How did this happen? Sony ps5 marketing campaign will foucs on fast loading times and ps4 bc

How did this happen? Sony ps5 marketing campaign will foucs on fast loading times and ps4 bc.

>textures quality will barely increase
>no 60fps standrad
>same retarded ai
>no raytracing or barely any
>overall smallest technological jump in ps history

Ps5 is even weaker than the low end next xbox! NEXT GEN IS CHIPLET BASED SONY! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?

Attached: ps5.jpg (590x350, 33K)

>sony makes poorly designed console hardware
what a shocker who could have forseen this

Thier idea wasnt bad, but they shouldnt have picked navi gpu. They were too hasty

the base ps4 was running better than the base xbox one though and even the developers were saying it was stronger all around?

You know you are all retarded right?
Nothing is confirmed yet except for the fact it will support ray tracing and have a Navi GPU.

Yeah but most of the times Sony had the weaker console
Xbox 360>ps3
Xbox one>>>ps4 pro
Xbox Scarlett Anaconda>>>>>ps5

If the leaks are true. I think if Xbox really does have a lot better hardware Sony will lose the mainstream console title to Xbox next gen. Let's see how their reveal at e3 (heard they would do their own stream) goes together with MS's

>same retarded ai
What does AI have to do with anything

>>textures quality will barely increase
>>no 60fps standrad
>>same retarded ai
>>no raytracing or barely any
>>overall smallest technological jump in ps history

You base this off of what factual information?

Attached: 1501017876020.jpg (640x604, 36K)

Odd numbered playstation, skip it and wait for 6

>PS5 will be weaker than next Xbox
Nice head canon faggot

>one time, and it's only better in a handful of ways
>not even mentioning how much of a nightmare it is to program for playstations

What is the Cell?

>next xbox>>>>>ps5 only in your dreams

Even if your delusions are true Sony will have the most exclusive games, the best exclusives games and all the multiplats. There's no reason to buy Microsoft this upcoming gen even more than ever as everything will be shared with PC even Gaylo

>What is the Cell?
A much worse single core version of the Xenon?

This is your mind on Xbacks

Nice damage control

The strongest console hardly wins. Why are you forgetting history?

It's basically fact.

The PS3 was much superior to the 360.

It was held back by devs who didnt want to invest time and money into it compared to the straight forward arch in the xbox.

Why do that when they can sell their console twice?

>it's a fact
In your head

>no tech leap
>no games
>commiefornia based

Stay mad pony

Take your medications

My main concern is if my PS4 purchases roll over to PS5.

Stay mad pony.

What will the DS5 controller look like?

>The PS3 was much superior to the 360.
360's GPU and memory was far superior to PS3. And Xenon is better AND simpler to program than Cell

if the tf in the ps4 is 1.8 and the tf in the ps5 is probably 9+tf how is all that stuff you mentioned not improving?

i think you're having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that games won't look drastically better.

It will likely look a fusion of the DS4 and Wii U gamepad with the screen.

>if the tf in the ps4 is 1.8 and the tf in the ps5 is probably 9+tf how is all that stuff you mentioned not improving?
Man that's a serious gap.

>same retarded ai

What does this have to do with the console?

Next gen should really be about pushing VR

Even if it does end up being weaker it will still have the better games over ꜱoybox

>Expecting an Xgroid to understand basic things

sorry, which one is the "ꜱoy" box again?

Attached: snkbox.jpg (720x333, 152K)

Wow you can feel the censorship from the PS4 boxart

it's a big gap, but games won't look extremely better than triple AAA titles today, just more refined and hopefully with better performance.

Yeah. It's probably going to look similar tbqh. Which is fine for me.

I dont want lesbian games. And you know damn well it doesnt matter since pc gamers dont play or buy games, cant wait to see ps5 and next gen xbox games side by side

Power matters, add better pricing and more games and its guaranteed success

the one that's turning their online service into a resetera-esque safe space.

Attached: 1558371644833.jpg (964x790, 328K)

Pcopes in full fucking damage control

Attached: 1540504945122.png (651x752, 148K)

Don't tell me you actually fell for the ps3 marketing. The cpu they used for the ps3 cost 90 fucking dollars, it wasn't that good.

>most multiplats get pc ports nowadays
>"n-no that doesn't count"
but why

Power doesn't matter retard

Thats just marketing, all big comapnies do it,

The only thing that matters is what games come out on it. Good games trump shiny graphics and pricey hardware every time.

no, it's really just microsoft that's making their online service sjw-approved.

It does matter. When next xbox playing games like gta6 with huge performance difference to ps5 version it will matter

Keep being retarded

Okay would power matter if ps5 was powerful? And not just xb1x but with better cpu and ssd card? I just wish ps5 doesnt hold the industry and devs can bring over actually generational leap games.

yeah remember when the xbox destroyed the ps2 in sales because it was more powerful?
or how when the xbone x was released it outsold the ps4?
oh man remember when the wii flopped because it was so weak?

Look the biggest argument for the playstation is it's exclusives which it doesn't have, I'd buy a PS5 day one if they made a new SOCOM

Power is important, no matter what you say you wont change that fact.

1 xbox was the first console and ps2 was actually powerful, price was good, had other uses for it and had more games.

2 this gen was already decided back 2013. But xb1x did boost xbox sales RELATIVELY, meaning people do want stronger consoles

3 wii had gimmik and they tried it again for wii u and it flopped.

And remember you faggot i listed 3 reasons
1 powerful console
2 fair price
3 more games
And ps1, ps2 and 360 did all those things and theu were success.

Wojacks out in full force huh poorfag?

Says the pcuk that can't afford sony kino and probably pirates

How many games do you own I own over 700 on my PC and I'm planning on buying about 50 more next sale

Power is everything, now power with nothing to do with it, that's the Atari Jaguar. Why would you want to gimp 95% of the multplats you play just to watch Sony Movies?

Thats why pclets are worst gamers. I out majority of blame on steam.

>playing multiplats on consoles

I always get a kick out of these renders. too bad the real product never looks as neat.

I like how PS fans were bragging about power and resolution (1080p vs 900p,multiplats,GrassGate) in the beginning of the gen but now all of a sudden it doesn't matter.



>Proabably pirates
No, I'm not a neet I can flip burgers for a video game. I bet you wish you could tho. The risk of viruses (tho low) outweighs the 10$ a game costs.
>can't afford
Bitch My CPU costs the same as your playstation it's not a matter of money, it's a matter of do I wanna spend 400$ to play 7 games at 30fps? No.
You mean bloodborne? Sorry already played that what else, God of Bore? Spiderman? You playstation fan boys need to learn to flex the actual fun games you can only get on playstation like Judgement

>replying again

Why because you'd rather pay 60$ for a remaster of Skyrim instead of buying the original for 5$ and cranking the settings up? Cope (:

>faggy glowy lights on the controller
Why hasn't sony every made a good controller?

I'm at different guy silly Billy stop huffing the fumes your playstation puts put from that loud ass fan

Sony is screwed next gen.

>God of Bore? Spiderman? You playstation fan boys need to learn to flex the actual fun games you can only get on playstation like Judgement