Resident Evil 4

This is literally one of the best video games EVER made

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Nice bait

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Sorry chum that role's been taken

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its a fun game but idk about "one of the best", depends on what you mean by that

Yes it is. Now witness as the thread is shitposted to death by faggots who review it with modern generation standards.

There's no tower for me to climb that reveals everything in the immediate area

I want to KISS Leon

whats so good about it? looks average at best, and im a boomer

Yes this is fact!

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>not RE2R

Your just a faggot boomer then.

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It’s not even a top 5 RE game. It’s not even an RE game

Have you actually tried playing it?
>im a boomer
Surefire way to spot an early 20-something who thinks he’s “mature” or whatever.

Not even close zoomer.

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you're not convincing me about RE4 if that's all u got nerd

I agree. I played it on the wii with the gamecube controller because I hated the wiimote controls even though it sometimes gave you the classic controller button prompts sometimes for some weird reason. maybe the gamecube controller support was put in last minute. anyway I won't be buying it again because I completed it twice and have no reason to touch it again when there are newer games I haven't played yet

No need your a faggot.

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is this another 1 of those grossly overrated games where fags are wearing nostalgia goggles? like oot?

die in your sleep and take RE4 with you

31 year old here, I unironically agree. Been in my personal Top 10 since it released on gamecube. Pure fucking ludo. Shooting feels extremely satisfying, something none of the sequels/spinoffs achieved again.

this is what most people and critics say

i can tell it was awesome for the time. when i see vids of it i still can't believe it came it out in 2005. it basically set the standard for action games for the next 10+ years (though it seems like we're moving in a different direction now)

that said i played it too late and found it boring. i appreciate the impact it had though

>and im a boomer
No one with a shred of respect to himself uses these buzzwords, but even if you're baiting: it was the first mainline game that drastically changed the gameplay style of the whole series, along becoming the basis for future over-the-shoulder games. Franchises like Dead Space and Gears of War can thank RE4 for serving as a base for how these kinds of games would play from then on. Other than that, the game overall is amazing, the quicktime events are barely intrusive and smartly used and even if it began focusing more on action, it still remains lots of horror elements through the whole game that make you remain wary. Even the escort sections with Ashley are very well programmed, with her always staying behind you when you're shooting enemies or ducking if she's between you and a ganado so she doesn't get in the way.

Is absolutely a must play.


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The most evergreen game I've ever seen. I've played it on PS2, Gamecube, Wii, 360 and PS4, from 2005 through to 2019. Been ported to almost every system known to man and still holds up. Its age never becomes an issue. Every playthrough is fun. It genuinely might be an ageless game.

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RE4 is better than ANY modern game,

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oh so it is nostalgia goggles after all

Based. Anyone who disagrees is unironically a contrarian or wasn't around in 2005.

if you don't know about resident evil 4 already then there's no fucking way you're a boomer, this game was fucking everywhere when it was released and was still everywhere for years afterward
you probably weren't even born when it came out

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It's one of the most influential games of all time, and even without that aspect it's an incredibly well paced shooter with a lot of cool gameplay elements and creativity. Also it's one of the most quotable games of all time.

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>is this one of the best games of all time like oot?

Feel good playing it on the go on my switch. The vita is such a useless piece of shit for not having it lol

RE4 is amazing. I played it in 2007 i think. I was a young one then. It's gameplay is very fun and fluid. The strange mechanic of "stop while you shoot" may take some getting used to if you only play fast paced shooters. The plot and characters, and voice acting is pretty weird and campy. But that is what makes it so fun. You have leon saying these utterly rediculuous things liek "NO THANKS BRO" that give it this charm. The environments and enemies are all unique and memorable. Some of the boss fights are super awesome. You are pitted against dark-souls tier monstrosities like Salazar and his left hand fused together into a giant tentacle flower monster. The weapons are all fun to use and there are neat and interesting side game types. You get to play as ada wong and see her perspective as you travel parallel to leon. My personal favorite game mode is Mercenaries, where you fight wave after wave of enemies and you have to do it in a short amount of time. You get to play as the legendary krauser, hunk, and wesker in this mode. The ability to unlock all kinds of crazy weapons like the Laser plagas remover and handcannon make for excellent replayability.

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I'll watch a silent Playthrough for us user

Threadly reminder that anyone who doesn't like the TMP is a dumb whore

>Also it's one of the most quotable games of all time.
I played the game so many times that at one point I learned every single dialogue in the game. It was that good.

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This is a respectable post. When did you play it out of curiosity? I first played it in 2010 and it quickly became one of my all time favourites. I literally could not stop playing it for weeks.

>where's everyone going, bingo
>you got a smoke?
>the big cheese...
>your right hand comes off?
>I see the president equipped his daughter with some... ballistics
>saddler, you're small time!
The list just keeps going

Saddler's final speech is just so self-aware, there's no way you cannnot love it.

>The american prevailing, is a cliché that only happens if your Hollywood movies.
>Oh Mr. Kennedy, you entertain me. To show you my appreciation, I will have you awaken from your world of clichés.

The entire game is fucking bonkers. I'll never pretend that RE4's Leon is the most fleshed out character in the medium, but he'll always be my favourite due to how enjoyable he is throughout the game. After a certain point it's basically constant back and forth banter between him and the villains.

Same. It's impossible for me to not quote Leon everytime I play.

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Resident Evil 6 is better.

Stop playing resident evil 4

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RE4 has the same charm as Max Payne. They let you play through a cheesy B movie in the best way possible.

Max is Johnny Woo. Leon is Ash.

Modern producers dont understand camp and why it makes things good, and either play it way to serious (e.g. tlou) or LOLSORANDUM (e.g. rage 2)

As the market dips some of it is getting through again though. DmC vs DMC5 is a big statement on campiness as an asset

reORC is better anyways. You have the option to kill leon which makes the game instantly better. Fucker didnt wanna continue the redfield lineage and instead tries to get asian pussy and fails everytime. He could have little leons and an autist wife and invite uncle chris fuck boulders to play football with the leon juniors.

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like two years ago


Name one (1) better game released since RE4

drak soul

Never heard of it but its probably shit

>Max is Johnny Woo. Leon is Ash.

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