Character you have to pay to unlock is noticeably stronger than the vanilla classes

>character you have to pay to unlock is noticeably stronger than the vanilla classes

what did blizzard mean by this?

Attached: diablo-3-necromancer-dlc-price-release-date.jpg.optimal[1].jpg (1080x600, 102K)

Why else would you buy it?

Because female necro is very pretty!

Wizard's better.

Attached: 1538201733460.jpg (740x1184, 223K)

I want to get Diablo 3 solely because I love necromancer. Is it worth getting the game for 20 bucks solely for Necromancer/Paladin? if no, please explain

Yes, wizard is best girl but necro is still pretty.

Go for it.

No. Games dead. Wait for a sale if you must or just play POE for free.

I want monk to sit on my face and squeeze me between her thighs.

Anyone who played D3 Necro is a cuck.

Just play POE.

i dunno man my monk mantra build was insanely OP

Why? She is best girl

>chink diablo

because you're still playing shitty cucky D3

That or abandoned game.

only necromancer is just a worse witch doctor

>chink diablo
list all of the things tencent has added to poe. ill wait.

Fuck no. D3 is a literal trainwreck. Don't touch.

Great game, ignore all the triggered nerds who cry "m-muh 100 skeletons.."

If it were weaker I'd be mad.
Of course any dlc character should be CONSIDERABLY more powerful than any base character.

As the dev you want people to buy it.

As the consumer you want to feel like you didn't waste your money.

DLC needs to fuck off and die. It's aids.
But if you do release dlc it better not be shit.

Attached: DNFSsP9VwAAFro8.jpg (1200x1200, 234K)

POE is so fucking shit and janky. Completely soulless and boring to play

I like it.
Mind you I bought it years after release so all the bullshit with bugs and the auction house scam had been patched out.

I imagine I'd feel differently if I'd have bought it when all the bullshit was still in it.
As it stands today, it's my favorite Diablo.

Attached: 1557798207258.jpg (2636x3905, 896K)

I played Monk and later on Crusader.

Maybe I'm "that guy", but I'd rather bang the left one.

>not leveling all the classes to max level and hitting 120 grift with each one of them

people complaining about d3 problably cant even finish a regular rift on master dificulty


haven't played it since release but I remember the necro being dogshit

Probobly not, necro in d3 doesnt play anything like necro from d2. He's pretty much a different flavor of wizard

same i don't like the cheekbones on the right the smug aura mocks me