Does Ion Gayden have nude chicks like this?

I don't think so. Also strippers actually show tits

Attached: duke0001.png (1680x1050, 459K)

Have sex, incel.

That sprite is vomit inducing. Duke3d had more cartoony chicks.

I'll not fall for your reverse psychology marketing because I already bought IM past year.

by all means keep shilling your shit mod that you wasted a lot of time on and no one has any interest in

Attached: 1484901859445.jpg (568x376, 34K)

>I bought a bad game to own the libtards epic style.

when does ion maiden come out?

The devs of the mod actually put out a statement saying it isnt them spamming Yea Forums, just some random faggot

>Ha hah! We've got nudes.

Attached: incel alert.webm (818x360, 385K)

user, I...

Have sex

Attached: Blood_1.webm (960x540, 2.81M)

By that logic, literally nobody cares about Ion Gayden

Who cares

Attached: ion gayden btfo.jpg (1634x1050, 297K)

>Violence good
>Sex bad

Typical SJW faggot

What exactly is Yea Forums's issue with Ion Maiden? I pirated the first release of it and it seemed pretty solid.

>a game that is still in early access is less popular than a legendary franchise released 25 years ago
Its literally one autist that hates it because you play as a woman and she doesnt have her tits out

You're paying for what is essentially a rom hack of Duke Nukem without any personality. Even a shit game like Blood kind of justifies its existence

fuck off OP

Attached: Quack.webm (800x450, 3M)

MC design is not a thot or fappable. I know it's a FPS, but still. She's also not as likeable character like Caleb or Duke.

oh well, i don't mind waiting but i hoped it'd be out by now.

>Another game with violence but no sex

Kind of proving his point.

>show tits
Finally you will see tits, congratulations!

Why the fuck do you need "sex" in a first person shooter?

Someone didn't finish Quake.

Attached: Shub-Niggurath.PNG.png (1000x912, 224K)

If you're horny, jerk off (or have sex, if you can). The violence in Quake isn't there to satisfy snuff fanatics, it just adds to the visceral combat and gritty atmosphere, which is the actual substance of the game.

Besides, since you play as a chick, logically wouldn't sexy strippers in Ion Maiden be Magic Mike-like dudes?

It will be funny to see that the numbers don't change when the game is quietly updated to full release status.

>mfw the gun in Quake reminds me of my erect cock

Attached: 1535758975728.gif (367x265, 565K)

>Besides, since you play as a chick, logically wouldn't sexy strippers in Ion Maiden be Magic Mike-like dudes?
Yes, but they will not have the balls to do it. You can expect gore but not the dark humor or the edginess from other Build games.
AD is a miracle of the universe.

>that entire sentence
I assume you're the autist is talking about

>The violence in Quake isn't there to satisfy snuff fanatics

Nobody would play T-rated Quake or T-rated Doom.

They are T-rated for today standards.

Why have themes at all in games? They should all be cringe occult sims like Doom or Blood.

No they aren't. Quake has gibs with bloody trails flying around. That's not T.

Imagine being this dude

Attached: 1538904109877.jpg (2469x5047, 3.36M)

>there should be naked chicks in every video game ever
Somebody badly needs to get laid.

You? Maybe start a GoFundMe for a handjob.

Wew lad, I'm not the one getting mad over the lack of "sex" in video games lmao.

>The same guy appears to fixate on different games over time
Is it the same guy who would spam hate threads about Earthbound, Factorio, and that space game by Double Fine?

What makes video games special? Sex is run of the mill in other media.

Some of us like sex in all aspects in life unlike virgins like you

I haven't seen tits :(

Have you seen bags of sand?

Attached: regular player vs that guy that posts webms of Blood gameplay.gif (303x130, 1.63M)

I've seen some in cartoons, when they almost fall on someone.

It's the same guy making portal and half life hate threads, that I know for sure

How the fuck do you play old FPS games without vomiting from the camera movement?

>bad game

>remove cultists.webm
What are you using to run Blood, by the way? BloodGDX with One Whole Unit? I've never played it.

Quake webm is weird and sped up, Quake feels amazing to play. Build engine however is floaty garbage. I don't recommend touching any games using it.

Just some retard that keeps making the same thread because he's either genuinely that butthurt or is just obsessed with (you)s because his misses his native site, reddit, that he probably got banned from.

It's not the movement. Some plebs can't stand a proper FOV. Sucks to be you.

Attached: hqdefault-1.jpg (480x360, 58K)

>Appearance 127
>Scholarship 50

What do you mean? Seems normal to me.

>That waist

>this guy shilling his shitty mod again

Attached: 1479185201412.jpg (410x410, 27K)

>the metadata on that webm
yikes. all I have to say is you are yikes.

god I fucking wish I was as good as this guy in the webm

I use nblood now, bloodgdx is kinda crap with poor mouse controls

Attached: 1557793826219.webm (386x240, 2.96M)

is this a mod of quake? what game is this?


Arcane Dimensions for Quake but it's the xmasjam2018 map pack

Attached: boing.webm (960x540, 2.96M)

Sweet. Thanks user.

>12 downloads today

Mad that it's working, bitch?

>tfw you realize it's probably the same guy shilling the shitty Tomb Raider armpit hair mod that looks like razor burn with crusty deodorant rather than actual hair

Attached: 1551036994877.jpg (640x733, 82K)

He's the same shitposter that derails Obsidian threads with gay fish.
The same one that shills his shitty Mortal Kombat futa fanfics among other shit like sissy Sonic or whatever it's called.
The same one that shills for Epic Games Store bug men.
The same one that posts his garbage Fallout mod.
The same one that creates the Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather Cyberpunk 2077 threads.
The same one that's butthurt about Ion Maiden for some inane reason and gives bad rep to the modders that did Alien Armageddon.

The list goes on. He's mentally ill.

Attached: autist gay fish.png (1580x765, 215K)