Games Yea Forums tricked you into buying

games Yea Forums tricked you into buying

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I'm still mad too. Worst part is people stomache the awful artificial difficulty just to indulge in furfaggotry.

bRo DoNt ReAd tHe wIki iT wAs MeAnT tO bE pLayEd bLiNdLy

Confirmed pleb
For real though Rain World seems to be the vidya equivalent of art house films, something that I will attest to the quality of but wouldn't expect most people to enjoy or appreciate. It's just not for everyone.

I can't believe people like this pretentious indie trash and sadly I happen to be one of them

tricked into pirating more like, no way I'd pay for a game that's so polarizing

*camps your hibernation spot*

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it's 2.99€ on PSN right now, i might pick it up since Matthewmatosis shilled it to me.

>So slow and clumsy you can literally just jump over it
>He doesn't bring a spear and a stone with him into the hibernation chamber
>He hasn't tamed a bigger, stronger lizard to defend him

Pirated the GOG version, got bored in like 2 hours.

And I'm saying this as a huge platformer/metroidvania fan.

one of the few games I bought after pirating. you're alright, Yea Forums

Glad I'm not the only one

This is now a Rain World thread. How are you enjoying it bros? Did you meet one of the Iterators yet?

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I like the game, played a local co-op mod with a friend.
Nothing best teaching someone the game while hopping over a lizard trying to snatch me only to die because I got a rock thrown at me which knocked me right into its mouth.

It's not really either of those things. If I had to define it I'd say it's a puzzle survival game.


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I recently discovered that Big Sister Moon's can is actually toppled, her arm is on the side while other iterators ones are on the ceiling, her structure is close to the ground while others are high in the sky (you can see it while climbing the wall) and the entire shoreline section have chunks of structures reminiscent of the pillars holding the cans.

After getting to pebbles I dropped it. I want to like the game I really do, but it just isn't fun most of the time.

Exploration starts to get tedious after a while yeah, I stopped after giving BSM a fly because the entire path back to get underground is just long and annoying.

Imagine being a child who plays games for """fun"""

I've been waiting for 1.7 to come out for PC before giving Hunter a proper attempt but with how fucking long they're taking I'm probably gonna do it before then

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>go through a pipe after checking out make sure nobody's coming through
>right into a lizards mouth
Heh nothin personnel kid

1.7 is just 4 jpgs during the endings and mod backwards compatibility

Has this game been fixed on Switch yet? Might pick it up and PSN for £2 if it hasn't, it's been months.

How many of you fucks ate her delicious delicious neurons?

Yeah but muh ending that I could easily look up on youtube instead, it's important to me ok

>that room
I got stuck there for the longest time on my first playthrough. I made it out eventually and swore I would never go through Drainage System again.

If they are even close to the pipe it lights up, if you really can't wait to get through, you can launch yourself out of the pipe by holding the jump key.
I'll give you that you can't possibly know that unless you got it by accident because there's a shitload of important controls the game never tells you about, like switching hands and dropping items so you don't fucking stab something friendly because you try to give it something!

just tricked me into buying Pathologic 2, fucking piece of garbage slav game 2deep4u wannabe trash, refunded in 1 hour

Dragon's Dogma

>He doesn't instantly go back through the pipe to to safely check of a lizard is on the other side.
>He thinks getting caught means he's dead
I never realised the jump thing but the game tells you how to swap hands and swallow items in the pause menu


what's wrong with the switch version?

Im loving this game.
Started a new game because I ended up at Canopy with the hologram worm telling me nothin'.

Now I'm at drainage. I haven't seen the slugcat icon yet. I hope I'm heading the right way this time.

did you even play the first one

Nothing wrong with me

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>entire game is a series of basic platforming and judging when to throw spears
wow amazing so deep art and atmosphere are kino though

You tricked yourself into buying that?

It's £2 on PS4? Shit, PC sale when?

Input lag and it crashes.


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>going back into shelter
>meet one of those pole monster shit
>it's doing its closing animation
>something got caught by the pole and swallowed
I felt like a mix of sadness for whatever got caught and laughter because something beside me was retarded enough to get caught.

I trust that it gets good, but I got to a point with it where I was just bouncing between tedium and frustration and the only ways I could think to get out of the situation were through more tedium or more frustration. There is still stuff I like about it, and I may go back to it eventually, but I really dislike the point in the game I've gotten to and I've beaten my head against it enough times to be pretty discouraged from continuing with the game.

The game greatest moments are when you reach a new area, that scenery is vastly different with new enemies and mechanics.
But if you end up backtracking it's just incredibly boring and frustrating.

A hat in time
It's the last time I buy a game made for nostalgic manchildren.

>get past daddy long leg and into a pipe
>mfw he follows me through the pipe

There’s a hidden way to breathe longer underwater

Well the problem is I'm at a point where I'm trying to get through an area that I often die in and even when I don't die in it the rain always comes in before I can find a place to hibernate, which is frustrating but I wouldn't mind just trying it until I get through it, but then on top of that there's a gate that you need to be on the third level of your hibernation cycle to get through, so everytime I die I have to go out to the same area I've already been through plenty of times to get food, and that's just tedious. Leaving this area and going somewhere entirely new would mean a lot of backtracking so I'm not too keen on that either, and I'm just stuck in this part of the game where all the options I see before me seem like a chore to put up with.


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That makes three of us. Awesome game by the way, give it a shot, but a long one, trust me, once it clicks it would never leave you

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I know what you mean. The game has a ton of moments that stuck with me but it's hard to recommend it to people due to how you can get fucked over by the game's world. There has to be something else that draws you in order to push past certain fiddly and random areas like the underhang.

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>and even when I don't die in it the rain always comes in before I can find a place to hibernate

You are dilly-dallying way too much if that's the case. The dotted circle in the bottom left represents the time you have before rain starts to pour if you didn't know. Generally you want to be near a shelter well before it runs out and not at the last minute, unless you're looking to live dangerously.

Seriously, how do you play this game? What is the goal? Im confused

stupid zoomer

I feel the same about life too user

What this game does for me is that, in 99% of games I never really feel like the character. I'm just some guy sat down playing a videogame. I might be in a huge firefight, bullets flying all around me, but I still feel like I'm sat on my sofa pressing buttons, not a hint of danger. Same for most rpgs, open worlds, platformers, whatever. They might be fun, but they're nothing more than that.

In rainworld however I feel like I'm that slugcat. I feel the pressure of needing to find food, needing to find shelter. I feel dread and fear when there's lizards between me and my goal and I'm unprepared. You learn how to think like a slugcat to navigate the environment, to catch prey, to tackle or avoid predators. Decisions are impactful. Friendships are earned. Discoveries are yours. And improvement is done by learning to approach the game the way that slugcat would.
Play until the game ends or you stop playing. That's the goal.

You're not, trust me. Everytime the paperclip disappears your not going through the intended story path (which I recommend you to in a first playthrough) go back to industrial and from there to garbage

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I know, I don't think its the game fault or anything, but I still always miss it even when I'm trying to get through fast. One thing that might be holding me back though is that I need a spear at one point and I've been assuming you swim slower when holding an item because that's how it feels to me, so I always get to the point where I need the spear and then waste time looking for one instead of having it on hand. Even still though, I'm usually pretty low on time by that point.

Owlboy. I never heard anything about it, and once it released Yea Forums wouldn’t shut up about how great it was. I liked the art so I bought it. Turns out the only worthwhile thing in the game IS the art.

Does it make you feel like you have four arms?

R.A.D. way back in the day. All this talk about how cool the game was and how the plot changed based on which buildings got destroyed during missions and the controls made the game literally unplayable on real difficulty levels.

Also, The World Ends With You. I swear to god the only people who like that game must have lazy eye so they can watch both screens at once.

What platform is best to play this on or does it not matter?

Drainage is technically a "shortcut" but it's one of the hardest sections of the game. I remember in those Rainworld threads everyone helping one user get through it on his first playthrough. It was suffering

shieet, ok. like i said, i havent even seen the slugcut icon yet.

just refund dude
its both easier and faster than pirating, buy -> play for less than 2 hours -> refund
I usually do that nowadays instead of pirating, I keep what I enjoy

PC, while missing the latest update, is the version that runs the best

Definitely PC. The mods

Not Switch, because it has frame drops and occasionally crashes.

On my playthrough I got to pebbles following the paperclip. I didn't understand why I was lead there if there was nothing to do so I jumped around aimlessly until I drowned. Tried a few different things the next couple lives, didn't figure anything out (cause you're not actually supposed to), died again then left shelter to go back to coastline and keep exploring. Because I hadn't gone to pebbles then gone back to shelter, I'd just died each time, the paperclip pointed me back to pebbles for the entire game.

I still finished it so it wasn't a problem, and desu I think the game would be better if you could turn the paperclip off, but still, took me about 40 hours to finish because of having to find my way all on my own.
You follow the puck in TWEWY

It matters now that is 2,99 on ps4, go now or you'll miss it, the game is basically the same in every platform.

Do any of you watch Turtle Toad? A youtube channel entirely dedicated to rain world. Sometimes the video is super short and sometimes he puts a lot of effort into editing it. It’s really a great channel

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I only watch our guy Wobbles do speed runs on twitch

Stuff that you can carry with one hand won't slow you down at all, spears. You swim a bit faster if you wiggle rather than just going straight by the way.

Nier automata. CrossCode. KOTOR1-2. Puyo puyo Tetris. Bastion. Pure. U fuckers won't get me with transistor.

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spears included*


Not knowing anything here adds a lot. I tried to be friendly with a tribe on my first playthroughs and one of those niggroids threw a stick trying to kill a lizard that ended up killing my paperclip. Y was like 9 hours in after 2 restarts and I wanted to follow the paperclip to just complete the game and abandon it, and this little shit suddenly left me in the dark, so I decided to kill tribes for a living. Everytime I saw one I threw a stone at their fucking heads and proceeded to stab them with my spear multiple times. I wasn't going to complete the game now as far as I knew. Later, exploring a little bit more, the paperclip appeared again (it takes a while to do so, and I wasn't in a story related area now, so it wasn't showing up), and I completed the game that time, and another one after that. Fun times, it's a game based on individual experiences like that for me, once it clicks it's really hard not to fall in love with it

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>Yea Forums trolled me into buying this and hollow knight


fuck white/black indie meme design characters, fuck metroidvanias, fuck Yea Forums, and most importantly fuck jannies

on a serious note, ever since I became a buyfag I have felt nothing but regret. back in my piracy days when I downloaded shit like risk of rain, in hindsight I would have happily paid for that experience, but now? it's like every game I buy is shit, as if the universe itself is telling me
>buying video games

fuck this shit I hate the last five games I bought and they were all made in the last 4 years, it's time to keep my wallet closed


>I played the whole game without realising you could stab and half a million other things

>le artificial difficulty meme
>guide reader
this board is really infested with shitters. just admit you're a brainlet and that the game isn't for you

why does this game absolutely shit the bed during cutscenes on my walmart laptop? it's 2019

Why do you have a walmart laptop in the year of our lord twenty-nineteen?

Transistor is actually pretty kino though and the OST is the best that Supergiant has done so far, it's admittedly kind of shallow/short game but it doesn't overstay it's welcome.
And Royce is a fucking cool final boss
>So...who's going to go first?
>()Turn ---> ()Breach ---> ()Cull
I love bosses that mirror the pc's abilities

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The game genuinely does have artificial difficulty, though.
>karma gate padding
>display fuckery
>travel time padding by restricting teleports
It embraces shit design


>karma gate padding
Just play well, you're supposed to earn your right to get into certain areas.
>display fuckery
>travel time padding
holy zoomer. imagine wanting to skip the game

based retard

>there is no artificial difficulty!
>but there is, see examples
>just git gud!

>Karma gate padding
Forces you to prove to the game that you've learned how to survive effectively in your environment so that you can't just complete the game by repeating the same sections over and over again until the one time you get through or get a lucky with rng. Also incentivises you to go to easier sections earlier as their karma gate requirement is lower.
>display fuckery
Music plays when enemies are nearby, horizontal scrolling is at roughly 80% and you can easily just turn back around as soon as the screen snaps to stay safe and scout. Vertical scrolling is at 100% but there's pretty much nowhere in the game that this matters.
>travel time padding
I think you mean requiring the player to actually earn their fast travel and think about how to use it so that they don't just go back to the starting area to stock up on food and supplies repeatedly.

The thing is, people see rain world as having artificial difficulty when in reality it's the vast majority of other games having artificial ease.

How is any of what I just said artificial difficulty? Unironically just get better and quit being an armchair game critic.
The only "artificial difficulty" is when something like a croc spawns outside your hibernation chamber, and even that's manageable once you learn how to deal with them. The random elements are supposed to make you think on the fly about your situation. It's not a big deal to die and once you get good it happens less and less.

wait that's his nose?

>Forces you to prove
Yeah, just like randomly reversing your controls "forces you to prove" you don't rely on muscle memory.
It's still artificial difficulty, no matter how many excuses you find.
>you can easily just turn back around as soon as the screen snaps
Except when you get tongued by a nigger like an anus.
Or when it's one of those underwater sections that hide your cat.
Or when it's raining and you can't see shit.
>requiring the player to actually earn
Yeah, having to manually, tediously walk around sections that you've mastered 10 times over already is "earning".
Just like mindless grinding is achievement.

>Except when you get tongued by a nigger like an anus.
>Or when it's one of those underwater sections that hide your cat.
>Or when it's raining and you can't see shit.

All of those sound like easily avoidable deaths that are entirely the fault of the player :-)

zoomers should leave this board

because they're like $200 now so I doubt I'm gonna find it much cheaper online so it's not worth the hassle

>don't go into underwater sections ever, then you won't see that specific kind of artificial difficulty

Will RNG not make the area I want to access infested with enemies: the game

>Or when it's one of those underwater sections that hide your cat.
Serves you right for pirating, or perhaps you are just blind.
Seriously though, the rest you posted is trivial.

Your fault for not learning how to swim, user ;~)

>it's trivial to grind around the fake challenge! just git gud and your time will unwaste itself!

How's life with a sub-100 IQ

It's not artificial difficulty to set a requirement of 'survive for 2-5 consecutive days'. It's not artificial difficulty to have to listen to an audio cue, or to have to carry something for protection. It's not artificial difficulty to require a player to think about how they use their resources and not take things for granted. It's not artificial difficulty to restrict the players vision in the same way that the player's avatar's vision would be.

Holy fuck, the red pillige and basdness coming from this post is staggering. You da man, man.

You're complaining about wasting time, and yet here you are

Fair point, for a retard.

>It's not artificial difficulty to set a requirement of 'survive for 2-5 consecutive days'.
>it's not artificial difficulty to enforce repeating same shit over and over
>it's not artificial difficulty to waste player's time and pretend that's difficulty
>it's not artificial difficulty to have artificial difficulty in the game if I don't know what artificial difficulty is!

You still have yet to refute his points. rainworldcucks lose again

I'm here because owning retards is fun.
Watching you wring hands in anxiety brings me joy. Grinding karma does not.

If you're not retarded, then how come you found yourself grinding karma? Checkmate :)

You're sure owning us epic style with your armchair game critic buzzwords, friend. Why is it so hard to admit you got filtered? It's ok for a game to not be for you.

Epic cope
I finished rain world while you're defending it and can't even do a backflip

These are good reasons to like the game. I just really wanted more stuff mechanically and a more complex objective besides go to A then B. I realize that might be the exact reasons that some people like the game because of it's suble simplicy. My objective criticism is that the game never explains all of slugcats cool moves rolling, extending leaps by throwing, backflips etc.

I ain't even mad

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>I finished rain world

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Play monk mode if you hate that shit so much, karma gates open forever once you go through them, and things attack you less.

I always thought that it was a smaller can because its an early model and I always wondered what was all that shit in shoreline.

It's simple. The game is not about getting from point a to point b. It's not about getting from level to level. It's not about getting from checkpoint to checkpoint.

The game is about learning to survive and then thrive in a hostile environment. If don't have the karma gate requirement the player can just bash their face against each section until they get lucky with the rng, learning nothing.

Now the question is if the game has any other mechanics about 'surviving and thriving'. I would say it does. Food doesn't respawn each cycle so you have to explore a large chunk of the area before you can progress. Enemies are unique in each area, so you need to learn how to avoid or defeat them in order to be successful. There are side goals you can set yourself, taming lizards, befriending outlaws, gaining traversal credits. Levels are sprawling, not linear, so there's plenty of extra areas to explore, other karma gates to find, hidden rooms to find, and resources to locate.

So, you claim it's wasting time, to me there's plenty to do. And here's a final point: you can use traversal to gain max karma.


Yakuza 0. Piece of shit game

>it's a journey, an experience!
>therefore the artificial difficulty doesn't count
Funny how you women defending badly designed games can't admit that they have flaws.
Even VTMB players can admit that their favorite meme game is flawed, it's just the meme games like RW and DF that are defended no matter how obvious is the fact that a given flaw is a flaw.

You may just not be into video games anymore

Don't feel bad, though- video games suck now

What the fuck are you talking about. People shat on it as soon as it came out.

I don't think anyone is denying that RW has flaws, just that the issues you are giving aren't flaws.
Have you considered user that this is just your opinion, and you are trying to do is tout it as fact?

It's ok user, one day you'll learn to agree to disagree and stop spending your valuable limited time on things like this, I believe in you

I think the game has flaws. Just not the same things you think are flaws. And yes, I do, unironically view Rain World as something to experience, not just something to beat. I wrote: You've been harping on about karma gates, but why is is that you aren't at max karma? What are you doing wrong that's preventing you staying there. Maybe if you tried looking inwardly and maybe try to improve you'll find the game rewards you for it. It's a shame you can't do that.

>artificial difficulty is not a flaw

looks retarded. its your own fault for falling for this garbage

This shit taught me to never listen to recommendations from waifu fags.

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I agreed at first. I was furious at the game and thought the controls were garbage. I was legit pissed I listened to Yea Forums. However I couldn't bring mself to stop. Now its one of my favorites, and I fondly remember my time painfully learning the game. I have never experienced a game like it.

>The game has artificial difficulty
>No it doesn't
>Yes it does
>No it doesn't
And round and round it goes, hell, really it's
>X is artificial difficulty
>No X isn't because of Y
>X is artificial difficulty
>No X isn't because of Y and Z
>X is artificial difficulty

Rain World's difficulty is about as far from artificial as it get, it's diegetic difficulty more so than anything. ;-)

The point is to overcome the challenge you manchild. You are not grinding as there is no numbers or items or anything between you and success except for your own incompetence. And no karma isn't grinding its just a proof of mastery. If you were less shit you wouldn't ever need to worry about karma scrub.
>I finished rain world
>thinks back flips are an advanced maneuver
Somehow, I doubt the veracity of this statement

is that mod with all the new slugcats out yet?




you ought to clam down

how easy is the level creator for this game

You got mad because you suck faggot. I don't grind food because I don't die and therefore don't ever loose karma. I just move on to another area only stopping to snack before the rain. Keep sucking pleb

Good enough to make a second game out of the thing

I'd love to explain to you why food is such a great mechanic but it's clear you wouldn't be able to understand.

Got tricked into Rabi Ribi but dropped it almost instantly. It's one of the ugliest games I have ever played, and main characters idle animation seems to be playing in reverse.

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Dragon's Dogma. It was shit.

>MMO tier bullshit with shitty pseudo climbing mechanics ala shitty Shadow Colossus

>empty barren lifeless shit
>MMO tier respawn boring mobs


Magic casting was pretty cool for large scale spells, actually required planning. That was the only thing good about it.

>tfw entering filtration from drainage

vtmb, deus ex and pathologic
vtmb has an interesting plot but the gameplay is at worse fucking garbage and at best really boring
same with deus ex
pathologic has shit gameplay and i didn't experience enough of the plot enough to have an opinion on it because this fucking game makes you walk 2 hours from one point to another for 3 lines of dialogue

holy shity you must be a complete retard in believing weeb retards and buying this shitty game. You should pirate it first and have a taste. Unbelieavable. I would never pay bucks for a game recommended by weeb faggots.

>that room
I can't even passage out because I don't have any food aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Refunds make being tricked a non-issue financially

I entered filtration really early, had no light source whatsoever and got lost, accidentally speared something in the dark and knocked out another by throwing a rock, panicked and threw myself outside in some area with an old train where I got ambushed and died.

Gravity Rush 2
Fucking waste of $20
this piece of godly art is easily the best console-exclusive the ps4 has and it's a shame I've missed out on the online components because I just hit that point where something happens and the game suddenly says "nah nigga this shit's big as fuck and the game's only just begun" and I'm super happy to keep exploring, even if the online's down. Where's my GR2 remaster on PS5? I know it'll happen.

Hell the fucking switch in general. $300 dust magnet.

>hating supergiant games
Not kino bro

Nigga it was free, how fuckin retarded are you

Funny how the only way to have a RW thread that doesn't die immediately is by hiding the topic behind a more general topic.

You should've been here a few months ago when there were daily threads that reached 500+ posts

he didn't hide it. the thread was about how he hated the game and wanted people to give other examples of terrible games Yea Forums recommends. I, personally, never played the game but will probably pirate it and try it out.


It's always funny when Yea Forums reveals how shit it is at video games

>the game i-isn't shit, y-you're just b-bad!
lmao, just lmao


Yea Forums kept talking about owlboy until it came out and then we had numerous threads shitting on it
thank god I pirated it
List of trash games Yea Forums has shilled
West cuck trash like horizon zero dawn, god of war, tlou, tlou 2, muslim kombat 11, etc etc
>Yea Forums shilled for a hat in time and mordhau hard and now their SJW cuck devs are banning Yea Forums users
demake 2 IS FUCKING TRASH COMPARED TO THE ORIGINAL, dmc v IS A DISAPPOINTMENT Monster hunter world is fucking trash, sekiro already forgotten, RDR2 the sjw ridden cuck fest it was alraedy forgotten
Tldr FUCK western cuck games, and FUCK WESTFAGS

Attached: horizon zero dawn.jpg (1285x301, 97K)

>Yea Forums is one person

>excuse me for his stuttering speech, sir, but you are just bad.

Git gud, you casual.

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gothic 1. if I have to download a german cryptominer to get more than 20fps you can fuck right off

>youtube/twitter/facebook normalfag meme
Get out.

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i told you it was hard and not for everyone

I killed the girl and I'm stuck on this part, except I'm trying to go left.

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The bard's tale
It was meh from start to finish

>buying game

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I typically enjoy games like these a lot. I don't think the game gives you enough reliable tools to overcome obstacles. There was a segment of the game where I was forced to keep throwing myself into a room where 2 lizard boys were sitting every time without fail. Kept dying over and over again. The only other route was going outside to where I was hunted by birds, which was considerably more dangerous. The only thing I could do was just sort of slide around and try to gimmick the AI into letting me through. I enjoyed the feeling of futility up to the point where it creates an incentive to throw repeatedly throw your own lives at enemies and try to gimmick through them. Feels like a waste of time, it felt monotonous, it felt gamey, it broke my immersion and my appreciation for the atmosphere. Waste of a pirate.

Once you learn the advanced movements it makes the game much easier to handle. Backflipping over enemies then throwing a spear behind you while sliding is probably the most satisfying thing you can do to enemies in this game.

>lizards blocking your way
try getting their attention and luring them to a more open area where you can maneuver around them.

fuck this game

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