3); what's the combat like in Dark Messiah? I know nothing about it and honestly didn't know it was mostly an action game until a few months ago.
3/3 (DMC3, MMX, Shovel Knight)
Different guy but I generally don't like online multiplayer that isn't 1v1. I enjoyed playing Transformers War for Cybertron online but only because the Scientist class had a hilariously large number of support options available at once. TF2 does seem to have some crazy movement though, so I'm sure it's a blast if you're into it.
It's good to stimulate discussion but that's not the right word for it. I put my favorites on my 3x3 and they're not all good games.
I always found the building secondary and my use of it was limited. I'm just a huge TTT fan and I played it extensively with friends. I love the strategic and psychological depth of having to root out a killer/commit murder and get away with it. Every round is unique, and there's a huge amount of depth in perfecting your play based on the people you regularly play with and their expectations that kept us coming back for more.
Whats TTT? So you download gamemodes people make? Damn, this reminds me of playing Trolls vs Elves in Warcraft 3. Yea Forums should revive that
Although a lot of people think Dwarf Fortress is obtuse and boring, I personally find it very satisfying. It's something that gives 2x as much as you put in and I think anyone who spends enough time with it will come to understand that.
Ninja Gaiden 2 > Ninja Gaiden 1
based and fromsoftpilled
Well I'd imagine putting Mary Skelter above fucking SoTN is mildy contoversial so we'll go with that:
I fucking love the character designs; they're cool as shit, the characters are pretty fun and there's some good shit in there between them, music's pretty good if nothing too special apart from the appropriately named HYPELINE, and it's a nice big chunky RPG.
Ninja Gaiden's fun and has some sick tunes, that said I personally have not put in the effort to get past the last stage's fuckery. GMod's pretty cool too, had some great fun in the past with friends on that one.
>RSE, Katamari, Smash Ultimate, Super Mario 64
Very nice.
TF2's fun whenever I reinstall it, L4D2 was fun the little I played years ago, and Shovel Knight, well I have it on my 3x3 too don't I.
How deep does the combat go in Star Allies then? I don't know much about the game but I know it has a bajillion characters and for some reason people have made MADs with that game.
TTT is Trouble in Terrorist Town, from what I remember: a few people will be traitors, you have a kind of detective role that can check people (I forget exactly how), and the rest are just normal, and the aim as you might expect is to catch the traitors or for the traitors to kill everyone. And yeah dude, GMod has a bunch of custom gamemodes and whatnot.
Trouble in terrorist town. Custom game. Here's how it works:
>Every player dropped into map, free to roam as they wish
>players are assigned to be innocent, traitors, or a detective- team assignments are hidden to all except the traitor, who knows the other traitor. Depending on server detective may or may not be revealed at the outset as well
>Every player may damage and kill every other player regardless of team
>traitors win if all non traitors die before all traitors are dead
>innocent+detectives win if all traitors die before all non traitors
Rules are simple but it gets down to a really riveting and deep experience if you are playing with people who take the rules seriously and play to win/survive. The game is pretty terrible with randoms however as a lot of servers implement houserules that suck the fun out of the game, or innocent/detectives just start killing everyone thoughtlessly to troll.
Jak 2
>best story
>Jak is an actual character; not mute anymore like he was in Precursor Legacy
>best difficulty (the other two are too easy)
>best weapon balance (Jak 3 weapons too OP)
>better open world than Jak 3
>less racing shit than Jak 3
Precursor Legacy has its charm but I like the edgier Jak 2.
2/2 Ninja Gaiden, FEAR
2/2 Emerald, Smash
2/2 Majora, DMC3
+OoT, Majora, DMC3, L4D2
1/1 DMC5
What's so good about Tranformers Devastation and W101?
0/1 -Bayo
>How deep does the combat go in Star Allies then? I don't know much about the game but I know it has a bajillion characters and for some reason people have made MADs with that game.
The thing is that it has a flow to it. Compared to the other Kumazaki-era games (Return to Dreamland and onward) the physics were tweaked to be closer to the GBA games and Squeak Squad, which probably doesn't mean anything unless you've touched those games. Kirby has more momentum when jumping, hitstop has a certain feel to it, etc. Little things like every ability's Run-then-jump-then-attack move being available as many times as you want until you land also exist, and it has Smash's defensive options (block, roll, spot dodge, and air dodge, with block giving you chip damage instead of being on a timer). There's also the addition of ability combos that let you imbue weapon abilities with elements that buff up their attacks in different ways (Wind gives you a ton of extra mobility on shit in particular) and certain abilities can use your allies as projectiles. Every ability and every Dream Friend (free DLC characters from older games in the series) has a fully fleshed-out moveset, and each new ability is really interesting (Staff just feels good and has a perfect-parry counter mechanic, Spider lets you turn yourself into a projectile by bouncing off of webs, and Artist is basically a Summoner).
The main game is piss-easy because it's Kirby, but the post-game has a lot of meat on it. Guest Star is a marginally harder run-through of every level in the game with a new final boss, and every Dream Friend has a unique final level to it (and a unique remix playing during the last boss). The boss rush mode has Soul Melter and Soul Melter EX, which are legit challenges if you don't use busted team setups (or run it solo). Heroes in Another Dimension is like an additional story campaign that is 3-4 hours itself and has a lot more real level design and good combat encounters.
>Donkey Kong 64
>Kong movesets are each unique and fun to use when moving across worlds
>Environments are mostly eerie or mysterious. I was curious to explore all corners
> Minigames are fast and fun, including Beaver Bother
> Music is tranquil, great for taking my time with exploration
> Characters are spunky and energetic, all culminating to the epic goofy boxing match
pleb taste
>What's so good about Tranformers Devastation and W101?
In short, they iterate on Bayo 1's gameplay better than Bayo 2.
W101 has this zoomed-out, isometric camera. Your main gameplay involves gathering civilians to build up to 100 heroes, and you use the right stick to draw shapes that correspond to each weapon you have available since they come together to form it. The system has a ton of moves & little pieces of tech to learn (so much that the first playthrough is a bit too much of a tutorial, to be fair), especially when you get used to the ability to draw a shape and press X to have an assist attack come out without changing your main weapon. The game also has a phenomenal OST and a really enjoyable story that fleshes out its spotlight characters a lot more than you would expect. Wonder Red is my favorite protagonist, period. Plus, you remember in Bayo 1, how well the scale of Jubileus is conveyed? W101 is like an entire game of building up to that sense of scale, thematically.
TF Devastation is probably the best budget licensed game ever. The lack of asset variety is worked around so well and turned into a strength. The gameplay is like Bayo, but with mechanics changed to make the focus be on the momentum of combat; Wicked Weaves are replaced by Vehicle Attacks, which generally allow you to continue your combo because they zoom you towards the opponent. Your Overdrive meter builds as you land hits and don't get hit and it decreases attack startup (and gives you VHs more often). There's also incorporation of third-person shooting with ranged weapons, 5 characters with unique cooldown and ultimate attacks, and light Diablo-style systems via character stats and lootdrops for the dozens of weapon types. It also has a Challenge mode that drops you into unique and fun encounters (including multiple bosses at once, and the bosses are all fantastic), a fun campy 80s G1 TF story with most of the OG cast, and a pulse-pounding buttrock/electronic OST.
Castlevania 64 (Legacy of Darkness to be more specific) is pretty damn good
Those new abilities sound pretty cool, and having stuff to do other than just dodging attacks sounds potentially very interesting. Having actual new stuff with Heroes in Another Dimension sounds neat, and it's Kirby so I kind of figured the arena would have tricky true last bosses but cool to hear nontheless. It's probably always been something I'd pick up one day, but that actually makes it a lot more interesting, maybe I'll go back and play around with the arena on the 3DS ones since I never really did that.
Actually never mind Smash Ultimate is shit.
>almost 4000000 GSP
>match against Zelda, normal stage with hazards on (I think its from Wario because of the design of stage hazards)
>shit plataforms, but so far all good
>last stock, pretty sure I can win
>get stunned in the air by some pissed off girl that pops up as a stage hazard
>drop to like 3500000 GSP
feels bad as fuck to have Nintendo doing my online systems
>Considers Jak II his most controversial game when he has Breakdown on there
>jet force gemini
>shooting and moving around was ass with the n64 controller
>had fun exploring worlds and killing ants
What's Okage King, and should I play it?
its a jrpg thats really goofy
sure i think its on psn sometimes its on sale
based NS pick
OOT is based
based vanilla wow pick, respect
That looks fucking sick. I'm usually not for first-person games but I'll definitely put this in my backlog.
It's the GOAT ARPG, in terms of combat. Also one of the few games to get first person melee combat right.
All I wish is that I could switch pikmin with the DPad in Pikmin 1, like I can in Pikmin 2. What makes you like 2 better? Besides pikmins A.I
What would you say its not so great about it? Because holy shit, these webms are amazing
Uncharted 2 because it's just really fun and entertaining through and through. I don't need to explain my shit taste other than that.
2/2 (Extraction Point, TF2)
3/3 (Smash, Animal Crossing, BotW)
5/5 (TLoU, Half-Life 2, OoT, TF2, L4D2)
1/1 (TW101)
Mah Wonderful One
3/3 (TLoU, GoW3, BotW)
1/1 (Dark Souls)
2/2 (SotC, Halo 3)
2/2 (OoT, BF2)
3/3 (Uncharted 2, BotW, Halo 3)
4/4 (Wind Waker, Yoshi's Island, TF2, [/spoiler]Minecraft[/spoiler]
3/3 (BF2, Jak 3, TF2)
5/7 +Journey + Dark Souls + Mass Effect 2 +SotC +Ocarina
-Uncharted -Halo 2
I never had people to play Lost Planet 2 with but it looked fun as fug.
4/6 +Wolfestein +Gothic 2 +Vanilla WoW +Red Dragon
-CS -Diablo
I love the way Diablo 1 and 2 look and the lore around it but that kind of danguneon crawler action rpg gets boring so quickly to me.
3/4 +Battlefront 2 +Jak 3 +Titanfall 2
-Darkest Dungeon
RIP Tifanfall, I wish the Battle Royale Meme would just die.
While loving both franchises, I think Chaos Theory is better than any MGS game
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I never really had a fun time in G Mod, but I can totally see it being someone else's cup of tea.
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I really didn't like Breath's shrines, but the opening hours are downright fucking magical. Great game despite my misgivings.
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Did you play 2016 Doom? I liked it just as much as Titanfall.
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Should I give Ninja Gaiden a go? I honestly don't know anything about it aside from that it's really hard? I really loved Nioh if they're anything alike.
+ + +
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I love this normie taste with fucking Dwarf Fortress sprinkled in. Good games.
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Top. / + +
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I didn't beat Lost Odyssey, but I really enjoyed my time with it.
REALLY looking forward to MCC on PC.
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What's mine, Deadly Premonition? It's absurdly broken and I adore every minute of it. One of the most enjoyable games I've ever played with nothing but soul in every corner.
Anyone who considers TW101 to be one of their favorite games has good taste, user.
If you ever find people to play it with, definitely do. It's fucking amazing. And it's almost always cheap.
8/8 love FEAR
7/9 love san andreas, not a smash/pokemon fan
9/9 nice
8/8 have to play tlou
8/8 didn't play transformers dev.
3/8 didn't like fallout 3, skyrim, god of war 3, infinite and botw
9/9 love vagrant story
7/7 we have very very different tastes
8/8 nice
9/9 nice
8/8 didn't play thrillville
2/7 liked c64 and sf1
7/9 didn't like gow4 and botw
9/9 nice
8/8 didn't play jetforce gemini, okage is fantastic
9/9 love it
8/9 didnt like journey
9/9 nice
9/9 nice
9/9 nice
the actual sword fighting and most of the magic is painful to use. The good pits involve the traps, flinging shit at people, and the magic that lets you create traps and fling physics objects at people
Sin and Punishment 2, I know the picture's a bit hard to recognise but no one fucking knows the game anyway, and that's why I put the names at the bottom of the image.
>we have very very different tastes
Perhaps in what we like most, but I enjoy Civ III aswell as AoM even if it's not quite AoE.
Nah true. The Wii controls could've been better, but I really can't go back to the Gamecube control scheme considering how much precision motion control offers compared to stick only.
Pikmin 2's caves are really fun for me, and I couldn't tell you why. Something about the spelunking deep down into monster filled caverns to get treasure based off of real world objects is really a neat idea, and as a kid, this is when I made the connection that this was really far future Earth. Some of the caves like the Subterranean Complex and the Cavern of Chaos were bullshit, but the rest are generally really good, especially the Submerged Castle, Snagret Den and the Shower Room were really fun. I feel like losing Pikmin here has more consequences than the time limit in 1 and 3, because often you're down some of your combat and utility for the rest of the dungeon, and can only regain them in rare circumstances.
The extra content is some of the best in the series too. The extra dungeons give you a fixed set of Pikmin, and a time to beat the challenge in. The real struggle is getting everything done well with no losses. I probably couldn't tackle it now with a busy schedule, but it was really fun plotting a route repeating missions to get a run which I micromanaged every move the fastest.
Rest is inarguably kino
That said, it's on here cause I liked it lol
I like what I like and I don't care about opinions.
solid fucking bait.
>Should I give Ninja Gaiden a go?
I'd say so. Sigma is apparently inferior to Black according to most people I've seen talk about it but I'm loving it.
>I honestly don't know anything about it aside from that it's really hard?
It's very hard but in a way that I can respect. Every single enemy type is a threat, even tiny mobs like bats can do a lot of DPS in groups if you don't kill them fast. The combat has this incredible balanced of fluidity and commitment; everything feels so smooth, but you can't cancel out of any animation early, your block can be broken by most enemies and bosses, and your dodge has recovery frames. It's unapologetically hard, but it's also fairly designed and with nothing that has actively annoyed me (unlike many small parts of DMC3 and Bayonetta, for example). Whereas in W101 I liked the gimmick sections it had, NG just doesn't have them. The most gimmicky thing I've seen is a sequence of running from a boulder underground as you run towards the camera.
>I really loved Nioh if they're anything alike.
I didn't put a ton of time into Nioh but I'd say it's sort of a midpoint between Souls and NG, although apparently Souls fans and NG fans don't get what they want out of it. It sort of does its own thing in that regard.
What did you enjoy about it? I remember dropping the demo hard.
Thats why I refuse to play it on the Wii... It looks like they play so much better than the gamecube controller that I'm afraid not standing going back (and I don't like/don't want to have to use motion controls). Also, I only ask because I'm playing Pikmin 2, but I'm not liking the dungeons since they are so linear and feel like it takes out the exploration aspect of the game (I'm not so sure about any of this since I'm only like 1:30h into the game). Pikmin's 1 time limit made it feel much more urgent and kind of a survival thing, but with an amazing and serene atmosphere, all along with Olimar's narration. Idk, to each their own, I guess
Oh, and Pikmin 2 catalog and all that extra truly is great
+Knights of the Old Republic 2
Your taste is really normie. Not necessarily bad, just normie.
I was willing to overlook all the mediocrity because the combat was 10/10 to what I liked.
aoe2, sf2, souls, old civ, jaws of oblivion. NICE
The best bait in this thread is actually but it's so well-constructed that it went over most peoples' heads.
you calling my bait weak?
I'm saying it played so well into the OP's specific idea behind the thread that it was too perfect to bait enough people.
I don't like waggle controls, but I think it works well for Pikmin, where you need some degree of aiming at enemies and bosses to attack the areas they're weak in. I'd say try the Wii controls if you have Dolphin set up right for it, but don't go out and get it if you don't have the Wii version already.
Pikmin 2 is much more laid back than the original, and not having a time limit + the caves being long is a big part of that. Compared to the first it's pretty long also, and it's not well suited for replay-ability because of this.
Pikmin 2 really limits you early on, by walking you through the motions until you get yellow pikmin roughly (thankfully you can sequence break around this), but after that, the game opens up again. The snow level's a good example of this, where the entire back region is basically unexplored and has a bunch of difficult treasures to get in the dungeons all in a row. And the dungeons also become randomized I think starting with Citadel of Spiders, and open up slightly imo (take a look at some of the later caves like Frontier Cavern or Shower Room for this.
For sure, the item catalog and piklopedia entries are all legendary. Olimar trying to figure out the purpose of these objects or reminiscing about his family and stuff is really funny, not to mention the product slogans once you get once you get after completing a set. Also, be sure to check back on the piklopedia once you beat the final boss.
I will. Thanks.
In the end it sounds like they are very different games, just with the same gameplay premise. I'm fine with that and going in with that mentality would probably make me enjoy the game much more. Anyway, I'd probably replay Pikmin 1 with motion controls, but 2 feels perfect after playing the first game, even with a GC controller (the "cursor" moves more fluidly going back and forward and pikmins A.I is so much better that it fixes most of my nitpicks about the first game)
How so?
Here we go again.
I'm seeing a lot of shovel knight in this thread. Is it worth a go? I've never played it.
Ay, no problem man! Pikmin is a great series, and I love all 3 entries for different reasons I think.
Yeah my hope is one day we get an official up-res that fixes 1's quirks to be more in-line with the following 2 games AI and controls. Then, it's a perfect 10.
Definitely. Game plays like a super refined take on classic 8-bit platformers, so if you're a fan of those, you'll pretty much guaranteed to at least find some enjoyment in it. I'd say try the game (it's on pretty much everything I think), and if you like it, get the DLC, because each plays like a completely different game.
Resident Evil 5 is the most fun I've ever had with a co-op game and Chris is top tier in it.
I'd say yes, especially right now. They're putting it on sale before the final update comes out, and when it does the base price for the full package goes up to $40, so getting it now for
Pure ludo.
why didnt you post the template faggot
because i don't spoonfeed newfags
everyone knows that you post the template
you might be the newfag
that's the result of nu Yea Forums
NG1 is full of noobtraps all of the bosses are brain dead easy besides the 2nd phase of the final boss. NG2 fixes most of that
The one that gets people is probably Paladins. I like the customization you have with card decks and talents, the items reward performing your role and help you capitalize on success and adjust for setbacks, the lack of a mid-game character swap makes your choice feel meaningful, the wide variety of characters give you a lot to work with, the mounts and out-of-combat healing mean it doesn't take long before you're ready to fight again, and the devs are fairly active and release new content regularly.
Man, I've played pretty much all of these except for Wargame. What's that one like, user?
I never got into the Lost Planet series. Would you recommend them, or just some of them?
Speaking of series I've never gotten into, how's Ys? Would you recommend starting with one in particular, or skipping any? There's been a lot of them.
These are some pretty good ones. I didn't really like FEAR as a horror game, though - when you're a time-slowing, spinning-roundhouse-kicking supersoldier, a lot of the terror kinda drains away.
I'm not the biggest fan of Kingdom Hearts, but you've got some nice ones regardless. What is it about FFX and XC2 that you enjoy, user?
Not going to lie, you've got some really good ones, user. I'm especially a fan of The Warriors, Zeus, and Emperor. Never played any of the Clock Tower games, though. How do they hold up?
Nothing wrong with liking what you like, user. Lord knows I've spent plenty of time having fun with a lot of those. I don't regret quitting League, though, and I'm not a fan of Fortnite's building mechanic. What do you enjoy about them?
Not bad at all, user. I finally started playing the Prime series after putting it off for a long time - solid stuff. I didn't play Kingdoms of Amalur, though - how's that one?
It's a solid platformer, would recommend. You've got some solid favorites yourself.
Clock tower series is pretty good.
Especially the first one.
They are a dario argento love letter.
>I never got into the Lost Planet series. Would you recommend them, or just some of them?
Definitely. The first two definitely, but for different experiences. First one for the survival and combat, the second one for the combat and absolute bat-shit insane co-op and fights. Third one I haven't played (and personally refuse to because it killed the franchise as far as I know), but a lot of people have hated it from what I could tell. Yea Forums might tell you otherwise, though.
/ + ?
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+ / +
>I'm not the biggest fan of Kingdom Hearts
Understandable, it's definitely not for everyone, but I think that if you can trudge through enough of the weaker entries and care about the characters, III is incredibly cathartic.
>What is it about FFX and XC2 that you enjoy, user?
X just tells a really fantastic story, the only one I really loved out of the FF series, and is pretty mature about its themes, as far as video games go, without being pretentious; the combat is fun and engaging without getting in the way of what I really like, and I unironically really like the blitzball minigame.
XC2 has the most fun combat I've played in a JRPG; I really really enjoy rhythm games, so that's probably why. I love the party, and, coupled with the Torna expansion, both the world and the antagonists feel very well developed. The main story's exceptionally well paced for how long it is, and I was never really bored.
Both games have an 11/10 soundtrack, too.
Recommend me games, Yea Forums.
Remasterd in particular?
Based Squeak Squad
>Remasterd in particular?
Nah, I just like the cover art.
Tropical Freeze
pls be bait, if not then this board fucked
FUCK yeah, dude.
I don't think I have any controversial picks. AC7 is really new, so maybe that? It's all I wanted from an Ace Combat sequel after such a long wait and it's most like my favorite from the PS2 trinity (AC4).
6/7 + MGS3, P5, Divinity 2, RDR, AC7, and HGSS; - CSGO
>Freedom Planet
Fucking awesome. That's my hidden number 10. Rest of your list is pretty good, too.
It's 3D, but I recommend Shinobi on the PS2.
i should really make a picture, but i'm too lazy, i have this saved in a sticky note.
katana zero
hollow knight
devil may cry 5
mass effect 2
fallout new vegas
halo ce pc multiplayer
ratchet and clank 1
spyro year of the dragon
loz windwaker
>bonus round
dark souls 1
mirrors edge
not today
not good, not bad
you don't buy lootboxes, do you user?
best taste i've seen on Yea Forums
How's Bloodrayne?
Just Bloodrayne? Because neither the original games are any good desu. Betrayal though is a great oldschool style platforming action game made by wayforward. Really like how it ranks you based on time and health at the end of the levels, keeps me coming back trying to master the layout. The movement and combat itself is extremely fluid. There's light juggle elements, some of the typical alternative attacks, and you can bite people and cause rooms to chain explode. Cool shit.
Huh. Well, that's nice. Not every day a genre shift like that pays off.
Try the PSP mercury games.