Would you say mature women are the ideal video game protagonists?
Would you say mature women are the ideal video game protagonists?
Bayo is only in her 20s you moron
She may be magically 500 years old but shes still youthful looking
she's not real dude
Kamiya said Bayonetta is in her 30s "age" wise.
bros I love her
No, silent or quiet men that are alphas at the same time are. Truly a self insert's wet dream.
what videogames star mature women as protagonists besides Bayonetta and Tomb Raider?
Forgot pic
For me? Yes.
Surprised I can't think of any jrpgs starring an older woman MC.
The closest I can think is Lightning, but she's a poor example and probably in her early 20s iirc.
2B is mature, but age wise she's probably supposed to be in her early 20s too.
I think Resident Evil has had a spin-off or two starring Ada right?
no one gives an fuck about what some literally who says
Post more Bayo
give cakefu
guys... where can I find a mommy gf like Bayo or Jeanne
are you seriously trying to act like 30 year old Bayonetta is a bad thing.... her creator says she's in her 30s, so she's in her 30s. Perfect age to be as a hot older woman who dates young men.
pta meetings
do they let you into those if you aren't a parent or a teacher or a student?
You could argue that Chun-Li is a main character/protagonist of Street Fighter alongside Ryu, and she's cake status post-SF2.
fuck. i hadn't thought that far ahead
I want (you) to Cast Bayonetta
Jeanne is already Elizabeth Debicki
Ideal for men or ideal for women?
I gives a fuck and care about what the creator say.
easy, just get hired by the school in something that doesn't require a teaching credential like a music assistant that only comes in once a week or something like that
lightning is like 520 by the last game lmao