What games do girls play?

what games do girls play?

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world of warcraft clasic

RPGs where they can masturbate to the characters during the cutscenes

mobile and nintendo shit

But I don’t have beta :(


mobile, nintendo DS, and super basic console shit like COD and fortnite


>girls complain about guys spreading their legs to not crush their balls
>puts purse on seat next to her to prevent people from sitting there

you will never be a girl

Nintendo games. The Sims. Anything with character creation and customization, but they'll just spend hours making characters and never play the actual game.

The girl on the right staring looks like ProJared if he was a 45yo tranny

just put your balls on her purse you pussy

Any game that gives them attention. Usually MMOs.

rainbow 6

My friends fiance loves Hearthstone, and some indie-shit dungeon crawler

First post, best post. Only a cuck will disagree.

my housemate plays a wide variety of games, from the jensen deus ex's, to red dead 2, to alan wake, to the sims 4, to catherine. She grew up with three older brothers and no sisters, though, so it makes sense. I borrow her PS4 from time to time on account of not owning a current gen system myself

post butthole

Surprisingly large Splatoon fanbase

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he said girls not girls (males)

have sex

Whatever games men tell them to play.

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they play sonic

That farm game in facebook

kys tumblar

The Sims
Farming sim games
Mobile games


Candy Crush, Angry Birds and Facebook games

same games that guys play

have sex

tell your mum to call me back, then

mind games

you were beaten to the joke.

BioWare games that aren’t Anthem

if you can find a girl who has 140+ hours in Rapelay then by gosh i might start to believe you

how do I find gamer girls who are willing to findom me

The Sims

I don't know any guys who play rapelay, either, though

well your talking to one right now

whatever games their boyfriend plays, badly
if they don't have a boyfriend they play animal crossing

play Overwatch in broze/silver


The most basic 1 digit IQ shit first of all: mmos, assfaggots, csgo.
FOTM waifushit to make patreonbucks from "cosplay" (only for those who have boobs).

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>Anything with character creation and customization, but they'll just spend hours making characters and never play the actual game
Literally me


does that finally makes me a little girl

I know a chick who is currently playing Yakuza Kiwami and really liking it, I recommended it after she asked for "more weird Japanese games" after having played Catherine through to completion several times

What's the appeal of these threads? We have them constantly.

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have sex

If you're gonna pay just go to a pro domme and actually get something out of it. Findom is just taking advantage of literal retards too stupid to know better.

My gf likes weebshit. Mainly Atlus and anime games in general, she also likes Rune Factory. Splatoon as well along with first party Nintendo

I guess you've never seen that Sega interview where they talk about 90% of all people that turn up to Japanese Yakuza live events are women.

Fortnite. Zelda, particularly ALTTP. Runescape.

makes you think

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I'm not really massively into Yakuza myself, it just seemed like a decent recommendation

tell your mum to call me back, then

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cooking simulator
mmos as a submissive heal slut

mine plays overwatch and league (alone) because im a mature gamer who only plays mature games for mature gamers like myself (i have sex daily)

I'm a girl, and no, not a tranny. An actual girl
here are my top 5 favorite games
Dark Souls
Dark Souls III
Half Life 1
Final Fantasy VIII.

If you see tons of adds for simple mobile games that can be played with one finger or swiping its player base is often mostly girls. AKA every Voodoo game ever. ofc there are exceptions but im just generalizing the "basic" girl games

>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls III

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>THREE soulsborne games

cmon femanon, you can do better than that

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They're really fuckin good games, what can I say? I value games I can replay a lot

>Trying to fit in
>Puts more than one souls game and FFVIII out of all FF's
I don't know if this was bait but well done regardless user

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>look at me I'm such a hardcore gamer, I'm not like the other girls!

you will never be a girl

Women only play cookie-cutter popular social games like League, Overwatch or big MMOs. preferably on a support role. Alternatively easy kids games like Mario or Zelda.

I just had sex!
And it felt so good

My sister only plays Rainbow Six Siege, Total War and up to this today, for some reason, MGSV.

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>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls III
So you don't like games or play them, figures.

For the record, here is my full top 10, the top 5 already posted
Counter Strike (any version, though Source has always been my favorite)
Resident Evil 4
Rocket League (even though I'm not very good, I still really enjoy it)

big yikes


>enjoying video games
get out

Girls dont play video games everyone knows that.

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only Millennials like FF


Is she waiting for chapter 3 lmao.


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Rapey RPG Maker games?

unironically this. u just described my gf to a t


>An actual girl
You'd have to sit on my face to convince me.

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I had a girlfriend once. She liked HoMM, Sims, Sonic and some playstation furshit platformer.
I also played some shitty anime MMO and Minecraft with her. She ruined all the fun in Minecraft when she started using resource x-ray hack.

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I remember playing DMC a lot with an emo chick back in high school.
Good times.

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sounds fun desu

Yeah, we used to see how long it would take us to finish levels, must have completed the game dozens of times.
It's a shame DMC2 was trash.

Phone games.
If they play anything else, be wary of them.

I'm playing divekick right now.

Having known THREE (3) WHOLE GIRLS during my life, and can summarize what girls play:

> Final Fantasy games (VII and X for the most part)
> Kingdom Hearts
> The Sims to simulate the family the claim to never want.
> CS;GO competetive exclusively.
> League of Legends as support or Adc. Maybe Mid but always a female champ.
> Zelda titles for console
> light novels about the Shinsengumi
> 30 - 120 minutes of any AAA title available on steam (Witcher 3 / MGS 5 / Fallout 3 & 4 etc.) before never touching it again if you DARE play the game more than they have.
And Animal Crossing.

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I saw Japanese girl players playing demon's souls yesterday. That was some rally called Demons marathon on niconico. MC was also a woman who knows well about the game.

My sister plays zelda and bang dream

>what games do I play?
>i'll play a game with you right now!
>here, close your eyes... teehee

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