Do you ever play games while high on drugs other than marijuana

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I tried playing Mafia 2 whilst coming down off ketamine once and it was a horrible experience

I played Nier: Automata on LSD. I lost all sense of depth and had to stop playing because I couldn't tell the objects from the background.

I don't like smoking, but do enjoy the occasional drink. I'm always in bed by 11 PM, and I make it a point to get no less than eight hours of sleep each night.






Yep. Loving RDR2 and Bloodborne Chalice Dungeons while smoking pot.

I played UMVC3 on mushrooms once, it was alright but I kept fucking up the inputs and so did my friend



I played MGR: Revengence on coke whilst my gf sucked my dick.

Sounds fucking great huh? No. I couldnt parry for shit, just kept singing to the music and i couldnt get hard.

i've tried whilst on speed but i end up just listening to music and watching videos

I don't use drugs cause I'm not a little bitch


I almost always play vidya on pic related.

In fact, my scrip just got refilled today. I'm about to go pick it up and have some fun times.

Wish me luck, faggots!

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Excellent blogpost my friend! Where do I upvote?

I enjoy a bottle of beer once a week.

>Day off
>wake up 7 AM saturday morning and drink 2 liters of water, start a pot of coffee
>start drinking coffee while playing modded CK2, snort crushed adderal
>around 8 am start drinking around half a fifth of of wild turkey with 8 ibuprofen
>a few lines of blow whenever the booze starts to go to my head
>tumble downstairs and eat a massive meal of various leftovers from the week and rice, chicken, beans, milk, celery etc.
>more ibuprofen, piss profusely
>might order takeout for dinner and drink a gallon of water to avoid hangover
>end day by having phone sex with my ex girlfriend because my current girlfriend is out of town

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only the good old 'hol and 'jane for me. tried shrooms and cocaine once but vidya isnt fun with them.

polite sage for dude weed lmao

Caffeine is my drug of choice. I drink coffee w/ nothing added to it. I drink alcohol about once every 1-2 months but I'll probably just cut it out entirely.


amazing life

I unironically drank about two thirds/three quarters of a bottle of vodka (0,75 L) every time I raided in FF14 for 4 years, 3 days a week.It helped with the frustration or anger.

Sell me footballs

I tried LSD on LSD once. Wasn't great.

I hate weed because smoking makes my mouth taste like shit and makes me smell.
I haven't experimented a lot with edibles.

When I have a day off I drink half the bottle of whisky while playing Killing Floor 2 or Vermintide 2.

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Disregarding everything else you are destroying your stomach lining with all that ibuprofen

Booze makes stuff a lot more manageable for me.

Playing videogames while on anything other than weed is a massive waste of good drugs.

He's drinking milk so he'll avoid ulcers I think.

I used to play WoW on meth. Was great for grinding and farming

what the fuck will that do for you?

god that sounds like fun

Sniffed coke while playing WoW but ended up just listening to music

>have even the tiniest amount of weed
>feel like I'm phasing out of reality and get a panic attack
it's not for everyone I guess

nah it's bluepilled

Avoid headaches from booze, makes the liquor more potent because it weakens stomach and liver.

Smoking weed for the first place is for unwashed degenerates

Friend and I played hyper light drifter on acid. Was bretty gud but we ended up getting too confused to progress after the first boss I think. Then we went climbing trees. Pretty solid day actually. I should get more acid.

>around 8 am start drinking around half a fifth of of wild turkey with 8 ibuprofen
Why, are you just trying to kill yourself? That won't even make it stronger or anything, all it's gonna do is murder your liver

If he's taking the amount he said milk will do fuck all

Many "bros" went through that phase in the beginning.

>tfw met an user from here
>ended up dying by mixing drugs + alcohol

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Would anyone who knows anything about chemistry mind to explain how badly this would fuck you up?

have you tried different types of weed? might be just the wrong type for you

rookie mistake, unless it was intentional

Sometimes I smoke three weeds and go SICKO MODE in Fortnite.

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I love how smoking pot makes you so much immersed to game world. I once played Thief(2014) for hours so fucking immersed that I completely forgot the real world. I literally felt like I'm real being in that game world. One of the best gaming experiences I ever had.

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two ibu and a single extra strength acetaminophen pill is the strongest over the counter pain solution you can take. Drinks lots of water tho. Also I'm not that guy you were asking.

my RBG guild had a lock that was regularly on coke to get that sweet 0.5% season ranking
he along with my dudeweed guildmaster ended up placing too, good times

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>needing a drug to feel immersed in media
Do you have no imagination? Are you braindead?

I mean anything on adderall, especially something like star craft.
Other than that the only time I can remember playing vidya on drugs was when my friend and I did lsd (Some form of it anyways. We didnt have a test kit) and he was playing Mario 64. I noticed the bricks on the walls in the castle were transforming and moving around. I asked my friend had that always been a thing and he said he saw the same thing and no. So we got up and walked the neighborhood in our college town. Good times.

>tfw on probation and can't even eat food with poppy seeds in them

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>whenever the booze starts to go to my head
why drink the booze if you negate it with a downer? oh yeah, you're a fucking idiot, like seriously, coke is the most overrated drug

no but it sure does help with immersion

Vape weed.

not once did he use the word 'need' or 'only'.
imagine being straight-edge AND having poor reading comprehension lmao

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>quite a few people I knew from early childhood ended up OD'ing and dying in the past 10 years or so
Sometimes I'm glad I turned out to be a social fuck up who barely leaves his home.

>smoke weed
>get the shakes

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you're like a babby

Haha all these cool and totally real replies from real adults!

>eating on cocaine

then dont mix it with your psych meds

>coke is a downer
nodrugs detected

That's the science, this user is lying but any human being that does that will be dead before 30

correct and nice trips


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Not him by my gf will still cough. She just doesnt know how to inhale properly. I've tried countless times and she just ends up coughing and getting way higher than she should be getting. She ends up not enjoying it. Edibles are the way to go. If you have a good connect or live in a place where it's legal, a 10mg gummy is perfect for any beginner.

they are very cool!

>smoke weed
>"fuck what if someone saw and called cops"
>"holy fuck im pathetic looser what am i doing with my life"
>"god i wish this would end soon, i hate myself"

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>phone sex

Man, I hate talking to people on the phone. Idk how the fuck its possible to get aroused over it.

>not living in a legal state

inb4 some faggot who never goes outside normally says DUDE YOU NEED TO BE IN A FOREST MAN HUHUH FUCK GAMES

My own common sense told me that would kill you, I just wanted to know how. Thanks.

Played Halo reach with a friend also doing LSD with me on the come up of the drug. Once I started seeing faces in the clouds, I started laughing historically because I couldn't coordinate the warthog with my fingers. We then proceeded to put on Attack on Titan (a show I ever watched before) and I almost had a heart attack with the giants destroying the cities and eating people. After that gut wrenching adventure, we put on The Doors movie. I can't play video games on Acid. I just wanted to listen to music and watch movies.

Also tried Salvia and a fighting game another time. That was a no go.

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This is why I stopped smoking weed.

>literally cannot immerse self in most mediums because i'm a jaded fuck
It's not that I don't want to be sober or have fun, it's that the sober me cannot. This has been an issue since i was a kid, I make up my own worlds to get immersed in

And then you do it again anyways

8 ibuprofen
you got swollen joints or something bro?
Try this shit baby
>ibuprofen x2
>Tramadol x2
>Codine x2
>Paracetamol x2
smash that back and glide around for about 3 hours
repeat throughout the day and without making a blog post i couldn't move my legs without it


I fucked up, sue me

It's not like taking heroin and drinking which is a surefire way to die, it just does SERIOUS damage to your body in the long term, which is now more of a "medium term" as losing your liver is a death sentence.

>stress and anxiety makes it impossible for me to focus on a game for more than 10 minutes without weed
This isn't healthy anymore, but the alternative is to lay in bed until I fall asleep and wake up to work.

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>tfw quit weed a few months ago because it started making me intensely paranoid every time I smoked it
>starting to miss the old high but don't want to risk trying it again and having a shitty experience
Why did it turn on me

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Do antidepressants and antipsychotics count?

You're using a plant to cope.

Hmmm, we're talking harder

>trying anything on salvia
Yeah, there's a reason it's legal. You're fucking planted, unless you're some pussy who can't handle his shit

It's pretty common from what I hear. Most people won't admit it because for some reason they're afraid that not liking weed will make them look like they're weak little bitches.

>work at dispensary
>smoke dabs daily, get insane tolerance
>enjoy it though
>take a break for 3 months
>more than two hits for a bong my heart races and I feel panicky no matter indica or sativa
What the fuck

I used to be really into drugs in high school. Played HLM and Halo 3 on blow a lot. Still play Halo 3 a lot and occasionally on blow (it's very rare not to get a spree kek). Probably the best was playing it on mush. I played splitscreen with a buddy and we were in the fucking zone for like 3 hours missing 0 shots.

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I decided to played Antichamber on LSD and it was the best choice of my life

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lift weights before you smoke maybe it will make the high less shit idk I haven't smoked in years since I don't like sucking up to dealers.

Mix in some of a CBD strain. All the goods of the THC high minus all the bads.

Nope :^)

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it's alright to take a break come back when you're in a better place; i remember reading through a few quit threads on 420chan when i felt similarly to help me figure out where i stood.
now i smoke every now and again but only with friends and only because its legal here anyway.

This is literally why I became an alcoholic

I hated Salvia. The constant flipping stuff going on turns me off and the barrage of melding of every flipping color and scenery makes you blind where you literally are bombarded by everything around you. Also, I don't like dissociates.

posted from a child who has no clue how alcohol effects you
t. alcoholic

Played Touhou on acid, was magical, would recommend, but one difficulty lower than you usually play. ZUN's music sync moments on stages are beautiful.

>day off
>wake up at 7 AM

This is where the lies began.

Absolutely fucking and not to mention just a bit redpilled.

Adderall + Hardcore mode Minecraft = insanity

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looks a lot like my cat, i love that blue grey


>meet dealer while still living with parents
>he and my mom (who smokes) become good friends
>move out
>he delivers to her twice a month
>i get to add my bag in to her order
>literally just have to go to my mom's house to pick up pot whenever i want it
pretty nice situation, not looking forward to losing this guy

>getting judged by wagies who recognize you and talk shit about what a pathetic piece of shit you are in the breakroom
protip, if the staff recognize you at beer/liqour stores you're "that guy" and a "regular" which they look down on and talk about with each other.

Bro you need to try it, gets me harder than watching porn. She says my name loud and I say her name low while she fingers herself to my voice, fuarkkkkk

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I do it pretty regularly, you can get a pretty good hold on it. One thing that never stops though are those moments when you think it's over, but you're still in it.
>pacing talking to a friend
>he asks if i'm okay
>start pulling self out of floor
>was never actually pacing or talking

happened to me last weekend at a party; I hadn't smoked regularly for two weeks and I just locked up. shit sucked, next time i'll just smoke a little.

i played windlands on ketamine and barfed almost immediately.

>heart starts racing
>think my neighbors smell it
>realize how much of a waste of money it is
I quit 2 months ago and haven't looked back

>admitting to being an alcoholic
Clearly a 21 year old "alcoholic" who gets a headache after 3 shots of vodka

>actually articulate
>understand the slang
>sounds wrong coming out of my mouth because it's obviously not part of my vernacular
>get burned
fuck me man, glad I just got an eighth and wasn't gonna go for an ounce off some shit I don't know

post yfw you're not white trash like this user

I fucking detest stoner culture. Weed is the most overrated drug.

I go with 7 hours a day.

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>everyone is judging you
does this happen often?

I smoked some flower with kief on top, wanting to get stupid stoned for fun and it turned into an hour of wondering if my heart was going to fly out of my chest. It was embarrassing honestly. Protip if that does happen: splash ice cold water on your face. It triggers a reflex in mammals that tricks the body into thinking you're going to be hypothermic, it slows the heart rate considerably.

Anyone here ever take a deliriant?
I'm interested but also scared.

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>tfw southern white trash but doesn't mind and is proud of my trashy scots-irish sharecropper heritage
finna boutta DAB on this yankee

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Why would i was my money on something like that.

Alcohol goes surprisingly well with shooters or RTS.

No so much with Driving games though. The reduction of "reaction time" is really only for these small, subconscious, reactions, e.g. when making small corrections to your driving line.

As someone who dated a girl who worked at the liquor store in my area and bounced around near by locations for extra shifts yes, these people judge the fuck out of their customers and talk mad shit on them to one another.

>smoke a bit with friends
>instantly lose ability to form coherent sentences and feel like it's harder to maintain eye contact
Why does this happen?

in all my years I've never heard that one, thanks.

I only go once a week same time I'm sure they recognize me even though I'm not an alcoholic. She's too fat and retarded to say anything to me though she just stares like a fucking cow. Honk honk.

>white trash
post yfw you're not jewish like this user

It's almost like it's a work environment, what the fuck else are they gonna talk about?

I played STALKER: CoP on LSD, couldn't pay attention to anything, spent a good hour looking at the ground textures and thinking about how polygons and texture maps work, eventually I got that fuzzy vision hallucinating effect and gave up trying, watched ROY G BIV and cried at the colors, then spent the rest of the day walking around outside looking at the trees swaying around (mid summer).
Most hallucinogens make media entertainment worthless and make you want to just stare at random shit in reality while your brain dumps way too many chemicals into your brain causing you to believe simply thoughts and feelings of enjoyment are way more deep than they are. Feels great in the momeny, but god it sucks dealing with fellow space cadets telling me how deep their thoughts about perspective are. I love 'em, but damn, some people need to dial it back.

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"stoner culture" is hardly even a thing. my dealer is a huge "stoner" but he's more of a reddit-tier gamerfag than anything.

>rolled a fat 50/50 weed and kief joint
>going to play lobotomy corporation
About to be the best manager on earth lads

I played the telltale games high as fuck on lean. Fading out of consciousness and back in reality was amazing

Here's some reading if you're interested.

I grew up in a ghetto, moved, still in the fucking ghetto. meet some "interesting" people though

Phenibut around 500mg x2 and coffee &or soda
Maybe 200mg Ibuprofen liquid gel, all while playing BF4 HC servers or something with squad s, then 25mg of benadryl at the end of the day.

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This is a real question. Why are girls such fucking fiends for weed? I can't get through a whole turn with out some bitch constantly asking for a hit.


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I worked at a pharmacy/general store hybrid and people talk about their lives, not shitting on customers unless the customers are shitty.
People working in alcohol stores literally judge the fuck out of anyone they see routinely and mock them for being addicts/their appearance if they even have messy hair etc.
Deal with it, they think of you as subhuman.

High girls are adorable.

Playing TF2 on LSD and Audiosurf 2 was a pretty wild experience

Nope I’m white as fuck mate, just liked that high

Girls see other girls doing it so they want to do it.
They also probably have never "thought" in the traditional sense of the word and the mind vapors of pot is the closest to introspective thought they will ever have.

>smash bros without
>what is happening, did I get three stocked?
>smash bros with
>I am become death


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Ah, yeah, I forgot about the exception of super simple beat following games like audiosurf.

yeah say that when the blow through a joint in one turn of mario party. This is why i bought a vaporizer, the VapCap
>is the closest to introspective thought they will ever have.
So many mindless holes post """""inspirational""""" shit when high its actually hilarious. But the lady i smoke with isnt a normie for the most part.

Anyone got that picture of a guy tripping balls and entering another dimension just to irritate the fuck out of a being that exists there? It's the rage post meme where it ends with him complaining on Yea Forums.

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Chicks need to realize that they are fucking annoying and need to shut the fuck up

edibles are all body high, might as well smoke indica and by that I mean might as well pop pain pills
if you aren't smoking or vaping, and if it isn't sativa or at least a sativa mix, then you're enjoying all the wrong things about weed

Yeah, I've seen the guy's beat to shit honda civic, I'm not worried about him judging me


If I come back from a rave still rolling I'll play something immersive or a rhythm game until I'm able to go to sleep. Rhythm games specifically I usually get way better at.

>tfw smoked weed every day this weed

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Literally fucked a 40 tall mom with a fat ass working behind the counter at an ABC store

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Dude low effort datamining thread lmao. Personally I lynch niggers while injecting 6g of chicken nugget seasoning into my armpits playing fucknite. Heil titler.

Stop doing opiates.
You don't need them

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This is pathetic but nevertheless what I strive for

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Transistor on """"""""acid"""""""" my friend swore was LSD (it wasn't) but it was still pretty cool

that man is very much in need of opiates.
If your life fucking sucks why wouldn't you take opiates?

What was it if not acid, Research chemicals?

>it wasn't
What was it then? 2cb?

This is why I never question my friend, he does this shit on the reg and is a trilingual psychologist with a 7/10 asian cutie. So it's not fucking up his life, I'll trust it

Almost assuredly

Euro detected. Spanish, German?

California actually. I think we just started getting it out here recently

2cb is everywhere these days dummy.

>magicked my controller into working again
What are some fun immersive/fast-paced (keeping me active and in the action) games that go well with a controller, while also HIGH ON MARIJUANA?

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How are you getting fake acid in California? LSD is everywhere here.

NBOMe or DOx or something? What did it feel like?

What's wrong with this dog?

I prefer it. Acid is too intense for me to do more than like every 3 months or so.

You probably have permanent damage to your brain now. Nice job


Have you tried shrooms? Ive done fake lsd once and it gave me a weird feeling lasting a week. That shits no bueno

A couple of days ago actually. But idk 2cb is just nice for me. Feels like a mini candy flip

sorry friend

That man is an actual doctor.

Unironically minecraft is comfy if you're stoned as fuck. But I also enjoy games like Civ or any RPG

>tfwf can't stomach any vidya on psychedelics
I just can't do this. I can't sit still for more than 20 minutes.

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>like Civ
Man, I got Endless Space 2 a few months back and I have NO IDEA what I'm doing. I also have Civ IV and am in the same boat.

I can tolerate lying down and listening to music or writing while stationary otherwise I need to move around

I sometimes take 3 melatonin tablets and play for a few hours but other than I like to enjoy games sober.

I just waded through a few games experimenting until I got the hang of it, but it is a lot to take in at first.

Oh shit dude don't go overboard.
Do you do creatine too?

>watched my friend play pokemon snap while on 25i
>mfw cave theme music

25i sucks tho don't ever do it

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>been smoking weed for the past few years
>now just get bored when high, doesn't affect me strongly beyond making time pass slow
>take 2 weeks away from weed, come back
>tolerance the same

On to heroin, I guess...

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>two weeks is a long tolerance break

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you could try just not doing drugs

If you're not doing creatine cycles you're not operating at maximal mental acuity, and that's a gamer fact, jack.

Honestly i've spent so many fucking hours playing the shit out of this flash game while on Dexies/Adderall. I'm guessing any SHMUP will do but the shit is fuckin awesome when you're peaking.

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>2 months later, user was found on train station, whoring himself for drug money

>snort sharpie markers when switching to trevor in GTAV for immersion

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Don't we all do that?

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Played Arma 2 on lsd a few times. Never fly planes acid. Also nothing is more entertaining than driving a bus full of people while playing this on a high pop server

>taking heroin and drinking which is a surefire way to die
what does that do? i feel like every band from the late 80s and early 90s did that all the time

Yeah, Smash bros with friends while on LSD.

i love getting drunk and playing cs go

yes and most of them died.
Both are depressants meaning you'll pass out and either choke on your own vomit (heroin makes this happen, alcohol makes this happen 100 fold when combined) and they also depress your central nervous system, easy to stop breathing, systems shutting down etc.
Also what makes speedballs or cocaine/alcohol such a dangerous combination because you don't realize how much of a depressant you have in you until it's too late and you're fucking dead.

Nope. I haven't done enough acid to handle vidya.

I have a hard time believing one man could be so based.

I only enjoy weed & vidya together. Barely play vidya without being high and don't enjoy smoking in social situations like I did when I was younger.

Have you tried thc cartridges? I sometimes experience the same as you but with those cartridges I feel a very mild, but effective high.


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and they work at a liquor store.
you get what you can, I guess.


>tfw your dealer talks about moving to another state

Really sucks because he's a great guy and he hooks me up sometimes.

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I'm so straight edge I hold my breath when walking past people smoking outside.

I remember being 11

Not drug related, but I have a slight germaphobia and always hold my breath when near smelly shit like bums or used toilet.
It's autistic as fuck, but at least I developed a good CO2 tolerance.

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Fucking zoomers never heard of hunter s thompson

>used to be suicidal(not the tfwnogf or being depressed kind just a death wish)
>nothing to lose
>everyday drinking and smoking was normal for years
>started doing benzos, mdma,coke, speed
>still same feels as before but dont care as back then

How was your weekend Yea Forums?

He did a shitload of drugs which were inherently psychoactive, this retard is doing NSAIDs.
Big difference you dumb cunt.

Play audiosurf

Its the tits. But make a playlist sober

Everyone does.

I'd like to try weed, but I don't know how to even begin getting my hands on it. I've always been a good boy, so don't have any underground connections. New York sucks

I don't think normies hold their breath for entire visit to toilet, even as their vision starts getting darker from lack of oxygen.

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Go to a pizza place and ask the delivery drivers

Ask your friends. I got into smoking because of some guys I know. They'd probably love to smoke with you; it's always funny watching someone with little to no tolerance smoke.

underage alert

tfw i can get the same experience of being high for free by skipping meds

based. fuck druggies; they're insufferable faggots

>New York
Wtf? I went to Times Square and people were holding up signs

>get home from my LSD trip
>still tripping
>have a 1 hour fap session watching videos I shot of my gf because holy shit acid makes things look amazing
>finally cum, feel at the top of my game because the trip is cool
>decide to play Sekiro
>follow it up with some weed
>continue my NG+ no kuro's charm and demon bell run
>fuck this this is too easy
>start a new game, no kuro's charm, demon bell rang asap, no levelling any skills, no vitality / posture / attack power upgrades, no prosthetic tool upgrades
>pretty much every restriction available
>everything looks so fucking cool compared to when i'm sober and it makes me focus on the game
>feel pro as fuck and play better than ever
>destroy Genichiro at the start
>end up making it to the second Genichiro fight and beating him

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I live on Long Island.

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This retard is memeing the hunter s thompson routine. Only idiot zoomers who never heard of thompson believe him and think this is original.

Take a train

I’m always gaming on s(o)y

>used to drink Alcohol with some online games
>turned into a full blown addiction where I was drinking everyday
>spilled over into my family life with me stumbling downstairs drunk as fuck, making a fool of myself
>cut the habit for a month
>recently relapsed again yesterday
>I need to earn my families trust and respect all over again

Fucking sucks lads, stay away from that shit. Absolute fucking nightmare

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>CO2 Tolerance
See this is what happens when kids arn't allowed to play outside

Yeah, I tried playing vidya on Ketamine, but it just doesn't seem possible. The dissociation is too strong. I end up just sitting there floating in my own mind, detached from reality.

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>stay away from alcohol for a month
>relapsed yesterday
If you're under the age of 30, then you're just an immature kid with too much time on his hands. Literally go get a job before you actually do become an alcoholic like me

fuck man this is me,
recently got laid off from my 2nd job and i have just been feeling the need to drink. Just got a 3 Pack of Banquets...Cheers I guess..

Why so much ibuprofin? I mean, you obviously have other problems that might need addressing more urgently, but that sounds like a good way to get an ulcer.

Try holding your breath for as long as you can.
I can hold it for longer than you because I'm used to the horrible feeling that starts after a while.

Let's have a contest then
Post when your breath runs out
Ready set go

Literally me lads
>get a degree at the age of 22 (good degree in Computer Sci)
>take a "year off" as a reward
>1 year off turned into 2 years and now i'm 24 trying to find the motivation to get off my ass, stop drinking and find a job

Been clean 2 weeks now, applying for IT jobs, got a few interviews lining up. Thankfully I never got out of shape or anything bad like that so I still look healthy. We're all gonna make it bros, just be strong

>early-mid 20 year olds thinking they've developed an addiction

o i'm laffin

Imagine going through day to day life on meth, you must live in hell

That's cool because the niggers selling the alcohol look worse than the people who're buying it at my store

Nice prison tats and single-mom jeans though Jessica

I play on shrooms all the time, great experience.

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tell us about how your addiction is so much cooler than ours oldfag, better do it quick before your liver gives out you irresponsible fuck

Can we talk about the coconut chips? Those sound pretty good. Why is this not more common?

He diidn't say he'd be laffin long.

Why cant you just drink on the weekends? stop acting like its some demon youre fighting and get some self respect. Cant even get pain meds from the dentist anymore thanks to selfish faggots like you

When I'm drunk I like to fire up Max Payne 3 and play the Airport mission at high volume. Shits great.

I need to get better friends, current ones keep pestering me to do unhealthy shit like opiates and meat.

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Flashy, colorful games like KH and Bayonetta are really fun while on acid.
I also like to snort ritalin and play lol. Feels good to never miss a CS.

>Playing DMC5, three woodford reserves in
>Bloody Palace with V
it's a good feel

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Convince me to buy some LSD, I've only used alcohol and dude weed lmao (both pretty regularly)

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No but I solo queque DotA heavily under the influence of tequila for the shits and giggles.

if you're going to do psychedelics for the first time, do mushrooms fist tbqhwy

>smoke a couple bowls
>feel anxious and depressed
I don't even take any other meds what the fuck.

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Unless you can afford REAL LSD, don't even bother. Also, always test your stuff.
Also, don't waste your first trip with videogames.

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Smoked too much. Weed's a depressant in high doses.

Keep at it you guys. I was a bad alcoholic at a gallon of vodka every two days. Got kicked out all that shit, decided to go to AA for the foundational shit not necessarily the God stuff although I decided later to dip into Buddhism and general spiritual awareness. I just celebrated a year of no booze last month. It is fucking hard and it takes a lot of willpower. I highly recommend some AA although I don’t go anymore. Now I just smoke weed on my days off and refrain if I am busy.
Fuck off oldfag, I am 28 and anyone can be addicted at any time. You arn’t helping and I would throw your ass out of a meeting or any situation where you belittle addiction you fucking asshat.
It is a demon, a self inflicted one usually. For me, if I drink it changes the chemical composition in my brain and I become a selfish asshole to a major degree. This is not about being able to completely will it away at first since there is a physical dependence first and formost. Most heavy drinkers will feel the need to cull their symptoms with alcohol. Also it becomes a simple habit. Alcohol is a literal poison rats won’t even touch that shit. Alcohol is just a shit meme for substance, same as tobacco. You literally gain nothing for either, at least pot and LSD won’t kill you and can actually open your mind. So yes, some people can not. There’s millions of us and just because you arn’t one and won’t ever deal with it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Same as saying “works on my PC ;)”.

>forge mental connection between entertainment media and dude
>Now can't enjoy it fully without smoking dude
it'll happen to you

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I actually did now but the problem is I get too black out drunk and then end up spending way to much and(or) coming home to make a fool out of myself in front of my parents/siblings. Just need to cold turkey the shit I guess. I actually didn't find it even remotely hard to quit it for a month, I went a full month then some old mates from University asked me out for a few beers and I got drunk way faster than I expected.

Shouldn't be too hard to cold turkey it again but fuck did I feel like I wasted a month.

Cheers lad, glad to hear your doing well. I don't think I need AA just yet. as I did cut it entirely for a full month before I drunk a few days ago.

Just need to grow the fuck up I guess and get a job. Cheers anyway lad

Ibuprofin doesn't have an interaction with alcohol, nor a heavy liver load. You're far better off taking ibuprofen as a drunk as opposed to acetaminophen.

This. First time go to a park and hike. Make sure you have lots of water or sugary drinks. Also I would only recommend taking one tab no matter what anyone says the first time. Anything else might scare you off.
Then play vidya, I recommend walking sims at first I loved Stanly Parable and the other one by that dev. Shit like that is cash.

Doubt you're still here but I have, twice on Datura.
> Brewed up tea at party, didn't have much but would warp between conversations that where real and fake, go from picking up a girl to talking to her as if she was working drive through.
> Ate flower mid weed/alch bender, end up lost in suburbs for hour by myself until I remember I have a phone and called for a pickup and the whole time %100 believing I'm seeing aliens and shit.

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