Gamefreak is not even trying to hide it
Gamefreak is not even trying to hide it
They really gave up on Pokemon huh
Nintendo holy shit just give Pokemon to a different studio
Literally any one would give Pokémon more love than they do
What is the argument being made here
Haven't touched the games since X/Y, coming back for this one. My expectations are low but hey you never know.
>Nintendo decides to give pokemon to a different studio
>They give it to Intelligent Systems
>You see that fence? you can't pass it
just fucking make it like DQXI already with beautiful environments and pokemon walking around and flying above holy SHIT it's so fucking easy
unironically a good thing. Allows for better level design and better looking worlds with more interesting landscapes. Not defending Gamefreak, just saying
Nintendo isn't 100% in charge, they would have dumped Gamefreak 4 generations ago if they could
There's no point, Game Freak owns majority of the IP.
Nintendo could try to buy it all but what would it accomplish? Your average Pokemon fan would buy a literal piece of shit if it had the Pokemon logo, there's no point in putting in extra effort if it'll sell high numbers anyway
Bottom game name?
Nintendo co-owns the pokemon company with Gamefreak, theoretically they could ATTEMPT to buy the remainder of it from them, but no way would GF agree to that.
both games look fantastic
>Putting effort
it's just called "Town" it's a new GF game that was announced a few months ago.
Most of the money tied to Pokemon goes into licensing, merchandise, and multi-media campaigns, not actual video game development.
>everything must be open world
This is the fucking problem with Pokemon, everytime people try to make legit criticism there are always ten time more retards who just yell "FOLLOW TREND"
Pokemon fans are the biggest retards in the industry and the vast majority of them will buy anything, hell most of them don't even play video games other than Pokemon
As long as they continue to make money nobody at Game Freak or Nintendo is going to change anything
they they are absolute garbage at making games
literally the most profitable video game company in the world and they cant hire people who can make video games
Top picture looks better than the bottom picture though
>we want to be known as not only the guys who make Pokemon games!
Don't worry Gamefreak, I don't acknowledge you as "those guys who make Pokemon games" I dub you as "Those guys who can't code for shit"
imagine a pokémon game that had flying pokemon above you, but they keep using the 3ds engine
How would you start an encounter if you can't touch it?
That's not really an excuse. The franchise makes an absolutely unreal amount of money, if most of that money isn't going back in the game development then that's out of choice.
Why do some many people think pokemon is about fluid environments. It's about mechanics and connectivity. It could be a basic text graphics with no 3d sprites and it'd still love it.
To be fair, the bottom game has only one village. It probably specifically serves as a test to learn how to make more modern graphics.
maybe when it lands on a tree?
Who else /replaying old Pkmn games and enjoying them/?
I just wish there was an online-community for pre-gen 6 that would be so epic man...
>just fucking make it like DQXI already with beautiful environments and pokemon walking around and flying above holy SHIT it's so fucking easy
i've been waiting for that since pokemon exploded in popularity in the early '00s. i expected a dragon quest 7 tier pokemon game on gamecube stylized after the cartoon show. it seemed so logical/the obvious next step to me, even as a child. when the DS poke-games came out I gave up on the franchise, gamefreak went in the absolute wrong direction.
sword/shield are almost what i wanted, but now its too late, too many generations of shitty pokemon designs and zero actual improvement to the franchise. the world looks okay but the nu-pokemon are all retard tier. sad!
Gamecube lineup lookin hot this year. PS2lets BTFO
Pokemon is too far gone with z moves and deviant art tier "mega" evolves. It just needs an overhaul from the ground up at this point.
They both look like dogshit, but the bottom has worse graphics than the top.
People are butthurt that gamefreak is putting effort in their non-pokemon games
assets are expensive
Town is going to bomb so hard
stop money laundering, you greedy fucks
Of course it's a choice. But I reckon that distribution of money is so deeply embedded into the franchise's model that they can't shake without pissing off bean counting investors. Remember, Pokemon was once a series of janky, cheaply-produced handheld titles. GameFreak were probably just as shitty of developers back then, considering Iwata had to step in and salvage Gold and Silver on his own.
They can't because they don't fully own the rights to it.
I'd like to see this and I've wanted it for years now. For gamefreak to just scrap the whole Pokemon thing and make a standalone game using similar themes. Then fold some of it back into some sort of Pokemon gaiden.
same way you fast traveled in red/blue
fucking retard
>be a trailer for a Pokemon game
>no Pokemon in the trailer other than one shot of Lucario punching
>no bird pokemon on the roofs in the city
>no pokemon grazing in the fields
>no fish pokemon swimming in the lake
This information isn't definitively known to the public; but, from what I've heard it's a near equal rights split between Nintendo, Creatures, and Game Freak, Nintendo exclusively owns the trademarks on each specific Pokemon. So, they could force out Game Freak if they really wanted to; but, as has been stated the general public, for now, doesn't care about actually playing a Pokemon game that fulfils the idea of the series, they just want to pay $80 plus tax to relive their nostalgia for now completely outdated Gameboy menu based RPGs. Maybe in a few decades they will bother making a Pokemon game that is an actual Pokemon game; I wouldn't hold my breath though; since, Game Freak doesn't care about quality or making a game worth $500 to push adoption, like the Zelda team does. So expect Pokemon to remain Red/Green clones forever. Pokemon that actually rethinks the series like BotW did will never happen.
>Game Freak owns majority of the IP.
The IP is owned by Nintendo, Creatures and Game Freak and only Nintendo owns the trademark. All GF does is develop the games and send them to Nintendo for distribution while TPC shits out ads.
well, duh. nobody would play any gamefreak game that wasn't labeled pokemon
mega evolutions are an alright concept but yeah z-moves are just stupid when you take into consideration that a z-move is just a gen 5 'type' gem boosted move that plays a 20 second unskippable animation and i mean it's just fucking stupid. just bring back gen 5 gems but you know the reason they put z-moves in the game is because it looks cool and it's something they can advertise as a new feature but yeah it's fucking dumb like everything else about gen 7
in DQXI flying enemies swoop down to start combat but you also have a crossbow to piss them off
>One is a giant sprawling world
>The other is a tiny village where all the action takes place
Townlets will find any way to cope huh? Your shitty IP is going nowhere fast, just like Tembo and HarmoKnight.
a game about hunting fucking wild animals has no business not being open world
How many threads do we need to go through until people know Nintendo doesn't fully own Pokemon
>make Hawaii themed region
>no Sunflora
>no Bellossom
>games called Sun/Moon
>no Sol/Lunarocks
who wants to guess the next """quality"""" that will happen in Shit and Cum? Here is my guess
>region is UK themed
>can't get Stoutland
Depends, do you consider monster hunter (not world) open world?
>Open World
It's probably older than you are.
hide what?
>How many threads do we need to go through until people know Nintendo doesn't fully own Pokemon
infinity? unless you think most pokemon fans aren't autistic eternal-children who understand concepts like copyrights and intellectual property law.
What's the most recent staff count of Game Freak, anyway? Back around the X&Y era they there were around 80 developers in the company. How's it looking these days?
you can throw candy at it
make a pokemon FPS game where you shot pokemon with CANDY
Hide what?
Hide fucking what?
I don't know what the fuck you're to say.
I can't fucking follow along if you don't fucking tell me.
Fucking tell me what you mean.
Right fucking now.
Fucking hide what??
This looks better than Fire Emblem 3 Kusoge Houses. Not joking either, both on a technical and art style level, this is better. Pic related.
>What's the most recent staff count of Game Freak, anyway? Back around the X&Y era they there were around 80 developers in the company. How's it looking these days?
pretty sure its just 3 guys, i've been to their HQ
Town probably has more effort put into it because it's new, whereas the Pokemon team is dead inside from the same shit over and over.
I hate to say it but I agree. Three Houses is easily the worst looking major title on the system.
my pee pee in your poo poo hole :)
He's almost right. It's been around forever, but only started becoming popular in the past few years.
>no Aegislash
Wouldn't even buy if this was the case
Holy shit based
any pokemon related to Swords or Shields will not be present is already a given considering how Sun and Moon was handled so already scratch off Shieldon, Bisharp, and Gallade
I disagree
Up looks better than down
Ah, the golden age of small, but passionate vidya developers. It's all but dead dead now.
I just want to marry Shield-chan.
they’re not hiding it
If some other studio were to make a Pokemon game with better graphics, Yea Forums would be flooded with posts calling it "soulless."
Yea Forums will find a way to shit on literally everything why do you even care about the opinions of this cesspool?
>If some other studio were to make a Pokemon game with better graphics, Yea Forums would be flooded with posts calling it "soulless."
except people liked ni nu kuni and the digimon ps4 game?
It was always interesting how Pokemon became a phenomenon over night. You guys realize it never mattered how well it was programmed, right?
Everyone liked Detective Pikachu’s redesigns, I’m sure people would be ok with anything that showed effort at this point
This is not an issue, there are many ways to achieve this, throw a rock at it or something like that (Xenoblade does this) or just have it fly low on some parts of the map where you can aggro it or something, could even be an ability or item you get, I don't know.
Despite it's bugs and flaws, Red/Blue were not lagging behind all that much compared to the average Gameboy game. It was also literally a small indie studio barely making ends meet back then.
20 years laters, they have the most profitable franchise on the planet and even though the standards for a AAA videogame increased, they stagnated hardcore in every single way, and the trend seems to continue with SS, that just looks like an upscaled 3DS game
i hate gf so dam much
I hope both games bomb and they have to sell their IPs
people will buy anthing as long as it is labled as pokemon right
>throwing rocks at it
Way to make a great first impression.
Those are different franchises. The minute Nintendo puts out an actually impressive looking Pokemon game, there'll be a million posts about how it "just doesn't feel right," or how they "HIRED THAT MAN."
Nobody gives a shit about Yea Forums's worthless opinions.
Which studio would you give pokemon to?
Literally only Pikachu looked good.
Nintendo EPD, Monolith, or Atlus
Nintendo EPD is likely the safest option as they've assisted with development before and are the least likely to fuck up things Game Freak did right
You wish you could have sex with me, gayboy.
>Everyone liked Detective Pikachu’s redesigns
only nu-males and shills liked that garbage.
atlus or falcom.
>Nintendo EPD, Monolith
definitely not those two. epd only knows how to make bing bing shit and smartphone "games," while xenoblade is cringe shovelware.
>It was always interesting how Pokemon became a phenomenon over night. You guys realize it never mattered how well it was programmed, right?
except it was impressive for its time, as a gameboy game. 150(+1) monsters, 160ish+ moves, 80+ different npc sprites, twice as many 'status' effects as most RPGs of the time, and a relatively, large open-ish world to explore. nothing like it existed on the gameboy before it came along. it was twice the size of final fantasy legends 3 and 1.5 times the size of link's awakening. it pushed the gameboy to its limits.
obviously under age fag
Fire a laser pointer in it's eye
Genius Sonority
>Relax Alax was here
its honestly impressive how shit this game is
i hate gamefreak so much it hurts. But I hate the fucking pokemon lap dogs that just eat whatever pile of shit Gamefreak puts out for them
>quality post devolves into mindless genwunning
Oh for fucks sake, the latest rosters are great, it’s everything else that sucks ass
Xenoblade also has birds with 100km radius aggro area like that asshole bird close to gormoth
I think it's some weird graphics faggotry.
Hide what
Pokemon makes all their money from Merch, not the games.
The games are just adverts for merch
DQ team at square
>Oh for fucks sake, the latest rosters are great, it’s everything else that sucks ass
i liked some of gen 2/3/4 but by gen 5 they went full retard with only a handful of good/memorable designs per gen. didnt even play gen 6 or 7 but they look like shit. gen 7, pic related is just LOL dumb
>sword/shield are almost what i wanted
But, Sword and Shield just look like another complete gen1 rehash, but with 3D models. And, no accompanying improvements to the structure, layout, gameplay, or world.
Same can be said for fire emblem too :(
you cant make this shit up
Getting ambushed by monsters way above your level in the starting areas is one of the best parts of Xenoblade
Anyone else really. Even Level 5 couls do a better job.
they've already been banished to the shovelware gulag for daring to make a better pokemon game than the mainline, they're never going anywhere near it again.
At crispy 320p and sub30fps
By your logic, every sequel is a rehash
>i like to get raped early on the game
>i like to avoid enemies early on the game
>But, Sword and Shield just look like another complete gen1 rehash, but with 3D models.
ya, i said thats what i wanted BACK IN THE MID '00s, like on the gamecube, not NOW, 20 years too late, lol. would have been fun/cool back then, but now, its too little too late.
I like both of those things, yes.
>I didn't grow up with these pokemons so they look dumb
this is the only correct answer
not even that guy but absolutely 100% I agree with that statement. The moment Xenoblade clicked with me was literally Immovable Gonzales
SMT x Pokemon!
>SMT x Pokemon!
will never happen , we will get Pokemon x Rabbids before that.
Retro Studios.
>SMT x Pokemon
It's like you didn't learn the lesson from #FE
Let me make Pokemon
I'm not knowledgeable in how to make games but I'm big, strong, and handsome.
Imagine defending game freak and nintendo
purge this board, let those nintenfags have their own board.
It was a good game.
To each their own, I guess. I thought it was dogshit, and dropped it midway through.
If you want an example of the distinction look at Legend of Zelda which was full on Ocarina rehashes, albeit with strong gimmicks and aesthetic variation, until BotW. BotW took the basis of the series, Miyamoto exploring the forest and imagining adventures as a kid, and found a new and improved formula to express them within.
I like Pokemon; but, conventions of the series are not intrinsically connected to the fundamental idea of the series, going on a journey with monsters. Not every game needs to be a new take; but, at this point Game Freak should have questioned, are Pokeballs the best way to convey the process of capturing monsters? Is capturing monsters necessary to going on a Pokemon adventure? Would a real-time battle system better capture the kinetic fury of monster battles? Is evolution really needed? Why do trainers challenge each other when they make line of sight? Would an open world work better?
It doesn't matter whether you like or dislike those ideas; the point is that if they were putting effort into the composition of the new games then the answers would have changed over the last 20 years; but, they have stuck with the answers they came to when they decided on how to best convey the series idea as a low budget Gameboy game by a tiny studio that had never even made a game before.
Metroid Prime 4 can have some doors that open when shot; but, it is an annoyance and an immersion breaking contrivance that is only a convention inherited from limitations.
>promise FE x SMT
>get Persona x ProjectDiva instead
Fuck em.
Are there recent games where you wander around the world catching monster for monster fighting competitions but that don't suck?
Platinum games.
>are Pokeballs the best way to convey the process of capturing monsters? Is capturing monsters necessary to going on a Pokemon adventure? Would a real-time battle system better capture the kinetic fury of monster battles? Is evolution really needed? Why do trainers challenge each other when they make line of sight? Would an open world work better?
How about this: Have you ever seen a Vagina?
Are you a legitimate retard
The bottom game takes place entirely in one location.
>a straight line
>better level design
>highest grossing media franchise in human history
>can't afford to make main series games, the core of the franchise, look better than upscaled DS games in 2019
Fire everyone at Game Freak, literally peak laziness.
pokemon has been shit ever since it went to the DS
>Gen 5 was shit
>Gen 6 was shit
>Gen 7 was shit
I wish I could have hope but I just don't
Gen 5 was the peak of the series.
Only gen 1 and the gen 2 remakes come close, maybe Platinum as well.
>sales numbers that would make any AAA dev green
>budget of an indie game
Gamefreak isn't going anywhere.
>Gen 5 was shit
Just end mainline games and give the normies and zoomies constant pokemon go updates.
If only they can get rid of TPCi's Disney-esque requirements I'm damn sure they coud surpass EoS
what is this reddit garbage
>you won't be able to actually go into the field in Pokemon, you just look at it from behind the fence
You know this is what's going to happen
Anyone expecting otherwise is a dumbass, this is GF we're talking about.
Reminder that Pokemon was originally designed as a game about exploring out in the wild and finding animals in their natural habitats
>look at Legend of Zelda which was full on Ocarina rehashes, albeit with strong gimmicks and aesthetic variation, until BotW.
yeah, and botw was a far cry rehash with zelda characters in it. what's your point?
And if Tajiri wasn't such an autistic fucker and stuck around longer we could have gotten that by gen 4
Thank fuck someone said it, I hate Nintendo fans sometimes man.
And that's making people lose their shit so much it's glorious
>Implying GameFreak isn't nosediving pokemon in quality
Nintendo needs to give a studio a shot at a spinoff. The "spinoff" would be that it's exactly what everyone wanted and actually ends up selling more than the main series. This could push Game Freak out. Literally anything they make that's not Pokemon is regarded as shit, no one likes their two games on Steam.
Pokemon fandom are not Nintendo fans, Pokemon Fans are the lowest of the low if even Sonic fandom have more standards than you then is an issue.
And I'm saying this as a competitive fag.
Truth, every time nintendo does one thing good, they fuck something else up. Just look at Brawl's channel, no reason for copystrike
You can have all that and give the player an opportunity to explore it.
Weren't they the ones who made those Gamecube abominations?
Platinum to remake platinum?
Look at that Paper Mario aesthetic! Wow! That's what they were going for, right?
I agree, a lot of the gen 5 designs have really grown on me. Personal shout outs go to heatmor
>make a character with goggles
>the goggles can't even fit on the head model
>Are there recent games where you wander around the world catching monster for monster fighting competitions but that don't suck?
nope, not really, just a bunch of shit that comes close but ends up failing with serious flaws/too weeaboo shit. i'm still absolutely surprised no one has tried to put something in this vein out there.
And let Camelot hire more than 40 people too
Fuck you Iwata
Well someone is finally trying. It is crazy it took this long.
It's easy, with proper development time. Since gamefreak needs to shit out a game every year for some reason, there is barely any dev time. I'm not sure how long XI took to make, but I'm damn sure its longer than any of the 3D games
The sheer drop in quality the franchise has been on since X and Y has been astounding. Also hasn't Landorus-T been OU for 7 years now?
It actually took me a good minute to realize what you were hinting at. No, the bottom game doesn't look exceptionally better than the top. They both look amateurish.
>Literally anything they make that's not Pokemon is regarded as shit, no one likes their two games on Steam.
Pocket Card Jockey was good, I got really hooked on it recently. HarmoKnight was just ok.
Lando-T is OU basically since its inception back when the pokemon radar app came out, and the fact that neither GF or even Smogon addresses it (in their respective formats) is baffling, instead they gave us the fucking Tapus.
>Well someone is finally trying. It is crazy it took this long.
looks like shit tho, more like a gen5-6-7 wannabe than a gen1-2-3 3d-ified game.
Stop porting every pokemon into every single game and make a tight experience gamefreak, you retarded fucks.
The number of pokemon has gotten far too large to do that without seriously compromising quality.
Also since gamefreak has stopped caring about the franchise, why not sell it to nintendo for a large sum of money? Nintendo would be able to freely put references in their games, and gamefreak can be the indie developer they want to be
Wind waker looked better than pokemon currently does.
Let's Go only had the original 151 + 2 new ones. It didn't help.
Doesn't the bottom one take place in just one town or something?
and Toxapex for even less fun
TOWN chads rise up. Pokemon is dead and buried.
Atleast Toxapex is a break from the hyper-offensive shit we have gotten.
Yokai Watch 3
>concept artist talks about all his favorite gen1 waifus
fucking BASED
He does it again in gen 3 with the tuba girl lolis
Yeah, one (presumably) huge town based on what we've seen so far
wow, that interface looks MEGA LULZ RETARDED
Wow finally something Yea Forums and ERA can agree on
I'm okay with that if it's a comfy town.
All they have to do is make a BOTW style pokemon game
They can't even do that
I would be okay with Level 5
Who fucking knows.
Who fucking cares about Pokémon or Project Town where the fuck is my new Pulseman game.
game freak cares more about their original games than pokemon now
Yeah those designs are shit
Moster battle games are always pick two:
>Good monster designs
>Good gameplay
>Monsters aren't too disposable (ie you can reasonably play with your favorites instead of constantly fusing/dropping old monsters for the next incrimental upgrade)
Only early gen pokemon games got all 3
>playing pokemon in the first place
Seem fine to me. Just a step away from yokai and a step towards animals. Which is the direction I wish pokemon went anyway.
Uh deez nuts
goddamn you just fell for it so easily god you are such a smooth brainer
Pokemon is literally the highest grossing media franchise of all time. 90 Billion in revenue. You know what Doom was made with? 5 fucking guys and a garage. No fucking excuse. They're lazy, period.
So, what are you trying to say? that free camera controls is what a game good?
Tbf it's not just lazy incompetence. It would be dumb for them to rock their boat that prints free money. It's that in addition to lazy incompetence.
Reminder that a guy who made one of the most profiting indie games ever is still making a game that looks like it came from RPGMaker. Who fucking cares how games look if they are actually fun games?
No wonder why Sony only cares about making shitty that look good. As long as it pleases the literal retards who think shiny = better.
And they're so fucking stupid for wasting its potential too. Like the smart phone game rekindled pokemania for like a week just by being something different and (and this will make the purist MonHunfags sperg) like Monster Hunter World made the latent potential of that franchise explode by FINALLY getting it out of the portable ghetto like people have been wanting for years, Pokemon could be huge again if they just gave people the high production value console game everyone wants.
it is 2019, no reason not to have a free camera
I heard you were talking shit.
Uh, bros? What did he mean by this?
wow he even looks like a fat neckbeard
>twice as many 'status' effects as most RPGs of the time
Whut? All status effects from Pokemon come from DQ
oh wait....
I wonder if that guy is still working at Game Freak
>Whut? All status effects from Pokemon come from DQ
not on the gameboy
But on the NES and the GBC.
Underageb& detected.
It's always been amusing to me how these games look so cheaply developed despite being massive cashcows .
Meanwhile, in a 3DS spin-off..
my point is that there needs to be a border at some point. If you make everything explore-able then you have your classic open world map. Restrictive maps are able to create a much better atmosphere than a complete open world because you can carefully design skyboxes, landscape backgrounds, and lighting in certain areas and you can use the paths you have in between barriers to make looping levels or maze-like design if you see fit. Complete open world kills exploration because without limits you feel like you've seen everything, even if you haven't. This is my opinion on "open worlds" (in the completely open sense) anyway.
Delete this. Delete this right now.
>A single shitty room
They were ok, but def. not abominations.
game freak apologists
Everyone wanted a mainline console to have the next pokemon game SOLELY for the better hardware and we get this. I'm fucking dying
You seem angry.
This is level design from the 90;s it's not good.
I can tell you the qualities of the pokemon that I like, and the qualities of the pokemon that I don't like but you'd probably just dismiss all of it and call me a nostalgiafag
what is? One fucking barrier fence? A fence you can't cross doesn't imply anything about the overall level design aside from that barriers exist.
Use fly?
I am livid that the owners of the world's most successful franchise can't make a good game
Summon a pokemon that can fly and instruct it to attack. The fighting system should be like Pokemon generations.
>Can't make a good game
And yet each game sells gang busters kiddo ;)
>Y-yeah w-well flies can't be wrong!
Stay mad kiddo ;)
Kill yourself.
sales =/= quality
Nice strawman, inb4 Justin Beiber.
>And yet each game sells gang busters kiddo ;)
except, less, and less, and less.
why don't you go and play pokemon then? I'll be playing town like a man
Honestly the colors and lighting in Town just looks fucking gross. Weirdly saturated, and not natural at all. At least the Pokemon shot has more soothing colors. Game Freak really is incompetent.
how do you catch the first flying pokemon?
Bottom looks better because it's stylized and knows it wants to be. Meanwhile Pokémon is juggling between being stylized and realistic and just ends up looking like a PS2 game as a result
Can't wait till town releases and flops. Game freak is the worst fucking studio I can even think of. They'd have gone out of business in the early 90s if it wasn't for the absolute miracle that was the Pokemon franchise. They've literally been coasting off the brand name for 20 years putting out the absolute lowest common denominator shit. I mean most indie games couldn't get away with releasing the quality of games that game freak shits out and these people have an unlimited pile of money to work with.
Why would you want town to flop, but not pokemon?
because Pokemon is literally too big to flop, if they could get away with LGPE they can get away with anything at this point.
Ah, true.
recent pokemon gen sales?
>Make a Pokemon game
>There's no Pokemon in it
its not like Britian still have areas with tall grass
everything been mowed down
empty fucking world
If it just swoops down then what's the point of the flying mechanic. Might as well just assume it swooped down when you encounter it in the tall grass like you've been doing for the post 20+ years.
>Can only be encountered through fast travel
That would ruin the fuck out of the adventure and immersion.
>Attack it while it's flying in the sky
I guess you want PETA lawsuits everywhere.
You would need a flying Pokemon in the first place. Also no, a free starting flying Pokemon would be dumb and forced.
So far no one gave a solution to fly that doesn't sound dumb as shit.
ORAS fly system all the time, but like botw just adjust distance by enemy level and stamina of the bird and done.
It's kind of surprising Gen 1 beating Gen 2 by that far of a margin. I remember as a kid around my area Pokemon really blew up around the Orange Islands-Johto era.
>N-n-no its not!!!
>The older games were like this, so its good!!
>I-I-I like being surprised by random encounters, even though its an old technique from decades ago due to hardware limitations!!1!!
The pokemon running around the overworld was a great idea, I don't know why they didn't combine the mechanics of catching from the lets go games with the regular battles.
Basically, the more hp you deplete, the less they'd move when trying to catch them
just teaching kids who play Pokemon to steer clear of fatsos
Jesus Christ, have some imagination. It can be done.
Why not just fucking bait it like a real animal? Throw some puffs and shit and have the birds come to eat it, then you rush in to start a battle. Could require different bait for certain pokes or whatever.
>It's kind of surprising Gen 1 beating Gen 2 by that far of a margin. I remember as a kid around my area Pokemon really blew up around the Orange Islands-Johto era.
gen 2 ended up boosting gen 1 sales because of the cross play and desire to trade rare gen 1 pokemon to their gen 2 carts. anyone who was late to the party and didnt get into pokemon till gen 2 were encouraged to play through gen 1 first because of how connected they were.
PETA aren't some kind of animal lawyer, the only power they have is raising awareness and have brainlet animal lovers donate to them. Like you have Pokemon being hit with fire attacks and electrocuted. Being burnt alive is by far the worst kind of pain any creature can experience, so i'm pretty sure a Pokemon can take something being thrown at him, especially since they do it in Pokemon Snap.
I don't like the Pokemon running around the overworld, it's more fun exploring a new route to find what's there.
>game freak cares more about their original games than their original games
You forgot:
>g-game footage not final!
it's called greentext
>The old games were like this, so it's good
Correct, stupid to change a system that has advantages and isn't broken.
Well, gee I wonder how they could implement that, while keeping the overworld mons? Maybe they could just FUCKING GIVE YOU THE OPTION TO TURN IT OFF??
>anyone who was late to the party and didnt get into pokemon till gen 2 were encouraged to play through gen 1 first because of how connected they were.
To be fair, pretty much every Gen after Gen 1 is being "late to the party". Gen 2 in my opinion felt like a extension to Gen 1 while every other Gen after it were just mediocre attempts to bring Pokemon into a new generation and Gen 4 seemed like the only successful one since Lucario and Dawn still gets mentioned constantly.
Not all flying pokemon would be flying way up in the air. There's also the option of catching a pokemon that can evolve into something that can fly.
that given the most vague prompts, everyone in this forum is going to find something to argue about.
I suppose that's a good point, but I think there's ways to implement both rare pokemon and having the common ones running around the overworld.
For example, those long grass bushes that rush you down, fishing, and smaller pokemon hiding or whatever.
It would give the world more alive I think, do you mind the idea of the basic mons running around?
true, hence gen 1 and gen 2 topping all sales
Just give Pokemon to Atlus already.
Why wouldn't they be? Everyone wants a new Pokemon and no one wants to play another ego wankfest of GF like Tembo.
Just do both. Random encounters in the grass then when you defeat a mon on that specific route, it shows up in the overworld showing your progress as a trainer.
>Pokemon XY and SunMoon both are unfinished and have a ton of cut content
>"let's focus on our non-Pokemon games"
>Just do both. Random encounters in the grass then when you defeat a mon on that specific route, it shows up in the overworld showing your progress as a trainer.
this. have some pokemon you can see/chase and random encounters in grass.
Honestly I feel like visible Pokemon could work if they expanded the open world to the level of an average open world game and/or gave it a first person view where you had to look for Pokemon like Pokemon Snap. Make it essentially look more of a wilderness and give Pokemon different natures of how they act in the wild.
The issue with LGPE is that in every other game you had to imagine that towns/routes were bigger than they actually was, while in LGPE Pokemon were clunked around like an MMO usually does which made the overworld feel smaller than it actually was.
Yeah this is my other issue with it, I just can't see it working with the scales of a lot of Pokemon. It'd just be distracting.
Platinum for battle design, Monolith for everything else. Also hire a competent writer.
I dunno about you but I like how Pokemon looks better. I mean, just look at that freaky thing engraved in the grass, it looks like something out of Yume Nikki.
Hire this company Nintendo should.
Gamefreak said Pokemon development is slowing down so maybe that will fix it.
Gamefreak owns the rights to the franchise. Nintendo only owns the publishing rights. They do not control what goes on down there. Gamefreak's quality control is out of Nintendo's hands.
Nintendo has 66.66% of the pokemon company. They made Creatures Inc. and tricked Gamefreak into a 3-part deal.
Collectorfags are so desperate for validation that they'd rather have the series continue to stagnate than not be able to transfer their previous game's pokemon to the new one.
that's not true, Nintendo own an undisclosed amount of Creatures, but they don't fully own them, and I doubt they have a majority share
You're just defending the lazy GF implementation of overworld though. Repeatedly rng checking random encounters isn't exploration. In an ideal game you would be exploring and finding Pokemon hidden within the overword.
>Ratatatta or whatever early rodent pokemon
>plentiful and run around in the open like the Pokemon in Densetsuno Kusoge; but, are quick, easily scared off, and will swarm to defend each other if you attack one
>bird pokemon
>Out and loud early in the morning follow their calls to their nest, or spot one flying overhead and follow them back to their nest
>ghost pokemon
>follow you around at night; but, they quickly disappear as you chase them. Require solving a simple behaviour riddle in order to catch, ie they can't move or disappear when you shine a fire light on them, or trick them into crossing running water to incapacitate
>rare fire pokemon
>hanging around a volcano caldera; you need an Ice pokemon cooling the air to approach; but, your Ice pokemon is vulnerable in this environment
>big pokemon
>hunt by following tracks/broken trees in the wilderness
>environmental riddle wherein ditto is posing as a person and you have to find some sort of hint
>Zapdos/electric legendary
>Extremely hard to track; but, at a Silph Co equivalent you can gain information on the power grid and find power spikes and surpluses to predict its trail, or even reroute the regions electricity to one point to bait it to you
That's like 5 minutes worth of ideas and I could keep going all day
Remember when people said Mega Evolution was going to save the franchise?
I always assumed those people were shitposters. Much like those that said ultra beasts were the best decision gamefreak made in years.
What manner of retarded country would let people walk over a national monument?
Jesus christ dude it's an RPG why are you guys so desperate to make it something it's not meant to be?
They gave up on it way back in Gen 6 user, Gen 8 is them flat out telling everyone they fucking hate the franchise and want it to die already. Who wants to do the same shit forever no matter how much money it makes you?
It's a menu based RPG because it was a Gameboy game made by a small magazine team who had never made a game before. It's been the largest media property in the world for decades and somehow it's bad to expect Pokemon games to have Pokemon in them, instead of just existing in the menus? Pokemon was meant to be about going on a journey in the wilderness and hunting monsters.
unovabortions were the worst thing to happen to this franchise
Being an RPG doesn't mean mandatory basic gameplay. RPGs have moved well beyond menu-based games from decades ago. There's a huge range.
You sound like an apologist. There's no need to apologise. Just realise you have bland taste. It's okay.
I think this poster is an actual psychopath. Not because he didn't understand, either.
Since it seems like bothering with the visual/graphical aspect of pokemon is like pulling teeth for gamefreak and they can't really be bothered, why not just hire another company to handle the graphical assets and they can do all the preproduction/concept/implementation stuff? It's not like they lack money
They did. All the Pokemon models were done by Creatures Inc., the toy company because Game Freak couldn't. And since then, Game Freak has been re-using the same models without even optimising the polygons, causing most of the shit framerates in battles.
Game Freak is just pure incompetence.
Is this true???
Fuck GF
This. Pokemon Go is unironically more fun and fresh than anything GameFreak has shat out in the past six years.
As a kid I dreamed about the day in the future where Pokemon would play kinda like GTA, where you explore a massive and open Pokemon world, riding your bike, having huge battles, all in glorious 3D.
I can't believe I'm still waiting...
Ha Ha! I don't know!
Ha Ha! I don't know!
Ha Ha! I don't know!
Ha Ha! I don't know!
Ha Ha! I don't know!
Ha Ha! I don't know!
Ha Ha! I don't know!
Town wants to be Ni No Kuni so fucking bad
Gamefreak is literally destroying the pokemon brand at this point, and it's completely needless
do you remember how poorly they programmed dragons in Skyrim? imagine trying to capture a charizard or dragonite in bethesda-pokemon. LMAO NO THANKS
*Monolith Soft
>Atlus gets permission to make a single Pokemon game
>they either make it like SMT, with a more mature and dark theme, complete with the law/neutral/chaos, maybe involving a war between the nice trainers that love their pokemons and the evil trainers that use their pokemons for their own gains like slavery and stuff
>or they can make it more Persona like, which would be pretty much high schoolers coming together and using their Pokemons to save the world, having relationships, battling each other as rivals, etc
Somewhere out there, in a better timeline...
>Gamefreak owns the rights to the franchise
If GameFreak doesn't want to keep making Pokemon games, then why can't they just give the rights to Nintendo or someone else?
They already made Tembo, a great but too short of a game. Gamefreaks ability is really cucked by being the poke-whore
>Gamefreak is literally destroying the pokemon brand at this point
Not from a financial standpoint though, and that's the only thing GF and GF apologists care about.
It's not a question of whether or not they can "afford" to make it look good, it's whether or not they want to. It's quite evident by the fact that they have outright stated () that they want to focus on new things that they do not want to, or at least not as much as they could. Furthermore, what is actually wrong with the screenshot in the first half of OP's image? Everything looks clean and visually appealing while the 2nd half has origami pine trees and puke grass that looks like it came straight out of Ocarina of Time.
Gamefreak is dependent on their guillible Pokémon fan to have any sort of revenue to make these other games they want to make that never succeed.
Pokemon is their cash cow. Studios need to put focus into stuff like that so that they get the money to work on the things that they actually want to do. Mainline series sell enough to keep them afloat for years while sideline games (Mystery Dungeon, Rangers, etc) sell a mere fraction in comparison, so rather than trying new things they have to stay railed in the format of the mainline series games.
Muh open world meme? Thats a mainstream apeal.
And pokemon is as mainstream as it get
Pokemon basically sells itself. Why wouldn't they want to keep hold of an IP where they can put in a low-to-average amount of effort to get maximum gains in return? Where do you think the money that goes into their other projects comes from?
>I don't like it, therefore Gamefreak is FUCKING LAZY REEEEEEEEEE
Did you ever consider that you simply got older and are no longer the target demographic?
Not even vp defends them , but nice try billy
Kids are even less interested in throwback menu based Gameboy RPGs
>Gamefreak is not even trying to hide it
That's a massive penis, right?
Z-moves were just copied from Yokai Watch anyway. Same with the Rotom Dex, and both are poor copies.
Most kids only care about Minecraft and Fortnite now, not Pokemon. Let's be real.
>Did you ever consider that you simply got older and are no longer the target demographic?
thats gamefreak's problem. most pokemon fans ARE older people now, who grew up with the franchise. while some modern kids are definitely into pokemon, most are because their parents were pokemon fans. if game freak loses those parents, they will lose some of the kids.
same misguided thinking that is costing disney lots of money with star wars, they decided to not cater to the now-adult fans and hoping to pull in kids and teens, but without parent-fans, kids dont care about star wars.
i am really surprised these giant corporations keep making this same mistake. especially gamefreak, after the ridiculous viral success of pokemon go amongst nostalgic adults.
a full fledged, mainline pokemon game with modern features on the app store would blow the water out of all previous pokemon games sales, but gamefreak and nintendo too stupid to realize this. they'll continue releasing dumbed down, childish rehashes on nintendo handhelds that will continue to sell less and less and less.
Are you ok?
>Monsters aren't too disposable (ie you can reasonably play with your favorites instead of constantly fusing/dropping old monsters for the next incrimental upgrade)
Probably my biggest issue with the SMT series desu.
That's the big problem with DQM too
Both of them looks like shit. The stupid zelda blurry was never good.
>small pasionate vidya developers
No fucking way. They literally did Yellow adding a walking Pikachu and fucking anime references. In two years. And no one says shit about that.
Nintendo fans are better than /vp/okefurries.
maybe i missed it but has nobody posted this article this entire thread? GF has recently said verbatim they are tired of making pokemon games, lol. They wanted to stop after Gen 2 but it was just too profitable. It really shows.
nobody posted it because if people actually read, it's not part of the shitposting narrative
>make a tight experience
Retard and lazy. They also tried that already.
Just stop and think about it for a minute and you'll realize that there's no point in Gamefreak or Nintendo putting too much effort in making a decent Pokemon game. Everyone will buy that shit up anyway just because it's Pokemon. Just like how everyone gobbled a shitty Detective Pikachu movie with a nigger main character up.
The Detective Pikachu movie was far better and more soulful than anything GameFreak has shat out recently.
The DP movie was palatable. It wasn't fantastic but it wasn't bad, nor was it the trainwreck people expected it to be.
Uh, even World isn't really open world. The levels may be bigger and not have zones but that's not an open world game.
>all the faggots telling them to give it to monolith
fuck off you cunts, i want monolith to focus on making their own rpg games and next zelda, stop trying to waste their fucking time with your pokemon shit
it was actually pretty decent, i haven't seen anyone say they hated it if they actually saw it
>/pol/ talking about shit he has no idea again
Top has better art design, bottom looks like a mess.
They're called Game Freak because their coding is a freak of nature.
Some things just aren't meant to be mixed
Top looks like a real place but with a shitty "tribal" design on the hill that you're almost certainly going to catch eventually
Bottom is more vibrant and cartoony but I can feel the HUD vibrating with anticipation at the edges of the screenshot
GameFreak has been capable of making 3D Pokemon and presenting it in a somewhat charming manner, as proved by Town here, but actively chooses not to, as proven by Sword & Shield.
GameFreak is no longer trying and doesn't care about Pokemon.
Town hasn't even been released yet. It could easily end up being as shit as nu-Pokemon.
you're right about the designs
ignore the butthurt zoomie
Would people really be ok with pokemon looking like the bottom pic? That still looks like ass.
who the fuck even plays pokemon after red/blue? the series is shit the first games were charming but after that it is just tired bullshit
Why is this a problem? Pokemon doesn't really deserve to be pampered just because it's popular.
That movie was okay. Not particularly great or anything, but it was alright.
Is "give Pokemon to Monolith" the new "I want Platinum to make a Kill la Kill game"? Do people just want Xenoblade, but with Pokemon? Because I'd rather just have a new Xenoblade or something new without a Pokemon skin slapped over it.
They still would have 34% of the franchise If other studio develop pokemon
This series has the potential to be good, if they'd just drop the pretense of "hard work is a virtue" and let it flourish as a competitive strategy game, instead of a freemium RPG with the premium timesavers turned off.
Shit on the games, that's fine. I can understand.
Of course, you don't feel that way about the music too though, right? Right, user? Hmm?
>Nintendo having anything to do with this
Pokémon has been it’s own thing for a while you retard. It just has its origins with Nintendo. But if you played past gen 2 you’d know this. Being a Pokémon fag has been suffering since the DS
I'm surprised there hasn't been a retroactive uproar about this yet.
>Being a Pokémon fag has been suffering since the DS
But Gen 5 was the best one
Because it's an interesting world that has so much potential, but it's squandered on the laziest mainstream devs ever.
I loved almost every DS title, but looking back you can’t start to see the origins of modern Pokémon problems pop up in various games.
Personally I’ve always had issues with some Pokémon being such a mess in terms of design and stats, but GF has made it clear they don’t give a shit. Some pokes are just born to be filler.
Monolith is a fairly competent studio user, people want them because they could probably take the general framework of Pokemon and make something better than GF ever could.
Personally though I would give Pokemon to Intelligent Systems
I know you aint talking shit about Araquanid and Golisopod. Those 2 are fucking great. Lurantis is also really fun to play around with, but should definitely have been a gendered split off of Scyther, with Fomantis being a Male/Female split pre-evo for it
that the alien crop marks look like the kid at the bottom pic? My god its like they are pulling a Yoko Taro of types.
Mega Evolution is supposed to be dA tier designs, they're unnatural and shouldn't even exist. But, the Mega Stones were made by AZ fucking up, and people learned to use them.
There's a reason most of the Mega Form dex entries talk about the pokemon being in pain, and are generally super fucking dark
>GF wants to prove they can make things other than Pokemon
>It's basically just Persona in a more generic setting and artstyle ripped off of Level-5, graphically looks just as mediocre
This is just sad
Also if you wanted to do other things than Pokemon, you should've made more Drill Dozer you fucking hacks
Top looks OK, bottom looks like shit
What the fuck is this thread about?
It's a thread about nothing.
>PokeMonster Hunter
fuck gamefreak
Because pokemon fans are retards. When they're not being apologists for GF making the same games they're actively demanding GF keep making the same games. They think waiting until after a loading screen to see a new pokemon is more surprising than walking around the route and seeing a new pokemon because that's what they're used to.
Pokemon should have been a 90s fad and it baffles me to no end that it still is a thing today.
Sonic Team
The good romhacks really are better than the new games.
hit me up with some recommendations, save for drayno - i've already played his.
Clover is actually pretty decent for being a fucking shitpost romhack
Is this a mobile game?
Is Monolith the "Platinum Games should make -adaptation-" of Nintendo?
>implying MTXlith gives a fuck about either customers or their source material
African-American Gondorians lmao
Alrighty, I'll give it a try. Is the May 31st 2017 release the most current one?
Yeah, is the new source for an eventual update since pokecommunity nuked the old place
maybe if they didnt make the most generic game imaginable and name it fucking town
>completely custom soundtrack
no kidding? that's always the most impressive thing in any romhack for me. gets me rock hard.
Bert seems like a better name than Byleth.
Indeed, some of the town tunes are pure bangers, the custom fakemon cries are also top notch, even the shitpost ones
well damn, now i have to play it based on that fact alone
>the wild pokemon post-victory song with the "WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?"
oh fuck
also Vitlya town's track is breddy gud
no videogame series deserves to be bad
why the fuck do you want to? this is the fucking worst argument ive ever heard in my life. pokemon is still shit but god damn you retards found the dumbest thing to be mad about.
do you faggots look at the sky and get angry that you cant climb the clouds? theyre not there for you to climb, why the fuck do you want to so bad
>they just want to pay $80 plus tax to relive their nostalgia for now completely outdated Gameboy menu based RPGs
$80 plus tax? What Socialist shithole do you live?
>Be from U.S
>$59.99 is exactly what's charged for a new AAA game, no sales tax in my state.
God bless Capitalism, god bless the Constitutional Republic.
oy mate do you have a loicense for that pokemon?
>stopping at genVI before omegawhatever remakes wheren't even there
Unironically Level 5 would be perfect for Pokemon
Except for how long it takes for their games to be localized.
Monolith Soft, not Monolith Productions
take it from someone who has spent 3/4ths of his time on this god forgotten planet loving pokemon
as long as pokemon fans remain the easiest to please, most braindead fucking demographic in the video game industry, pokemon will never ever get better. people shoveled LGPE into their mouths with fucking glee because pokemon walked behind you and because you could give your pikachu a funny bowl cut, despite the fact that it was literally red and blue rereleased on the switch with even less difficulty, fewer gameplay features, and mobile game graphics. if not that, its because a bunch of people who havent played pokemon since they were 5 got it because it looked easier and less time consuming. game freak is literally trying to appeal to people who dont play or care about pokemon
im so fucking tired, please let me die