Why are PC gamers so disgusting? Why do platforms like steam cater these horrid video games to incels?
Why are PC gamers so disgusting? Why do platforms like steam cater these horrid video games to incels?
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these games look based
did you forget to dilate today
Have sex
that's indiegala.com and all of those are doujins you nigger
I’m kinda interested in An All-Women Resort Where You Can Have -35%. The rest looks like your standard weebcel shit.
Explain yourselves, gamers.
Have a real vagina
because it's the only way they'll get my money
>tells me to buy it on nutaku
>it got removed from there
How am I supposed to support these degenerates if I can't buy it anywhere?
get fucked tranny nigger
have sex
have genitals to have sex with
I can and I do without an axe-wound
feels good being a part of the master race
god I hate her fake ass leaks
Have sex.
There's nothing better than climbing out of bed after having sex and playing some porn games!
The only disgusting thing here is people who care about what others jerk off to you dumb tranny
those would be available on console as well if the big 3 allowed it
To drive sales with the workshop
That game really turned to shit when it made every girl have 97 different appearance stats.
>tranny nigger
But trannies are mostly white.
This is a mod I assume?
I only just picked it up, but I'm dropping it as soon as it's no fun making screenshots for bait threads. I don't like furry shit.
>patreon game
Heh, yeah, you can bet its modded.
>I don't like furry shit.
You can turn that shit off.
Al of these look like shovelware, are there any good hentai games on steam?
Oh. That's nice. Can you still get cat ears and fox tails and whatnot?
Intriguing, what game?
>Not enjoying any kind of woman
Remember:Dick the Non-Human woman so that you can spread the human gene then dick the Non-Human man to assert dominance
Guess I should have looked closer, I thought that was FreeCities.
These kinds of games are older than the Playstation. Learn your history retard.
>are there any good hentai games
>on steam
Evenicle, that's it. Go to DLsite for the good shit.
You can make everyone you encounter fully human. Merchants and story characters are the only exception tho'
have sex
get married
Based and Redpilled.