Overall not a bad game, but the ending was fucking trash...

Overall not a bad game, but the ending was fucking trash, you would think for the final game in the series they would make up an actual ending but they went with the shitty "you decide what happens" every shitty writer uses that is afraid of upsetting anyone. For fuck's sake, it almost invalidates the whole thing.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The ending is kino, the future is filled with uncertainty.

>but the ending was fucking trash

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let me guess, you didnt keep playing after the credits to know how it ended?

It's a super typical 2deep4u anime ending, same as Akira, Eva, Lain, Penguindrum etc.

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Daily reminder that:
>ninten is a gary stu with asthma attacks
>ana is a thot
>teddy is filler
>ness is a mama's boy gary stu
>paula is a jobber
>poo is filler
>lucas is a beta bitch
>kumatora is used goods
>boney is a dog
>claus is literally soulless
>lloyd, jeff, duster and boney are the only good and useful characters

What about Salsa?

>Ending was trash
imagine being OP right now, not even playing til the final screen of the game

What final scene? The one where you talk with the villagers in darkness? It was pretty much the equivalent of OMEDETOU from Evangelion lmao. Talk about phoning it in.

>>lucas is a beta bitch
Smashfag detected.
Lucas stops being a crybaby before the fucking timeskip even happens.

Sucks how a boss was clearly cut in chapter 7. Salsa joins your party after the Chimera lab for absolutely no reason.


There's a lot of shit that we know was cut. The memo system, the Kindness stat, the extra endings, whatever the fuck the original Tanetane Island drug trip was going to be, etc.

uh what, something big and important absolutely happened there which affected the entire cast

oh hey kid ur moms dead
oh your gonna cry like a bitch and shut yourself out for a while and mourn the loss? fuck you grow a pair.

There is nothing after the credits, the part you're talking about isn't hard to miss in the slightest and it's obvious OP did see it.

*easy to miss

The ending was perfect. You got dabbed on.

Fucking apply yourself next time.

Oh fuck I should apply myself I quoted the wrong post.
Fucking apply yourself next time.

>Gary stu
Literally the most flawed of the 3 characters you retard

The fuck else would you expect from a tranny game.

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Go FUCK yourself OP. Mother 3 is one of the greatest RPG's of all time. Far superior than Earthbound. I hope you fucking off yourself.

This is why nobody takes mother fans seriously

Manga EVA has a clear uplifting ending.

Mother 3 was just another generic JRPG, funny how you would get so worked up over it being criticized.

Maybe have sex? That could clear your mind.

>You will never play the N64 version

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If you didn't like the ending you're just ignorant, that's all.

I'll take pixel shit over extreme low poly shit, tyvm.

Nice bait faggot.

Here's a hint: You aren't controlling Lucas in that scene.

But he does? What more do you want from the poor guy?

Okay. Why is the (somewhat) ambiguous fate of the characters & world bad writing? How does it 'almost invalidate the whole thing'?

You forgot:
Porky did nothing wrong.

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The Magypsies aren't trans, they're androgynous hermaphrodites. They're supposed to reflect both genders simultaneously, because they're not human and exist to guard the Needles.

>muh non-binary LGBTBBQ lingo

Daily reminder that Jeff is homosexual

>not realizing that the journey matters more than the ending.
I hate this new wave of ""the ending is paramount""fags that populate this festering board.

>non-binary LGBTBBQ lingo
>Shit that you find in the fucking dictionary
Don't learn your English from Yea Forums, kids.

>you open the mailbox
>Screams of your mother echos through out
Shit dude the island was near kino

>the journey matters more than the ending

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I was conflicted on it at first, but in hindsight I think it's a very interesting way to end the franchise especially considering the direction 3 took. Probably the most fitting way to end it.
Earthbound already gave us a wrapping things up ending.

You guys hyped for the Pokey Smash reveal alongside his Empire Pork Building stage? It is the year of the pig after all

brainlet who doesn't understand there are literally 3 fucking endings that it could be. everyone dies, everyone lives, everyone lives and those who died come back. there's nothing else to it, realistically.

The ending is left amiguous since Lucas is surrogate for (you) and it is (you)r will that is being passed onto the Dragon in those final moment.

>Grew up getting picked on by the kids and abused by his father
>Decided to make it on his own so he joins space satan since Porky ain't gonna side with any old tat
>Decide to mindfuck Space satan for shits and giggles
>Prank him so bad he turns into a non-being with no physical form and then nicks his sweet ass time machine
>Finds a remote island in the far future where the last of humanity post apocalypse are spending their days
>Decide this is as good a spot as any to turn himself into a god who controls every aspect of their lives
>Spend three years playing irl The Sims just fucking around with everyones lives
>Eventually grow bored of building houses, giving the populace new jobs and creating new fauna so he gets to the part one always eventually reach in The Sims
>Burning it all to the ground

Porky a fucking chad

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Official localization fucking when. Nintendo pls.

You don't want an official localization. It would get butchered.

I doubt it. It's not the 90's anymore.

Would the Magypsies be changed from being overly flirty, to just having little understanding of human customs?

Be honest do you still believe nintendo will deliver this year despite it being the 30th anniversary, year of the pig and no Porky spirit?

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I’m pretty lucky that I forgot the spoilers about the origins of the residents of Lucas’ hometown. The impact might’ve lessene slightly when I got to that part because I heard of it before, but it still got me a bit.

The most they will do is a mini event in japan since the series it's kinda big there.

Gymnopedie definitely helps set the mood for that reveal.

>every shitty writer uses that is afraid of upsetting anyone.

This is some harsh truth right here. A reason why I dislike multiple endings.

be honest guys, how many of you played this game only because you listened to sophisticated games journalists describe it as this amazing iconic game?

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>One of the most conflicted endings in any JRPG
>"afraid of upsetting anyone"
You've got it all mixed up. Playing it safe and just wrapping things up is playing it safe.

I have no idea why Yea Forums have a hard time accepting good games as good games

Played it because everyone loved it and I wasnt disappointed despite agreeing with some of OP's points

I played it because I heard about it through starmen after i had played through EB

I started playing the franchise because I loved the Smash stages and music. I wanted to know what was going on, it seemed interesting.

i'd prefer to cut a finger off than playing the salsa and company portions again

I played it because Samtron was excited about it.

This takes me back.

>the ending was fucking trash
I legitimately feel sorry for you.

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I just always heard people praising the Mother series. I tried Earthbound, it was okay but took me a while to get around to beating it. Mother 3 I enjoyed a lot more and beat way faster.

>"Well Yea Forums I played the game you kept telling me to play even though I wasn't a fan of the series and here I am for my validation, so gimme!! also the game SUCKED!! yeah, i said it! it was fucking terrible!! haha get it your game is soo bad omg lol XD"
another day, another Yea Forums tier thread.

How does Akira have a 2deep4u ending?
It's pretty blatant what happens. Universe gets fucking destroyed and rebirthed, bigbang2.0 style.
It's a pretty awesome concept honestly, say what you want about the execution. It's a cynical view on humanity, it's common knowledge we have the power to destroy the world a hundred times over but the idea we could obliterate the entirity of the cosmos, the universe as a whole is beautifully sad if not terrifying. It's something that could only come from a culture that itself has been obliterated by nuclear means. I legitimately don't even like anime but Akira is something else entirely and deserves all the legendary status it holds. Cock-eater.

My neighbor let me borrow EB when we were kids and I loved it. I played M3 right after discovering the fan translation.

Um....NO? Mother 3 is LITERALLY a masterpiece and does NOTHING wrong
The way it forces drama so hard is KINO, max soul comfy

>little boy becomes god and creates his own universe
>how? why? lol dunno, "you decide what happened"
>wow so deep, only the glorious Nippon could think of such an amazing story

And yet people cried with fucking 8years old forced as fuck drama pity party garbage like undertale that literally wants to burn you alive for any thing you kill there

I wonder how many people haven't realized that all the fucked up shit in M3 is why it never got released anywhere else. Any other reasons are complete fluff and lies. Safe toddler toys Nintendo wouldn't fucking DARE release this shit to 2019 audience

Game features:
>trannies as a main plot point (not trannies in the in-game lore, but they're fucking trannies)
>lucas' ass on full display (could be censored though)
>a child literally taking drugs (shrooms) and tripping his fucking balls off
>most of your family fucking dies in the worst ways possible
>final boss is you killing your brother and then your dad fucking dying leaving you with literally no family as a child (besides alec but he's like 70)
>a child performing mouth to mouth with adult mermaid men several times

>play undertale
>immidietly realize I'm witnessing history and experiencing one of the greatest pieces in video game history
>go online to share my thoughts
>people tell me it's a ripoff of mother
>check out mother
>some generic tryhard gameboy "rpg" with a mediocre soundtrack, uninspired artstyle and outdated fighting mechanics

Jesus christ you guys are such fucking trolls sometimes

Bros... I miss Samtron. Did the Yakuza ever let her leave?

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I know it's bait but I felt the other way around. Played undertale, didnt know anyhting about mother, played mother and then my opinion about undertale got way worse tha it already was.

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Post a five hundred word essay, you coward.

>weeb game
>good ending
never ever

I played it because I played EarthBound several times as a child. Purchased an N64 with grass cutting money and waited for vapor ware that came out years later. Haven’t beaten this game in almost a decade though, what was the deal with collecting every door knob in relation to the credits?

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I downloaded the translated ROM the very day it was released, I'm not even aware of what journos have to say about it.