>New Yuri lines not voiced by Troy Baker
>inb4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dub
New Yuri lines not voiced by Troy Baker
Bamco didn't even ask him to come back. I wonder what the deal was.
The localization effort for DE was a shitshow. They didn't even bother fixing decade-old typos.
Same as with David Hayter, they never wanted him
>the new lines by Michelle Ruff where you can hear how old and creaky she sounds
The original Vesperia localization was kino as fuck, fuck you guys
They probably thought he'd just turn it down, and/or too expensive. Not realizing that Troy liked voicing Yuri, and probably would've found a way to make it work.
Main reason I dreaded every time Patty would show up. Not only is the overall quality worse, but everyone sounds so old and tired.
no u
y-you too...
Troy Baker has become a stuck up union activist that felt he should've earn more for his talents so only AAA game projects were willing to go through the union demands and fees to get him, all his low profile JRPG dub roles were dropped because localizers aren't willing nor have the budget to pay unionized voice actors.
Troy Baker got happy for a while since he was getting paid more for AAA roles so he couldn't care less about losing his weeb game roles, but then he realized AAA games aren't made every week and that he isn't the only voice actor in the union so all the fat paychecks can't really sustain him forever till the next big game pops out and casts him; so now Troy is not so condescending of weeb game roles anymore, wishing some of his old roles would come back to him, like he cheering on twitter ATLUS agreed to have him back for Catherine Full Body.
>playing games dubbed
how do you even get immersed?
Just let them fit in.
vesperia would have been a much better game if duke wasn't even a character and alexi was more dangerous/the final boss. the game goes SHARPLY downhill after he dies
also i like raven
did we ever get the ps3 exclusive outfits working?
there were around 4 of them
Atelier games had pretty good localizations, too. Such a shame they stopped dubbing, especially after the literally cute and perfect Firis dub.
Agreed. His death scene is shit too.
Vesperia would have been a better game if it didn't have such god awful combat. Easily the worst in the series.
You could completely remove Duke from the first two acts and it would barely change a thing. Yuri just gets the sword from somewhere/someone else. Done.
Duke and the entire 3rd act were straight garbage.
I'd shitpost about you being a baby, but after playing it I can understand if it's too jarring for someone else. Its highly noticable but to me was never a deal breaker but as someone who could not play P4 Golden because of the new voice lines (although a different case than this game), I can understand it
I'm more mad that they didn't even bother to ask Matt and instead went for Discount Matt.
Fuck off Troy
Least they completely redubbed Chie, Kanji, and Naoto so it wasn't quite so jarring.
It switching from Troy to George and back again, sometimes in mid-sentence is just sloppy
Matt probably turned it down, he is sick of being Troy-Lite.
is vesperia better than symphonia in any aspect?
Cast, art direction, and combat.
Don't kid yourself, Symphonia aged like fucking milk
are you actually retarded
symphonia is what i call the 'rose tinted glasses' the game
Dubs are tops. Subs are bottoms. And not even the good bottoms.
Yeah, I'll take those over Lloyd, Genis, and Colette's annoying antics.
nice try estelle, we all know you're flat.
All of those are great, you dumb faggot.
Not fucking even. Try playing more than two games in the series.
rude and untrue
>Off-model shit
Go fap to Judy if you just want huge tits
Estelle is flat
>first two arcs are centered around the boiling tensions between the aristocrats and the independent guilds
>suddenly turns into fantasy environmentalism with an angry bishounen
she's definitely not flat
>play jrpg with jrpg and anime tropes
>use dub for some fucking reason when you can easily play with subs now
Is this the so popular "ironic weeb" that been trending now?
I'm at the desert section. I just wanna ask, will Yuri marry Patty?
Graces is better than Symphonia
I tried playing this Yea Forums but I keep getting annoyed by these parts where it's just the characters heads talking to each other. Is there actual story in there or is it just Japan's idea of comedy?
what a cute pirate
At which point does the game get good?
Haven't played in a few months and the last thing I did was to beat a big dog in the forest and I'm supposed to be going to a harbor town or something.
The combat is liquid shit so far but I'm told there's a diamond to be found somewhere in this liquid shit.
I played in Japanese since I'd been meaning to replay the PS3 version since I learned Japanese anyway. Haven't heard any of the new voices fortunately. It was fun, I found out that the people who said it had a bad localization had no idea what they were talking about, as usual. There were only a few nitpicks I had overall. Too bad I didn't enjoy the game nearly as much as I used to, I almost couldn't finish it.
I love Patty! She is a great addition to an already perfect cast.
Oh wait, I read marry as kill. My bad.
It takes a while for combat to open up. If you aren't enjoying the dungeons or story or anything (which is completely understandable), then I'll just let you know that they don't get better.
>playing japanese games with english subtitles and/or voices
Damn that sucks.
I'll play a bit more and see where this goes before I completely drop it. Maybe it'll manage to grab me.