Post good minecraft mods

Post good minecraft mods

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What mod is this?

Day of the rope.

I just like vanilla desu
Seeing this shit like shipwrecks inside icebergs feels so cool

Attached: 2019-05-23_16.08.08.png (1920x1080, 1.71M) (
1.14.1, Pirate friendly, Difficulty: Hard

>WTF is this server
A vanilla minecraft server Yea Forums plays together on. This server is up 24/7 and has been up for months.

>Is there any gay plugin bullshit
Nope, this is true vanilla, except for the password plugin. Use /register when you log in for the first time. This is required because we are pirate friendly.

- don't be a dipshit

I have no idea. I was hoping someone else knew

it's shit

I like vanilla too, but I can't play without map mods

put a map in your left hand


Don't join.

What is a good waypoint mod for 1.7?

I can't be a dipshit, but may I be a nigger?

Gravestones extended
adds in random graves with loot, and a large dungeon with stuff

Rei's minimap

>map mods for minecraft


This, but I wish lava destroyed the gravestone

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At this point you may as well just play creative

I'm afraid not

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Imagine actually wasting an inventory slot on a piece of paper

god i loved creeps & weirdo, it was the best mod

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I don't know how mojang gets away with this shit default terrain gen.

It's flat, it's boring, there are only like 10~ real structures than can spawn in the whole world. They should be adding AT LEAST 1 biome and 5+ structures per update.

They don't even have to make new assets they can use blocks already in the game ffs

here's your new biome bro

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I wouldn't even be mad about shit like that, call it a sub-biome and add 1 or 2 every update.

I just don't understand the glacial pace of development for minecraft. It's literally a MEGA-SUCCESS , one of the most popular games ever made, with the lowest possible assets and quality control ever, literally 16x16 pixel art and coded in Java

And yet, despite this, the updates are so sparse and few&far between. It's pathetic. They literally hold CONTESTS for what mob they should add to the game, or what biome to "revamp" as if adding all the options would be too much work.

imagine wasting time downloading a mod instead of using your brain


What makes me madder than anything is that despite how slowly they update, every major update introduces crippling lag and issues that remain unfixed. This game is 10 years of technical debt.

Terrain is so flat and boring now

I tried the beta terrain generator mod, but I just ended up going back to old versions

underground is even worse

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I agree, caves have been literally untouched since beta. The closest they've ever come to actually changing or adding to cave gen is the ravines that sometimes intersect with caves.

They're still waiting for you back in 1.7 (the last good version of minecraft)

It's the most soulful mod for minecraft ever made

This. Minecraft needs to be remade from the ground up with working code. You mean to tell me every Malaysian with a Chinese cousin can make a lagless Minecraft clone and shove it on every digital platform there is but Mojang can't cut out the lag?

better, Don't play minecraft

play pokemon instead.

Don't worry, soon Bedrock will be the only version of Minecraft. Complete with paid mods and limited scripting API!

Hytale's still coming along

It is time to discuss the superior notch game.

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Alpha fucking when?

fuck off

It's hard to get hyped having been burned so many times by minecraft-esque games

Minecraft mods you say?

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If anyone is going to make a competent Minecraft clone I'd think it'd be the guys who made mods for the original game and understand how to avoid its mistakes

>They should be adding AT LEAST 1 biome and 5+ structures per update.
Is this the power of autism?

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>This. Minecraft needs to be remade from the ground up with working code.
That'd be Bedrock
It runs so much better than java

>artist still draws them but stopped working on the mod
The fuck.

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there's literally no mod better than tekkit to this day prove me wrong

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Anyone else used to play minecraft classic on the website back in like 2011 because their mom wouldn't buy them the actual game?

That's not a lot to ask. Considering how they don't have to make new assets to do that. And even if they did, it's a block with a 16x16 pixel texture.

Seriously, I could crank out a new biome mod in 2 or 3 days, in fact I HAVE done that multiple times during beta 1.6-1.9.

fuck off shill

"tekkit" is a modpack not a mod

Gay RP server woo!

>"technology" and redstone mods

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Nah, though i think I did something to get on my dad's good side to get it for me

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never understood mods like this, i dont want to build huge boring factories i want to build actual fun shit like castles and fortresses

I've been playing better than wolves. Back in 2014 it was very comfy, I remember making threadmills and feeding chicken by dropping seeds. Now it's hardcore af, but still fun in its own way

post weeb mods

What emotion is this cat's face attempting to convey?

New biomes won't help, the terrain is too uniform and boring to build anywhere interesting

After playing classic for a while i tried to pirate it by googling "minecraft free download" and downloading the first one
The game worked offline but i got viruses that ended up ruining the family PC

Still haven't bought the game to this day cause i lost interest in it by the time i was old enough to buy my own games

How do you play Tekkit without getting overwhelmed by all the shit it adds?

Minecraft was the first thing I purchased from cash from my first job.

>Make terrain gen really flat
>Make specific biome for mountains
Uh ok....
>Biome is boring as fuck visually and doesn't even have trees
What the fuck

Seriously, it makes it so bland and predictable when you walk into a biome and you already know what's in there because they're all the same. You'll never see some amazing huge formation anywhere except for this ugly ass biome. Why not let EVERY biome have mountains, hills, and flat parts too? Then there's variety.

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there's literally no other biomes you can possibly add without straying into retarded fantasy land

Based and redpilled

3 digit IQ

This is mobtalker mod btw.

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The only thing I did in tekkit was build nuclear reactors and play with the lua scripting. I need to redownload it and actually try the other mods

Tekkit is incredibly tame compared to modpacks of today

tekkit or tekkit classic?
whats the difference?

You used to be able to play pirated Minecraft by commenting out a single line of code. I played this way for years.

There absolutely is.
>Tropics/tropical islands
(palm trees, coconuts, volcanoes, etc.)
>Salt flats
>Sand dunes
(desert with many rolling hills)
(like swamp but less water and more lush)
Think dry&dusty with pine trees, but lush riverbanks, classic cowboy shit
>seasonal forests
(we have winter forests, why not Autumn and spring?) While we're at it, throw in a bunch more tree types to be used in the forests in general.
High altitude with Meadows and sparse forests
>great plains
Golden colored grass and wheat everywhere
Moss, lichen rocks, brown grass, and patches of snow

And that's just off the top of my head, there's probably hundreds even without dipping into fantasy territory, and WITH fantasy shit it's more like thousands. (Minecraft is a fantasy game it has magic and monsters)

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Play Gregtech.

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Give me luminous cave mushroom biome.

play *BRAAAAAP*tech

I didn't even consider underground biomes, that's a whole new category they could add into.

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Tekkit classic has all the mods from the original tekkit modpack, tekkit is a newer version of Minecraft but has less mods

I am still mad the finite liquid mod never went anywhere

What happened to biomesoplenty? Did the author give up?

Mojang literally stole bamboo forests from biomesoplenty.

>Install Tinker's Construct.
>All special tools and weapons from other mods are immediately obsolete.
Why is this mod popular again?

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This can be done with blocks already in the game. Throw some lava and magma blocks and some dirt. Tropical islands would be great.

>install tinker's construct

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Yeah you can build any of those yourself but I'd like to see them in default terrain gen, there's no excuse for mojang to be so stingy with it

>there's no excuse for mojang
That is what I meant, this game has nearly limitless potential for creativity but Mojang has been adding the same biome and mobs over and over for 5 years.

dead after unlimited split and epic dying off

You're talking about the same type of swedecucks that needed to have a poll in Minecon to add in ONE (1) new creature into the game. Why can't they add all four in? These updates as a whole are a fucking joke with content thst takes a minimum three months of coding to make. Why is diamond still the base ore? Why is the Nether still shit with no reason to explore apart from 9 year old fortresses? Why are Caves not full of things like glowing fungus, abandoned cabins, pressure plste traps and minetrack rails you can ride on to discover more cave?

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there's generally a few different tech paths, like industrialcraft machines, or buildcraft machines, or something else. a good 60% of what's added can be largely ignored


Yea no shit, can you take a guess on why I uninstalled it?


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>not playing pixelmon with /vp/

This wouldn't hurt so much if it wasn't phantoms that won

Use biomes o plenty bro

Flat mobs are best mobs.

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>Modpack has 5 or more magic mods

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>Spooky forest
Ghosts and ghouls spawn and its always night time
You cannot spawn in this biome and it must be generated at least more than 40 blocks from spawn
A modern city,because it would have so much late game blocks it would be a dimension
Crystal caves,Magma caves,dwarven citys,sewers,temples,spooky caves,oil caves,and under water caves
>Cloud biome
In the clouds wool clouds can sometimes generate,with villages occasionally spawning.
>Space dimension
Using a special type of rocket on your elytra you fly into this dimension,you can use meteors found there for a portal to space.
It is abunch of planets and shit
>River valleys
Like the grand canyon with rivers
>Rocky mountains
Stone ground and hills

why do people hate on this mod?
I've always had fun figuring out the best crossbow and bolt parts from all the cross-compatible mod materials, and then getting the perfect modifiers on the finished tools.

>it's another "tech mod that disguises itself as a magic mod" episode

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>trusting minecraft modders to do anything intelligent

They're the biggest primadonna's on the internet, second only to fucking tumblrites.

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That piece of shit Swedecuck Jeb made it already a biased poll anyway by saying LE BTW YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR THE PHANTOM CUZ THERE NO FLYING MOBS HERP DERP
Then has the audacity to complain that it won. Fucking swedecuck, pencil necked faggot. Speaking of biased polls
>make voting only for chinese insects that vote for their government sanctioned animal that has an effect on non-insectoid chink players

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Best modpack Yea Forums?

is there a mod that removes food and exp

Yeah, playing on 1.7

You're thinking of community modders.
Hytale is a project by the Hypixel guys who have basically been using Minecraft as a platform for a variety of their own original games for years now.
If anybody is competent enough, it's them.

>we could have had alligators to make swamps not feel so empty
>instead, we get a pair of literally useless mobs

3D Texture Pack + Improved First Person View

3D Texture Pack still looks like Vanilla, but with more depth.
Mojang needs to go the Source Engine route and give us an option to turn on the player model.

I was going to suggest gamerules but apparently they removed the hunger gamerule.

>want to do the village and pillage stuff in 1.14
>start new world
>no villages in a 5000 block radius
>no structures in a 5000 block radius
>game lags when using any type of redstone or making water flow or breaking a block or fucking rendering a new chunk
I thought being acquired by Microsoft would lead to more optimizations but instead jeb and his lackeys just make the game fucking broken.
>nothing has been added in way of ores since 2011
>diorite and granite just take up inventory space
>caves still suck
>skeletons are OP and move way too fast
>can't even explore because if you don't sleep you get attacked by flying niggers
>the nether is fucking empty and a hassle to traverse, only useful for blaze rods and ghast tears
Fuck I love the game but I'm at the goddamn breaking point.

The only really good mods are the magic mods, and only a select few at that.
There's only so much you can approach modded content built on the framework of "Okay so it's a furnace but it does processing step 1 of 7" before you should probably just go play a better, autism factory game instead.

Do you mean dolphin? They're actually a really good addition because they give you a swim speed buff and lead you to underwater ruins and treasure if you feed them fish. Panda's do FUCKING NOTHING. What fucking good is their retarded six personalities if they offer no benefit to the player? Oh and it has recorded panda noises from China. WOW HAHA I CLAPPED that's totally not a move to draw in Chinese bugmen.

The game only runs smoothly on Bedrock Edition at this point, they're just shitting up Java as much as possible until they outright abandon it in a completely fucked up state.

Didnt tekkit have adware or some shit?

Modern modpacks have guides and tutorials that literally block you out of the advanced stuff until you go through them

Tinkers simply outclasses most other tools and weapons from mods
It's fun on its own but woefully overpowered when simply chucked into a modpack

>Tinker's smeltery is better than all other furnaces from other mods.
>The tools created are faster and easy to repair than all other mods
>The weapons created do more damage than all other mods
>The only way for another mod to make his items actually useful is to have it smelted, so it can be used as a component in a tool/weapon.
I have never seen someone use Thaumcraft's infernal furnace or Immersive Engin's blast furnace and drill.

There are packs for all kinds of tastes, including expert modpacks for progression, as you mentioned
Not all of them are expert modpacks

it has some analytics bullshit in it

>mod has multiple instruction books
>each book as different volumes

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What are some good magic and combat mods?

>the wiki has not been updated in 4 years
>the wiki is hosted on wikia

>Tinker's smeltery is better than all other furnaces from other mods.
>The tools created are faster and easy to repair than all other mods

>gotta wait for fucking everything to melt and cool unless you get mods to turn ticon into outright mawpc instead of borderline mawpc
>repairing still costs material, mending moss being the only thing that truly fucks balance

Doesn't help that it's basically the "furnace" stage of the mod, as in you get it running so fucking early that by the time you can build midgame forms of smelting, it's not worth it because you still have to feed everything into the smeltery to make the tools. craft of the titans 2 does it best where the damage is usually the same regardless of material, you just mix and match modifiers

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>alchemy gets added to the game in beta 1.9 with the intention of there eventually being like half a dozen different base potion paths and some kind of use for the cauldron
>one path gets kinda half finished, the rest of the unfinished garbage is just left in there for no reason, cauldrons have 0 alchemy related usage and practically 0 usage in general
>8 years later and it's still basically the same, it has barely been touched or improved

>enchanting gets added in beta 1.9 with the plan being to expand the mechanic in a variety of interesting ways other than just +stat on your tool
>8 years later and it's still basically the same, it has barely been touched or improved

>terrain generation completely ruined on accident in beta 1.8, variety completely gone and 95% of worlds look identical and drab as all hell
>refuse to acknowledge the problem even when people mod back in beta generation and make it work with all the structure nonsense in recent versions and show how much better it used to be
>8 years later and it's still basically the same, it has barely been touched or improved

>completely rewrite the game in a new programming language, smoother and faster and more optimized
>leave in all the broken engine quirks when completely rewriting the game for some reason
>still runs comparatively like shit, absolutely unacceptable for how simple the game should be to optimize

>release a rare major update with like a dozen new blocks
>half of them are not yet functional despite literally not even having a deadline to cut corners for

>add foxes in to the game for no reason
>code them so barebones retarded that they don't actually keep their breath line above the surface when treading water so they straight up just accidentally drown if you push them in to a river
>fix and update their hitboxes over the course of two snapshots, foxes continue to accidentally drown themselves

Minecraft is dead

I want to say Thaumcraft, but development stopped.
How good is Astral Sorcery? I always went for Thaumcraft instead, but I need to switch.

Tinker's is actually fun to play if it is the only mod you're running. If you have anything else, though, it's cancer. You get infinite use ubertools that are way easier to make and upgrade and are way better than even the top class late game cheat tools in most mods. It also lets you double ores way too early.
Personally I like how Immersive Engineering handles ore doubling: it's a mid-game tech level you reach instead of something you can rush in the first 10 minutes so you can micro the 7 gold ores you mined in your first trip down so you can have enough to make your mid-game IC2 setup before the sun goes down or whatever it is the meta is now.

Astral Sorcery is pretty good, but it's sadly not got anything as inherently "cool" as some of the Thaumcraft shit yet. It's basically good for just having an excuse to make some really cool looking marble altars and having all the enchantments you could ever want, plus adding constellations to the sky.
Also, don't ever bother infusing crystal tools and only make an Armara Starlight mantle if you want to completely break the game. Install it with Chisel as well, since the crafting recipes for the different marble types are annoying.

Astral Sorcery is alright mechanically but it's absolute trash aesthetically. I hope you love building a dozen 15x15x7 marble platforms exactly as the mod developer thinks they should be built all over your base with a clear view of the sky.
He could make it so much better by just letting the actual design of most of the multiblocks be up to the player as long as it includes so and so number of features but a little fun fact is that the mod creator is an egotistical fuckwad who spends way too much time whining about how people don't praise his work enough.

Same. I like Magic mods cause they're less about factoring and you can just have little pet projects here and there instead.

The sad part you don't really have a choice but to enchant and make potions eventually

>Astral Sorcery is alright mechanically but it's absolute trash aesthetically. I hope you love building a dozen 15x15x7 marble platforms exactly as the mod developer thinks they should be built all over your base with a clear view of the sky.
Nigger, just lrn2aesthetics. Clear out a large area specifically for a sickass pseudo-holy marble observatory, have some nice pathways, add Chisel for the extra decorative marble patterns, and bam.
That being said, Astral Sorcery's visual effects are total shit compared to Thaumcraft. I wish it had some shit as cool as the rifts, or the void hole spell.

I found a mod today, where Villagers get arms. But it hasn't been updated for 1.14, and says it needs Optifine to work anyway.

Damn these mods and their lack of "plug it in and it just works" functionality I'd expect from a game about blocks.

As far as refining goes, Mekanism will very quickly outclass TiCon in ore production once you get it going.

It's still there senpai

>use only tinker's
>enchanting, exp in general, all vanilla tools are now completely useless

ive never played with mods before and i just downloaded botania, is it a good one? if not any recommendations, i dont want a mod pack just one mod and i dont want some autistic wire tunnel shit

>want to see what a mod does
>'all information is contained in the in game guide'

>Villagers get arms
what the fuck

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Modded Minecraft is the best autism factory game though

just play a tech modpack

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>Not setting up proper gravel pulverizer magmatic induction multiblock excavator autosmelter combo that lets you make way more ore than you need like its fucking factorio or something
oh no now that I think of it, I get the reason why most people prefer tinker's since it's autism requirements are minimum

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Based and redpilled
Cringe and bluepilled

Fucking cursed image

Millenaire, Battletowers after editing them to spawn less and mostly underground, one of two ruins mods, Rougelike dungeons, Infernal mobs after editing and removing the stupid spawn rate and broken anti-fun abilities, most of the realistic terrain mobs and long with mo'biomes and others, the treecapitator mod, Motherfucking Witchcraft and the changes it brings to villages (Even though this causes village generation tearing in some of the larger biome forests) one of the boat mods- a secret mod that adds in a mountains of madness biome with questionable but salavageable shoggoths opposed to that other lovecraft mod, Abysscraft for the sea creatures, and that other one- but I wish they were both compatible and updated with the water update for watery joy. Gravestones, and underground biomes too. One can do what the fuck they want with the nether.

Tinker's forge can't make steel ingot

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Any good magic-focused modpack?

>Has botania, witchery, blood magic, and 7 other literally who's magic mod
>Uses thaumcraft anyway

every mod pack author is a fuckwad

>compile a bunch of mods
>get all the credit

>using steel tinker tools when you have alumite, cobalt and manyullyn

the last 20 posts in the thread have been talking about magic based mods

Wow isn't it interesting that steel as a tool material is absolutely useless when tinker's is installed as a direct result of that fact?

good, exp was a shit system from the start and was just a grind

>tfw wasting all of my shit trying to find the one fluid/power transporter that just so happens to be compatible with the nuclear generator I spent an hour building
Fuck modpacks that don't actually do jack shit to make the mods compatible. Seriously.

minecraft is unplayable vanilla after fucking with worldgen mods

and hunger, but no mod can make that interesting

There are some decent hunger mods

name 2 (two)

Hunger Overhaul
Spice of Life

>no recent version for Ars Magica 2

Attached: IM TELLING MOM.jpg (208x208, 13K)

>Goals Before v1.0.0
>Add a Nether Star alternative or an alternative method of obtaining a Nether Star (need ideas)
>Add a Dragon Egg alternative or an alternative method of obtaining a Dragon Egg (need ideas)
top kek

I can't recall the name off of my head but there's a mod I remember that gave each food item a nutritional type (grain, meat, fruit, vegetable, sometimes more than one type), and eating the correct amounts to keep all your types high and equal would give you bonus hearts, and it worked with modded in food as well

Spic of Life: Carrot Edition
The regular version works the other way around, where not having a balanced diet punishes you


oh, thanks user, I'll make sure to remember that when me and my friends finally get to putting together a modpack

what's the best map mod and why is it antique atlas? minimap fags need not answer

im a simple man who just wants a mod that adds more ores to mine, any suggestions?

>Why are Caves not full of things like glowing fungus, abandoned cabins, pressure plste traps and minetrack rails you can ride on to discover more cave?
Boy, do I have a Terraria to tell you about

if I install this can I be a preachy faggot in multiplayer


>try out modpack
>find four different copper ores almost right next to eachother

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Welcome to every single modpack for minecraft

What is it like having terminal shit taste disease?

what's a good world gen mod

>not building an actual functional bunker in the desert

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The whole point of a modpack is to avoid shit like that without having to change config files yourself
Literally the most amateur mistake possible
Though I've heard some fags do it intentionally so you end up with more of the ores

holy fuck that looks dope as hell
what mods?

i like both desu. There's times where i want to get creative and there's time where i want to build complicated machinery

That's Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering

Look can we just get some good mod options
stuff like world gen

That camping mod and treecapitation were both great mods that should just be in by default.

>oh you need "creosote oil" to make this item
>no not THAT creosote oil, the slightly more yellow one!
>oh, there's literally no way to craft that version?

>here, have 5 fucking different "chisel" items that all do different things

>for this mod you need shit tons of lapis lazuli
>this other mod made it literally 10 times rarer than diamond, though

>this one mod adds a ton of different elaborate food recipes!
>but this other one can turn one carrot into 3 other food items instantly at no cost so it's objectively superior

the wonders of modpacks

Best mod desu

>oh you need "creosote oil" to make this item
>no not THAT creosote oil, the slightly more yellow one!
thanks for the memories nigger

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Does Minecraft run like absolute fucking shit for anyone else no matter what settings you change? These days I'm lucky to get a solid 30 FPS. I've even

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Minecraft General in /vg/ will be always my favorite general, those fags surely know how to have a good time and build comfy (and weird) shit.

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1.14? Yeah, they fucked the actual tick code up. The game chokes on itself

you've even what, user?

1.14 has terrible performance

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Millenaire or Mincolonies?


Minecraft mods are pretty good.

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Is Millenaire still buggy as fuck?
I haven't used Minecolonies since Beta 104 so I don't know what it's like these days though

What texture pack?

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any good modpacks for making the game into an rpg with minimal mining required
I know it's an autistic request


>I've even
Did Notch get him?

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i fucking love trains


>playing 1.14 on my old budget ass PC
>like 300$
>runs fine with max settings and 16 chunk render distance
i dunno what these other lads are complaining about, i am running vanilla, though

>16 chunk render distance

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More creeps and weirdos is still my favorite even though they stopped updating the mod over 5 years ago

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because it's a shitty MAWPC mod

>every old mod has some clone that gets updated right?
>search for this
>dev cancelled it

This thread made me download the latest version to try it out, so it has my vote

>TFW had an old "Vanilla +" resource pack I liked from back when they were called texture packs
>TFW the guy stopped updating it
>Just took the resources and updated it myself, adding in a replacer for stone tools from one of the more popular packs
Max comfy.

what's wrong with 16 chunks?
is it possible to make it go higher?

Third one is Unity texture pack, I have no idea about the rest.
Railcraft, Traincraft, Buildcraft and Chisel

maidos are fun

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Dimensional Doors scared the shit out of me when I accidentally came here for the first time.

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>1.14 makes you unable to use tab to exit inventory if it was bound to it
>devs say they're working on fixing it
>very tiny bug just very annoying
>three 1.14.1 prereleases later, still not fixed
>devs come back to say "sorry but this is out of our scope. Maybe in 1.15 ;)"
And server performance is still god awful.

>Old guns mod will never get updated to work on other versions that isn't 1.8
Why aren't there more mods that add in black powder rifles and cannons?

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>tab for inventory
who does this?
wait no, i do this but only when there's a lean function i need on Q

Attached: 1481651859653.png (1741x1053, 1.31M)

What is a good modpack that adds a lot of cool stuff, but doesn't require constantly consulting a guide to do anything significant?

If you want an interesting pack that is pretty nicely tailored and has a lot of "cool stuff," you could try Blightfall.

>4 nuclear reactors just sitting there next to all your stuff

Attached: wat.png (178x342, 38K)

>those ic2 reactors lying down just like that
fucking shit i'm triggered
i want to choke you with my massive cock

Show me inside of the reactors

grats you cracked the code

Aside from having incompetent devs, the millions that MC rakes in is likely being funneled to Microsoft and their shareholders/higher ups while mojang just gets a pittance. They see that they can get away with really slow and bad updates and make a profit so they don't change anything.

Don't die

Twilight forest

>Pirate Friendly
I like my skin, so no.

Is there a way for me to play sky factory without subbing to twitch? Or buying Minecraft?

I-I didn't build that one.

Attached: 1557144615768.png (600x642, 187K)

There might be a cracked launcher, i remember there was one for FTB

I thought it was IE from the thumbnail, now I'm bummed :/

>competent enough
They're the entire reason Microsoft had to do some term changes or whatever because of how bad Hypixel's microtransactions were.

Find a pirate version of the feed the beast launcher.

Off the top of my head
Fairy Factions
Biomes O' Plenty (Yes, mixed together)
Jungle Mod
Hostile Mobs and Girls
Grimoire of Gaia
Carpenter's Blocks
Fossils Revived
Twilight Forest
Thermal Expansion
Tactical Frame
Plant Mega Pack
Little Maid Mob and countless add-ons

Generally I'm more of a fantasy/nature guy with some other stuff here and there. Whatever appeals to me basically. I mostly spend my days building islands in the sky.

Attached: 2018-06-19_00.07.12.png (1366x705, 524K)

Attached: 2018-12-02_23.10.51.png (1366x705, 888K)

>dicking around with thaumcraft
>want to start eldritch shit so I build a crucible out in the middle of a field and throw 30 stacks of cobble into it to vent assloads of flux into the air and it makes a flux rift, let it grow so I an get more void pearls
>come back later, there are now 4 more flux rifts and I realize I vented way too much flux in the air, the old flux rift exploded and now a giant tentacle is corrupting the land and it kills me before I can even get close
mistakes were made

Some of this shit sounds pretty cool. Is there a version of extra biomes XL for 1.12?

Surprisingly, no.
I stick with EBXL, but tried to incorporate BoP for its palm trees. I even have Tropicraft for its tree alone with everything else as a bonus. Here's a full list of my stuff.

Attached: pack.png (1366x607, 81K)

Taint is heavy stuff, man.

hows skyfactory?

Simple, yet effective and tedious.

I didn't need to see this

Attached: Exactly what I needed.png (217x185, 69K)

i heard the creators of Ars Magica fagged out real hard and just quit development.

>how do know a server is shit
>it's pirate friendly
>it's on Yea Forums

that's going to a big yikes for me

not mod related but me and a friend were playing Minecraft with a friend who had never played before sometime last year
>friend discovers you can grow bigger trees by stacking saplings
>tries some ridiculous shit trying to grow a mega tree
>later that day goes offline with a fucking forest of saplings outside his house
>me and other friend decide to fuck with him
>spend all night to build a ultra scaled up 8 block around tree
>go offline
>next morning friend is all excited and shit talking about how cool his fucking tree is and how we should try it too
>we play along and act surprised, fake excited laughter and shit
>friend totally buys it and thinks the game is even better than before
>keeps trying to grow big trees but thinks that it must take some time or something
>stops playing for the day
>get annoyed and sad messages from him as he finds out from his brother that we fucked with him and that tree was fake
felt kind of bad but it was a fucking good time while it lasted, thanks for reading my blog.

Cute blog, thanks.

Post good Minecraft horror mods

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Thanks bro

Is it still based on IC2 or whatever? I remember IC2 did a massive overhaul at some point and I fucking hated what they did to it.

Vanilla minecraft

Botania is ugly as fuck and has lame mechanics, prove me wrong

Will there ever be a Minecraft 2?
I'd like if they allowed you to use smaller blocks so everything isn't a meter thick.

Attached: 1510713611204.jpg (1024x1024, 133K)

Most Magic Mods besides Thaumcraft are pretty ugly. And a lot of the lesser-known ones aren't as in-depth either.

There would be no point, just fix Bedrock edition to be not shit and stop development so modders can run wild without having to worry about game updates.

use chisel and bits

minecraft is near endlessly moddable so probably not worth making a whole second game when the devs know this

What's the best version of Minecraft to mod, with the best mods in terms of quality/quantity, with no key components of the basegame missing that makes it tedious to play without them?

My money's on 1.12

1.7.10 to this day.

Attached: 2018-12-28_00.45.27.png (1366x705, 553K)

>tfw one of your favorite mods is impossible to find anymore.

Attached: Grey-Goo-Mod-1.png (1024x543, 1.68M)

the new AM3 dev keeps pushing it back for life reasons
>grandmother admitted to hospital several times / died
>town got flooded
it's my favourite mod goddamn

Are you sure, user...?

Congrats, you're wrong

1.7.10 and 1.12 are the best ones


I disagree, mobs can absolutely have no benefit to the player. But damnit I want rare decorative bug mobs that skitter around, not yet another god damned mammal.
So little arthropod rep so far it's laughable.

based thin white duke

Yes. Most mods I use aren't on 1.12.

Attached: 2018-12-30_22.11.58.png (1366x705, 590K)

1.12 are better qualitywise

I miss Chocolate Quest.

Attached: SkySnowCastle1.png (1920x1080, 1.42M)

That Japanese Attack in Titan mod for the 1.6.4 was pretty good

what's tedious about it? the progression at solo?

minecraft more like minecrap


I wanted to install this but I heard of the lag and crashes.

Try vintage story my dudes.
Max comfy

Attached: logo-website-small-nachtfalter.png.aa5ff63d9ce8b4018033a8ff713d88f1.png (456x110, 62K)

What's wrong with pirate friendly and server login, it's for your protection

No, but I would like to see even more with villagers. I'd like to see great castle cities ruled by great Villager Kings.
They'd go on monster hunts and protect any regular villages they find.

Try ATL launcher?

I'm just waiting for that autists villager mod to go public. Looks pretty great

>tfw had my account since MInecraft first officially released
>have had the same password for years, but lost the email account
>tfw it no longer fucking works
Fuck Mojang. I can't even buy another Java edition account, can I?

They look really cool.

if you're using a new email, i dont see how not.
or you could just contact the customer support

I don't mind having animal mobs for comfiness, like foxes, but there are a lot they should have added first. How about just regular bears? Why polar and panda bears before regular bears?

>officially released
>TFW had an account from when "Classic" was the only Minecraft
>Gifted my bonus Christmas Premium to a server host who really liked Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat

I dunno if this is a meme but,
When did Minecraft get cool again? Like I never admitted that I still played it past 10th grade and that was 6 years ago. Now all of a sudden Minecraft is the shit again.

Attached: 1555108886063.jpg (1200x1085, 64K)

there just overall is a lack of mobs that would make the game so much greater like
>regular bears
>regular birds
and so on

>solar apocalypse mod hasn't been updated since 1.6.4
>no comfy underground living with machines and auto farms and shit while the world burns up top
Fuck me how hard is it to port a mod?


Monka is a fag

>have a mc account from many many years ago
>it's yahoo mail
>that was hacked
Can still log in, but holy fuck did I make the wrong skin decision

Literally a few days ago. It's been ten years already.
I only played it for three years though but it's baffling how long it's been. I was in senior year when it first dropped but never found out about it until around 2013 and played it in 2016.

I have no idea what the original email's name and password were, I've been logging in with my username and Minecraft password for years.
But suddenly they stopped working about a month ago.
I sent a message o customer support, but they're now answering last month's messages, so I know it'll take a while for them to get to mine and I don't know if they even will.

Combination of your tastes changing and the fact that some of the newer updates are kinda nice even if the backend keeps getting raped.


Attached: mangroves_bachellier_christian.jpg (850x500, 126K)

Those would be peak comfy.

Be honest user, how bad.

Yeah it's crazy. I been playing since 2010 and I really haven't stopped since then. I mean I have my times where I stop playing for a few months but I always tend to play it. It's so weird to think I was 14 when I started playing Minecraft. Time fucking flies

I was Professor Layton.
I think it was a good choice.

Friendly reminder that pajeet admin grief your house in this server

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Attached: man grove.png (854x480, 373K)

not as bad as it could have been, but not good either
pic is similar

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>pinning your own message
>on trannycord
nope, fuck this retarded server

Are there any mods out there like the Zeppelin mod? I used to love making star ships with it back in middle school. 10 years have gone by :'(

Attached: zepel.jpg (1280x720, 156K)

fucking based
building a house took days

I played minecraft with a group of people senior year in high school. It was comfy as fuck.

who /defaultskin/ here

Acceptable honestly. In a post-ironic way. Although fuck that pillow shading.

>In middle school ten years ago
Shit, 10 years ago, I was a high school senior and already had been on Yea Forums for three years

Attached: Don't let me leave pepe.jpg (550x413, 96K)

try 10+ years user
I want my fucking time back

Attached: 1508874464830.jpg (1047x1095, 490K)

*gets recommended*

Attached: Untitled.png (866x154, 88K)

Time is not to be wasted.

What mod?

Fortnite is declining in popularity and the "old game good" mentality set it. I loved minecraft though so not complaining.
too bad mojang won't hire the fuck

Why the fuck is the skeleton taller than the enderman?

Man, this would make me actually feel bad about making a Villager grinder.

my brother
class of 2010 for me though

make it for the invading mong scum who comes to ruin your kingdom

This, wtf

Oh god yes

please no, god I already have to deal with Slimes I don't want to deal with fucking gators

i would not believe my eyes

>Basically a logical automated Minecraft system
I like it.

might have to wait a bit, patreon shill closed testing is the 28 and I suspect some many weeks of bug fixing. but after that he said he's going public

I can wait, MC isn't some game that's high on my priority list.

Attached: 2019-05-24_01.02.49.png (1366x705, 872K)

>tried it
>holy fuck shit overpowered Early game
>lose interest when I can make 1000x1000 mine shafts with the hammer and just repair it with a single ingot, and add book enchantments with just redstone and lapis.

Attached: 10010010.jpg (600x597, 42K)

Are there any fun adventure mode mods?

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>swing their arms while walking
I hate that. If they aren't doing something, they should keep them crossed.
And there should be female wife villagers.

there are female villagers, he added them. And you can change them to whatever you want male or female.

>its outdated even for 1.12

*gets reduced to utility in a cobble factory*

Attached: mega_calcium_nigger.png (200x206, 14K)

Is that the Made in Abyss mod?

is this done yet?

>mod i really like is stuck in 1.7.10
>every other mod i like is updated to 1.12 with more features and major bug fixes

Attached: 1459635755185.png (645x1260, 440K)

>server has rail cart mods
>can't push them by yourself anymore
Into the trash that shit goes

dont tell me u wouldnt like alligators

What's the best modpack if you want a lot of different magics and don't really care for tech mods?


I feel your pain.

no more pointless animals

I disagree. the lack of mobs in most areas of the game makes it feel lifeless

>Cobble factory
What now?

the emptiness is half of minecraft's soul

not for a swamp, desu, now that I think about it, it'd be cool if it's done right, like have them be weary for the player and attack them if they get to close

>being a barren wasteland is soul

why even bother with that when a TNT duper does the same and can be turned off

>get a whither stuck somewhere
>use pistons to push cobble generated with lava+water near him
>autism explosions blow up cobble
>falls down on the ground and gets collected with water and hoppers

Can do the same with wood really.

>it'd be cool
absolute worst reason to implement a feature

Where my /claysoldiers/ niggas at?

Attached: horseclaymen.jpg (1200x675, 200K)

>tnt dupers
I mean yeah but I like the idea of using awhither for everyday chores, I'd love having one as a pet.

listen we got fucking foxes that don't do shit and pandas, I wanna get my ass chased through a swamp but a speeding croc

>foxes that don't do shit

t. brainlet.

God, I remember fucking with this years ago.
you are little child, watch this

Have they added a reason to use this solo yet?

I like Lovely Robot Mod. too bad i cant find a 1.12 version

Not everyone has scicraft autism, user.

Attached: vlcsnap-2009-12-07-14h35m51s107.png (640x352, 182K)

holy shit forgot all about that mod

Attached: 1548356385064.jpg (474x355, 25K)

You don't need mods to hang mobs.
Place a fence high up, tie a lead to the mob and the fence, then push the mob over the ledge.

dude just use speed 2 lol

>tfw witchery is the magic mod with the most soul and IMO the coolest offerings
>it's stuck at 1.7.10 and is never gonna be in a modpack with any of the newer magic mods so I can try them with my trusty infused broom

What would be the best mods/modpacks for expanded vanilla kind of feel? Nothing too much like industrialcraft, but something that gives me a bit more stuff to build and explore?
I haven't modded minecraft in years and I'm completely out of the loop.

Hunger strike for hunger
Exp is fine i think, but if you dislike it you can always ignore it.

The psychedelicraft mod was actually pretty good and the drug/booze effects were fucking great, shame the mod hasn't been updated in forever.

Don't mind me.

Attached: phantom.jpg (748x421, 93K)

ok i wont

Attached: Bed.png (408x297, 38K)

I will mind you, you fucking cunt

tell me one actual useful thing foxes do aside from being fur bait

you can give them enchanted diamond swords and they will one shot virtually anything that attacks you

>lack of "plug it in and it just works" functionality
Just use MultiMC

This. While Shotbow started this entire minigame shit, Hypixel popularized it. They made P2W, minigame servers famous and are the reason pretty much every server is hub-based trash now.
If anything, they'd be good at exploiting their users. I doubt they will make a great game.

are blocky character models hard coded?
all these minecraft waifu mods lose a lot of the weeb appeal by having cubed heads

>hey guys, I thought of a funny prank, lets make the game WORSE every update.

This image looks familiar. Is this that one thing that was intended for children of some god thing making clay people and eventually killing all of them cause the little people wouldnt share a cow?

Speaking of minigame and plugin game shit, remember the old Survival Games servers?
Before they got super popular and expanded, those servers of the 2nd map were fun as fuck.

It's satan from The Adventures of Mark Twain. Was probably intended for children but I'm not sure of the second part as I haven't actually watched it myself.

>giant Mordor-like biome
>only one spawns per huge radius, biomes nearby will wither around it
>in the center is a huge castle, in it lives a boss mob, the Necromancer, and his apprentices
>if you beat him all undead mobs nearby will have their spawn rates cut severely, and his apprentices will try to escape
>if they get away, the spawn rates will eventually recover and one of them will become the new necromancer, but if you catch them, spawn rates will never recover

What the fuck are C and D anyway? D looks like a reskinned Blaze. A looks cool though, underwater mob?

It's got a plugin you can use to copy a skin from any legit player, I think you can input your own custom ones as well. That said, it does have a few plugins that let you visit old worlds, there's a minigame one, /spawn command etc. so it's not really true vanilla anymore.

Blown the FUCK out

Attached: 1543226707944.gif (344x203, 3.88M)

Try Direwolf20

Use the /vg/ thread's cracked MultiMC with the zip file to run it.

You can make round things, but it would create artstyle dissonance.
And pixelated faces have their own appeal as well.


>We’ll never get the other creatures despite Mojang practically printing millions every half a millisecond and the dev team works at a fucking snails pace.
Honestly fuck Mojang and fuck Minecraft.

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Attached: vEqDpSt.png (1915x999, 2.57M)

What the fuck was the name of that mod, I remember it but I can't remember its name.

>tfw no fjord biome
>no Cliffs of Dover sub-biome
>no Mediterranean biome
>no Nether biomes
And there should be transitional sub-biomes, like having deserts connected to savannas/plains via a Sahel region.
And every single overworld biome should have its own village type and at least 1 unique structure.
And I want concrete and terracotta stairs/slabs, damnit.

For the last time, Jeb, we heard that one already. You've been saying the same shitty joke since 2014

fuck off todd, I don't wanna play skyrim again

Im too dumb for minecraft mods for stuff like tech n shit and everything is too complex with like 10 big mods, i can play terraria with like 27 mods and still get everything

Recommend me mods that can help me run nimecraft on a toaster
It isn't updated yet

thats it

Minecraft version 1.12
alternatively, Minecraft version 1.7

What modpack do I use if I just want "vanilla, but just better in every possible way" and maybe a touch of weebshit (optional)?

I reccomend quark, natura, chisel, biome bundle

>sullying based david by using him as your trannycord avatar

Attached: download (3).jpg (443x500, 189K)

What about mods that give more unique, thoughtful resources to collect?

Kinda like that gravity mineral back from the Aether mod. That was cool.

no clue

gay admins, tranny players

/int/ craft adds them

It's literally a boss blaze

Attached: 1544591344276.jpg (1920x1016, 1.15M)

I dont know why but I thought this was going to be BE

i've only played the FTB modpacks and im looking for better shit. its always fun at the start but it's the same automated shit in the end.

Attached: 1516419336108.gif (278x214, 1.31M)

user no. we all agreed to never post this again like 5 years ago

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wait does Yea Forums hate rbg now?

it was a different story if you were on /f/

What are the best shaders and texture packs to use?

Oh yeah, potato knishes. Wonder what he's doing now.
>watch his latest video
It's beautiful.

Attached: 1514180754605.gif (280x180, 2.9M)

no hes just trying to seem le epic by making rbg look like some post-modernist nightmare fuel

I sure as fuck hope not.

Attached: 1543558124942.gif (469x272, 2.81M)

>a lot of empty space in front of character but not much behind
i can see how you'd come to such a conclusion, and now i am disappointed that i can't find any art of that sort starring creeper-chan

maybe request it in the drawfag thread


uninstall wizard

its time to take the GTNH-pill

Attached: 1540264944701.jpg (640x620, 105K)

Are the only worthwhile thing in this game if you're above the age of 12

>game about infinite world
>has all the tools for making good zones, with good exploration, puzzles, bosses, loot

>90% of mods focus on sitting in your base and watching the number of iron ingots you have reach the tens of thousands
>most popular modpacks involve making the world completely empty so there is absolutely nothing to explore

The modscene is a massive mistake.

Attached: DsfN0FsU0AAED19.jpg large.jpg (400x400, 23K)

>you know what this game needs
>cliff racers that run away from you

Attached: cosades why.jpg (286x491, 93K)

whats GTNH?

gregtech new horizons

make a modpack of your own, or download an adventure based one, like rad

>All these engine mods
>Not one of them lets you do anything cool with those engines like build a ship
>All the existing vehicle mods suck and are usually just boat reskins

oh hey mars

Attached: mars_copypasta.png (465x231, 44K)

And the worldgen sucks cock. Forests everywhere.

The ocean update is a step in the right direction people are asking for caves/nether as well so they could do that for 1.15

underage b&

i liked exploring and finding new places to make cozy homes in. used to find places by a lake, on the sides of mountains, finding large crevices underground and carving my own home out of them and making comfy cabins in the snowy environments
never played with mods though. got bored before i got to them

Isn't that thing from the SCP mod?

Any good, big-ish modpacks that can run on a toaster? Don't really have any preferences besides that.

Any pack with Optifine and fast graphics settings can run on a toaster. Running well is a whole another deal.

>played minecraft
>calls someone else underage

try enterIO for transmission lines and pipes, they are a million times better and like 10% as laggy

Is the Aether mod still going? Why isn't it just in the game yet?

/f/ag here. We love him.