Localization 'changes' revealed


Five new endings are included: Three for Rin and one new each for Katherine and Catherine.
Certain characters are properly named in the credits. (You’ll understand this if you were tuned into the controversy surrounding previous editions of Catherine.) Some lines may have been changed about this character as well.

So yeah, it's pretty much what anyone with half a brain expected.

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well at least I can pirate it.

spoonfeed. do I wait for this enhanced edition on ps4 or should I just be playing Catherine classic on pc?

depends on if you want the pillowcase or not

I wanna fuck Catherine

All the new one adds is a tranny, I'd say play it on PC. someone will mod in the new endings, or the entirety of the new content altogether.

Do you want online multiplayer?
If yes then Full Body
Who is your favourite girl?
As long as it's not K then you'll probably like Full Body.

I love laura bailey so much bros...

Will it be enough to appease morphs?

Attached: 1706338-catherine_rush01.png (1280x720, 378K)

>someone will mod in the new endings, or the entirety of the new content altogether.
are there even any mods for the PC version to assume this even has a chance of happening

>(You’ll understand this if you were tuned into the controversy surrounding previous editions of Catherine.) Some lines may have been changed about this character as well.


Don't play anything with any SJW-pleasing alterations. Make a point of buying versions unmolested by faggotry.

No, it has some texture replacements but I struggle to call those mods in good faith, because it's literally just dragging n dropping a file.

what about the boxers? does the new version have the heart boxers like the old one?

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>Certain characters are properly named in the credits
are we talking about eric?

This is playing out exactly like I thought it would
>SJWs won't buy the game anyways even after Sega kowtows to them
>the actual audience of the game won't buy a censored version
>game bombs, Sega cuts even more resources to Atlus game localizations

I personally don't give two shits if they spend an extra 10 minutes just talking about how amazing trans people are or whatever shit.
I just look forward to seeing the best ending in English.

Attached: bestgirlbestending.png (1003x581, 972K)

pc y/n?

are game journals ever able to make definitive statements?

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Guess who's next, incels!

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>Supporting SJW cuckery over something you can just watch it on jewtube.

Remember faggots
This is actually a mediocre puzzle game the girls are just retarded bait for virgins

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So they folded to the retards that arent going to buy this anyway?

No, that opens them having written evidence of being wrong.

Reminder to learn Japanese since that's the only way to enjoy video games in the year 2019 with shit like this.

most of the people I know that played Catherine were girls though

I'm so glad I bothered to learn Japanese years ago.

I get more out of it playing old games that had terrible localizations or no localizations, and/or big visual changes. There's less of that nowadays, but yeah, still worth it since dialogue is always changed in order to not hurt feelings or because the localizers are retarded.

We can all agree Katherine is best girl, right?

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Okay, I'm tired of this shit.
The localization WAS ALREADY DONE before this controversy was known, look at how Erin phrases this tweet: twitter.com/ErinFitzgerald/status/1096930966206001153
It was already done.
The Japanese version was done September last year but only released in February. The game being localized was announcement simultaneously as the announcement was for Japan.
Those changes were always going to happen.

I thought that according to sonybros they weren't gonna touch this game and it was all pure conjecture. Who would have thought huh.

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Have sex

So? It's still shit

Well get the fuck over here, then.

It still invalidates the idea of bowing down to SJWs, The localization team either knew about the shitstorm this would cause or were also SJWs themselves. Either way, it was never a real reaction, at most it was a precaution to a reaction which proved to be a 'correct' (from a
SJW perspective) move.

>Certain characters are properly named in the credits
So what, Erica will be called Eric in the credits? Or the opposite?

>dude what if we just throw out the entire point behind Catherine and make endings where Katherine is a cuckolding cunt and Catherine is actually looking for a serious relationship
waifufags steering development was a mistake

The only development K ever has is in this new game and that is by ditching Vincent.
Rin is a boring flat character who does jackshit.
The demonic succubus is the best girl who has the best growth.
Kfags BTFO.

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