Why is Mordhau so popular? Is it overrated? And where can I get it for cheap?

Why is Mordhau so popular? Is it overrated? And where can I get it for cheap?

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It's like a better version of Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. I bought mine for 19€ here man exodeal.net/game/mordhau


>Why is Mordhau so popular?
It's fun
>Is it overrated?
And where can I get it for cheap?

1.get the knife!

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It's basic marketing. It's an extremely high quality, niche product that got free advertising form Yea Forums threads, and it was well deserved. It's a good game and it sold well and Yea Forums likes it, why is that so hard to believe?

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Can I deus vult and kill sandniggers in this game?

deus vult

Afraid not user, because there's no black people in this game.

Fuck horsefags

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Idk if thats a good or a bad thing

There are no saracens in the game.
It's infighting within the HRE

Tips on getting good? Level 8 and I feel like I always get my ass kicked. Using the greatsword.

Cucksader number 865376

The usual tips are switch from 240 to keybinds, learn chambering, feinting, morphing and dragging

Dont switch from 240 to keybinds. It'll completely fuck your chambering

I didn't, it's just a list of what people usually say.

>switch from 240 to keybinds
What does this even mean

Popular because it's every white man's ultimate fantasy, to smash and pillage for his kingdom.

It is extremely overrated, however. Most of the game was coasting on "but it isn't chiv! It's better!" for a while whilst the truth about it was buried. Now there's more of a realization about how cheesy the game is and how casualized it became due to the addition of things nobody asked for or wanted - buildable ballistae, firebombs, horses on such tiny maps, etc. and it all really comes together in frontline, a mode that's supposed to be the primary one, yet sucks enough ass to make people refund.
It's an unbalanced fucking mess and because of a lack of a windup mechanic a la fucking Mount & Blade it means that any nigger with a rapier or spear can simply thrust at the air next to you and drag their weapon into your face, dealing maximum damage... at the very end of their thrust, when there is no momentum. Something as simple as that produces so many problems, both on duel, skirmish, and frontline, and is enough to make anyone wise enough to swordfighting games to think twice.
Just play Warband, you really don't want to keep dying to other enemies swinging their weapon behind themselves. It's really not fun after 30 or so hours, and the gold grind is obtuse as fuck. I was smart enough not to take the 10k gold they gave out for server issues and it showed me how fucked it is to just customize more than 3 people.

240 is using the mouse for attack direction, with 240 degrees available, but you can bind swings/overheads/etc to keys. Some people swear by it, but it's easy to chamber by following the tip of the opponent's weapon while using 240.

Well I'm a Chiv vet and I played a ton of the Alpha and release versions of Mordhau.

The biggest tip I can give is to play duel servers, find the top scoring guy on the board, and go challenge him. Only way to get better is to play against people better than you, and do it a lot. Any technique or tip I give you will be useless when you start to panic because someones getting the best of you. Get used to failure.

One thing that is WAY more important in this game than Chiv is taking the initiative of the fight. You're not going to do much on the defensive if you're just riposting all the time and reacting to the rhythm your foe is setting for you. My advice? Take a hit and take the initiative back. It's part of why wearing heavy armor is so important because it allows you to take a free hit for the sake of the entire fight.

Well what are some other multiplayer melee games besides mount n blade which is ok but has no servers here

It's fun.

>It's really not fun after 30 or so hours, and the gold grind is obtuse as fuck.
>Just play Warband


'here' is a little vague
Mordhau's just your best bet because it's big in europe rn
Warband is still played all the fucking time online by people, same for napoleonic wars
just stick with mordhau if you're looking for casual fun, Warband if SP is ok (and mods), or just don't buy anything

/vg/ is for generals, or daily threads about a certain video game.

Chivalry, and there might be people playing on the og hl2 mods, but both have low population these days (if any for the latter)

Don't listen to him, he's obviously shitposting. Mount and Blade looks like janky garbage and the only thing keeping it alive on Yea Forums is pure spite for any other game set during the medvial period.

too bad chambering is literally useless unless you want to drain your own stamina super fast for some reason.

Its already on a consistent and very steady playerbase decline, don't waste your money on it, you are likely to get bored of it very quickly as it is very slow and shallow.

/vg/ was a mistake. Now Yea Forums is nothing but shit memes and twitter screencaps until something new comes out, at which point you backseat moderating fucking niggers throw up arms and scream about /vg/ again

It's the best game that's released in years and despite being loved so much already it's still actually under-rated. The combat has so much potential it's insane, this game deserves Fortnite levels of popularity

Man, I actually forgot about /vg/

Yea Forums is supposed to be talking about latest game releases, industry news and all that kinda stuff.
But, apparently we're not allowed to talk about news, because saying anything bad about the current political agenda in gaming makes you a nazi. So, people just spam threads about shitty games like this because there's fuck all else to talk about.

/vg/ is for generals. Generals are not daily threads about a certain video game. Generals are continuous thread chains with a common topic.

best gameplay

best weapon to win against 2v1 when enemy has small spear and shield and the other has executioner sword??

Chambering into a riposte is actually viable, otherwise it's pretty much a fun gimmick that makes sparks.

Can I play Mordhau on my 670mx geforce graphics card on minimum settings? I really wanna play it but my laptop is like 6 years old

A shitty chivalry rip-off is a common topic

>Continuous thread chains

It's comparable to anything else that runs on UE4. I get insane stuttering for the first 30 seconds when assets load in, and the loadouts also load slowly, but that's not exactly a gpu issue.

There's like 3 maps and 2 game modes, how could they not be continuous?

If I can play Fifa 19 can I play mordhau?

Fucking what
Are we even having the same conversation

>I was smart enough not to take the 10k gold

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I'm not very familiar with Fifa, looks like it's less demanding, and Frostbite 3 runs pretty well on modern-ish hardware. If you're getting it on Steam (as opposed to a key reseller, if they have Mordhau), you'll have more than enough time to see if it works for you. If you're ok with putting 25 bucks into your wallet.

Its nearly dead on gametracker, havent got it again for that reason
Napoleonic wars has less of that and also some fun cannons

chamber into a feint

There are fucking 10 pages of threads. Even if people actually talked specifically about the shit you mentioned yhe catalog still wouldnt fill up. Fuck off and ignore threads you arent interested in autist.

owned libtard #6000000

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Except feinting is mostly useless as well since most retards just swing for the fences

Started playing Chivalry last week, and am having a blast but I feel like itll run its course for me quickly. What's the gist of Mordhau? Is it full price?

Any, although bigger 2 handers are probably better. Just have to parry an attack from one person and riposte into the other person. 90% of the time it will catch the other person off guard. And if it doesnt then you were probably going to just get btfo all along.

learn some footwork. the tutorial doesn't cover that at all but not only can you step in and out of range, or to their side, or strafe behind them to confuse them, but it's another way of manipulating your swing hitbox to hit sooner or later.
in general you need to be a whirling dervish of confusion. if you're using a short weapon, get right up in their shit so they can't tell what the fuck you're going to do. aim for the feet or slash at nothing and then step towards them to connect. if it's a long one stay at the edge of range and harass the fuck out of them. if you miss a stab, drag it towards their face.
if you get surrounded, don't walk backwards trying to fend them off. take the first opportunity to run straight through the middle of them and get them tangled up trying to hit you. another thing to try is to make like you're going for one of them, and then switch targets. the first guy will try to parry thin air, and the second will be totally caught off guard.
generally if you manage to kill one of them the spell of retardation is lifted and they'll start being much more defensive and easier to skirt around.
a lot of people neglect their leg armour. sweep their feet. if they're not wearing a helmet stab them in their face.
finally, learn to morph at the last possible moment, and make your morphs convincing. if you're morphing a stab into a swing, make the stab look plausible - step into it like you're commiting to it.

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you're literally fucking retarded for suggesting this
Mordhau was made by ex chivalry competitive players who seen how broken chiv was and since the devs refused to fix it they made Mord

s-s-source ?

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not true at all in my experience. I played chiv and play agressive with zwei. most of the retards on frontlines don't attack back, they just backpedal and block in fear as I stab at them repeatedly
and duel servers as well obviously. Feints will work there and make shitters instantly mad

>playing frontline
>beat a 1v4 with the maul
Reminder that switching targets is one of the easier steps to becoming god

will this be bad if I have shit internet?

you dont want it lad trust me

too late

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>duel servers
Well yeah they work there. I was more talking in terms of frontline. In my experience feinting just gets me hit since everyone is just swinging away. I mean yeah occasionally you will catch people with it, but it doesnt seem like it happens often. In my opinion, in frontline learning how to get good at morphs and, probably even more importantly, drags/accels is more inportant

3.6 not great but not terrible

How come no one has ever created a game with Mordhau/Chivalry's combat, but single-player? Imagine all the possibilities especially if you made it anime
pic related

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It's knights fighting within the HRE, just a better version of Chivalry really. Go watch some videos of it to understand how it is like. I didn't bought it at full price. Bought it at 36% discount at exodeal.net

Gurantee your mordhau character is is a rapier/shield weilding, feminine looking build, with the high pitched foppish voice. Fag

Hey, beggars can't be choosers, thanks user

get it before the game gets overrun by meta slaves

So far they only added Cimitarrs. when they're adding full Sarracen sets?

if you don't know, then assume its a good thing

As a vet let me give y'all some advice

If you're looking for a good weapon to learn with, try the greatsword or longsword : whichever feels better for you. The longsword can handle any situation and has surprisingly high damage to do so. The greatsword is a little slower but has a little more damage. I feel the need to make this post because I see questions a lot, maybe this will help.

t. level 30

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when you have sex

Already had.

bought it for full price and it's worth it, i just hope they add more maps, there is already 2 in the works. so soon hopefully.

I got 102 hours, cant will myself to start it anymore. I gotta wait for an update or something.

>tfw really like the game but also really bad
>tfw just have terrible motor/mechanical skills so I suck at it like I suck at virtually every game that isn't turn based

>no niggers in medieval game
>not even in the character creator
>no sjws cry about it
Are we in the early 2000s again?

This seems like the kind of game someone would play while their wife fucks Jerome in the next room

But they are adding black people and women.


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what the god damn fuck is wrong with you

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no they havent?

h-heh deus vult, gunna k-kill this nigg
f-fucking nigger, eat this rapier thrust

This is the closest you can get, which is still Christian equipment.
Note the Scimitarr in his hand.

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isn't that a messer?

Yeah my bad, still, it looks a lot like it.
They should add other cultures sets desu.

>meet Mr. Training Sword in a dueling server
>fighting him actually helps me learn to chamber
Based Training Sword Man

t. projecting retard


Character customization is great but the combat sucks.

have you been to /vg/ it's all anime games, anime gacha, waifu threads, generals for games a decade old and a few real games. If you're looking for video game faps go to /vg/

there's a skyrim and warcraft general on /aco/

You have been born so no. Go be retarded somewhere else
Why is he fishing inside your head?

Ive never played this game Does it have anything like "battle mode" in warband. Where each player on the time only has 1 life per round, so you actually have to be careful and work together as a team instead of rushing in like a deathmatch game. Warband multiplayer is pretty much dead so im looking for a new midieval simulator

Good job finding yourself dumbass

its too slow for my light armor caliph

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I actually went Full lvl 3 armor now, i only use a Executioner.
Great damage but shit on distance attacks.

Oh man I wish that they add Saracens, Ottomans or something else like that if they ever decide to add new big content packages in the game. We need scimitars and other middle-eastern stuff in the game, would be a fun way to expand it all.

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your not very tech savy

skirmish mode

Sarracens when?
Fuck churchniggers.

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When you release bannerlord you god damn roaches


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>want to use billhook to murder horsefucks
>somehow 100% suck at using it against footmen
It’s like I instantly lose 50% of my game skills when I pick that weapon up, it’s like magic.

It's a fun game where you can say the N word.

They were all deus vulted already.
Mordhau is a post-post-apocalyptic utopia where mankind wiped out all of the modern problems, attained immortality, then went back to a medieval aesthetic to kill one another for fun all day.

Do the skins affect its range?

It already is.

hopefully they will add more armor and weapons down the line
just add a bunch of historical weapons

they had some knife skins that did but they fixed that

I fucking love the templar aestethic, its superb. More games with this, preferably where the player is the templar?

Use meduim armor and use the billhook as an extra weapon. You can also use the Billhooks overhead swing to fuck over footmen.

How to make the Warhammer viable? It was my weaponfu in Chiv, but it feels useless in Mordhau

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i dont think you can do much more than just not fuck up

>decide to try out maul to crack some skulls and get those satisfying 1-shot kills
>always overestimate its range and end up swinging at air
I’ve been too spoiled by those extra-long weapons like greatsword and zweihander, makes it hard to to back to shorter ones.

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Can I become Guts, complete with a large hunk of iron?

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use spike for head
hammer for everything else

Even if they are wearing a helmet? I thought you use spike for armored head and flat hammer for un armored head. Also do I take a shield with it or no shield?

Guts and Geralt of Rivia are some if not the most common characters cosplays in the game. And yes to the second question.

except the guy wields a maul.

just stab lol
t. maul user

Problem with maul is that even though it’s a top tier weapon for baiting enemies and doing slooow drags to confuse the enemy, none of your mind games shit works if enemy has a faster weapon and goes full grug on your ass. It’s also a pain to gain initiative back in situations like that.

actually i take that back
i just used it and it always does like 10 or 20 damage no matter how you hit them

Billhooks only work on bad horsefags. Good horsefags will avoid them or only surprise attack them.