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I mean I have no problem with this. It's an add-on, I mean fuck the reason ARMA is so popular now is because of DayZ
ayy lmao.
dayz has been dead for years.
Looks neat, fuck paying for more Arma shit though. That tanoa expansion was a major let down and they jew helicopter, weapons, etc. expansions are bullshit.
Is this bad? would you have preferred a new dlc of just more random military shit that would get stale after an hour?
atleast they ar e trying something new with this, could be cool
>he doesn't know
Arma3 was supposed to be XCOM-like in tone early in development.
tell us more
I like it, I might get it a few months after release if the campaign turns out to be okay. It's sure to be better than that garbage quality cold war DLC they just released.
>stalker arma
Actually based
I would prefer if they did not take a mod and turned it into a paid dlc like the last one.
Yeah, but it brought ARMA it's popularity
they had go karts not long ago
Well what the hell else were they gonna do? At least now they'll make scifi objects to use in the halo and star wars mod. Doesnt look like they're adding any kind of alien faction though, feels kinda pointless, like it's just gonna add a bunch of placeable scifi objects and that's it
are you perhaps mentally challenged friend
Well, Roadside Picnic is aliens, and that's what Stalker is ultimately based on
>After Operation Arrowhead, Bohemia decided to do something quite different, something science fiction, combining the talents of the acquired Altar Games studio in Brno (UFO trilogy) and Arma. "Fighting aliens, that was the concept," he says. "It was not a direct sequel originally but we wanted to experiment a bit - to crossover between the two genres we had in the company."
Maybe he's one of those retards who thinks the Roadside Picnic book is STALKER.
that's actually pretty fucking cool
Fucking Aliens you say?
I hope someone makes a neat X-Files themed mod / campaign
always wanted something to have the realistic aproach versus the supernatural. kind of like this tried
sucks that its Arma, its not really the franchise for this since they could still be doing stuff that would make more sense for the franchise, I would rather see them try a new IP if they wanted to spread out on what the games are about, but to outright latch on to the series with something that is so out there I dont see it being well received.
Why would I be mad about this? fucking retard
I suppose its possible to be taticool and realistic WHILE breaching aliens
No it's not, retard, the book isn't set in Chernobyl, it's not even set in a former USSR republic. There is no radiation, and was written a long time before reactor 4 in Chernobyl exploded. Go fuck yourself.
sounds pretty fucking cool, the way they pitched it was cool. World powers fighting over rights to the alien technology
You are my nigger.
Fucking aliens, you say?
he's agreeing with you, retard
Opposing Force but as a MilSim sounds cool to me
I replied to myself because I'm retarded, retard.
Retard retard retard, retard. Retard?
I am so fucking ready to pretend that I'm Jack O'neill you guys do not fucking understand.
I don't see the problem. I mean look what happened when some kiwi decided to add zombies to the super serious military simulator. Shit blew up immediately.
>Liberation on a Russian map again
We're going home lads
That's cool
OP is a faggot
hope it is good
It didn't explode lol
looks sick gonna buy it
user you just opened up my mind to the possible Stargate mods this mod will birth
Thankfully Bohemia finally got their head out of their ass and added the P90 to the actual game instead of keeping it as an "official mod"
i hope it is something like Roadside Picnic
and no one liked it and flocked to community made content
Yeah it did, you retard.
Protip: when a nuclear reactor explodes, it is not a literal explosion.
no cyrilic. it's probably poland or czech republic. or some fake country.
it melted down and started a fire, it didn't explode (although a steam explosion was close)
RBMK reactors can't explode, comrade.
Arma 3 Contact’s 163 km2 Eastern European terrain covers the partly abandoned Nadbór region within the larger Polish-speaking country of Livonia. This landlocked NATO member state shares borders with four other nations, including the Russian exclave Kaliningrad and CSAT partner Belarus, which inherently makes it a place of great geo-strategic importance.
I got triggered for a minute there, but Half Life: Opposing Force in ArmA actually sounds really fucking cool now that I think about it.
uh there was absolutely an explosion, it blew the roof off of the building, which was made of concrete and weighed several hundred tons. Radiation from the initial explosion was carried across the world.
you dingus
so it's basically lithuania but polish speaking and fictional
>infiltration for Unreal
>thinking this will be good with BI's track record
>vanilla arma 3 content at all
what a fucking mistake, could have done so much but instead they take the game even further in the direction nobody serious about arma wants
No one's skin is melting off at Chernobyl. Everything is fine. The phone lines are down for maintenance. Everything is fine. Local hospitals are rated for exposure to radiation. But there is no need for this. Everything is fine.
>it blew the roof off of the building, which was made of concrete and weighed several hundred tons
so just steam and a roof fire, nothing major.
>Radiation from the initial explosion was carried across the world.
a dose as small as a chest x-ray. it's nothing to worry about. RBMK reactors don't explode.
>dlc does something new/inventive outside original game while keeping core gameplay
oh no oh noooo i mretardedsddedddd and dont like this because im reatrdedddde
>serious about arma
People "serious" bout Arma just stick with CUP and RHS, these people are stuck in Irag/Afghanistan forever anway.
looks scary
wtf? I love Arma now!
dunno, never got to be able to install it properly
simdads trying to relive the glory days, they all use ACE and other needlessly complicated mods because muh realism
you do realize they mention aliens in SOC and COP right?
>new and inventive
>just add some aliens to a story campaign and thats it
the dlc adds absolutely fuck all, people make this level of content in their spare time, often at better quality and for free. the DLC is a joke.
That actually sounds pretty interesting, since I can't think of anything like it that focused on realism.
Nothing wrong with ACE and Taskforce radio.
I played Arma 2 for a long time that way.
At least the workshop does everything automatically now, you don't have to rely on SVN to keep your mod up to date.
Only an utter brainlet would think ace
/acre are remotely complicated
Stay shitmad OP, ayys are coming home
Yea, Stalker is just a bootleg version of Roadside Picnic made by brainlet for brainlets and kids.
I guess makes sense that its more popular than original.
>not playing the superior version of the game rather than the clusterfuck public matches of wasteland with shit vanilla future content
they released a sequel to a loved military sim with a completely fictional, logic defining setting change that pissed off everything who played arma 2 for more than an hour. Why do you think that the most first mods were all things that tried to do arma 2 content and the ACE series? because thats what the audience wanted. Nobody actually plays with the vanilla content other than the people who want the shit pubby game modes.
>alien DLC
>doesnt even add some kind of alien faction
What the fuck are they doing? What's the point?
How the fuck are you gonna balance ayylmaos in a autist hardcore military sim?
Its like adding pod racing in Assetto corsa and make them compete against GT3 just like that
the aliens arent playable, they are window dressing for the 5 hour SP campaign
Just because aliens have fancy technology doesn't mean they're immune from bullet-in-head-itis. Pretty fatal to everything.
They aren't adding aliens. it's just placeable objects with a scifi look. That's it. Everything else is the standard shit youd find in a nu-bohemia expansion; new map, new factions, new weapons
That's a super cool idea actually. It's nice to see devs embracing the weird what ifs of game design
I like the idea that aliens wouldn't expect humans to use literal masses of metals propelled by exploding chemical compounds as projectile based weapons and they would just get annihilated because "M-MUH ENERGY WEAPONS"
Great fucking idea to be honest. This could be one of the most realistic what-if scenarios involving aliens ever made. This is what DLCs should be like, crazy experiments with the potential to produce something special, and it's your choice whether or not to get it.
>Arma 3: Stalker
>except it's ayy lmaos
>minus playable ayy lmaos
>minus any worthwhile content, aside from the new map and maybe the CBRN gear
I get that Bohemia's been really wanting to do something sci-fi, but this just isn't it chief.
>I mean fuck the reason ARMA is so popular now is because of DayZ
Yeah, that's the fucking problem. You blithering retard,
Welp, time to jump ship boys. Imagine this DLC but without ayy lmaos, could have been good.
Sounds good to me desu
space faring aliens have million times fold of whatever we have as state of the art. if we are to ever encounter a space faring civ. with our current tech we are completely fucked.
you can fuck aliens?
that´s pretty cool
We'd sure put up one stiff fight though. If they want to effectively kill us off safely they'd introduce some airborne virus or fungal infection. A traditional invasion though there'd be major resistance and even potential reverse engineering if any of their ships go down
so what´s the gameplay like
the trailer makes it seem more like a mystery story with you trying to figure out what the aliens want.
but arma is a shooter so is the gameplay just gonna devolve to you hooting at ayys?
because that sounds lame. i would like it to be more horror like where you weapons are useless and you therefor have to avoid them
>Not wanting to go full X-COM on some x-rays.
This. People who are sperging out over this is retarded. Chance to have genuine X-com action with input not relying on gay virtual dice rolls.
You're not going to be able to anyways. The DLC doesnt add aliens it just adds alien like objects for you to use as set pieces for your missions. You'll still be fighting people.
arma is a shooter but also a sim or as much of a sim as it can be and a lot of that is doing RP stuff as soldiers, going on patrols, recon, just walking about trying to not get shot or detected
really bro? you want death stranding: arma?
>The DLC doesnt add aliens it just adds alien like objects for you to use as set pieces for your missions. You'll still be fighting people.
wait what?
what's the fucking point then??
I want an alien invasion game that isn´t halo at least
halo is a good alien invasion game up until halo 3.
nigga please
What are you trying to imply, user? I'd happily mow down ayys a door gun.
Bohemia is out of ideas, they dont want to work hard to build anything innovative on their shitty engine and they dont want to make anything that modders have already made which is basically everything
There are no ayys in this DLC. just ayy looking placeable objects
the aliens will be the plot driver with macguffin(s) being the central focus of the missions while you fight the russian spetznaz.
>tanoa was a let down
fuck you, vietnam was great.
Fuck off incel. No one gives a shit how much you know about guns and military crap. It doesn't make you "manly" it just makes you look like a fag. Video games are for fun not flexing how much of a virgin you are. Kill yourself.
Biggest letdown this month, for me.
When I checked it wasn't about boning aliens
>Space fairing ayys have tech that makes us look like spear chuckers
They aren't firing their guns because it would be overkill. We most likley come off as super Schizoid to the ayy lmaos. We fantasise about killing aliens but complain that we are lonley. I can see why they want to avoid us. No ayy wants to be gutted by insane violent barbarians.
I've had it with these motherfucking aliens on this motherfucking earth
Tanoas not even a good Vietnam map. All the jungles are tiny, theres high tech shit everywhere and there are no rivers.
>Tanoa was a let down
Is this nigger for real?
There unironically are Ayy's. it's just costumes that you can put over your soldiers, it makes them bleed green when shot
No, that's just that guy's fantasy.
they ll prolly consider us as basic cattle tbqh just like we treat ranch animals. after all, we dont know about a cow's schizoid dreams. we dont understand it, it's language etc. we just herd them. aliens will herd us just the same.
is it single player or multiplayer focused? i never got into arma because im just not into MP autism
>Yea Forums complaining about arma without playing it once again
As someone who actively plays Arma 3 and loves it, i'm excited for this DLC. You don't HAVE to play Arma super serious, you just need to find the right spot between serious and fun.
No where in the DLC description does it say there is an alien faction, they only mention a new Russian faction and some fictional eastern European faction
It will probably be some scifi props for a mini campaign where you fight speznaz or something with the Aliums as a stepping stone for the story but you will never see more than the ship from the trailer and some oh-so-spooky anomalies.
So what??? Are you implying that in the hypothetical scenario that there were aliens, the military wouldn't be the first to come in contact? It's totally option in a game with like 12 different Expansions (including a Kart racing expansion)
>mil sim
Hue. It's just a bunch of NATO sharts larping to be a military in a videogame.
its basically simple player because nobody who plays MP would use vanilla content unless you want bottom of the barrel game modes and matches filled with mouth breathers
Sci-Fi milsim is a great idea that needs more pushing. I used to play operation flashpoint with a mod that added T-800 exoskeletons and have asymmetrical fights against killer robots. This is cool
i've never played arma but this seems vbretty cool
What even is this vatnik abortion of a post
Fuck off, cockhole nigger. Stop trying to invade my country, we already have enough EU gibsmedat faggots as is.
>he can't Escape from Tanoa
Or it's a scenario for a simulator. Seems fine.
Why do I think that the storyline will say that CSAT developed the earthquake generator from alien tech?
I didnt know i wanted this
Why would you? It's not actually going to have interesting aliens to fight, the scifi stuff is just a couple of scifi themed objects to place on the map to give your mission a scifi feel. You'll still be fighting humans.
>people going full NO FUN ALLOWED
This looks great
its literally alien themes SP campaign where most of the actual mission will be spent fighting spetsnaz in forests. its garbage made for nobody
Oh what really? That sounds awful then
Is this a 10$ budget trailer lmao
You mean all. Nothing in the description talks about alien enemies to fight. The only new factions being added are Russians and some fictional eastern European faction. This is nothing more than an average bohemia DLC except with a shitty spaceship object you can place on the map.
>Halo shotgun shoots an 8ga 0000 shotgun shell, effectively shooting 15 9mm bullets at once
>not getting this expansion for Livonia, Kozlice and a fucking tractor
lmao @ ur life
>Do nothing for months other than basic communications to fans about inane shit
>this goes on, either they are doing nothing or working on something
>finally announce they have a big expansion that promises to be different and cool for Arma 3
>day comes
>its alien props, russian spetsnaz, another drone and a tractor.
haha classic bohemia, we are back tor regular programming.
You fuck aliens in this Game?
what? crysis was an extremely popular game
in crysis you actually fight aliens.
This DLC isnt mil sim and its not xcom, the two directions it should have gone. Instead its forest fights with spetsnaz over alien theme macguffins.
No. There are no aliens in this DLC despite how much they're trying to trick people into thinking this is gonna be like XCOM
>Recent reports also mention sightings of highly advanced car-sized alien entities surveying the UFO’s nearby environment.
Want to reevaluate that, buddy?
>mostly single player content
>arma 3 solo is terrible
antistasi and dynamic recon ops is goat
not this man
Ya and there were reports of dinosaurs on Tanoa. Its just bohemia being fags. If there was an alien faction they would've mentioned it as a selling point for the DLC
You can literally preorder, switch to dev branch and look at the DLC right now. There are no aliens. They alluded to dinosaurs on tanoa too, it was all just horseshit.
just use existing scifi mods that have ayyliens
Spear chuckers still killed plenty of people with guns. To say nothing of when they picked up some of their own. The best gun in the universe wont help you if your opponent is bashing your brains out with a rock. Like what's the difference between a plasma gun and a bow when you nail someone in the brain? You end up dead either way.