

Attached: FB_IMG_1558641411184.jpg (600x758, 49K)

Bet he's catching pokemon creatures

>old enough to enjoy boomer comics
feels comfy man


Why do all of these boomer comics have the same disgusting artstyle?

What is with newspaper cartoonists and not being able to spell their name?

Why boomers like cartoon characters with big noses so much?

Where are the labels? How the fuck am I supposed to understand what's going on in that picture?

go fetch a crummy pail of water creatures

cruddy pokemon creatures? Why not a pail of water?

>This is what happens when you don't feed your children enough water.

My almonds are activating on their own!

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>tfw in uni with friends around my age (late 20s)
>new roomates
>the guys look like girly twinks that are androgynous as fuck
>much shorter than us

What the fuck is going on with this new generation

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>American education


It reminds them of their eternal masters.

Reminder that newspaper cartoonists is dying soo fast as a job that they are making Stock Picture sites where they create vague strips that can be used by any side and sell it to anyone with six bucks
It's the only type of art job where you can get away with having no artistic talent and no imagination to write jokes

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This will never not fail to make me pissed off.

Thanks i'm cured. Also, Thanks Doc.

What is this art-style called?

all I have is the tea.

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He's getting water you say?

>none of these things, except the tea
might as well kill myself now

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>video games turn you into a manlet
wtf I hate video games now

>tfw don't even have cookies

Plastic and birth control leaching into the water supply on a massive scale, causing progressive endocrine disruptions


>hmm, I really should get some black dick in my life

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But how much physical exercise is he getting?

Porn of her when?

oh damn, how come i never realized this before

>Tries to make video game and kids the bad guy
>Draws two parents who are too dumb to notice he is slouching.
Finally we make fun of the adults.


I'm not depressed. I have wife, I have friends, I enjoy cookies and other delicious things, I work, I do things I enjoy.

The anons being sad sub-humans is just a meme.

Wow I should just like not be sad then

Yeah, haha, just a meme.

lmao just cheer up bro
turn that frown upside down champ
just SMILE u dumbass lmao, worked for me lol

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>Late 20s
>Still In College
There’s your problem

people being """"depressed""" in 2015+ are just zoomers who can't face reality as it is and being a living meme because "I actually have crippling depression"


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Don't you have all the answers to life's questions.

>took 2 people to make this comic
>signature is literally child scribbles
Good to know that even the retarded can make a living

>Not at least taking the free food

Is this pic saying tRumpf is crashing's stocks? I'm confused

Diabetes now. So uhh, I can do that tea

That's not how it works, you little shit.

Crummy baps? They should be fetching butts!


There is nothing wrong educating yourself even in later years. The american middle-class tunnel vision and too tight frames how life should be lead is what makes many so unhappy and insecure.

a girl made this. there's no fucking way a man made this.

>have most of those things
>appreciate them
>still felt like killing myself for the better part of 5 years
I wish I'd hurry up and do it.

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and before that it was a dumb scifi novel stupid boomers

somone post the porn edited one

Is that Dobson's work? Miss the guy.

>getting your schooling done when you actually have money is bad

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>I'm not depressed so nobody is!
How's that double digit IQ treating you?

>There is nothing wrong educating yourself even in later years

Anything later than 30's and you're very unlikely to make your money back on the investment

Why is it white male bad opinion black female good opinion every time? I thought they loved diversity?

It's the cal arts of the era.



>literally only have the cat
>don't even like tea

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What? No, I'd totally fuck modern She-ra

i like how left looks like your typical faggot that would tweet about how much he loves inclusion and diversity for the sake of it. yes, i think this pleases me greatly.


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There isn't fucking dubs on Yea Forums How many times do you newfags need to learn this?

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What was it?

>someone you loves you

haha y-yeah


Literally why does she say "fuck me up"? Is she a lesbian masochist? What is that supposed to mean?

I dont think this is true. I have most of this, just graduated uni but i cant find a job. And that is depressing me. Doesnt have shit to do with distractions. If anything i use distractions to take my mind off the fact that i cant get a decent job

Based and hydratedpilled


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This one is pretty real, though. Some time ago I was walking around a flea market and I saw a boy, 13-15 or so, who had a posture like the guy on the left, just more pronounced. The parents looked like rednecks, so I wasn't really surprised.
Also, most women have a posture like a sack of screws, and they are also always walking around with their phone in their hands.

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>have none of these
>am also not depressed

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Education is free were I live in and the quality of the education is top of the world. Our country wants people to educate themselves and the government even pays us to get educated. How unfortunate that to americans and UK it's "too socialist".

cheese pizza

I hope the asshat who made this gets depression

absolutely based, why the fuck these faggots using muh depression memes haven't killed themselves yet.

>no armour

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Post more water

I responded to the anons wailing over their misfortune and them trying to reinforce sad user stereotype.


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i unironically love water and would wear an i love water shirt and *schlop* posting makes me happy and feel like going to the river to mess around and have fun. just thinking about a big slightly cool glass of fresh clear water makes me burn with desire

A year ago I had all of that. Now I only have tea and my certificate.

What country?


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I dont have any of those but the diploma

There are no answers. The closer people are to realizing that they cause the first stage of depression. Everyone goes through life looking for meaning, and either they don't find it, or they find what they think it is and then fail to achieve it.

There's no order to the universe. You're born so you can one day die. Accept it or die in fear.

since Yea Forums cant gets repeating digits outside of 0's it's more fun to try and guess your own post number.

like this

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I have all that and I'm not depressed

what a fuckin retard, can't he see that his son is not standing straight. literally anyone measuring someone else makes sure that person is standing straight, thats why his wife hates him.

I take it you haven't gotten the memo. Every woman is a lesbian until proven otherwise.

Congrats, you're gay.


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So what's wrong with dying in fear then

>no friends
>no diploma
>no gf ever
>don't like tea
>had to put my dog down a few months ago
Yeah, real distracted.


This one is kind of funny, fuck you guys.

Tea is extremely inexpensive, you can get a hundred bags for a couple bucks. Then you just drop the bag in some water, it doesn't even have to be hot water...

have sex


>goals achieved
only guy i know that did that feels empty and believes he wasted his time

You should go with leaves instead of bags, has a different quality to it that I've always enjoyed more

Northern Europe one. And no, we dont have 70% taxes on middle-class and above even though americans try to lie about it. Sure, our taxes are higher compared to americans but the stability of society and quality of life is also better. Taxes are what makes the society work and rich people reap better rewards thanks to the high education and over all better, safer and healthier society.

I agree.

On the other hand I think a lot of people on this site are depressed. You have to have something wrong with you if you come here.

>all this shit
>no kid

i really have to get the big brain engine going to even try to figure out who could possible be behind this post


based horny and lonelyposters

I don't get it. Why is he sad? is he a faggot and doesn't want to be with women? Is that the joke?

Just don't be sad lmao

The crippling anxiety turns to background radiation later in life which never goes away. You end up dying without having ever lived.

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This but unironically

The joke is that the author doesn't understand how actual depression works.


western women are harpies and women also ruined higher education. friends also dont exist outside of twitter and Facebook and youre a faggot even if you have those. also cats. its a really big shitty situation and bad ass tea can only do so much to help

rei is an actual mary sue character though

the new she ra is actual garbage design

brie larson is the most hated actress in recent memory and captain marvel was a new low for the MCU

Dying without having ever lived? He should be dying with pails of water!

You can also just walk outside, and take any old leaf and put it in some water. Bam, it's tea

Is that the jewish guy in the drug rehab commericals that they play between episodes of cops?

Today we mourn Terry, who decided to end his life after being distracted for too long.

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Comparing a homogeneous country of a few million to hundreds of millions of 56% is silly user

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What kind of turbofaggot has a Diploma as a GOAL?

It's a means to an end. Just having one means nothing.


i dont fucking have any of these things. whoever made this comic should be necked

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That scene is from the new Blade Runner movie, isn't it?
Why did they put a >tfw no go scene on it?