Drop Glory Kills and this game would be GOTYAY

Drop Glory Kills and this game would be GOTYAY.

Attached: doom-marine.jpg (1280x720, 179K)

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Attached: Doom vs nu-Doom.webm (320x240, 2.68M)

>boomers still think doom is the greatest shooter of all time

Or offer headshots as an alternative. Leave them in for console or PC controller players.

i wish i didnt have the console version and was able to cycle weapons via number keys instead of of a shitty menu

There is nothing wrong with glory kills.

it could use some better music too, every track sounds the same

It's a single player game. Just don't do glory kills.

Shit bait.

>shoot enemy
>melee to instant kill

it's boring
>y-you don't have t-to use it
>y-you don't NEED a-ammo drops from enemies from GKs

don't @ me

>glory kills are the only thing wrong with this game
>not the amount of arena focused fights
>not the weapon balance
>not how armor works
>not the other health gaining methods
>not the ridiculous upgrades that make you op
>not the art style and direction that made it less interesting than the fucking 90's games
>cherrypicking the webm
5th chapter vs first fucking level

I play on PC and number key menu sucks after number 5, you gotta take your hand off for a second to reach the other weapons

you knew what you were signing up for

Drop the Call of Duty upgrade system while you're at it too.

I'll @ you all I want faggot. You don't have to. Learn self control if you don't like it, stupid faggot.

>5th chapter vs first fucking level
Yeah I'm sure the later levels add movement mechanics and verticality


How good the upgrades are and weapon balance are your only valid points there, the rest are dumb

>Playing an FPS on console

Attached: KillYourselfPlease.jpg (800x1000, 427K)

cant afford a $2000+ machine
i can afford a used $150 console

>lmao you don't need ammo on UV xD
why do retards always respond to me

There is enough ammo in the levels without having to glory kill
t. actually have played the game on UV

You don't need to spend $2000 for a decent PC, my dude.


sure user, sure

No one here is your dude pc trash. Try actually enjoying a game for once.

>why yes, i do enjoy both doom and nu-doom!

Attached: 834.png (680x760, 191K)

nah i like feeling like a beast when I want. Shoot, then rip and tear.

>But, if I had to choose a favorite, I'd go with Blood.

Attached: Gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

Glory kills unironically killed the game for me as well. Completely tedious mechanic akin to the game randomly pausing every few seconds.

>buy Doom 2016 because I was hyped to play it
>first area
>enemies are slow as fuck
>shoot them
>they glow and start flashing a bright orange so fast I was worried it would trigger a seizure because epilepsy
>press O
>spend 15 seconds to kill them in a EPIC KILL ANIMATION
>during which I was fully immune to all damage
>shoot next monster
>same epic flashing monster and instant kill
>realize the whole game was like this

What happened?

It's easy to enjoy games when they run at a playable frame rate.

Attached: Why FPS is important.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Duke 3D > Shadow Warrior > Blood

I don't think it's boring at all, as long as you have a good variety of animations. You'll be looting crates for ammo otherwise, sure is a lot of fun.

>make the game less fun and it would be better
Nobody is forcing you to do them, just shoot at the enemies

>Nobody is forcing you to do them
Several bosses can only be killed with Glory Kills.

after you deplete the health bar. So its literally just extra scene. cry more faggot

>lmao just don't do this this thing the game was intended for you to use to gain ammo and kill various enemies/bosses

Yeah don't, dumb bitch.

There is a lot of walking and pressing stuff between actual battles in nuDoom

They add five with more than five enemies.
It's not like you ever really need NuuM's triple jumpdashing to avoid getting killed. So yeah, Doom involves more movement.

Attached: daab.jpg (1000x666, 176K)

Doom is actually 60fps on console except the Switch.

>fight with more than five enemies

>60 FPS
>Playable for an FPS

Attached: 144FPS.webm (720x405, 2.83M)

and there is a lot of backtracking through 90's maze level design in doom, your point?

nobody makes you do it. some of the ultra-nightmare speedrunners rarely or never did them.

nudoom is boring as fuck, shill thread is shill

>Grandpas STILL can't let go of ye olde doom.

Attached: 1446492140997.webm (504x720, 819K)

You need glory kills when you play in the hardest difficulties
>I play below hardcore mode

I think it's only 4fps
Doom 1fps
Doom 2 2fps
Doom3 3fps
D44m 4fps

Unless you mean the console release which would be 1fps. Definitely not the 60th fps lol

>You need glory kills when you play in the hardest difficulties
>when the retard filter works

>shitty fps
>shitty aim
PS version could've been almost playable but retards at Snoy are afraid of gyro in their controllers for some reason.

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>generic metal sounds
trash, at least classic doom had diversity


I enjoy the brutality of it and often fantasize about ripping people apart with my hands, so you're wrong

I want a game where the combat is centered around mutilating people

mick gordon? dude djent lmao, generic as fuck djent at that


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You need it for nightmare mode because there isn’t enough ammo to kill enemies. Later in the game doing glory kills gives you some health back and some ammo
This is even more important in ultra nightmare mode

And if you’re playing below these levels then of course it’s gonna seem OP , you picked to play in easier modes so the game is easier, duhh

literally a bunch of remakes of the original doom soundtrack

>You need it for nightmare mode
You are a fucking retard then i beat nightmare hardly using the shit, get better aim phil

>generic as fuck djent
I must say no

>confirmed for shit tier
yeah we know your full of shit now

>DOOM 2016's OST was pure shi-

>durr any attempt to remake dooms soundtrack must use the same shit 90's synth shit

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this unironically

Doom is a first person shooter with character action elements and playing Arcade Mode is evidence enough. Glory Kills are literally MGR:R Zandatsu.


it should sound good
new sounds bad, it's sad

>>fight with more than five enemies
Wow so different !!!

Trying to get Slayer rankings on certain levels is a pain in the fucking ass.

How do we fix the FPS genre, Yea Forums?

Attached: Blood gameplay 7.webm (640x480, 2.87M)

Drop the RPG elements and I'll agree. What were they thinking with that stupid shit?

>playable for an FPS

excuse me?

what the fuck is this game i want it

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>not the amount of arena focused fights
what's wrong with them?
>not the weapon balance
i am gonna need some more explanation here. if your argument is that some weapons are objectively better than others then that is a dumb argument because it's been a thing since Wolf3D
>not how armor works
i'll agree to this
>not the other health gaining methods
gonna need some further explanation from this one too.
>not the ridiculous upgrades that make you op
i can agree to that as well but the point of Doom 2016 is to make you feel powerful so it makes sense to have some op weapons
>not the art style and direction that made it less interesting than the fucking 90's games

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Looks awful

add another axis

Buy Dusk and Amid Evil.

Why do people always post this song, the main reason is that the entire ost is forgettable and boring as fuck and it's just a shitty copy from the original game. really makes ya think

Try Ninja Gaiden 2.

Dusk is really good.

You are obviously playing the wrong fucking game if you are playing doom for that