Assuming you had two days left to live, what games would you play?

Assuming you had two days left to live, what games would you play?

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>globe earth

Probably league.

I wouldn't play games, I'd probably read a book. I always feel like killing myself after I finish a good book, so it would put me in the mood.

Heroin Hero

>2 days left before earth explodes
>plays video games

This isn't a
>what would you do if earth explodes
thread. This is a
>what games would you play if you were to play games before earth explodes

Wanting to die earlier i see?

In that case


>world ending asteroid
We're about to witness a world wide quantum immortality experiment. Will the whole world miraculously survive or will everyone die but you?

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if I turned out to be the only immortal person on earth after everyone else died I'd spend my immortality trying to clone myself/make more humans

Has anyone else been hearing thunder even though the skies are clear?

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sorry thats my ass

I wouldn't be playing games lol, I would literally be raping and looting

Team Fortress 2 and my 3DS games

Replay oot


Elite Dangerous in VR until the very end getting into space battles I can't win to make the death experience immersive.

>not spending time with the ones you love

>and looting
Why you gotta be a nigger man?

I wouldn't worry user, if a meteor really was hurdling towards your head it would be travelling way, way faster than sound.

In these scenarios I usually imagine surviving the aftermath so I would horde shit

you get 2 days to enjoy your looting, are you a literal idiot? there's not a single thing in the world worth stealing if you can only use it for 2 days and die
unless you steal a fucking atomic bomb
dude you are in Yea Forums, why are you so delusional to think you have the strength or the dominance needed to go through raping somebody?

See this
Also not everyone is a little bitch, user

>implying they dont rape

I'd be consuming all the scotch and cigars I could get my hands on and playing cards with my family. MAYBE a round or two of Mario Kart 64 with my siblings.

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I would be doing every drug on the face of the planet.

I usually try to answer questions like this in the spirit of the question itself... but fucking damn yo, OP sucks at framing questions. Anyways like I said, Mario Kart 64 with my siblings.

Dude! mah man.

>you get 2 days to enjoy your looting, are you a literal idiot? there's not a single thing in the world worth stealing if you can only use it for 2 days and die
expensive liquor?

What happens after two days? Will the sun fall out of the orbit and crash into Earth? Is there a bunker I can hunker down in with a small number of video games?

Depends on what games Yea Forums hates at the moment

I'd spend two days finishing the low rank villager quests in MHGU so I can finally get that fucking hayabusa feather.

That's hard to do when no one loves you and you don't love anyone.

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