What makes a homosexual character "forced"? How can a homosexual character be written to not feel forced?
What makes a homosexual character "forced"? How can a homosexual character be written to not feel forced?
Not existing
When it serves the plot in some way, otherwise sexuality and video games shouldn't even be mentioned together.
Not saying it out of nowhere down the line for no reason other than brownie points
Rather than being like...
it should not be his/her defining feature unless it serves a purpose to the story or gameplay. It's fine if it's like...
"Oh, and also - that character happens to be gay."
Applies to all media and not just homosexuality but also race, gender etc.
But that's just my opinion okay?
see Bill from TLoU as a prime example
Was never intended to be gay, neither was Tracer. Activision Blizzard just pandering to draw attention to OW by doing something shocking and controversial.
Forced: When a Western dev does it
Not forced: When a Japanese dev does it
I love the smell of cum in the morning xD
It helps when its a part of the character from the beginning and not just blizzard throwing a dart and deciding whoever it hits is gay in a desperate attempt to get media coverage
this but unironically
Write them as sexy as possible, of course. You can't hate faggots if you get converted into one.
What does knowing Soldier 76 is gay add to my understanding of his character? Nothing really, because it was tacked on at the last second to get brownie points.
So what, trivia shouldn't exist at all? Does EVERY single piece of information provided by a story need to develop the narrative and not serve to simply expand our understanding of the characters and their world?
A character in a video game's sexuality is a moot talking point and shouldn't be discussed at all unless it's necessary for facilitating the plot
Why any one should give a shit about who fictional characters want to fuck is beyond me
unironically true most of the time
I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description ["forced diversity"], and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it.
Based cumposter
what does being gay or straight add to your character IRL? there shouldn't be any problem with the characters being gay if it really adds nothing then.
oh look, this thread again
>>What makes a homosexual character "forced"?
When it's their only defining character trait or when it's done by a massive company like Blizzard, because then it's just a way for that company to take advantage of an audience.
You can't. Reality ≠ good writing. A homosexual character will almost always feel forced unless him being homosexual is vital for the plot or his character.
>has the character ever been mentioned or even hinted at being gay before?
>was it already established or heavily hinted at that he had a relationship with a woman?
>is it part of the character that helps shape them and their personality or characterization, or just clearly tacked on out of nowhere?
It's pretty simple.
76 was already established as having a thing with Amara but suddenly now he's gay for no reason at all and is clearly just trying to get brownie points from SJWs. There is nothing wrong with gay characters but it serves no purpose and just makes it obvious what you're doing when instead of making a new character who is gay you just pretend an existing character has secretly been gay this whole time despite it making no sense.
If soldier were gay from the beginning, not that I should even know or care about his fucking sexuality, then fine. But its obvious blizzard was just pandering to their mentally ill fanbase. I wish theyd just add a fucking black woman already so those cunts can shut up. But I'm sure it would be something new after that. "One legged trannies arent represented!"
Same thing that makes anything else forced. Having ulterior motives outside of making a good and interesting character.
You start with the false premise. Sodomy will and shall never be neither normal nor accepted.
Venom of guilty gear is not forced.
Hes gay, its part of his storyline, it doesnt define his character.
When you make a character homosexual simply to get them (and your product) back into the headlines.
ever since it has been announced that he's a faggot I haven't played him once.
>2 overwatch characters confirmed in straight relationships
>2 overwatch characters confirmed in gay relationships
>the straight ones are only confirmed to begin with because another hero is the daughter of them so it has to be mentioned for story reasons
Take notes from Sylvando
oral sex with a woman is sodomy.
anal sex with a woman is sodomy.
you are guilty under the eyes of god of sodomy if you engage in either of those things and are going to hell.
Explanation and definition is not required; it's obvious when diversity is 'forced'.
Does Ripley in Alien feel like forced girl power feminism? No. How about Captain Marvel? A bit. How about Ayra in Game of Thrones? YEP.
Is the difference explainable in a sentence? No. But so what? It exists and we can all perceive it easily.
>HA! I made shit up! What are you going to do NOW?!
Not believe in your contrived, made-up definitions.
It's literally impossible to convince someone it's not forced if they fundamentally disagree with it in the first place. The argument is futile, as they've already made up their minds. They are offended by it so it's "forced".
Just fukcing don't add one. There is literally no reason a video games characters sexuality in a arena shooter should EVER be mentioned. Except for good goy points.
When it feels like it's there only to make game journos happy. Soldier being gay doesn't add anything to the plot, and the way it was revealed was in a horrible short story that was badly written, contained 0 information and was just made to make soldier gay and immune to criticism that they were getting a lot at the time.
Or if not, they are hack writers and that is why they published that piece of shit writing.
Way to make it not forced is to first of all to a) make it so that the characters sexuality matters somehow to the plot because otherwise nobody gives a shit and it's shit writing, what is the reason to tell persons sexuality if it doesn't matter? Nobody in real life tells you their sexuality out of fucking nowhere except obnoxious faggots b) make it natural, it's a small part about the character and does not define the character. Make that characters sexuality have a reason to exist in the fiction. Don't make it so that it's pushed to your face like it matters if it doesn't matter. Basically, write a good character.
So you can't mention if a character is straight and has a wife? Or has/had kids and lost one, which is why they became the way they are? Arena shooters are very character driven now instead of faceless drones, their backstories exist.
With Soldier76 it's more that Overwatch itself is so over the top with how it pushes every type of diversity it can that it just felt like another checkmark on a list. That being said, it's not really super forced with him, it's just that it's in Overwatch so of course it feels forced.
It all depends on the execution, but in general, retroactively adding it while drumming it up, or making it the only defining characteristic are both bad. Arcade Gannon is a fantastic character. He also happens to be gay. Whatever. Gay Tony is fucking great. It's no impossible, but I don't envy anyone trying to include them, because either they're soulless husks that'll piss people off, or make a relatively decent character that gets reamed for not being a perfect paragon.
Shit's annoying.
People rightfully should not be convinced of something that isn't true.
Soldier76's reveal of his sexuality feels incredibly tacked on. When awkwardly insert a story beat in a comic years after the game's release, it feels less like world building or good storytelling and more like a desperate plea for attention to get game sails back up. It's a shame too, they could have actually incorporated this into the game close to when it launched, made it a part of the narrative and actually make a statement. Instead they showed just how little faith they have in there characters and (just like JK Rowling) are attempting to make there game even more 'woke' for brownie points. No one is happy about this. SJW don't like their views being tacked on at the last moment for a boost in proffits, and retarded incels continually throw shit fits about every new aspect of this game. Everyone else has moved on to Fortnite. I just wish this game had any form of narrative outside shitty comics.
Basically the characters sexuality must never be expressed and virtually non existent.
MAGApedos will tell you Arcade is a "good gay" for this reason.
Unironically the only "good gays" in the opinions the Gamer Goober crowd are the ones who may as well never mention or even hint at it.
If the character is hetero they can express as much sexuality as they please.
In the case of 76 you also can't be a character who was never verified one way or another until much later.
It's literally fiction.
>does cool shit
>expresses his sexuality
>gets good character development
This is how it's done
Being forced or not is not fiction.
Why does being gay need to serve the plot and being straight doesn't?
go to your quarantine board faggot
I don't agree with this, but even irl, you would very quickly grow tired of a person who is trying to make their sexuality (or skin color or whatever) the only defining aspect of their personality. Gays exist and the grand majority of them don't give a flying fuck about being visible at all times, they just wanna live their lives in peace.
make me
>looks like a faggot
>Very character driven now
The people that think that don't even play the game.
People want gameplay not this reddit trash, that's why the game is dead. Noone gives a flying fuck about any characters backstory in league and it's been one of the biggest most staple games for like a decade now.
It's never not forced since gay is not the norm.
The point is what is defined as "making their defining aspect of their personality" as gay? Mentioning they have a boyfriend if they're a dude? Hitting on guys? Talking about dick in the locker room? Things straight guys do, basically but with penis in mind?
>soldier's gayness is revealed in a typical "had to give up love for war" story beat
>doesn't call attention to itself at all
>no "i'm gay deal with it" dialogue
>literally just replaced "she" with "he"
>somehow forced
When it's at least half of these things combined, but more so if there's nothing to the characters besides that. If the first only notable thing you can say about a character is that he's gay and nothing else
Forcing something is not a question of how you do it. It's a question of why you do it.
Character sexual orientation should only be revealed if romantic relationships between characters is part of the game. Basically limited to romanceable NPCs in RPGs, or dating sims, unless the game has a story where a romantic relationship is a plot point.
Overwatch is probably the most egregious example because it has the worst writing of any game. Tracer's girlfriend appears and does literally fucking nothing, then Jack's past gay relationships are mentioned despite having nothing to do with his character's conflict nwhatsoever. It's forced because it doesn't matter, but they brought it up anyway.
A not-forced gay 76 would be super easy. just write that there was a love triangle between the three leaders when the organization was new. Then, 76 being gay matters, it changes the dynamic and history between his current closest ally and enemy. More complicated characters, more complicated relationships. Or someshit. Just make it relevant or leave it as unmentioned as the assumed-straight characters' orientations.
When it’s a gameplay aspect only
For example. That guy from Mass Effect Andromeda. You wouldn’t know he was gay unless you flirt with him. It isn’t forced because he never brings it up in any of the cutscenes he’s apart of and only comes up when you pursue a romantic relationship with him using the male player character
Yes this is a piece of writing ability so famously basic and introductory that it's got its own books written about it: Chekhov's gun. It means no extraneous bullshit.
>people will say “nothing implied he was gay”
Nothing implied he was straight either
Gay Tony from the GTA series is great because players immediately understand his background and that there's more to the character besides just being gay.
Soldier 76's sudden "I'm gay" plot point was horribly done, and there isn't much to the character in terms of personality. Blizzard's godawful writing didn't help.
I don't know why gays pretend to not understand that straight is the default and doesn't need any explanations
But according to MAGApedos just mentioning their spouse/gf/bf ect is making their sexuality their "DEFINING" trait.
If they make pass at the player.
If they are shown kissing, hugging, flirting, ect.
Basically any normal everyday action for someone will be considered "shoving" it down their throat or making it their "defining" trait.
Also no I wouldn't get tired of it in real life. I have a gay friend and he talks about guys the way I talk about girls. It doesn't bother me.
I say and make some pretty heinous sexual comments/jokes and I'm straight, if I cried when gay people made similar comments or jokes I'd be a hypocrite.
It feels like a retcon is the thing.
We where told early on that ONE of the Overwatch characters was gay. That turned out to be Tracer.
Then "randomly" Blizz drops this information; conveniently when bad press starts hitting them from all sides from layoffs, dropping player counts, and stocks taking a nosedive.
They think society has evolved well enough that that natural assumption is outdated. Which of course it isn’t but they prefer to view the world that way
They mentioned shortly after Tracer there were more lgbt characters they had. Of course that was likely simple fallback
>game with pathetic amount of lore dedicates a baldy written story, hammering the point that Soldier likes dicks in his mouths and that he wants to kill reaper with aids.
I disagree. This works perfectly well for movies and books, but neither of those have the optional interactivity of games. Is it relevant what Bugfick McCrucifix's sword is made of, or the story of it? No, not necessarily. Does it add to the flavor? Yeah, it does. But reading the item description is ultimately optional. Can't do that with movies or books.
Homosexuality is a negative trait, like being a drug addict, for example. Nowhere are drug addicts portrayed as positive because we still have a moral responsibility to each other and that includes not glorifying things that are harmful to one self or others. That makes any kind of positive portrayal of homosexuals in media impossible without pushing a destructive agenda.
It's entirely dependent on the creator. If the creator is an SJW everything they make is forced.
sylvando isn't gay
he ran a pride parade
Okay well Dorian Pavos is a necromancer and royalty from a line of magisters. He has his own worldview and his sexuality is actually relevant to his story. Yet, the Pedophiles on Yea Forums consider him a "bad gay" because his sexuality is acknowledged in more than one throwaway line of dialogue. Unlike Arcade whose homosexuality is entirely irrelevant to his story and the games story yet was mentioned anyway, but since it's something most players would never know about because it's so far down his dialogue trees that it may as well not exist he's a FUCKING BASED AND EPIC GAY DONE RIGHT.
citation needed
A positive portrayal of homosexuals is merely no one making a fuss about it. You don’t need to say “It’s good or ok to be gay”, you need to say “Nobody gives a shit if you’re gay”.
The real concern isn't that straight is the default for one individual, because in reality it is. The concern is that for a group, the default shouldn't be "all straight", since in reality it isn't. It's totally valid for very large groups like "every character in every popular TV show for several years". It starts to become less obviously right when the group gets smaller like "the 30 fictional characters in an action videogame" because then representation of multiple minority groups can't be proportional representation: you either have way more LGBT, proportionally, than there is in reality, pack multiple minority attributes into single characters which is blatant tokenism, or have no representation of minorities. None of those are perfect, but the former causes less bad press.
I don't care about whichever group you want to cite, I'm not running a hivemind.
>Also no I wouldn't get tired of it in real life. I have a gay friend and he talks about guys the way I talk about girls. It doesn't bother me.
Not my point. That part is totally fine. When it goes down to "I drink water this way BECAUSE I'M GAY, I do thid hobby because I'M GAY. You know the type, this isn't even just about being gay, but being a boring person with only one defining trait. Especially if that trait has been stereotyped to hell and back.
Don't make a character that doesn't have any kind of sexuality and then just announce a year later that he's gay as a gimmick to get brownie points from leftist bloggers who don't even play video games
It would probably help your own mind a lot of you didn't assume Yea Forums is one person
so it's just in your headcanon got it
When you treat it like a commodity for starters. There was no reason for Blizzard to withhold Soldier's sexuality except for marketing. If they truly just wanted to make a gay character, the would have shipped him that way. Instead they had a huge "reveal".
This is probably a bait thread, but i will attempt a serious answer
>What makes a homosexual character "forced"?
A) When being gay is the characters defining trait.
B) When its done retroactively, i.e. like your example, when the character has been out for a long time and suddenly the devs come out and say "Hey guys, x has actually been gay the ENTIRE TIME!"
>How can a homosexual character be written to not feel forced?
When it doesn't do the things mentioned above.
>Awww, you look even more adorable then I thought you would! So proud!
totally not gay at all
sexuality doesn't exist in DQ dumbass. I get they're playing on gay tropes, but it's literally never stated. Also remember that the parade is part of his mission to spread joy and happiness in the world.
>using /thread on b8
There is reason they withheld that. It’s that they’re withholding all the lore. The game get a lore update like 2 times a year
>overwatch is getting stale
>should we make new content?
>nah, just make some characters gay OUTSIDE OF THE GAME
>i-it was part of the story
Dumb Blizzard shill
>sexuality doesn't exist in DQ dumbass
What about all the Netorare?
>sexuality doesn't exist in DQ
>lets you dress up girls in bunny outfits
in your head
>Why do characters need to be relevant to the plot
Holy shit! Really?
Goddamn you highschool kids are fucking obnoxious with your dumbass copypasta and hivemind bullshit.
>discord tranny
>have sex
>Yea Forums is not one person
You niggers need to fuck off until you grow enough braincells to do more than respond with your conformist hivemind copy and paste rhetoric. If you are an adult still doing this dumb shit, look into suicide. The boards will be better off.
Why do people do this.?
Holy shit.
You are really are predictable. This guy called your post almost word for word. Goddamn.
Duncan in shadowrun hongkong.
Leave faggotry to headcanon.
It's pointless politicking in a situation where none is needed or asked for (by sane people).
It's funny cuz lefties here love to say "muh pol" when someone mentions a right wing point of view, and yet, videogames have become a political tool of the left.
You see how they play this shit?
>Demand lgbtqrjfksbfjdjc representation in situations where none is necessary.
>company cucks and virtue signals their "wokeness"
>people here then comment on it and some have a negative opinion about such a stupid decision.
>"MUH POL!!!!!!"
I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure there wasn't a "big reveal" that Soldier was gay, they just released a story where you find out he's gay and it's not even a plot point, the point is that he's given up love for duty, and the love just happens to be a dude. They didn't announce "Soldier is officially gay you bigoted gamers! Read the story to find out the juicy details." It's the journos who turned it into a big event. Now if you show me a big press release from Blizz I'll eat my foot, but I'm pretty sure y'all are basing your outrage on a falsehood.
If sexuality is such a trivial non issue why do straight people get so angry when gay characters are included?
This is what they do too.
They reframe our comments to be some ridiculous position that we've never held.
Probably would have been better received if it wasn't revealed during time when Blizzard was getting shitted on every other day.
They just cant handle it
Gays are not normal. Gays are disgusting. Gays will only ever be the object of loathing for 99% of the rest I of the population. You do not get to dictate what the majority thinks of you.
You would have to be either trolling or legit stupid to consider Yea Forums a hivemind, but I didn't really expect you to fly off the handle like that.
gay agenda is being pushed every single day
No clue, but their rage if always fun to watch.
Shit authors do this crap constantly, harry potter comes to mind.
Revealing a character's sexual preference, erotic fantasy, or fetish is not trivia. People do not want to know these things. There is a difference between not knowing something because it's useless and irrelevant and not knowing something because they actively do not want to know.
overwatch """"""""""""story"""""""""""" and """"""""""""lore"""""""""""" are so fucking retarded
who even cares about this shit, jesus christ it's basically playing pretend
>this is Max Faggotron he wa a soldier for teh war with omneisc and he had a friend who was soldier 76 and mercy and also he was a god fighter the best actually he destroyd many omnes so you can tell he good but he hated war but then one day he corrupted of power and becamen bad and met niger boss who maked and offer
Is... is that the giant argonian bro?
Wait no, I don't think so, he has a female companion and I don't see a cask on his back.
Gosh he's sexy af, whichever autist designed him did a good job.
sticking your penis inside another man's literal shithole is not normal, it's a sick perversion
Stay mad.
Nothing implied he wasn't a pedophile rapist either, so that means he can be one right?
Considering the majority of humanity is straight then its safe to assume a character is straight by default you fucking idiot
Stay with AIDS degenerate
I'm not him, but I know who you speak of.
DESU I don’t think that there’s a way to pull it off in a way that feels organic with a multiplayer-only FPS game. No matter what any piece of new lore is, it will always come from outside the game itself and be ”forced” in its own right.
Singleplayer games are MUCH better off in this, because there you have much better opportunities to handle the reveals in a way that feels real, in contexts where bringing that thing up makes sense:
>It can be subtle - for example, Jensen’s boss in Mankind Divided has just a photo of his husband in his apartment, isn’t brought up more visibly because family relations aren’t relevant in work environments like that. I’d also list those examples where it is brought up when you start asking about personal matters here - ask about personal things, hear about personal things.
>It can be more overt - for example, you see a character doing something with his boyfriend, but it’s not feeling ”forced” because it happens in context where someone would be out with his special someone no matter the context.
Of course, someone here in Yea Forums will always say that it is ”forced” no matter what, but I’m pretty sure that doing things organically will remove complaints from anyone who’s not an idiot. But yea, multiplayer games are kinda screwed about this, as they have no proper way to organically induce character lore.
This, honestly. Thanks for being smart user.
I more or less agree with you on that. There was a time when revealing something like this would been resulted in little more than a shrug, becausd it's ultimately irrelevant, but it's become too much of a hot button issue on all sides.
No sexual orientation is default. It varies from one person to another that they will grow up, and end up preferring either gender or both.
Homosexuality is attention grabbing by it's very nature.
Some acquaintance starts talking to you: "so me and my husband were traveling...". Upon hearing that you'll likely think "oh, he's gay". Nothing to do with you feel about that but the simple reality that most people aren't gay.
What that means for storytelling and videogames is that you actually can't casually drop in the gay bomb with no purpose. Either write a good context around it that addresses it or don't put it in at all.
I'm convinced the person who makes this thread is a blizzard shill. It gets made every day.
Stay with uncontrolled unwanted pregnancies pozzed with STDs and AIDS that furthers over-populate the planet, degenerate breeder.
Yeah, most attempts at multiplayer game lore just end up being cringy as fuck, no matter whether it involves sexuality or not. RS: Siege operator bios are terrible, the entire OW ”universe” is literally who cares -tier, it’s all junk.
Somehow Valve did OK with TF2 in regards of this, because while I didn’t exactly care about all that extra lore outside the game, it at least didn’t make me feel embarrassed about its existence. It’s probably because they didn’t even pretend that there’s any kind of serious story behind it all, just having fun with the characters.
A casual drop can change a character because of that. There should be good context and like you said, it needs a purpose to really work.
>create character in video game
>wait a few years and then say he's gay for no reason
that's why it's forced
Because he is not attractive
76 was forced because, it was clearly an attempt by blizzard to gain good boy points with the LGBT folks and even them saw it as the no effort cheap marketing ploy it was
plus, who the fuck gives a shit about overwatch lore, it's like if valve suddendly woke up and said "actually Spy is doing Medic in the ass every odd thursday"
otherwise it comes to everyone own understanding of what is forced or not, I think that unless the writters are intending the character to be some kind of flamboyant queer/butch postergirl I think it should only be stated at some point in the story and only in very specific situations because very few people talk about their sexlife/sexual identity to random strangers they just met, later in the story in a particular context, it can make sense and not be forced (unlike "my face is tired" who will open conversation by a "btw I was a dude" in Andromeda)
stop thinking about two guys having buttsex so much and you will be less hot and bothered
>What makes a homosexual character "forced"?
Is the developer and/or writer on Twitter patting themselves on the back for how NORMAL their HOMOSEXUAL MALE character is?
No? Then it's not forced.
Probably the best way to make a gay character.
overwatch characters confirmed in straight relationships
Ana and who?
There is no "default". Gay and straight are both identities of more recent contemporary colloquial discourse. It's not average but gay makes are on average more intelligent, more attractive, and more successful than straight males. There are many scholarly articles on this.
Have sex
Torbjorn, Brigette is his daughter
But Volgin being gay does not inform his character in any way.
Basically subtlety, is it plastered for everyone to see or is it a detail adding to a character story/carisma/etc
100% of the times big companies aren't subtle bout shit, but Indies and smaller games have it right.
Also you could make something like vamp and make a crazy flamboyant faggot that can still kick some ass without saying in every damn advertising hey look: we cool too!!!
The problem with Soldier 76 is as some have pointed out, it feels very much like they’re just checking a box off. 76 was an OC of Metzen who created him long before Overwatch was even a thing. I’d be willing to bet every cent I own that Metzen did not envision him as gay when he imagined him which means somewhere along the way Blizzard decided to make him gay. Then when you consider the fact that 76 is probably one of, if not THE safest male character they could have chosen to make gay and it all starts to feel very forced
Homosexuality itself is literally forced.
A character can be gay, even comically so, without it feeling hamfisted and coming out of nowhere. It needs to come natural for the character and not feel forced.
>character sexuality = character
Nice selfie
>A character's sexuality isn't apart of their character
You would literally not be complaining if they were straight or even lesbians.
Gay characters are included by fags.
No one likes fags.
By showing the character actually be attracted to men
As far as I was concerned, every single Overwatch character doesn’t really have a sex life unless they have kids (which makes it kind of necessary, such as Ana or Torb)
The issue is that sexuality isn’t really present in the story and it’s not like any of the character have meaningful romances with any of the others. So it becomes a situation where the only way to find out about a characyer’s Sexuality is if they have kids or if we are told about it explicitly by the writers OUTSIDW OF THE GAME ITSELF
Basically it's not forced if it isn't thrown out there like a blunt statement, or made their sole character trait.
In Borderlands Pre Sequel there were several characters that flat out told you "I'm not into guys, I'm into chicks." They'd constantly remind you or make jokes about it. Cringe.
Bill from The Last of Us is actually done very tastefully. Being gay was an auxiliary part of his character. He was pretty well fleshed out when it was revealed his lover didnt actually love him back and actually despised him and tried to leave before he got killed. Bill didn't have to flat out say "oh by the way I like sucking dick."
It's the same with Arcade from New Vegas. You can go hours without his sexuality ever coming up and again his character was much more filled out and nuanced in addition to the fact he liked it in the ass.
If it's complimentary to the character's personality and necessary for the part he plays in the circumstances around the story.
regardless of what trannyera may tell you, not just anybody has the bottomless hedonist lust needed to obsess over such a life damaging behavior.
Not just any character can be rightly made gay.
>or even lesbians
Right, and if the second homosexual character revealed was another lesbian we’d hafta hear you complaining about how Blizzard is cowardly because they don’t have the stones to make a male character gay
Consult some positively-received gay characters for the answer.
Trivia does exist but it’s odd that instead of having a relationship between two established characters where it’d make sense (76 and Reaper for instance), we get situations where the trivia has to be given outside of the game itself
Trivia is stuff like how the sprays tell us about each character’s life outside of the gameplay, or the lines they say
They want characters to be homosexual but they can’t have a fucking line in game between two characters where they actually mention it? Really
not if you don't wear the raiden mask during your fight with him
>people do not want to know these things
You know people wouldn’t complain if they revealed Mercy was into BDSM
>considered gay, even by their creator
>its typically played for the sake of a joke
>is sometimes subverted if it's funnier for them to like a woman
>creator doesnt jerk off all over himself, expecting to receive accolades for making gay characters
>if you asked fans if they're okay with them being gay they'd have no issue
Why do people care about the characters’ back stories in a game where story doesn’t matter? That’s like speculating if the GIGN soldier in CS is really trans or something.
How is a sexuality complimentary to a personality? What personalities would be complimentary to being straight? What personalities are complimentary to being gay?
by not being written by michael "genji" chu
This may shock you, but people often relate to characters portayed in fiction.
Anybody who thinks heterosexuality can't be forced is tripping.
They drop in lines all the time in media just to make sure you know the character isn't a homo when it has no relevance to the plot.
what makes them forced is when they have to be explicitly mentioned as gay for no good reason.
a good example of making it subtle is in mkx when kung jin kind of allures to him being gay when raiden tells him to join the shaolin monks to which kung reluctantly says how they won't accept him to which raiden cuts him off and says something along the lines of them only caring about his character and not who he wants to fuck.
and even then it's kind of odd. shaolin monks are celibate and it's not like he needed to mention he was gay.
haha fucking fag kill yourself nigger
SJWs do the same thing with their fag characters too. See overwatch, apex, etc. they use propaganda just as much user.
Telling me a character is LGBTQ means very little to me
What’s actually empowering is seeing an LGBTQ relationship that’s well written. And what’s dumber is that Overwatch had a lot of relationships like that that were set up but nah, let’s introduce characters that don’t ever show up in-game, not even in sprays or voice lines, so that we can earn brownie points without having to develop the character more
Being gay or bi is fundamentally about who you’re attracted to. It’s not a quality that exists in a void. So to tell me a character just has that trait means nothing to me. It’s basically asking me to just imagine a character is gay while I’m playing them
It’s really dumb cause they could have just made Reaper and 76 gay for each other
You already had tons of fan art and bullshit. It would have spawned memes that could help the popularity of your game in a good way. And it’d give Blizzars some fodder to make new voice lines with
This but with an explanation. Japanese devs do it to either define the character or for fetish purposes. Western devs do can do it for those same reasons but with the way western society is they could also do it for easy press from people who think fictional fags make the world a better place.
We all know the REAL reason they announced this outside of the game was because they’d lose a major part of their chinese audience. And we all know how badly Blizzard relies on them.
straights are truly mentally ill. all they do is talk about pussy and tits in the most forced way possible, but when you offhandedly mention you have a boyfriend they act offended.
"Forcing heterosexuality" is like "forcing" a character to need oxygen to live. It's the default state. Unless you are a lunatic you'll assume anyone you meet is straight too for that reason.
>Japanese devs do it to either define the character or for fetish purposes. Western devs do can do it for those same reasons but
Complete drivel. Gay characters in western games are almost always done for political virtue signalling. This isn't even up for debate.
Imagine being triggered by gays
if it's the default state then they don't need to make sure you know it by forcing it when them being straight has no relevance to the plot.
Just admit it, forced heterosexuality is a thing.
Announcing a character is gay in a game with no story is forced. Advertising your game by showing two girls making out is forced.
Having a character mention their same sex partner in an appropriate natural way isnt forced. They force it when they want the free publicity and dont actually have anything else to offer. They dont force it when they have a character be gay as a natural statistic of the world
Adding to this, a male character's constant cat calling and attention to females isn't "forcing heterosexuality" it's demonstrating his promiscuity. faggot.
Relationship shit in general is forced. But you can't force heterosexuality, as it's the default state of being. It would be like forcing someone to abide by gravity, need a functional heart, etc.
Writer: This character is promiscuous, so I'll make scenes where he acts promiscuous
Mercy is pure you sick fuck
>character is single and has no relationships in the game
>"haha yeah I used to have a wife/girlfriend once I'm not gay".
>this has no relevance to the plot
>not forced
I mean, you guys are complaining when this happens with gay characters but it's ok if we force heterosexuality instead? Imagine the same scenario happening but they mention they're gay, you'd all have kittens.
Sounds hypocritical to me.
A single character having lost a loved one, either by death or by growing distant, is a significant piece of his character.
How about you find one (1) instance of "forced heterosexuality" instead of making shit up.
your tellin me girls dont have skelleton titties?
>A single character having lost a loved one, either by death or by growing distant, is a significant piece of his character.
But you guys didn't like when they did this to soldier 76 because he said it was a guy and not a woman? could it be you ARE hypocrites???
>How about you find one (1) instance of "forced heterosexuality" instead of making shit up.
I don't need to, everyone else already did that legwork.
Interesting how the
>it feels tacked on
posts are largely ignored in these threads
Complete honesty: if it happened as you describe it, I would agree it’s forced. 76 is the mysterious vigilante character. Giving him a canon sexual orientation feels forced no matter what it is
I’m not anyone you’ve been arguing with tho
Nigger you have google, there's no excuse to not know what words mean.
It would be forced but what makes it less egregious is the fact that we both know Blizzard would have nothing to gain from declaring him straight
That's the thing tho. Soldier 76 is one of the typical ''who and he happens to be gay'' yet most here will still say it's forced.
It's almost like they don't hate "forced" characters and actually just hate the idea of anybody being gay!
The issue is that they made him gay for brownie points/positive press not because he was created as a hero who happened to be gay
Why didn’t we know he was gay beforehand? Because it wasn’t relevant to the story in general. Nothing has changed on that score. His sexuality has nothing to do with his “former commander of Overwatch and current vigilante” character and at best feels tacked on
The only reason we know Ana and Torbjorn are straight is because they have children who happen to be selectable characters who are relevant to the game.
all gay and trans people should be 100% removed from video games and the quality would instantly improve
do people still actually *hate* gays?
If the character was always gay/bisexual (as in you knew from the beginning, and the story/lore said so like in apex) I’m alright with it.
But you come out of left field and say “yeah, he’s gay” on twitter, a one shot comic that you’re not even invested in, or to gain virtue points, then it’s forced.
Hell if they said soldier 76 was bi, it’s make more sense. It’s 20xx, and he wears socks with sandals. But no, he gets a one shot comic that isn’t even really about him. He doesn’t have a fucking spray that shows his “boyfriend”. No. He’s forced. If he wasn’t, then he would have been shown as gay TWO fucking years ago.
i didnt start hating faggots until recently