Tfw no cute loli fox waifu to sit on your lap and play games with you as you rub her duck against her butt and smell...

>tfw no cute loli fox waifu to sit on your lap and play games with you as you rub her duck against her butt and smell her hair

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Why does she have a duck? Why would you rub it?


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There's always VR

Rubbing ducks against butts is a fetish I didn't know about.

Have sex, loser.

Literally go outside and meet new people. This is fucking pathetic.


I like her elbow gloves and thigh highs.
She's probably nopan too

Why do lolis make normalfag seethe every time?

It's funny how the same people who call people "basedboys" for enjoying Nintendo and Marvel movies are the ones who enjoy this completely feminine anime and act like it doesn't just rot your mind and sense of decency.

How is this anime feminine

back to your tranny discord

Explicitly stated to be nopan in her introduction

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I like her hair

Yukikaze is patrician foxgirl.

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A loli a day keeps the normalfag away. They can't even begin to understand the desire of protecting one so they feel scared and challenged.

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>tfw no foxlolibabamomwife gf
wtf bros its not fair

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All foxes are best foxes, but this one is video games

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>smash on ps4

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Who’s the white fox? I’m not watching Senko-san because I find the premise boring but if there’s a dom loli fox I’m on board.

just ignore them like Yea Forums does
there for there are so less normalfags
just muh sekret club and muh boardculture basement dwellers

you first resetera cuck

>ywn play Super Fluff Bros. Melee with a kitsune wife and mother

I bet even smeleefags would be cute.

I want to visit the fox video games dimension

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Jealousy. We are willing to die for tight wet fertile cute and funny. Meanwhile their ripped flabby arbys roast beef is so diseased riddled it moves on its own due to the massive ammount of worms crawling inside the ripped and pulled flesh, making a rotting smell that can kill insects who gets too close.

another retarded fox who is 1000000 yo? what else did you expect?

go dialate mentally ill freak

>foxgirl Iori
Signed the fuck up.