Why are rosterfags like this?
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Why are rosterfags like this?
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Apparently Stevefags and Banjofags are like this as well. I just wish they'd keep their shit on Discord and stop using Yea Forums as their dumpster for Smash shitposts.
> Reimufags deserve death
what the fuck
I'm just tired of rosterfags in general. I'm sick of seeing the same "He's in" threads day after day. At least with the Arena and Stage Builder threads, people are actually playing and making content for the game. Rosterfaggotry is just mindless spam that floods the board with useless shitposts.
this is actual, go see a doctor autism
discord was a mistake
Imagine caring this much about your character getting into a video game.
How the fuck people still caring about two dead as fuck characters in a game, we already know smash's dlc is gonna end up being ass anyways so what's the point in arguing
What is this and why should I care
stupid ass reimu vs shadow threads
>What is this and why should I care
It's the Yea Forumstopia, Rosterfags galore
>of of of of of of of of of
Unholy and absoulutley cringe. This has to be a grand stage falseflag right?
top notch content OP, put those autistic discord trannies in their place.
Seek help.
you sure trolled them epic style
I wish Smash was never made.
>smash roster autism
Who the fuck even cares about speculating like this at this point?
With that being said
He's in
What the fuck is with smash autists making discord cults to slander others and spam their shit everywhere
This is your brain on discord, and to the group of fags reading this, fuck off
They're not as autistic as this incel with yellow fever
Not even gonna blur anything
This guy seriously has some form of autism.
Nobody cares about your secret club faggot your threads are low energy
Found the Discord Tranny
>Reimufags are Discord trannies
Of course.
You say this like you can't change your nickname on any server.
Or do web console editing, for that matter.
Sure thing Mr. Amatenn now fuck off back to your containment board
You first Mark, make sure to wear your dress
You guys are three times more autistic than autistic sociopaths from /vg/
the absolute state of these losers. this is great
And that's it. Banned, I'm sure Mark is in this thread as we speak
>I hate them, they're discord trannies!
Anyone have the pic of Mark in a dress?
You're a based one, Mr. Amatenn. Fuck Mark, fuck Reimufags, fuck Discord trannies, and most of all, fuck rosterfags, who would go to these lengths for their obsessions.
It's like smash players are all mentally insane or just pure retarded
I second this
wynaut both
tfw wanted to just be mildly optimistic about reimu in smash since my man shadow didn't get in but now id be associated with spergs like this
so this confirms discord trannies is a thing now right?
So, like, does every rosterfag for smash have a discord to perform their gay operations and shit? Is there one for geno? We've been somewhat quiet since we got PLANT'd, at least from what I've seen.
>associated with spergs
You do realize you're in Yea Forums, right?
Discord came out just over four years ago.
nice false-flag pedofaggot
there is ZERO chance your loli anime faggot character is going to be in smash. don't try to paint yourself as some well-adjusted person. 2hufags are deranged autistic pedos
despite wanting geno, i got over it pretty quickly
after all, i already got my mario rpg rep
> If you like cute girls, you are a pedo!
I can't believe they actually put Steve into the game
i'd rather not be a sperg among spergs
woah there projector-kun, you seethe too much
>Tfw living in Reimufags heads rent free
Holy shit that's pathethic
Stuff like this makes me happy my most wanted aren't characters usually talked about by these Discordfags
Real chad characters don't get talked about cuz they know they're already a lock, rosterfags btfo
he's in
Worrying about association enough to give up the things you like sounds like the most stupid thing to do on the internet, nevermind Yea Forums.
so on top of you autists spending days on end sitting in these threads doing nothing but propping up your fictional character of choice there are entire groups dedicated to raiding said threads? what the fuck is wrong with smashfags?
Smash should have stopped after Melee, rosterfags got to shit after that
>an actual conspiracy to shit up Yea Forums
Don't leak them
Kill them
I just want to say that I'm probably the biggest Reimufag on this board, and I was never invited, nor have I ever been interested in joining a Discord server.
I can't defend these spastics though. I feel like I've been carrying most Reimu in Smash discussions. What the fuck were these faggots all this time? Dumping lewds? They can go to hell for all I care.
>stevefags do something that four banjofags did and act like they were the victim
>now they're acting like they're heroes.
Nobody cares enough about Isaac to pull this kind of shit for him. It's a good thing and a bad thing, I suppose.
They actually do, you just don't know 'em.
Nigga I ain't reading all that.
As a fellow Isaacbro, people aren't pulling this shit both cuz we're not autistic as fuck but also because our chances are down the drain
He's gone through the worst already
the small blessing of being an irrelevant dead franchise
Ride on Isaacbros
god bless you user
glad to know that my niche picks will never be associated with major rostertards
Boy I hope not.
Despair is a great way to keep the autism down, I suppose.
Even now the Grinch's laugh haunts my soul. It was a great grinchy trick, admittedly. I wish we knew how he did it.
doomchads dont have a discord
That's because /vr/ exists
Actually fucking sad. Some of these actually manage to make me pity them.
I sincerely hope that these roster warriors aren’t above the age of 18 because I can’t imagine grown men fighting these wars out
That's because Doomchads are still on a dialup connection and are completely unaware Discord exists. I bet they plan some epic 90s style trolling on IRC.
>stevefag too
I knew Yea Forums was autistic but damn, I thought people did this shit ironically. YIKES.
>Reimufags turn out to also be insane
another group bites the dust
>Mr. Sage has sage option on
>I wish we knew how he did it.
The snapchat never existed, the "leak" was started in media res, so nobody went back to check until it had too much momentum. The weird healing item that appeared next trailer didn't help. Neither that most of the roster picks weren't actually that interesting by themselves.
They raid on usenet like you don't even know.
So wait all these steve/bajo/whatever threads are made because people actually think Yea Forums influences what will get into a game from japan?
Even going so far as to falseflag and set up secret discord channels?
What even is this planet
Rosterfags are known to influence the roster, as you can see it was unanimous on Yea Forums that Incineroar was the ideal final choice on the roster
>What even is this planet
Is "clown world" a played-out response at this point?
This is incredibly interesting. I had no idea that the people doing this weren't being ironic, Although I'm still not totally convinced that this is legit. It kind of makes me want to join a discord server. Anyone know if their worth the time?
It's never worth it, gotta scroll through a lot of shit to find gold like this
Ughhhh... Hey, Steve...
So what's up with Discord? I've tried it and it's pretty bad, why is it so used?
What's the deal with people creating their own servers?
I recently messaged of one my old friends asking how are things going for him and he immediately said that he'd tell me in his discord server. I said no, but he was very pushy about it
Just have a fucking Smashfag containment board already
It's better than Skype and TS3, emotes allow for some variability and you can find some cool communities but there's just a lot of garbage you can find. You've just gotta find the right server sometimes which is hella frustrating
I rather shitpost on Yea Forums to be desu fampaichan
I told you guys about the existence of these Discords last year when I noticed people here acting in a suspicious manner.
I told you that they targeted Isaac first because their "leader" hated Golden Sun, but you all assumed it was just a false flag by Golden Sun fans.
I hope you've learned your lesson now. We could have stopped all of this sooner.
>that Shadow bit at the end
Holy fuck my sides
>Is there one for geno?
There's evidence that the man who started all of this is a Geno fan.
"PuppetMaster" they call him.
You faggots should have listened to that guy last year that tried to warn us about this.
tldr plz
>there are autistic children on Yea Forums guyzzz
>We could have stopped
Nothing. The reason Yea Forums is so terrible is because unchecked autism like in OP's link is rampant here.
Reimufags have a discord server and get spied on by Shadowfags. Lots of autism like Reimfags willingly asking for the server to reply to their threads, Shadowfag reveals themselves, Reimus don't realize the guy called Wodahs was a shadow spy (Shadow but backwards was too hard to figure out for them), then the server just dies
To any fellow Sorafags, feels pretty good to be completely mentally sound and stable. You fellas enjoy your weird falseflag tranny shitting thread now. It's a good laugh.
Glad Sorafags can be tame but the KH community as a whole is a cesspool, especially when anyone nitpicks about any game they like.
This, Feels good knowing Poochybros don't do shit like this
i think sorafags were so BTFO by KH3 that they ran away in shame and hid
>tfw i just make movesets and content for the characters i like without worrying about what other people want
>tfw reading this shit
jesus fucking christ
i feel so sorry for all the reimufags/stevefags/banjofags/etc who have to be associated with all the autistic coordinated shitposting
>Rosterfags are Discordfags
>Smashfags are Discordfags
>Nintendofags are Discordfags
>Ganonfags go on Reimuhunts in Discord
This is the fakest, most inhuman dialogue I've ever seen. What kind of retard would believe this?
Put on your dress Mark
Put on your brain, retard
you are underestimating the power of concentrated autism
That's not how brains work retard, Way to show you don't have one
It's supposed to look fake you absolute moron
based Poochybro
thanks doc
People that """play""" Smash are failed humans and should all be given the rope. I don't know why some of you pretend to better than others when you are all equally as worthless.
Are you any better?
fuck you fag, you probably watch anime
yo pass over the deodorant
so this is what Yea Forumsirgins do because in real life they have 0 social interactions or drama they circlejerk video game characters in a childrens fighting game
you are probably the saddest thing on this website next to tranny posters
holy fuck