Game has 4 character dlc pack

>Game has 4 character dlc pack.

Attached: 1557206899447.png (1024x862, 1.15M)

>coop game has friendly fire

Attached: 1556390570587.webm (720x1280, 1.7M)

what an ugly mutt

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Fucking racist

Attached: doom doggo.jpg (929x1200, 116K)

>using racist in 2019

Attached: 1557001684644.png (549x413, 114K)

>still no shoop with this fellow

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>being a frogfaggot in 2019

Post more of this dog please

Attached: DvhV4yrVsAAzyOJ.jpg (1200x700, 62K)

He cute

Fucking memeist

"Mutt" in context to dogs, you retard. Anyways, that is a pretty ugly dog, imo.

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What is wrong with them? It's like they're having a difficult time holding their primal instincts

>last dlc is cancelled

Attached: staring.jpg (1024x862, 96K)

He's smiling!

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Did he died


Looks like an older bitch getting harassed by a pup. I can't defend the breed but I've seen a lot of older females react like that.

He's smiling at the thought of mauling his owners face, you mean.

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So seriously, what is the context of these animals? Did their owners decide to just take weird closeups of them?

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People don't have kids anymore so they facetime with their pets.

>character in your party turns evil

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Awww look at that smile! He loves you!

>character can summon enemies

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All fucking shitbulls must fucking hang.

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>game has gusic

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Fuck, this is like me trying to be cute for the camera.

>Game has 40 baby dlc pack.

Attached: happy-pit.jpg (397x207, 39K)

why is this so fucking funny

and since dogs have races and this race looks "ugly" according to you, you're a racist

>Game has hiding spots

Attached: 1490574192483.jpg (1920x1080, 561K)

I was always wondering... In which world is this a "dog"?

>game has an unlikely team of misfits

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>game has shitbull

Attached: 1557207981428.png (960x960, 810K)

>game has 9 DLC packs

Attached: Goku21.jpg (168x219, 13K)

>Game has a Jew character

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>mauls human babies
>even mauls other baby pitbulls
I'm conflicted.

Shape of the head fits, eyes and mouth are in the correct position. Obviously the rest is vague and mismatched to make it look creepy.

>game doesn't scale UI elements with resolution
>no option to scale it yourself

Attached: uncanny cat.gif (400x250, 1.98M)

There's something wrong with that cat

Attached: roshi_this_isnt_weed.png (456x474, 263K)

>Fighting last boss
>Some unknown eldritch horror rips open a void to our world
>Heroes: What the.....
>Boss: What is happening?

Would it be kino?

Only if you and the boss have a temporary partnership to defeat the unknown eldritch horror

Attached: 1531043248059.jpg (560x747, 64K)

>good guys team up with the bad guys to beat the REAL big bad villain

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apes and monkeys are so fucking gross...

>ram into last boss so hard you're both transported to the real world

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>Game is long

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game is short

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I'm not even going to pretend this thread is about vidya, I just want to bump in hopes of collecting more weird looking animals.

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This. Humans included.
Vertebrates in general are pretty gross.

>Game has sex scenes

Attached: 4CE57C0B8BA14BD6A3B749CAD2291165.jpg (600x450, 66K)

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Go to fucking /an/, you absolute niggers. You have your own fucking board yet you come here.

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Thank you, /an/on.
I completely forgot about /an/ because I hate animals.

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>time travel mechanics

Attached: 1532392487310.jpg (480x480, 64K)

>Game allows you to romance other species
But we are talking about games user

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The discussion is related to video games, idiot.

>game has massive faggots

Attached: 1557210481128.jpg (1182x1200, 142K)

that lunge at the end
d-did the other pup died?

>game is fun

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He's thinking about baby flesh.

you're an ugly mutt

why does the hamster look like he is worshiping nurgle

Attached: cat.jpg (540x717, 43K)

What is this meme called?
Animal facetime? Where did it start?

Name his party

>cuts off

Obviously not. If it actually ate that puppy of course people would be spamming the full vid nonstop.

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Attached: Dog Bowl.jpg (752x960, 83K)

Jesus, that is a disturbing cat. His face is primate-like.


Its Ash from Evil Dead

Looks like the Yoshi lava monster

Attached: download (4).jpg (256x256, 53K)

consider this - the owner cut it off because she didnt want to see her beloved pup's death caught on film

>Game features a duck

Attached: 1551004487048.jpg (1024x768, 333K)

Name one game.

duck game
duck hunt

He went to space, user.
Maybe in the sequel.


dink smallwood

Attached: A1suJxm-wbL._SY445_.jpg (308x445, 36K)

Animal crossing

>you can convince enemies to join you

Attached: happy hedgehog.webm (473x443, 2.86M)

t. slug

it's a edit to an edit to an edit
it looked like a dog some time ago

>dlc regularly comes out

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requesting cute bird webms i was trying to save them from yesterday's thread but mods facking deleted it

You posted anime anthropomorphic animals. A bird and a snail.

>sunset riders character screen

>unlockable fifth character

Fuck animals

Attached: fuck animals.png (320x568, 239K)

somehow I remember this being a PS1 game because I swear I used to own that game on PS1

Attached: fuck animals 3.png (320x568, 234K)

>game lets you go postal

Attached: fuck animals 5.png (320x568, 243K)

Fatal Fury


Attached: fuck animals 4.png (320x568, 241K)

Attached: cat.png (639x478, 269K)

W-What's he doing to that cat?